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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I think it will be revealed that Luke used the force to send the lightsaber to the planet to be found.
There are plenty of plausible plot related reasons it could end up there, so the discussion around the plausibility is silly without context. If it magically ends up there from Bespin, sure go ahead and complain after the fact.

One such plausible explanation: before the movie opens Luke is carrying an important key that could affect the fate of the galaxy and gets cornered by the bad guys. To keep it out of the bad guys hands, he hides the key in the device he naturally always has handy--and is conveniently made of extremely durable and heat resistant material--and launches it out of the airlock. Maybe with a little force guidance towards a planet where he knows his allies would have a good chance of recovering it (and a lightsaber is conspicuous enough to be noticed), or maybe to a deserted backwoods planet that HE knows well but where the bad guys would have trouble finding it.

Farmer finds it, informant hears about it and relays it to the bad guys, everybody starts racing toward the planet and we're off.
Im not down with the idea
of Luke being in it for just the last scene.


Considering all the previous Luke spoilers by MSW themselves, this new info doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

We know Hamill was in London sporting his beard for months. We know he did location shooting. Either they wasted a lot of money on misdirection or something has changed in post production.



Considering all the previous Luke spoilers by MSW themselves, this new info doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

We know was in London sporting his beard for months. We know he did location shooting. Either they wasted a lot of money on misdirection or something has changed in post production.

They stated before that that old luke bad rumor did not come from their most trusted source, this does.

Also we know he did one day location shooting, that is all. The location that fits the scene described in the report. He wasn't part of any of the other location shooting. Just the day out on the island in Ireland.

He wasn't part of the Greenholm Common location shooting as far was we saw for example.


Really weird.

Not only do I not like the idea of him reintroducing the whole "deliberate misinformation" track (ugh. c'mon. no) but this just doesn't make sense coupled with all the other stuff we've heard and things we know about him shooting on the picture, and where he was shooting, and where that location is in conjunction with the finale of the film.

How does any of this reconcile with that tomb shit we've been hearing, for example?


It seems fairly certain that Luke isn't dying at this point, so he'll be featured in the next ones. Luke is kind of a goal in this one, so it ends with him being found.

I like it.
Shit, it sounds like he's in it for less than even Leia. Even less than old man Spock in the new Star Trek reboot. I don't buy it. So Disney payed Hamil and Fisher a lot of dough to hang out in London for months just to have cameos? It also goes against reports that Arndst's script was thrown out because of cameos for the old cast and not giving a proper sendoff to the old cast while introducing new heroes like JJ and Kadan supposedly wanted to do.
They stated before that that old luke bad rumor did not come from their most trusted source, this does.

Also we know he did one day location shooting, that is all. The location that fits the scene described in the report. He wasn't part of any of the other location shooting. Just the day out on the island in Ireland.

He wasn't part of the Greenholm Common location shooting as far was we saw for example.

So we know he did at least one day of location shooting and that he was on set at Pinewood. That doesn't jive with "just one scene".


So Luke and Han don't have a single scene together? Seems odd.

If true this would render that big rumor dump from a few days ago as nonsense, with it's "iconic" Luke in the tomb scene.


Didn't Mark Hamill mention shooting a scene on the Falcon?

He did not, he said walking on the Falcon was exciting. But plenty of people walked on the Falcon who didn't film scenes on it (various other people have described doing this as well).

Also Making Star Wars is the site who people doubted while they did spoiler reports for months and months prior the the teasers release. And then the teaser lined up exactlywith various spoiler reports they had going back to pre-production and the actual filming.

And not to mention they were right on the money with various spoilersfrom The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. And one of the most reliable sources during the prequel days.

Jason Ward over at Making Star Wars knows his shit. I see no reason to be questioning them now after years and years of pretty damn solid reporting. Especially after they described so many details about Finn, Rey, and BB-8 multiple months before the teaser hit which lined up exactly what they had been saying.
He did not, he said walking on the Falcon was exciting. But plenty of people walked on the Falcon who didn't film scenes on it (various other people have described doing this as well).

Even Kevin Smith got to visit the set. He said it made him feel like a kid again and cry or something.
Making Star Wars knows their shit. I see no reason to be questioning them now after years and years of pretty damn solid reporting.

