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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


That footage can't be real. The speeder doesn't even have that Star Warsness to it, looks like a generic futuristic car from some other sci-fi. Seems more like something they wanted to show off because the studio is a fan of Star Wars.


That footage looks like test or audition shots by a VFX studio wanting to show what they can do than any kind of sanctioned work. AFAIK there were 50 scripts for the Underworld show, according to McCallum and Lucas, but nothing was shot.

I can't be the only one that would play a new Rebel Assault game.

I'm right with you - those games were legit.


That footage can't be real. The speeder doesn't even have that Star Warsness to it, looks like a generic futuristic car from some other sci-fi. Seems more like something they wanted to show off because the studio is a fan of Star Wars.

Well the plot to Underworld didn't even sound Star Wars-y in the first place, so this would be right in line with that. I believed the pilot was supposed to be about some bounty hunters who time travel to assassinate Darth Vader or something.

"How much would this cost?"
"And it'll still look like THAT?"
"Yeah. Shut it down."

Haha exactly.
We're sort of in the dark about that. It seems logical, especially with Serkis voicing the bad-sounding dude in the trailer.

According to Star Wars Underworld, Andy Serkis plays a chararcter whose art had the codename "Uber" attached, who may be the one behind the scenes. They described him as zombie-ish, sort of looking like he was being "held together". A lot of people were speculating that it's Darth Plagueis but probably not.

yea i remember reading about that character. i wonder where this character comes from. sounds interesting enough.
Not great - although that has a lot more to do with the network it's on (XD been a failed experiment for awhile now) and the timeslot it was in for a long time (9pm Monday nights).

It does better when it's on Disney Channel proper.

The XD business is kind of annoying, though I suspect there were other factors involved in the decision to put it there (in addition to trying to give some life to that stupid channel). It seems to me like a good place to take a risk with their first Star Wars production because if it sucked critically and commercially it would be easier to dump and move on from without significant damage to the brand and the channel wouldn't exactly be worse off. If it did well critically, then they could ramp up promotion and sell it for more when it inevitably comes to Netflix (and if it magically pulled in viewers and did well commercially, well all the better).


Well the plot to Underworld didn't even sound Star Wars-y in the first place, so this would be right in line with that. I believed the pilot was supposed to be about some bounty hunters who time travel to assassinate Darth Vader or something.

That sounds really unoriginal. There should never be time travel in Star Wars unless it's a hallucination/illusion brought on by the force.


I don't remember there ever being anything about time travel in SWU. It was mostly going to focus on bounty hunters and lower class elements between Episodes III and IV. Basically just a show focused on the "dark times".


This is unrelated so I figured it made more sense as a separate post than editing it into the previous one, but in regards to "Uber", Jason Ward from MSW noted in his podcast that there's a part during the battle at the end where the character tells Kylo Ren not to "get sentimental". This could be in reference to him killing Han or them using the superweapon against the Republic forces, but either way it sounds like Kylo Ren definitely has a past with the heroes.

Someone then asked him on TheForce.Net's message board if this meant that Uber is walking around with the rest of the cast in the film (as opposed to being in a tomb like some had speculated) and he said this:

Honestly, the role appears to be very small. At this point, I don't want to say too much until I've got to check things out further. But it seemed like he popped in and out so much, I started to get a Darth Sidious vibe from it and wondered if he could be a holo-transmission. To be clear, I'm not saying he is, but it would not surprise me.

More set-up for Episodes VIII and IX, I suppose.

Also, he clarified how exactly the final lightsaber duel goes:

It notes that Finn tosses the saber to Rey. You've probably seen the early concept art of this sequence. The later stuff on its didn't leak. But it basically inspired a barrage of tiresome Darth Plagueis emails to me every day because of the way Kylo looks in that segment.

Basically Kylo wounds Finn. Finn tosses the saber to Rey and she holds her own until the mountain gives way and they are left hanging there.

