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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I like that the Solo siblings thing may be a part of the story, but I'm more curious about Gleeson who is supposedly Luke's son... he's been one of the least talked about characters in these leaks and, barring his death in this film, he should be a big player in the upcoming films even if his role in Episode VII isn't very major. I want to know more about him.

The leaks claim he is not as "wholesome" as Luke and that he will "ruffle some feathers" -- I just hope that this isn't indicating he is going to turn to the dark side (sigh), but maybe he's more of a rebellious or boastful kind of Jedi not unlike how his grandfather Anakin once was.

I just had a vision of Luke saying there was no mother.




If Rey is not a Solo, consider every rumor mentioning her being a Solo just got debunked.
Personally, I think she is a Skywalker simply because JJ hinted this through his trading cards.

I like where this is going. It would be really cool if Ren were the disowned child of Han and Leia. At any rate I'm hoping that only one of the new characters is related to the classic three. Too much family drama otherwise and not enough newness.
There look to be 5 possible situations here:

1) Rey is Luke's daughter and Kylo is Han's son - I like this option the best.
2) Rey and Kylo are both Han's kids - this would also be cool.
3) Rey is Han's daughter, Kylo is just some guy (and then Gleeson's character could be Luke's son) - What you'd expect, and okay I guess.
4) Rey is Luke's daughter, Kylo is some guy - meh.
5) Neither are neither's kid - okay too.


I still don't buy that Kylo Ren or whatever the wannabe Sithlord's name will be is Leia's and Han's son.
Leia was literally the embodiement of the light side at least in the sense that she was never ever wavering from her path.

They must have been terrible parents and I just can't suspend disbelieve. It fucks with the established OT characters.
Ugh. I really hope these spoilers are all false flags. I still heavily question the validity of the source.

I really don't want it to happen, but this is something Ford has wanted for a very long time.


As long as Luke makes it into Episode 8 and 9 they can do what they want with the OT characters if you ask me. As long as they get fitting ends.

I'm kind of hoping Leia doesn't make it either. Either that or they need to dramatically scale back using her in 8 and 9, much like they did Jar Jar.

I don't dislike Leia in the OT, but Carrie Fisher is just a disaster. I have my doubts on how well she will be able to pull her weight in this film.
Ugh. I really hope these spoilers are all false flags. I still heavily question the validity of the source.

I really don't want it to happen, but this is something Ford has wanted for a very long time.

There's no false flag thing going on. There's no real time to undergo that sort of bullshit, and considering the smallish percentage of the fandom that's even caring to pay attention this early, there's no real need.

There's no reason to question the validity of the source, either, as almost everything MSW has posted up has been supported or outright verified by official information/trailers.
if the bad guy is a skywalker or a solo that might be justification for completely wiping out both of those family lines given how much they've all fucked up the galaxy for the last 100 years.
I'm liking the direction of these latest rumors, but I also think it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that some of these important questions about the characters won't even be answered in the first film and instead left for a later plot-twist. Or maybe with even some misdirection in the first film itself.

Maybe some of these rumors are true with a twist, like Ren is Han's bastard son and he is seeking revenge because his mom died from a space VD Han graciously left as his own little legacy (just now realizing I subconsciously lifted the story from "The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists). Or Gleeson's character is Han's son, but he and Kylo were switched at birth and some very conflicted feelings arise when it is all revealed. Don't let me near a script.
Another is called Aldro, a female alien who is feisty and good with a blaster. She is slim build, wears a jump suit like Bossk but it is green. She has a hood which she wears over her head and has goggles on her face. The googles are white with a mesh like lens. She has a few lines with Han and refers to Chewie as “The Rug”.

I'm basing this off of nothing but a guess but...I wonder if this is Lupita?
Those hypothetical people need to pay attention to what they're doing, then.

spoiler-tagging shit in a spoiler thread about rumors surrounding a movie that isn't going to be out until December seems really redundant to me, is all. The number of people accidentally clicking a thread with the words "Rumors" "Plot" and "Spoilers" in the title is going to be REAAAAAALLLY low compared to the number of people who are seeking the thread out to specifically discuss the things mentioned in the title. I don't think it benefits the discussion here to turn the thread into Godzilla's opening credits on the off-chance SOMEONE hypothetically clicks this thread and scrolls down far enough to accidentally get spoiled (potentially, considering the rumory nature of these spoilers).
Sometimes in these sorts of threads, I enjoy keeping up with the speculation and whatnot based on the spoilers. But every now and again, something will come along that's one of those big ones that could really take the wind out of your sails if you know it's coming. Like this most recent rumor. I read it, but I would understand if that one was a bit too much for some folks, and they'd rather keep that a surprise.
But the smaller stuff, like character names, motivations and general plot developments or vague secondhand descriptions of scenes? That isn't too bad.

