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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Personally, I'm going to withhold judgment until we see whether Luke gets a decent amount of screentime in VIII. If we find out in 2017 that he trains Rey off-screen between movies, then it's going to hurt much more.

Also, I just kinda hope that the reason why Han is the central OT character in TFA is because it makes for a good story and not because Abrams/Kasdan/Kennedy are secretly Han fanboys.

Killing Han establishes stakes without losing too much plot significance (Han may be super popular, but he has no story ties to either the Jedi side of things or the political side), and it sounds like they're setting up VII to be his last ride.
Personally, I'm going to withhold judgment until we see whether Luke gets a decent amount of screentime in VIII. If we find out in 2017 that he trains Rey off-screen between movies, then it's going to hurt much more.

Also, I just kinda hope that the reason why Han is the central OT character in TFA is because it makes for a good story and not because Abrams/Kasdan/Kennedy are secretly Han fanboys.

Maybe Han gets the whole thing going in VII, his fate is the catalyst for the next two movies, Luke is prominent in Episode VIII as he trains Rey or Fin or both. He passes on the Torch and epsiode IX finally focuses entirely on the new characters. Would be pretty good all around I'd say, maybe set up another Trilogy to follow. Because come on, who doesn't want Episodes X-XII to happen a few years after the sequel trilogy (and if they do, I truly hope they keep the numbering) along with the spin-offs.


I'm going to withhold judgment, as I trust JJ.

I hope its not misplaced.

My life is riding on this.

Mark Hamill said:
Forget about it, that’s my advice. Look forward to all the summer movies. I’m telling you, it’s just a movie. These people that build it up in their minds like it’s going to be the second coming of, I don’t know what — they’re bound to be disappointed



I'm fine with this actually, but it does seem a lot like a retread of the OT if the Jedi slaughtered at Luke's academy were the only ones around. If Luke dies in Episode VIII and Rey and Finn are the only Jedi left, that will make everything he did inbetween RotJ and TFA rather pointless.

Hopefully some other Jedi who escaped Order 66 2.0 show up in Episode VIII.
Mark Hamill said:
Forget about it, that’s my advice. Look forward to all the summer movies. I’m telling you, it’s just a movie. These people that build it up in their minds like it’s going to be the second coming of, I don’t know what — they’re bound to be disappointed

He speaks the truth. Star Wars, with its particular late 70s style mixed in with powerful nostalgia and 38 years of hype...I just don't think anything can compete with that. The game is rigged.
I don't think a new Star Wars, even if it's great, is even capable of becoming such a pillar of science fiction like the originals. It's a different era already saturated with SciFi. Nor will it be able to touch your heart the same way it did when you were watching the OT as a child.

I expect most reactions to TFA to be "It was good, better than the prequels, but it still doesn't compare to the OT." All I'm hoping for is that it feels like a real legitimate continuation of the lives of the characters I remember and not a What-If story.


He speaks the truth. Star Wars, with its particular late 70s style mixed in with powerful nostalgia and 38 years of hype...I just don't think anything can compete with that. The game is rigged.
I don't think a new Star Wars, even if it's great, is even capable of becoming such a pillar of science fiction like the originals. It's a different era already saturated with SciFi. Nor will it be able to touch your heart the same way it did when you were watching the OT as a child.

I expect most reactions to TFA to be "It was good, better than the prequels, but it still doesn't compare to the OT." All I'm hoping for is that it feels like a real legitimate continuation of the lives of the characters I remember and not a What-If story.

Yea, I feel the same as you. While the hype levels for TFA have not come anywhere close to those prior to TPM, they're definitely going to rise high in the next 10 months. Expectations for TPM were out of this world - people didn't just expect a great SW movie, but a legitimately great movie. Some thought it would be the best movie ever.

TFA will be expected to be a great SW movie, great sequel to the OT, and in some cases a correction for issues with the PT. Marketing is going to be key. The trailers are probably going to downplay Luke and Leia (and possibly Han) so that expectations for those characters are kept in check. The biggest disappointment I can see people having is the recent rumors about Luke's even-smaller-than-expected role.

Some will think TFA is a worthy continuation of the OT. Most will probably say better than the PT, not as good as the OT. Others will think TFA is not as good as the PT. Overall, the SW fanbase will be further splintered and have even more nonsense about which to argue for years to come. :)
i have read most of the detailed rumors on makingstarwars, but i was left a bit confused about the potential villain of TFA. is
Adam Driver
kylo ren
) the main villain or is there another villain above him in the film?


i have read most of the detailed rumors on makingstarwars, but i was left a bit confused about the potential villain of TFA. is
Adam Driver
kylo ren
) the main villain or is there another villain above him in the film?
We're sort of in the dark about that. It seems logical, especially with Serkis voicing the bad-sounding dude in the trailer.


i have read most of the detailed rumors on makingstarwars, but i was left a bit confused about the potential villain of TFA. is
Adam Driver
kylo ren
) the main villain or is there another villain above him in the film?

