There are plenty of plausible plot related reasons it could end up there, so the discussion around the plausibility is silly without context. If it magically ends up there from Bespin, sure go ahead and complain after the fact.I think it will be revealed that Luke used the force to send the lightsaber to the planet to be found.
One such plausible explanation: before the movie opens Luke is carrying an important key that could affect the fate of the galaxy and gets cornered by the bad guys. To keep it out of the bad guys hands, he hides the key in the device he naturally always has handy--and is conveniently made of extremely durable and heat resistant material--and launches it out of the airlock. Maybe with a little force guidance towards a planet where he knows his allies would have a good chance of recovering it (and a lightsaber is conspicuous enough to be noticed), or maybe to a deserted backwoods planet that HE knows well but where the bad guys would have trouble finding it.
Farmer finds it, informant hears about it and relays it to the bad guys, everybody starts racing toward the planet and we're off.