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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

It's really weird that none of these rumors up to now have mentioned ANYTHING about Oscar-Winner Lupita Nyong'o.

She's gotta be doing SOMETHING in this movie, right?


It wouldn't be the first time talent was wasted in a Star Wars film. I wish we could have seen more of Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa.



Just toys from NYTF2015 called Star Wars Bladebuilders, hopefully nothing this wild will be in the films... hopefully.

Aside from the zany multi-angle blade options the lightsaber designs look like variants on Luke's ROTJ saber. I wonder if these are based vaguely on sabers in the new film or just generic saber designs by Hasbro.


Still the thing I'm most excited about thanks to a new Star Wars coming out: there will be a new Star Wars Soundtrack by John Williams. I can dream the other six front to back (in their various iterations) and I still enjoy everything about them all. The prospect of getting a whole new soundtrack in that same vein.

I'm hyped guys, fucking hyped.

I hope he's able to do the entire sequel trilogy. It's sad to think he probably won't be around to do Episodes X-XII.



Just toys from NYTF2015 called Star Wars Bladebuilders, hopefully nothing this wild will be in the films... hopefully.
Man. I wish we could see more lightsaber variants in the films, and I don't just mean different blade styles but things like sabers with additional utility.

Rebels has been doing a nice job at it. Ezra has a slingshot/stun blaster thing built into his hilt. The Inquisitor has throwable discs I believe? His hilt can also spin continuously.

That shit is way cooler than adding an additional blade or crossguard.


I still don't like the idea that
Han probably won't be around for VIII and IX, but I guess we have to let go of the old guard sometime.


One trailer for the dark side and another trailer for the light side. Seems like a genuine marketing strategy if they would do so.
Pretty much a given then for the likely line-up...

Star Wars Celebration, Anaheim (16-19 April) - Trailer 1

Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer 1 Extended / Alternate

October - Trailer 2

2 months away from new footage. HYPE.

The trailer they show at Celebration I imagine won't be released publicly until AOU is released. Just my gut feeling, Celebration stuff is typically more under wraps, like SDCC.


The article states the April and May trailers are pretty much the same one. Just at Celebration then again with Avengers.


Yeah, the public one will probably have a few extra scenes thrown in.

Probably the other way around: the May release will just be a trailer, while the April release at Celebration will likely have some other scenes or a sizzle reel attached.
I expected
Han to go out like or dumber than Captain Kirk
ever since rumors started up. I hoped I would be wrong.

Actually, that's not quite fair. Han dying at the hand of the villain and setting in motion complex motivations for each character based on his death would be very Obi Wan and wouldn't be a Kirk-dumb death. It would also be smarter than dying in a bunch of big, exciting explosions.
Based on the description, we don't know exactly HOW it happens, though. It's just a bullet pointed list of things. We don't know what led up to that, or what happens after, or what the dialog is at that moment, either.

But I gotta think JJ & Kasdan jumped at the opportunity combine the emotions of both "if you strike me down" and "I love you, I know" into a single scene.
Based on the description, we don't know exactly HOW it happens, though. It's just a bullet pointed list of things. We don't know what led up to that, or what happens after, or what the dialog is at that moment, either.

But I gotta think JJ & Kasdan jumped at the opportunity combine the emotions of both "if you strike me down" and "I love you, I know" into a single scene.

Wait, doesn't Kylo Ren=Adam Driver=Han and Leia's son? So Han's son kills him then?


The idea that Ren and Rey are siblings is quite funny. Straight up Jacen and Jaina really. Dark Side son? Where have i seen that before... It is not a bad idea, the execution in the Legends EU just was utter shit. Perhaps this is good... if real. Even if MSW is generally reliable, i take everything with a handful of spice.
We black barring shit or not? I was under the impression we weren't due to the spoiler warning in the title.

Seems redundant to me. Experience in here has shown that basically, you're not checking thread if you're not reading the rumors. And if you're reading the rumors...


Just a habit... There's always a risk someone accidentally enters this thread.
Also some may be interested in images and stuff but not details like these.
I don't know.
My understanding (and the thread has borne this out) is that the "potential" part of "potential spoilers" refers to unconfirmed rumors. Not that you might accidentally trip over spoilers, but that the spoilers guaranteed to be in the thread are in varying states of confirmation or denial. But either way, you're coming in here for the spoils. The title makes it clear.


