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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Eh, makes sense. They been pretty low-key on Luke for all of this, wasn't expecting him to have much screen time in the first film. Story isn't about him anymore.

Well, up until yesterday, the conception was that the story WAS about him. Specifically, about finding him and then him helping (or hurting) our new trio.
In a year, people went from hoping Luke The Mentor was a given, to being so blindsided by Luke The Cyborg that Crazy Luke In Exile was an unexpected relief. Now they're saying it's a case of Luke The Cameo and Crazy Luke In Exile sounds like something we wanted all along.


I would have previously imagined the last act of the film to be something like this:

- Han and the young leads find Luke
- Ren and the baddies show up
- Fight
- Han sacrifices himself to protect the others
- Luke unleashes powers, saves the day
- New group of heroes escapes
- Luke pledges to train Finn/Rey

If Han is to die, it would make sense for him and Luke to see each other before that happens. That would snap Luke out of his slightly deranged state and into the mentor role, compared to Luke simply finding out from someone else that Han is dead. The former seems more dramatic and effectual on Luke's presumed development.


In a year, people went from hoping Luke The Mentor was a given, to being so blindsided by Luke The Cyborg that Crazy Luke In Exile was an unexpected relief. Now they're saying it's a case of Luke The Cameo and Crazy Luke In Exile sounds like something we wanted all along.

Haha. This is kind of true.

I think it's an issue of expectations. Right when people were comfortable with things going in one direction, the next rumor went in the complete opposite one.

Ultimately, I'm in favor of whatever is most logical for the character and provides the best possible story. If Cameo Luke accomplishes that, then I'm okay with it (especially if there's a promise he'll be upgraded to Mentor Luke in the next film). It's better than tarnishing his character by making him a villain or a weirdo.


Why would the empire fall just because the Emperor gets killed? This makes more sense, imo. Yes, it was a huge blow but not the winning battle yet.

well, it's a mute point now, since the EU is "gone", but IIRC T. Zahn explained in his Thrawn novels how Palpatine used the Force to coordinate his empire and thus his death led to it's collapse rather fast.

One thing that I'm thinking is that if this is true, then a lot of the Luke-involved tv/comics/books that fill in between jedi and ep7 are gonna be somewhat depressing if we know that all or most of the little jedi fellas die. I imagine that they're going to milk that era for a very, very long time.

p.s. do we need spoiler tags in this thread?


p.s. do we need spoiler tags in this thread?

I think Bobby hit the nail on the head:

My understanding (and the thread has borne this out) is that the "potential" part of "potential spoilers" refers to unconfirmed rumors. Not that you might accidentally trip over spoilers, but that the spoilers guaranteed to be in the thread are in varying states of confirmation or denial. But either way, you're coming in here for the spoils. The title makes it clear.

It's just not necessary, but if people do it that's fine as long as they realize we're in a spoiler thread that will also have untagged "potential" spoilers.


I look at it from the perspective of a third party. Who looks more crazy:

a. The person who forgot to spoiler tag a rumored plot point
b. The person who enters this thread and screams bloody murder because a spoiler wasn't tagged

I'll go with b.
p.s. do we need spoiler tags in this thread?

No. If you wanna use em, sure. But people have been and will continue to be openly posting details from these unconfirmed rumors regardless, as that's the entire point of the thread.

edit: and re-edited/fixed (ish) version of Rumor Control is now awaiting posting, for those of you who want the last week or so of news boiled down into a 30 minute chunk, plus stupid jokes and Marvin Gaye samples (yes, really)


Still oh so happy there is an Empire remaining.

One of the thing I hated about the original movies ending was how Lucas said nope that's it, Empire is gone. Made absolutely no sense.


So Luke is not even in this movie except in small flashbacks.

All hope is lost.

Not really.

It helps to set up a new generation and really that's what they need to do.

The older generation needs or should be bit players if anything. Helpers, advisors etc.
But I wanted Obi Skywalker. After 30 years they couldn't give me that.

Also ity explains Hamill's "you guys need to lower your expectations" Now I get it your in the movie for 3 min.


Look, if Luke is legit in the film for barely anytime at all and survives, it will be a great setup for VIII... but holy fuck it is going to be so aggravating... because I need me some badass Skywalker action and I feel like we're not going to get the cool Jedi stuff I crave.

I really want to see how VII is going to deal with force user combat, because it's clearly going to be somewhat amped up from what we saw in the OT (to meet audience expectations for what an action film needs to have in 2015), yet it probably isn't going to be the overly showly stuff we saw in the Prequels either... I'm so curious to see how they address it.

And I want to see Luke being badass T__T
I really want to see how VII is going to deal with force user combat, because it's clearly going to be somewhat amped up from what we saw in the OT (to meet audience expectations for what an action film needs to have in 2015), yet it probably isn't going to be the overly showly stuff we saw in the Prequels either... I'm so curious to see how they address it.

If the rumor about casting the guys from The Raid is true, that should give you some idea. Of course, I can't see Mark Hamill keeping up with them. Like, at all.


Not really.

It helps to set up a new generation and really that's what they need to do.

The older generation needs or should be bit players if anything. Helpers, advisors etc.

I understand them wanting to set up the next generation but I feel like all the hype behind this movie is having the original cast back. Don't think many people care about the new cast at the moment, they just want to see the old crew back together. That's why if the current rumors are true,
that the Luke, Leia, and Han don't appear together
this movie is going to get a lot of shit.


I think I'm ok with Luke only being in a short amount of this movie. I can live with a flashback and him showing up at the end.

