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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Luke will be to TFA as Godzilla was to Godzilla 2014.

With less payoff at the end?

I don't mind the idea of him only being in a small scene but I can really see people complaining about this when the film finally comes out.
Basically, if he's going off leaked call sheets, and the call sheets for the film have made it out of LFL, we're going to have a pretty good idea of who was where shooting what for the WHOLE MOVIE pretty soon.


So thats why Mark Hamill was telling fans not to get their hopes up for this one

Mark Hamill is a little bit worried about how excited fans are getting about this December's Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it seems.

He went on to suggest that the audience should "forget about it [and] look forward to all the summer movies," adding, "I'm telling you, it's just a movie. These people that build it up in their minds like it's going to be the second coming of, I don't know what — they're bound to be disappointed."

Thanks for the heads up mark for the fans who were expecting a lot of Luke, or at least more than a cameo.

Oh well hype level back to level 6 out of 10, which is still good, but not great.


For example, where's the third lightsaber in the three-way lightsaber fight coming from now if Luke isn't on the same planet as the climax?

Did the concept art feature three lightsabers? I thought there was only two (one in Rey's hand, the other in Kylo's).

Couldn't it just be the case that either Rey or Finn have Luke's lightsaber and the other one has a blaster? Or one gets knocked out early in the fight, so the other has to take up the lightsaber?


Also, the fact that Luke doesn't appear in the Rey/Finn/Kylo confrontation also means that Kylo doesn't get his ass kicked by him. Instead, he's defeated by a badly-injured Finn, who actually gets to do something "heroic," which seemingly completes this part of his character arc.
If true, it's interesting that the new crew separates at the end of the adventure, with Rey heading off with Chewie in the Falcon. I assumed Poe would take the Falcon.
Wait so what is the universe like now like 40 odd years later? The Empire and Rebels are still at it? How does that make sense?

Why would the empire fall just because the Emperor gets killed? This makes more sense, imo. Yes, it was a huge blow but not the winning battle yet.
Why would the empire fall just because the Emperor gets killed? This makes more sense, imo. Yes, it was a huge blow but not the winning battle yet.

The montage at the end of Jedi makes it apparent the empire suffered a devastating blow. It seems pretty self explanatory at face value.


The montage at the end of Jedi makes it apparent the empire suffered a devastating blow. It seems pretty self explanatory at face value.

As someone has mentioned, the idea of a cold war between more evenly matched sides (e.g. the Empire won't be the juggernaut it once was, and the Rebels won't be the rag tag fly by night operation they once were) seems plausible.



Ive apparently said later that this was "just a conversation" and that he definitely had nothing to say about the controversial crossguards. Instead, Parker reports, Ive argued that the lightsaber should look uneven. "I thought it would be interesting if it were less precise, and just a little bit more spitty," said Ive, adding that the new weapon could be "more analog and more primitive, and I think, in that way, somehow more ominous."
As someone has mentioned, the idea of a cold war between more evenly matched sides (e.g. the Empire won't be the juggernaut it once was, and the Rebels won't be the rag tag fly by night operation they once were) seems plausible.

It certainly does sound intriguing, but if we're treating ROTJ SE as canon, it feels like that isn't the implied outcome at all.


It certainly does sound intriguing, but if we're treating ROTJ SE as canon, it feels like that isn't the implied outcome at all.

We only saw 3-4 planets in the end of ROTJ. The Empire was quite a bit bigger than that. Not to mention they were celebrating the death of the Emperor, those planets were still likely filled with Imperials that would try to dissuade the protests/celebrations.
We only saw 3-4 planets in the end of ROTJ. The Empire was quite a bit bigger than that. Not to mention they were celebrating the death of the Emperor, those planets were still likely filled with Imperials that would try to dissuade the protests/celebrations.

Are you suggesting Jar Jar may have been gunned down shortly after that scene?
Ive apparently said later that this was "just a conversation" and that he definitely had nothing to say about the controversial crossguards. Instead, Parker reports, Ive argued that the lightsaber should look uneven. "I thought it would be interesting if it were less precise, and just a little bit more spitty," said Ive, adding that the new weapon could be "more analog and more primitive, and I think, in that way, somehow more ominous."

Ah, yeah. I think the quote got posted at some point.