My understanding (and the thread has borne this out) is that the "potential" part of "potential spoilers" refers to unconfirmed rumors. Not that you might accidentally trip over spoilers, but that the spoilers within are in varying states of confirmation or denial. But either way, you're coming in here for the spoils. The title makes it clear.

Doesn't stop people from accidentally clicking things.

Anecdote: i don't know if it is a bug on Chrome or my mouse or what but i have at times entered the wrong thread because i somehow opened the link/thread/whatever above the one i intended. It is kind of confusing when you try to enter a Lego thread but find yourself in a Wrestling thread. (And those poor bastards who keep entering the book readers Game of Thrones thread...)

Anyway, spoiler tagging things doesn't harm anyone, so it is not a big deal, is it? Not saying it needs to be done, as there is a spoiler warning in the title (it could be more visible though).
Doesn't stop people from accidentally clicking things.

Those hypothetical people need to pay attention to what they're doing, then.

spoiler-tagging shit in a spoiler thread about rumors surrounding a movie that isn't going to be out until December seems really redundant to me, is all. The number of people accidentally clicking a thread with the words "Rumors" "Plot" and "Spoilers" in the title is going to be REAAAAAALLLY low compared to the number of people who are seeking the thread out to specifically discuss the things mentioned in the title. I don't think it benefits the discussion here to turn the thread into Godzilla's opening credits on the off-chance SOMEONE hypothetically clicks this thread and scrolls down far enough to accidentally get spoiled (potentially, considering the rumory nature of these spoilers).


I just find it funny that JJ is this super secretive guy, yet I know more about the plot of this movie then any other big movie coming out in the next year or so.

For the most part, everything leaked sounds good.

I hope
Han's death isn't too similar to Obi's though. Sounds lazy to me if they go that route.

I'm a fan of brother vs. sister with Rey and Kylo if that is indeed true. Not a fan of Gleeson's character being Luke's son based on stuffed leaked about him.


Han's going out the way Ford wanted him to in ROTJ - dying for his friends.

Ford was presumably the last of the original three to sign onto the film, and that news corresponded to the script being rewritten by Abrams and Kasdan. It made sense that part of that restructuring would be to emphasize Han's role and give him a proper sendoff.


This is pretty much what I expected honestly.

Everybody knew that he was going to bite it and I wasn't really expecting it to happen by Luke's hand (which is what some rumors were saying).
The idea that Ren and Rey are siblings is quite funny. Straight up Jacen and Jaina really. Dark Side son? Where have i seen that before... It is not a bad idea, the execution in the Legends EU just was utter shit. Perhaps this is good... if real. Even if MSW is generally reliable, i take everything with a handful of spice.

If that's true, that would be frigging awesome. I always like the idea of the Solo siblings, even if it was cheesily done


I just find it funny that JJ is this super secretive guy, yet I know more about the plot of this movie then any other big movie coming out in the next year or so.

I think he's more into the aura of secrecy than actual secrecy. After Into Darkness it seems very manufactured to me.
I think he's more into the aura of secrecy than actual secrecy. After Into Darkness it seems very manufactured to me.

I think after Into Darkness he felt it bite him hard in the ass, so maybe he's not so gung-ho on that bullshit anymore.

Plus he has to have this fucking thing done by late November, so he probably doesn't have the time to waste screwing around and playing shell games with the media. If it leaks, it leaks. He's got a movie to finish.
Can't say it's all that surprising. That's one thing I've expected since the film was announced and Harrison was returning. I'm just glad it's not going to be like the original rumour that was circulating.


If that's true, that would be frigging awesome. I always like the idea of the Solo siblings, even if it was cheesily done

I like that the Solo siblings thing may be a part of the story, but I'm more curious about Gleeson who is supposedly Luke's son... he's been one of the least talked about characters in these leaks and, barring his death in this film, he should be a big player in the upcoming films even if his role in Episode VII isn't very major. I want to know more about him.

The leaks claim he is not as "wholesome" as Luke and that he will "ruffle some feathers" -- I just hope that this isn't indicating he is going to turn to the dark side (sigh), but maybe he's more of a rebellious or boastful kind of Jedi not unlike how his grandfather Anakin once was.
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