It's not questioning them specifically. It's just questioning. Because it is weird, especially coming after yesterday's report.

The key bit of weirdness is that apparently, the Lightsaber factors in NOT AT ALL with the climax. According to this, instead of everyone converging on the wintery/woodsy planet because they've finally found Luke and they're going to return his saber and discover why he's been gone for so long, it turns out the wintery/woodsy planet is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLANET than the one Luke is on, and that the lightsaber which opens the movie and drives the plot forward has nothing to do with the climax of the film.

This would be like Star Wars ending with the Death Star battle, and then at the awards ceremony, Artoo finally gives the plans to the rebels.

That's what makes it really weird to me. Not so much that Luke only has one (apparently wordless) scene. But that this story makes the entire lightsaber macguffin unnecessary.


It's not questioning them specifically. It's just questioning. Because it is weird, especially coming after yesterday's report.

The key bit of weirdness is that apparently, the Lightsaber factors in NOT AT ALL with the climax. According to this, instead of everyone converging on the wintery/woodsy planet because they've finally found Luke and they're going to return his saber and discover why he's been gone for so long, it turns out the wintery/woodsy planet is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLANET than the one Luke is on, and that the lightsaber which opens the movie and drives the plot forward has nothing to do with the climax of the film.

This would be like Star Wars ending with the Death Star battle, and then at the awards ceremony, Artoo finally gives the plans to the rebels.

That's what makes it really weird to me. Not so much that Luke only has one (apparently wordless) scene. But that this story makes the entire lightsaber macguffin unnecessary.

Well Jason Ward did say it seems baffling out of context but makes sense in context of the full story of the actual film.
From his peice:
I’ve kind of struggled with this recently because I have a hard time imagining Luke Skywalker is barely in this film since I’ve learned of this truth. But when I read the entire film and the way it unfolds, I trust the choice. It just feels right to me when it unfolds.

I have wondered if it was a trick or something else. I want to think there is stuff being hidden. But I gotta go with what evidence there is. I really truly believe this evidence I have is very accurate. The evidence is that Luke Skywalker is not really in this film. Two different documents from the production show Mark Hamill as only having one sequence in the entire film.
That doesn't make sense either. If he's "read the entire film" then why would you present this as baffling at all? Or weird? Or say that you're struggling with it? Why wouldn't you open with the fact that contextually this makes sense, it's just that he can't reveal the context yet?

What he's saying seems to be that in the context of the scene as he learned about it, it looks right/sounds right, but he's having a hard time imagining how that scene fits with everything else he's heard.

I don't think "read the entire film" means he's actually READ the entire film. Otherwise why would he have a hard time imagining something he's got full context for?


He said this was part of that same dump apparently

I've reread it and I can't find where he says this is from the same source as the dump. Would you mind pointing it out me?

edit: I think they must be two different sources? He says in the preface to the rumor dump that it's not his usual source and one he cant get verified. Conversely he seems pretty confident in the validity of this new Luke rumor. I'm gonna guess most if not all of that rumor dump stuff is garbage and this Luke info is the real deal. A lot of that stuff from a few days ago seemed to be guesses based off other more solid leaks.


So killing Han and having Luke be barely in the film makes me very uneasy about this movie.

No idea what's true or not, but I should probably just stop reading this thread because the more I read the less excited I am for this movie.


Cheebo....are you....are you Jason Ward?

No I just find it baffling, I mean we all saw how dead on the money he was during the prequels and The Clone Wars. It makes no sense to suddenly start doubting him now.

I mean he is the guy who reported these details multiple months (at least 4-5 in most cases) prior to the teaser:
Daisy Ridley living on the desert planet and having a speeder
Adam Driver playing a hooded bad guy with a cross-blade saber (even prior to that concept art leak)
John Boyega playing a Stormtrooper who crashes on said desert planet and is on the run.
The new main droid being a small droid with a head that rolls on a ball body.

All confirmed by the teaser. Dude has some seriously good sources.


I find that really REALLY hard to believe... but... I guess they've been accurate in the past..