I like it, honestly. Have it present as a contrast between old, relic lightsabers and new ones.


New rumor says
Luke is only in one scene and its the very last scene.

If true this movie is going to piss a majority of the fan base off lol
New rumor says
Luke is only in one scene and its the very last scene.

If true this movie is going to piss a majority of the fan base off lol

I actually wouldn't mind it too much. Would be a cool ending, leaves you wanting more and sets up the next movie.

I want Luke to go all old in one the movies.


Paper or plastic?
I never read any of the EU novels that explored the events that followed ROTJ, but it was my understanding that the Empire was balkanized into warring factions. I hope this is something that they keep with the new continuity. This would also make the most plausible sense too.


I actually wouldn't mind it too much. Would be a cool ending, leaves you wanting more and sets up the next movie.

I want Luke to go all old in one the movies.

I mind it bc if true,
We won't be seeing Han, Luke and Leia together again. People want to see that and if Han dying is true and this is true, then we won't see that, which sucks
I mind it bc if true,
We won't be seeing Han, Luke and Leia together again. People want to see that and if Han dying is true and this is true, then we won't see that, which sucks

Oh crap, that's a good point actually. I don't know, I mean not seeing that happen would definitely blow but at the same time,
maybe luke learning about Han's demise at the hands of his own son after the fact could offer him a good character arc, where he tries to figure out what to do and how to react


Conflicting rumors at this point, no? Luke
with only a cameo in the ending
means many of the previously described scenes weren't real or didn't involve Luke at all.
The last two pages or so have been discussing this rumor pretty thoroughly.

It's definitely weird as hell - it looks as if MSW is now working off callsheets or shooting schedules, but there's almost gotta be a gap in the information somewhere that would provide this context, because as it stands now, the point of the heroes' journey in this film (Find Luke, return his saber) has no real bearing on the actual events of the movie's final third.

Either something's going to get released soon that explains WHY that is (since the middle of the movie is still largely unknown) or something's going to get released that corrects/contradicts the idea that Luke only has a wordless cameo at the very end of the movie, like a stinger of sorts.


I don't doubt that MSW tries to vet things out as thoroughly as he can (and if he can't verify, he adds a disclaimer), but considering how large his profile has become, the more conspiratorial part of me wonders whether Lucasfilm/Disney knows he exists and is now feeding him misinformation.

Regardless, I'm inclined to believe that Luke isn't in this movie much. It explains a lot - especially the conflicting rumors about Luke being good, bad, crazy, absent, etc - because nothing was adding up. It frees up a portion of the story that seemed to become over-complicated in the amount of plots and characters it was covering (in the first part of a trilogy no less). And it also explains why Luke hasn't had much of a presence in the concept art, whereas every other character has.

And I'd hate to say it, but keeping Mark Hamill in London for months seems perfectly in line with JJ Abrams' misdirection. He seemed to have a lot more free time during filming than anybody else in the case did. Plus, there's also the fact that MH's beard kept growing throughout the summer; if he was in a bunch of scenes in different months, I think continuity would dictate that he keep it the same length. Yes, we've come to comparing beard lengths.


Looks like the final scene were revealed way back:

There is a lot of material crossed out with a big black marker over some of the details in the files. ... For people who are familiar with Skellig Michael, there is a reference to some character being filmed on the lower staircase on the island which is on the approach to the monastic settlement at the top. The monastery on the island is described as "offering numerous attractive camera positions for the film crew" and "given its cinematic potential." So it seems that the monastic huts on the island will feature in the film itelf.


This lines up with what Jason described or his call sheet perfectly. My guess is this is 100% true.


Welp, I enjoyed the discussion here, especially when we came to regular Star Wars stuff, but I think this is the point were I have to abond the thread. To much has leaked.
Oh crap, that's a good point actually. I don't know, I mean not seeing that happen would definitely blow but at the same time,
maybe luke learning about Han's demise at the hands of his own son after the fact could offer him a good character arc, where he tries to figure out what to do and how to react

I would love that. I would fucking love that.
Looks like the final scene were revealed way back:

There is a lot of material crossed out with a big black marker over some of the details in the files. ... For people who are familiar with Skellig Michael, there is a reference to some character being filmed on the lower staircase on the island which is on the approach to the monastic settlement at the top. The monastery on the island is described as "offering numerous attractive camera positions for the film crew" and "given its cinematic potential." So it seems that the monastic huts on the island will feature in the film itelf.