I think we're lucky even to have all 3 back for this movie....never mind if they all appear together 'one last time'.

So it sounds like Luke had an Academy, Kylo went Dark Side and he ends up killing his father (Han). This snaps Luke out of his funk.
I don't think I'd be cool with it if the originals were hardly in the movie. I feel like I need a transition period to really accept the new cast as the new stars of Star Wars.

I've heard rumors that Luke, while largely absent, is still integral to the plot and shows up later in the movie. I am totally happy with that.
But this rumor that he is hardly relevant and just shows up in the final scene, I'm not down.

I also prefer that they reserve any character deaths for movie 2 or movie 3 if they really must have them. Let me have at least one solid movie with the original cast before you go stabbing me in the heart and leaving the OT behind. ;_;


We think the three principles are in this a lot, people complain they are aping the originals too much. Turns out Luke (and probably Leia) are barely in this, people complain they won't be in it enough.

They can't win.


No. If you wanna use em, sure. But people have been and will continue to be openly posting details from these unconfirmed rumors regardless, as that's the entire point of the thread.

edit: and re-edited/fixed (ish) version of Rumor Control is now awaiting posting, for those of you who want the last week or so of news boiled down into a 30 minute chunk, plus stupid jokes and Marvin Gaye samples (yes, really)

Lets get it on, is the podcast called "I heard it through the grapevine?" Haha
We think the three principles are in this a lot, people complain they are aping the originals too much. Turns out Luke (and probably Leia) are barely in this, people complain they won't be in it enough.

They can't win.
People don't know what they want, although in this case I imagine everyone is expecting a role the size of Alec Guinness' in the original

Yep. This is how Chris Lee and Ian Mcdiarmid kept up. Slapping CGI faces on stunt doubles while using the actual actors for establishing and closeup shots.

Maybe. I wouldn't say either of those actors were all that convincing really, especially in Lee's case with all the flips and stuff. Plus it'd be weird to see an older, more out of shape Luke actually capable of such incredible feats compared to his younger self.
People don't know what they want, although in this case I imagine everyone is expecting a role the size of Alec Guinness' in the original

Maybe. I wouldn't say either of those actors were all that convincing really, especially in Lee's case with all the flips and stuff. Plus it'd be weird to see an older, more out of shape Luke actually capable of such incredible feats compared to his younger self.

It makes too much sense, how could they just skip over this?

I don't think I'd be cool with it if the originals were hardly in the movie. I feel like I need a transition period to really accept the new cast as the new stars of Star Wars.

I've heard rumors that Luke, while largely absent, is still integral to the plot and shows up later in the movie. I am totally happy with that.
But this rumor that he is hardly relevant and just shows up in the final scene, I'm not down.

I also prefer that they reserve any character deaths for movie 2 or movie 3 if they really must have them. Let me have at least one solid movie with the original cast before you go stabbing me in the heart and leaving the OT behind. ;_;

I don't understand how JJ could not go this route.


they don't want the classic cast to be too big in the sequels, and han already seems to be quite a focus in episode VII.
my guess is episode VII is more or less the quest to find luke, starting with his lightsaber in space, and in episode VIII and IX he will have a more central role.
I don't even mind if Luke's re-introduction comes at the very end & sets him up in a huge way for Ep.VIII.

Getting some good Han Solo time, having the new cast establish themselves, and crack the door at the end for major events possibly involving Luke working with the newbies... yeah... that could work for me, to be honest.


It makes the most sense to kill Han in this film though. It is similar to qui-gon in episode I and obi-wan in episode iv.

Star Wars starts trilogies killing off an older mentor hero character.

Seems like Luke would better that pattern, though I see the long-term value in having Luke around for the trilogy, while Han would probably feel like more of a hanger-on in terms of usefulness.


Luke s farts have to be iconic.

Killing Han is stupid but let s mitigating it with him protecting his daughter is not too bad for the character. A woman worth dying for fits Han Solo' way of life.


I wonder if they will kill Luke in the trilogy?

Has anything relating the number of films he is contracted leaked? He really could, if he was inclined, push hard for an astronomical paycheck going forwards.
Maybe. I wouldn't say either of those actors were all that convincing really, especially in Lee's case with all the flips and stuff. Plus it'd be weird to see an older, more out of shape Luke actually capable of such incredible feats compared to his younger self.

Oh definitely. I'm not saying they should, I'm just saying they easily can and are not limited by the age of any actors.

I'd enjoy it if they found a middle ground between OT and PT lightsaber fights. Not so over the top with flips and flashy shit, just faster and more skilled battles than OT. Keep Luke on the ground, have any new flippy characters do it more realistically (like in a martial arts movie with actual weight to it, rather than the floaty CGI crap).


Luke s farts have to be iconic.

Killing Han is stupid but let s mitigating it with him protecting his daughter is not too bad for the character. A woman worth dying for fits Han Solo' way of life.

How? He's a hot shot. They always tend to go out in a blaze of glory. Not to mention he's risked his life for Luke, Leia, and Chewie already. Him dying for somone (esp his son/daughter) is the only way to kill his character, really.


Personally, I'm going to withhold judgment until we see whether Luke gets a decent amount of screentime in VIII. If we find out in 2017 that he trains Rey off-screen between movies, then it's going to hurt much more.

Also, I just kinda hope that the reason why Han is the central OT character in TFA is because it makes for a good story and not because Abrams/Kasdan/Kennedy are secretly Han fanboys.
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