So this explains how the two novice heroes manage to not get killed by the guy who obviously has lightsaber training - Finn gets beat (and remember, his last scene is in a medical bay where he's visited by Rey before she goes off to return the lightsaber to Luke) and he tosses the lightsaber to Rey who only escapes because of the terrain giving way, which Ward said in a later post might be due to the superweapon going off. So I think we'll be seeing more a more OT style duel here, since Rey and Finn both presumably aren't great duelists. That would be this scene, which people thought showed Plagueis but in reality probably just shows a placeholder Sith before they finalized Ren's design, and which funny enough shows white-Finn before they cast Boyega:


Whether or not Finn is actually Force sensitive seems to be up for grabs at the moment. Ward said that during the sequence where Rose talks about the lightsaber with the main characters, Finn feels an attraction to it but Rey feels repulsed by it, and (because of that?) Rey feels like she knows why the lightsaber "came to her". We could be seeing an ordinary-person's-life-turned-upside-down-by-destiny story via Rey this time around then since the lightsaber seems to have "chosen" her, maybe due to the fact that a true Jedi is not supposed to want to use their weapon but only does so when necessary. Regardless, Finn does use the lightsaber outside of the final battle (again, Ward on TFN):

Well Finn has the saber, he and Han are trying to take down the Evil Castle's shield generator. Codes aren't working. Han gets him to use the saber and he uses it to take the generator down. Han kind of teaches him to believe in himself and be a man of action. Shortly after this he's down to hunt Kylo down for what he's done.

So either Finn simply uses the saber for a practical purpose like Han did in ESB or they are dropping hints (since he does manage to hold off Kylo for a time with the saber) that he's Force sensitive but maybe nobody really realizes it yet.

Ward also speculated that Rose (the alien character probably played by Lupita) knows Luke and may have been a Jedi or some sort of Force user from between Episodes VI and VII. The newest flashback rumor that he posted has her using some sort of ability to "read" the lightsaber and give the group a vision of its history, but he also stated on TFN that she tells Han at one point that she hasn't seen Luke in some time. He also has described before some concept art that he saw of her with a group of young children and crystals, possibly teaching younglings how to build lightsabers. This is the concept art of when she (or possibly another of her species) talks with Finn, Rey, and BB-8 about the lightsaber:



Going to guess those screens are either a test or from the cancelled TV show yeah, definitely not from the movies, that you can tell due to the quality and Stormtrooper helmets.

Is Rebels bombing? Good, it stinks.

Unlike some people I don't mind Han dying, hell I don't mind any of the originals dying. It's got to happen some time. One of the biggest issues Star Wars had for ages after the movies was how non of them were allowed to pass the torch. Anything set up was destroyed or abandoned or said people went evil and had to be taken down.

Plus Han was originally suppose to die at the end of Return, only Lucas by that time didn't want to hurt those sweet sweet toy sales. Because who buys dead hero action figures? Answer would be a lot but he didn't want to take a chance.


Rebels will live or die based on digital sales and merch sales. Disney knows full well the state of their Disney XD channel, they are intentionally taking the ratings hit because they need high-profile programming to draw in more viewers and that is part of what Rebels is there for.

I don't at all agree that it stinks, I think it's off to a strong start. A hurdle Rebels has to deal with that Clone Wars never did is that it's almost entirely all-new characters, so they have to build a lot from scratch instead of relying on established characters and concepts such as the Clones which Clone Wars really benefitted from.

Lastly, if some of the leaks regarding Rebels are to be believed then we are in for some very compelling arcs in the coming seasons, so I believe it's worth sticking with with it. And once The Force Awakens finally hits theaters, I think the floodgates will really open as far what they are allowed to do and show on Rebels, as the Star Wars Story Team starts filling in more and more of these time periods in-between films, Rebels has only just started to scratch the surface on a lot of this stuff.

Ahsoka vs Vader, believe.


Rebels already got an official Season 2 renewal at double the episode length of season 1. Writers have said they got a "soft" season 3 renewal as well to go ahead and write season 3 scripts. So it looks like we will have Rebels for a while at least.


