Because it was an expensive MMO that launched shortly before the hammer went down. If you read anything into that you are mistaken. Del Rey editors have stated pretty adamantly LucasBooks/Del Rey will not be making any Legends media, that that is done. Everything is to be canon to keep things simple and straight-forward. It's time to forget about the EU, it was obvious the EU was dead the second they announced Episode VII back in 2012. It's off in it's retirement home with the old Marvel Comics with it's green rabbit.
I mean the idea that they would say "Here is a new book, I know the film everyone saw that made 1-2 billion dollars has Han dead and Chewie alive but in this universe Han is alive and Chewie is alive. Have fun!" That's comic book level stuff.
Not to mention Leland Chee stated after the Legends decision that Star Wars is not like a comic book franchise, there aren't multiple universes/timelines. There is just one. And the Legends decision was made in part to maintain a single continuity and timeline. It's gone LastNac, everything points to that.
Disclaimer: I like you Cheebo, I do, but...
That said, it feels like you have had this agenda the entire time to almost gleefully remind everyone about the removal of 30 years worth of characters and stories, even in threads where the "canon" status of something isn't even being discussed. It's kind of obnoxious, we get it, you didn't like it, you don't need to constantly assert the fact that "your team won" after all this time.
And yes, the same criticisms can be lobbied at me, I know they can. That said, the times where I have speculated I have been using
speculation, and therefore dont need to be reminded for the 30th time that my ideas have no basis. I get it man, I got where your coming from.
As for the whole ordeal, listen, I lived through the whole "New 52." I know what it's like to see fiction cast out, but at the same time I also know what its like to see all that shit thrown back in. Chewie is alive, this is known, but that doesn't automatically mean that we wont get Revan, Malak, or Kyle Katarn in some fashion.
At this point, its not about "one or the other," its about both of them blending and really getting back to this "Movies+ Saga" that we honestly already had before this scuffle.
KOTOR 1 and 2 will never be canon, but new material can reuse stuff from it and make those elements canon.
But that should have no impact on whether you like them or not. Hoping for old Legends media to be canon is a fools errand. Just like them for what they are.
Given that it was a collection of choice based RPG's, they were never going to be "canon" in their entirety. Obviously though, characters like Revan will have a full history. They will take the events, not the choices, just as it was before.
Here is the problem with the whole "theyre arent taking it away from you" rhetoric that I have heard used consistently throughout this whole ordeal. The truth is, in a way, yes they are. People aren't pissed about it because their copy of KotOR automatically "became one with the Force," their pissed that this cancels out the likes of another KotOR to finally finish that story, or Republic Commando 2, or Jedi Knight 4, etc. They've taken away the future.
Perhaps also, the greatest bullshit Disney and this story group has done so far concerns the collectors circle. Hasbro has been forbidden to re-release Legends figures. I'm sorry, but that is fucking stupid(and its particularly personal because I don't want to pay $100 for a Jacen figure). What is the danger here? That people are so fragile mentaility taht they can't discern the movie characters from Legends characters? Hell, the majority of people buying Star Wars figures anyway wont know who they are, let alone that there is a character contradiction.
I'm sorry, but its not as simple as "Just like them for what they are." It is a problem, maybe not for you, but it has effected a huge community of fans out there. I just wanted to get that off my chest once and for all.
Superweapon, huh?
Also there doesnt seem to be any indication that