For the most part, I don't put a lot of stock in anything I read. Months ago, Luke was being held prisoner for the last 30 years and had apparently gone bonkers. Now he's supposedly been guarding the tomb of

So... I guess some people are all in for the spoilers, while others just want to stay in the shallow end as much as possible. Thus, using spoiler tags is fairly polite, if nothing else. You can usually tell how big the spoiler is or if it's worth reading by everyone's reactions to it, anyway.


My gut feeling says that Ren is not Han's son. I'd prefer it that way - let the natural forces of the galaxy breathe a little bit, instead of tying its fate perpetually to one or two families. Abrams and Kasdan (and Arndt) probably have their limits of how much ground to retread.
The lightsaber is REAL

I'm really curious if he's going to start in extreme closeup with that thing and slowly pull back to reveal it's a lightsaber.


The lightsaber is REAL

I'm really curious if he's going to start in extreme closeup with that thing and slowly pull back to reveal it's a lightsaber.

Wasn't the initial rumor that it was going to make you think it was a spaceship then pull back to reveal a lightsaber instead? Like an homage to the ep4 opening but with a twist.


That rumour dump sounds horrible. A han solo copy, love triangle, a macguffin, another super weapon plot, self-exile, alliance is taking a beating, etc.
I'm hoping all of these rumors are fake. Only character that sounds remotely interesting in Gleeson's.


That rumour dump sounds horrible. A han solo copy, love triangle, a macguffin, another super weapon plot, self-exile, alliance is taking a beating, etc.
I'm hoping all of these rumors are fake. Only character that sounds remotely interesting in Gleeson's.

Alliance taking a beating is a given.

it's clear Disney wants to hold on the Empire/rebls dynamic. Which is okay with me. I'll never forgive the EU for its organic, world destroying chinese/mongols rip-offs.


The lightsaber falling out of the sky thing sounds like bad fan-fiction.
That has bothered me ever since the initial rumor. I can suspend disbelief but this is a little much. How exactly does a lightsaber fall from orbit, survive reentry and then strike land, coming through the whole ordeal relatively undamaged???

Hopefully major missing details make this more reasonable than it presently sounds in this rumor.
Description of the opening sequences. Sounds really cool to me but damn, this whole movie is going to be leaked by summer at this rate.


I am good with this. It sounds like a good start.

Yep. That photo definitely looked like Driver.

Are we still under the assumption that Driver is Kylo Ren? At this point I'm not sure that's the case. Has there been something substantial to say otherwise?


Are we still under the assumption that Driver is Kylo Ren? At this point I'm not sure that's the case. Has there been something substantial to say otherwise?

I think we are pretty sure that driver is kylo ren. that new rumor is the first thing that seems to contradict it.


That rumour dump sounds horrible. A han solo copy, love triangle, a macguffin, another super weapon plot, self-exile, alliance is taking a beating, etc.
I'm hoping all of these rumors are fake. Only character that sounds remotely interesting in Gleeson's.
Making Star Wars got literally every detail of the teaser right. Months and months in advance. Their source is solid. No chance it is fake.
Sounds in space and FTL travel are AOK, but a laser sword hilt being made out of heat resistant space metal is somehow A STEP TOO FAR. Hilarious!


I don't like Kylo Ren working for the Empire. I liked all the different sides starting to form.
The Empire
The Rebels
Domhnall Gleeson trying to stop both from the destroying the galaxy
probably a few more from the rumours
and Kylo Ren - nerdy Sith collector looking for the ultimate evil

Maybe he's just using the empire for his own gains though.
JJ admits some of the rumors are true:

Asked about the secrecy surrounding the script, Abrams added: "We did the best we can to preserve the story for the audience, but it doesn't always work.

"There are a ton of rumours - some true, some false. But I'm grateful for everyone who would want to read a spoiler because it means that they care and want to see the movie.

"I know what it feels like, as an enormous Star Wars fan myself."



Wait, light just stops projecting out of the hilt at about three feet? What.

Sounds in space and FTL travel are AOK, but a laser sword hilt being made out of heat resistant space metal is somehow A STEP TOO FAR. Hilarious!
Downplay it you want but if you guys can't differentiate between those examples and this one, then I don't know what to tell you.

Besides, isn't there already in-universe support for reentry heat... the crashing ship in RotS. The lightsaber randomly being made out of even more resistant metal than that just seems lazy and unnecessary. Oh well. Not a huge deal, but it'll draw a lot more eye rolls from audiences than saber blade length and FTL travel.