The problem with Rebels are first of all that they got an excruciatingly annoying main kid character. They need to dump Ezra stat, for two reasons: 1)kids dont connect to kid characters - they want to be the badass characters instead and dont care if the characters are adults. and 2) he's a kid character and kid characters shouldnt exist.
The problem with Rebels are first of all that they got an excruciatingly annoying main kid character. They need to dump Ezra stat, for two reasons: 1)kids dont connect to kid characters - they want to be the badass characters instead and dont care if the characters are adults. and 2) he's a kid character and kid characters shouldnt exist.
Ezra has room to grow and change. People complained about Ahsoka in the beginning, but her character was the high point of The Clone Wars when it was all said and done.


Ezra has room to grow and change. People complained about Ahsoka in the beginning, but her character was the high point of The Clone Wars when it was all said and done.

Luke Skywalker was quite annoying in the beginning also and didn't become a badass until the third movie.


Ezra has room to grow and change. People complained about Ahsoka in the beginning, but her character was the high point of The Clone Wars when it was all said and done.

All a matter of opinion, of course.

I hated Ahsoka during the whole CW series.

I hope she does fight Vader in Rebels and he chops her down.


All a matter of opinion, of course.

I hated Ahsoka during the whole CW series.

I hope she does fight Vader in Rebels and he chops her down.

I honestly did too, until season 4 & 5. That's when she really hit her stride and I grew to really like her character.

...Even to the point that I shed man-tears when she left the show...that theme that plays when she closes Anakin's hand holding her padawan braid...TEARS!
Luke Skywalker was quite annoying in the beginning also and didn't become a badass until the third movie.

I want to punch Luke in the face every time he snipes at Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, and I want to Force choke him every time he snipes at Han in A New Hope. Maybe it's because of the black and white philosophy of the OT, but I don't find anything wrong with Han's outlook on things, especially in such a turbulent time of war in the galaxy. Luke just comes off as a self-righteous, preachy jerk, but that's probably because he is.

I've never been quite sure if that changed in Jedi or not, but I suppose after the revelation that Vader is his father, it had to change somewhat.
That sounds really unoriginal. There should never be time travel in Star Wars unless it's a hallucination/illusion brought on by the force.

Agreed. I love time travel stories but I still don't want any of it in Star Wars. At most, past/future visions. Seeing a future vision through the force and then taking action to make sure that those events don't come to pass is as much time travel as I'd ever want to see.

Rebels is bombing? What's the ratings like compared to Clone Wars?

Not surprised if true. Off to a really slow start, almost every episode seems totally inconsequential. The first time anything of worth happened in the show was the last episode I saw when they
discovered that rebel was actually an imperial and broadcast that message, prompting Tarkin to take action.

The only main characters to be at all interesting are the robot and maybe Not-Chewbacca. Now that
is here as a strong primary antagonist with the inquisitor acting as his instrument, maybe the show will finally stop meandering around and find a more interesting path.
I don't think Rebels is getting a Season 3. If there's tentative go-ahead for writing those scripts, it's in case of phenomenal success they won't be expecting.

Otherwise, I'm willing to bet you get Season 2 and that's a wrap, move along to the next television endeavor.

That is FX armor, a fan made armor that is long outdated for being not accurate to the film. Definitely some kind of test reel or fan film nonsense.

The problem with Rebels....

Really the main problem Rebels is facing is being stuck on Disney XD. The channel is poison, and sadly it's stuck behind premium cable and satellite tv packages. Already has shitty viewership and then it's locked behind a paywall, whereas regular Disney channel and CN were widely available channels available in any basic tv package.
I don't think Rebels is getting a Season 3. If there's tentative go-ahead for writing those scripts, it's in case of phenomenal success they won't be expecting.

Otherwise, I'm willing to bet you get Season 2 and that's a wrap, move along to the next television endeavor.

Yup. I suspect the higher number of episodes ordered is Disney allowing them to wrap things up.
I don't think Rebels is getting a Season 3. If there's tentative go-ahead for writing those scripts, it's in case of phenomenal success they won't be expecting.

Otherwise, I'm willing to bet you get Season 2 and that's a wrap, move along to the next television endeavor.

imo rebels isnt a bad show but did several things wrong that really make it hard to watch. for one the characters while different and interesting, arent really written with a lot of depth. the writing and tone of the show doesnt seem as mature as clone wars was which is a major turn off for me. lastly its on Disney DX , it should be on another more accessible channel.
The biggest problem is the animation, really. Specifically the facial animations.