According to Star Wars Underworld, Andy Serkis plays a chararcter whose art had the codename "Uber" attached, who may be the one behind the scenes. They described him as zombie-ish, sort of looking like he was being "held together". A lot of people were speculating that it's Darth Plagueis but probably not.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Not really. They need to pass the torch and having the old guard in most of the film would not do that.

They have until all the original cast die to pass the torch. What's the rush when they're going to be milking this IP until the end of civilization?
So, Rumor Control 03 just went up. Basically the last whirlwind weekend of WTF spoilers condensed down to 30 minutes (including my hurriedly rushing back to the studio to tack on the stuff from today)

It's a little more broad-strokes than the super-fine detailed text descriptions, but I kinda feel like broad strokes stuff is not only easier to understand, but a more fun way to present stuff.

That and a bunch of audio drops.

Anyway, if you'd like, here you go. http://fullofsith.com/archives/1320


napkin dispenser
I guess it could be...has kind of a cyberpunk look, like maybe the ground level of Coruscant.

Who is that chick in the robe?

Well the other question is, is any of the other footage in that demo reel from other movies, or was it all created just for the demo? If it's the latter, than the SW footage is probably just something they came up with that looked shiny.
I haven't gotten through the reel yet, but even less than a minute in, I guess my question would be - why would anyone but ILM have anything to do with the effects work on this movie?

Or are we thinking that the accelerated post-schedule means Lucasfilm might have to contract out?
Well the other question is, is any of the other footage in that demo reel from other movies, or was it all created just for the demo? If it's the latter, than the SW footage is probably just something they came up with that looked shiny.

The Walking Dead stuff is certainly real. The rest of the shots, while nice looking, are rather generic. It seems odd to insert unlicensed content.

That being said, it could certainly be for some type of spin off media and not the movie itself. Also worth noting the Stormtroopers aren't wearing the new style helmet.

Dunno, but there are definitely Stormtroopers in there.

Considering the age of some of those clips (there was stuff in there from S1 of Walking Dead and NBC's Pan-Am show) I wonder if they were bidding on (or doign preliminary tests) on the now shitcanned live-action Underworld show that Ronald D. Moore was helping with.

Because that's definitely what that looks like, the underbelly of Coruscant. And it definitely looks like it was TV-budget work (which appears to be their stock-in-trade), not feature film stuff.
Considering the age of some of those clips (there was stuff in there from S1 of Walking Dead and NBC's Pan-Am show) I wonder if they were bidding on (or doign preliminary tests) on the now shitcanned live-action Underworld show that Ronald D. Moore was helping with.

Because that's definitely what that looks like, the underbelly of Coruscant. And it definitely looks like it was TV-budget work (which appears to be their stock-in-trade), not feature film stuff.
Idk. I was thinking maybe some WIP CGI sequences from the now-cancelled 1313.
Considering the age of some of those clips (there was stuff in there from S1 of Walking Dead and NBC's Pan-Am show) I wonder if they were bidding on (or doign preliminary tests) on the now shitcanned live-action Underworld show that Ronald D. Moore was helping with.

Because that's definitely what that looks like, the underbelly of Coruscant. And it definitely looks like it was TV-budget work (which appears to be their stock-in-trade), not feature film stuff.

Also, those are old-style stormtrooper helmets.


Man this really makes me want Underworld now. I was so disappointed when that and 1313 were cancelled.

Hopefully Marvel turns the scripts into a comic one day or something.


Don't some VFX studios create pitches for the movie studios to work on projects? This could be a proof of concept, perhaps work on another SW title.


Yeah if it was anything to do with an official work, I could see it being preliminary work for the canned TV series. It was supposed to deal with the underworld and this stuff doesn't really look feature film quality.


Star Wars Underworld resurfaces. I had no idea they actually created footage for the doomed show. Last I heard, the budget would be too great for it to be considered. I guess they made test footage anyway... unless this is for an old canceled game (unlikely unless Rebel Assult IV or old Battlefront III)?


Star Wars Underworld resurfaces. I had no idea they actually created footage for the doomed show. Last I heard, the budget would be too great for it to be considered. I guess they made test footage anyway... unless this is for an old canceled game (unlikely unless Rebel Assult IV or old Battlefront III)?
Well the test footage might have been the thing that convinced them that it would be too expensive.
Rebels is bombing? What's the ratings like compared to Clone Wars?

Not great - although that has a lot more to do with the network it's on (XD been a failed experiment for awhile now) and the timeslot it was in for a long time (9pm Monday nights).

It does better when it's on Disney Channel proper.
Rebels is on a channel that no one knows about though. On my cable system, it's not even part of a package that I have. I have my ways of watching Rebels...
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