Those hypothetical people need to pay attention to what they're doing, then.
spoiler-tagging shit in a spoiler thread about rumors surrounding a movie that isn't going to be out until December seems really redundant to me, is all. The number of people accidentally clicking a thread with the words "Rumors" "Plot" and "Spoilers" in the title is going to be REAAAAAALLLY low compared to the number of people who are seeking the thread out to specifically discuss the things mentioned in the title. I don't think it benefits the discussion here to turn the thread into Godzilla's opening credits on the off-chance SOMEONE hypothetically clicks this thread and scrolls down far enough to accidentally get spoiled (potentially, considering the rumory nature of these spoilers).
Sometimes in these sorts of threads, I enjoy keeping up with the speculation and whatnot based on the spoilers. But every now and again, something will come along that's one of those big ones that could really take the wind out of your sails if you know it's coming. Like this most recent rumor. I read it, but I would understand if that one was a bit too much for some folks, and they'd rather keep that a surprise.
But the smaller stuff, like character names, motivations and general plot developments or vague secondhand descriptions of scenes? That isn't too bad.
For the most part, I don't put a lot of stock in anything I read. Months ago, Luke was being held prisoner for the last 30 years and had apparently gone bonkers. Now he's supposedly been guarding the tomb of
So... I guess some people are all in for the spoilers, while others just want to stay in the shallow end as much as possible. Thus, using spoiler tags is fairly polite, if nothing else. You can usually tell how big the spoiler is or if it's worth reading by everyone's reactions to it, anyway.