This lines up with what Jason described or his call sheet perfectly. My guess is this is 100% true.

I don't think anyone should be doubting the stuff he's saying, especially if it's coming from the callsheets.

The question is how does the stuff he hasn't shared make the ending of the movie make any sort of dramatic sense given the beginning of the movie and the reason they go on their adventure.
I don't think anyone should be doubting the stuff he's saying, especially if it's coming from the callsheets.

The question is how does the stuff he hasn't shared make the ending of the movie make any sort of dramatic sense given the beginning of the movie and the reason they go on their adventure.

Assuming this is all true, we're definitely missing something. "Oh hey, turns out Luke was hanging out in this cave all along. See ya next episode!" as an ending doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.

Lucas botched it, but the scene in AOTC when it is revealed to us that Count Dooku is secretly Sidious' apprentice is meant to be a big reveal. Maybe they're trying to pull off something similar here - the Luke reveal at the end is when we learn that he instigated (Palaptine style) the events of the movie in the first place - for reason that will be unclear to us until Episode VIII. Instead of us wondering for a couple of summers whether Vader is really Luke's father, we will be left arguing whether Luke has gone over to the dark side.
We've gone from Luke has been in hiding/in captivity since RotJ or for several years to Luke is an evil cyborg to Luke is crazy and guarding a super weapon to... Luke is in the movie for a minute right before the credits roll. Doesn't make much sense.


Luke not showing up until the last 5 minutes? I say bollocks.

Luke not showing up until the last 30-40 minutes? Quite possible.


Luke not showing up until the last 5 minutes? I say bollocks.

Luke not showing up until the last 30-40 minutes? Quite possible.

Yeah, I tend to agree with this. I know MSW has been reliable as of late, but as I said before this is a little too much to take. I imagine Abrams is FULLY aware how many people he will royally piss off if he holds Luke back until right before the credits roll. Does he care? Well, maybe not...

Not that it'd ruin the movie necessarily. But even if the movie is great, the internet blowback from giving Luke next to zero screen time would be epic.


Yeah, I tend to agree with this. I know MSW has been reliable as of late, but as I said before this is a little too much to take. I imagine Abrams is FULLY aware how many people he will royally piss off if he holds Luke back until right before the credits roll. Does he care? Well, maybe not...

Not that it'd ruin the movie necessarily. But even if the movie is great, the internet blowback from giving Luke next to zero screen time would be epic.

Don't you just want to see a good movie?
We've gone from Luke has been in hiding/in captivity since RotJ or for several years to Luke is an evil cyborg to Luke is crazy and guarding a super weapon to... Luke is in the movie for a minute right before the credits roll. Doesn't make much sense.

To be fair, no two of those things are mutually exclusive (in fact, they could ALL be plausibly true).


Don't you just want to see a good movie?

By "a little too much to take" I didn't mean I would personally be broken up about it. I meant I just doubt it's something they'd do.

I can't deny I'd be a little disappointed on some levels, but my highest priority is 100% a good movie.
I want Luke to be the Gandalf of the new trilogy. Not really the most important character, but a part of the story and a guide to the new heroes.


Isn't this saying he was part of one on location shoot at Skellig Castle? Are the shoots at Pinewood Studio considered a different type of shoot? Could he have been in additional scenes shot on a sound stage at Pinewood that aren't considered 'on location'?
Isn't this saying he was part of one on location shoot at Skellig Castle? Are the shoots at Pinewood Studio considered a different type of shoot? Could he have been in additional scenes shot on a sound stage at Pinewood that aren't considered 'on location'?

MSW basically has more than just the one callsheet. They have enough that they feel safe in claiming these are the ONLY scenes in the movie with Mark Hamill on them. They probably couldn't do that unless there was enough documentation to rule that possibility out.

However the report DOES allow for the possibility of some info maybe being missing/incomplete.


Eh, makes sense. They been pretty low-key on Luke for all of this, wasn't expecting him to have much screen time in the first film. Story isn't about him anymore.
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