The much smaller budget compared to Clone Wars is really damaging the ability for these characters to emote in a way that somewhat matches what their voice actors are doing.


imo rebels isnt a bad show but did several things wrong that really make it hard to watch. for one the characters while different and interesting, arent really written with a lot of depth. the writing and tone of the show doesnt seem as mature as clone wars was which is a major turn off for me. lastly its on Disney DX , it should be on another more accessible channel.

I think the second half of season 1 has been much more "mature" feeling than the first half. But they're trying to go for a lighter OT feel.

Personally I like TCW's feel better as well but I do find it kind of funny that now that they're trying to appeal to OT sensibilities people are finding it kind of offputting.


I think they're trying to go for the Marvel Universe strategy with Star Wars, so I kinda doubt they'll let there not be Star Wars on TV any time soon, even if what they've got on isn't really working. If they have something to replace it with, maybe, but I really doubt any individual thing's fate is being decided on purely by its ratings and no other context. The goal is to expand the property, and that means holding on to duds sometimes.

(I like the show, fwiw, though it's not exactly the most important thing on my to watch list)
If they have something to replace it with, maybe, but I really doubt any individual thing's fate is being decided on purely by its ratings and no other context.

I think they have a couple irons in the fire regarding a potential replacement series. Something live action is still being kicked around, I believe, although it's not really moving forward all that quickly.

But you're right, especially when it comes to children's programming on cable, ratings aren't the #1 indicator of success. Merch is. I don't know that Rebels' merch is doing all THAT well, either.

The show isn't quite floundering, but it hasn't really succeeded the way they seemed to hope for, neither as a show OR as a means to raise the profile of XD.


I think the second half of season 1 has been much more "mature" feeling than the first half. But they're trying to go for a lighter OT feel.

Personally I like TCW's feel better as well but I do find it kind of funny that now that they're trying to appeal to OT sensibilities people are finding it kind of offputting.

My problem isn't that they're appealing to OT sensibilities, but that they're practically ripping them off, right down to the John Williams mixtape soundtrack.
There is no way to deny that season 1 vs. season 1 Rebels comes out on top.

If Rebels wasn't stuck on XD the audience would be much larger.


Rebels Season 1 is better than Clone Wars Season 1 but Rebels will never reach the highs of Clone Wars. Clone Wars ever increasing budget makes that pretty certain.
I think the second half of season 1 has been much more "mature" feeling than the first half. But they're trying to go for a lighter OT feel.

Personally I like TCW's feel better as well but I do find it kind of funny that now that they're trying to appeal to OT sensibilities people are finding it kind of offputting.

yea the lightheartedness of the show coupled with the bright and colorful animation just isnt doing it for me. i expected the show to be the same tonally as TCW when i first heard of Rebels, but sadly the show really seems like a lot of the good aspects of TCW was left behind. for me it's like watching the original Batman the animated series and then trying to watch any new Batman cartoon series on TV nowadays, just not the same tonally for me to get into them.


The biggest problem is the animation, really. Specifically the facial animations.

The much smaller budget compared to Clone Wars is really damaging the ability for these characters to emote in a way that somewhat matches what their voice actors are doing.

That's kind of a ridiculous thing to say. I've been comparing episodes from both series back to back and the facial animations in Rebels are as good if not better than those in late season TCW.

yea the lightheartedness of the show coupled with the bright and colorful animation just isnt doing it for me. i expected the show to be the same tonally as TCW when i first heard of Rebels, but sadly the show really seems like a lot of the good aspects of TCW was left behind. for me it's like watching the original Batman the animated series and then trying to watch any new Batman cartoon series on TV nowadays, just not the same tonally for me to get into them.

It's probably a little jarring coming off of TCW, but generally the tones were intentional. The prequel saga was more violent which carried over into TCW. With Rebels they're aiming for something closer to ANH, lighter moments mixed with a few serious ones. Personally I'm hoping for season 2 to be the ESB of this show.
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