..or is MSW about to have their CBOAT moment...
No I just find it baffling, I mean we all saw how dead on the money he was during the prequels and The Clone Wars. It makes no sense to suddenly start doubting him now.
He posts a lot of stuff that is close or on the money, for sure, but it is often accompanied by his own conjecture based on incomplete information. As time goes on these things solidify, but at this point there is still room for doubt in how it all connects together or whether a specific rumor goes where or with what character, which even our main man Jason Ward is open about.


Dudes been doing it that long?

Not the site, the site itself is about 3-4 years old I believe. He has been doing this for a long time though. First time I recall seeing him spoil stuff was back at TheForce.net boards back around the production of Attack of the Clones in 2001.
It makes no sense to suddenly start doubting him now.

It's not a question of doubting him, or even doubting the sources. It's a question of what pieces we're missing that would provide context to make this fit.

You can ask those questions without casting aspersions on the guy providing the details.

For example, where's the third lightsaber in the three-way lightsaber fight coming from now if Luke isn't on the same planet as the climax?
Disappointed if this is true. I thought multiple sources pointed to JJ and Kasdan wanting to base VII around the OT cast more while Arndt's draft focused more on new characters.
Dudes been doing it that long?

Yeah, I don't believe that's true; the blog's only been around since 2012, after all. The spoiler site you went to if you wanted actual dirt on the films, back in ye olde Prequel times, was Millennium Falcon. They were also behind that big concept art leak last year.
Gutted if this is true. I thought multiple sources pointed to JJ and Kasdan wanting to base VII around the OT cast more while Arndt's draft focused more on new characters.
You can base the story around characters that may not have the most screentime. For instance, make Luke Skywalker the walking MacGuffin and Han Solo the space guide. Plot is based on and revolves around them and their actions, but the main characters (audience surrogate) are still the new kids.


Ward was basically just a forum poster back then (both TFN and MF.com). Making Star Wars is his first real try at running an enthusiast news site.
Yep. He was spoiling stuff back then but had no blog at east that I ever saw.

I actually was lucky enough to be a source of spoilers back during revenge of the sith oddly enough. I got a copy of the audiobook a month in advance and trickled out details in a thread over at TFNs spoiler board. I wonder if that old topic is still around.


I can partially believe this rumor about Luke if only because it frees up what was sounding like an over-complicated plot. The "spoiler dump" had the three new protagonists doing their thing, the OT heroes, Gleeson's character scheming, Kylo Ren, the chrometroopers, two superweapons, a Sith tomb... it felt like there were too many things going on. Relegating Luke to the next movie gives TFA some breathing room.
You can base the story around characters that may not have the most screentime. For instance, make Luke Skywalker the walking MacGuffin and Han Solo the space guide. Plot is based on and revolves around them and their actions, but the main characters (audience surrogate) are still the new kids.

True. Truth is I just want to see Mark back as Luke. If we want have to wait until VIII, so be it.


Also, I feel more confident in saying that Kylo is probably Han's son after the last few rumors.

You have Adam Driver (who everybody believes is Kylo) saying in interviews that the story is about what happens when people aren't loved enough or something.

Then you have the spoiler about Han coming out of hiding to confront Kylo at the end.

And Kylo "silences the conversation forever," killing him.

I have to imagine Kylo and Han would know each other very personally, otherwise I don't think a conversation would be Han's style. So you have a concerned father trying to control an angry son, who strikes him down.
This new leak also fits in with the "this is Harrison Ford's film [in terms of acting presence]" leaker quote from a while back, if Hamill's role is indeed that small.

We'll probably see if this is true or not when publicity photos start releasing; if there's no Luke, then they're probably keeping his appearance secret in order to preserve that end scene (and it's a good outro, actually) surprise. Probably won't stop the inevitable "Where's Luke?" backlash (and I say backlash because this rumor will essentially be proven true by then) prior to the film's release, though.
True. Truth is I just want to see Mark back as Luke. If we want have to wait until VIII, so be it.

I get it. Personally I'm cool with something like this, save some of the big guns for the rest of the trilogy. I like the idea of Rian Johnson writing/directing what we'll see of Luke, though I feel like he would have a field day with Han :(


Wait so what is the universe like now like 40 odd years later? The Empire and Rebels are still at it? How does that make sense?

The Roman Empire lingered for centuries after it "fell."

Plus there's talk of a "cold war" kind of situation, where both sides have basically stopped fighting but are trying to undermine each other.
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