That has bothered me ever since the initial rumor. I can suspend disbelief but this is a little much. How exactly does a lightsaber fall from orbit, survive reentry and then strike land, coming through the whole ordeal relatively undamaged???

Hopefully major missing details make this more reasonable than it presently sounds in this rumor.

Wait. The lightsaber's in space... and falls down on a planet, and somehow survives the atmospheric re-entry. What.

Yeah little shit like this just rubs me wrong. If the movies starts out like this it will just leave me stewing for the rest of the movie before I'll get over it.

I hope that either: a) it's not true or b) they film it in such a way that makes it easier to digest (however that may be).


Downplay it you want but if you guys can't differentiate between those examples and this one, then I don't know what to tell you.

Besides, isn't there already in-universe support for reentry heat... the crashing ship in RotS. The lightsaber randomly being made out of even more resistant metal than that just seems lazy and unnecessary. Oh well. Not a huge deal, but it'll draw a lot more eye rolls from audiences than saber blade length and FTL travel.

Dude, you don't have a leg to stand on. I bet you we could find a million inconsistencies within these movies that are far more egregious than a lightsaber not burning up on re-entry.

And even then, that's not the point. Issue is, some people take SW too serious, like Mark Hammil said. It's just a moviefilm.


I can deal with most (read: about everything but this) unrealistic things in Star Wars. It is a fantasy work. (Lightsabers (nor blasters) are not lasers despite being called such, so the blade stopping suddenly is no problem.)
But this? Ugh, no. Pick up the damn thing in space or something else, and there's no problem.
No small meteor makes it through Earth's atmosphere, otherwise people would find space rocks every day. Why should a lightsaber make it through? Fiction does and should be like reality unless otherwise noted (ie given a good reason).

EDIT pretty sure re-entry heat in SW is seen at some times, but the ships shielding and armor obviously keeps it from being an issue. Besides, those are (partially) powered landings (usually), not stuff falling down. A lightsaber has none of these.
Who's sabre is it? Luke's old one from Bespin? Wasn't Bespin atmospheric? Is it Palpatine's sabre? Luke had Vader's sabre after Jedi, right? I dunno.

My mind is full of fuck at the moment.


Dude, you don't have a leg to stand on. I bet you we could find a million inconsistencies within these movies that are far more egregious than a lightsaber not burning up on re-entry.

And even then, that's not the point. Issue is, some people take SW too serious, like Mark Hammil said. It's just a moviefilm.

I'm sure we could find plenty of inconsistencies. But FOCUSING on such an inconsistency as the showpiece opening shot of the film rubs me the wrong way a lot more than incidental things like you and others listed. I'm sure sound in space ruined things for some segment of the population, I'll grant that one, but it's kind of an ancillary thing which doesn't take on the main focus of a specific scene.

I doubt the lightsaber blade length caused an issue for hardly any significant number of people.

They're fantasy movies as much as they're scifi. Of course things aren't all going to be "correct". But at face value, that rumored opening shot, the first shot in the entire movie, being of something this ridiculous, will annoy me. If it won't annoy you, more power to you, and that bodes well for your enjoyment of the scene.

But as I said, I'm confident this will get a TON more eye rolls from audiences than almost any other inconsistency we could think up (at face value at least, assuming there's no other context involved in the actual scene that makes it seem less silly).
I can deal with most (read: about everything but this) unrealistic things in Star Wars. It is a fantasy work. (Lightsabers (nor blasters) are not lasers despite being called such, so the blade stopping suddenly is no problem.)
But this? Ugh, no. Pick up the damn thing in space or something else, and there's no problem.
No small meteor makes it through Earth's atmosphere, otherwise people would find space rocks every day. Why should a lightsaber make it through? Fiction does and should be like reality unless otherwise noted (ie given a good reason).

EDIT pretty sure re-entry heat in SW is seen at some times, but the ships shielding and armor obviously keeps it from being an issue. Besides, those are (partially) powered landings (usually), not stuff falling down. A lightsaber has none of these.
Beyond the science of it all, would it bother you if it somehow came out it was "guided" by the force? We're talking about a universe where muppets can lift spaceships out of swamps. I mean, when the "force awakens", a few seemingly inexplicable things are bound to happen. Wouldn't opening a movie literally titled "The Force Awakens" with such an event be, in fact, appropriate?


The Falcon is eaten by a giant worm hiding in an asteroid floating in the void of space.

That's the "serious" movie in the original trilogy.
That was one of the most egregious ones in my opinion. But I guess it's an unwinnable argument when we're arguing "degrees of absurdity" and we all have differing ideas of where each incident lies in the pecking order. I'll stop with this line of argument so long as nobody else attacks me on it, lol.
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