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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


I hope Luke has a good enough amount of screentime in VII. Even if he's going to be in the sequels more, I'd like him to have at least a couple of good scenes in this one.


I would assume Luke dies in Episode VIII so that the new heroes will have to face Uber themselves in the final battle in Episode IX. Seems typical for a monomyth structure.

I'm more interested in how long Leia will last.

edit: One thing I really, really want but don't know if they'd be willing to do is bring back Hayden as a Force ghost to try and talk some sense into Kylo Ren. Or even just bring Anakin's ghost back in "Vader form" as that's how Kylo would subconsciously want to see him.

shut up


I hope Luke has a good enough amount of screentime in VII. Even if he's going to be in the sequels more, I'd like him to have at least a couple of good scenes in this one.
Prepare to be disappointed. MSW has a call sheet of every shot. Very unlikely it is inaccurate. Especially if this trailer matches up with it. which the first teaser did.
Why? Luke only became a Jedi Knight in RotJ and by then he was the last Jedi in the galaxy.

I mean, it could go either way. Yoda didn't die until RotJ. But I'd prefer to see Luke go out in a big sacrifice at the end of Episode VIII.

It would feel cheap having both of the two most popular characters die in the third act of back to back movies.


I feel like there needs to be some explanation for the Force ghosts not appearing if that ends up being the case. They could always bring back Yoda as a ghost since he can just be CGI'd or puppetted, or Luke as a ghost in Ep IX if he dies. That leaves Qui-Gon (who canonically can't appear in physical form because he training was incomplete, and whose appearance would make no sense anyway since none of the characters know him), Obi-Wan (can't really do since Guinness is dead), and Anakin. If they don't include Anakin, whose legacy is still reverberating through the events of the new trilogy based on Ren's apparent reverence for Vader, it - to me anyway - would feel like a slap in the face, like they're saying "who cares about internal logic? People hate Hayden Christensen, so we can't tie things together!"

So if they don't appear, there has to be at least some reason for it, like they don't appear anymore because Luke no longer needs them. That would be fine. But if Ren really does practically worship Vader, it would make sense for Anakin's ghost to be trying to dissuade him.


Why would force ghosts be in this? They only appeared to Luke. Luke is basically not in this movie. No reason for a ghost.

Going forward even with more Luke in 8 I doubt he will have any solo scenes which is when he saw the ghosts. He was always alone. It makes sense to not see then in that kind of context. I don't think it's something they MUST do. I'd love it if they brought Christensen back but the trilogy could still work without it.


I feel like there needs to be some explanation for the Force ghosts not appearing if that ends up being the case. They could always bring back Yoda as a ghost since he can just be CGI'd or puppetted, or Luke as a ghost in Ep IX if he dies. That leaves Qui-Gon (who canonically can't appear in physical form because he training was incomplete, and whose appearance would make no sense anyway since none of the characters know him), Obi-Wan (can't really do since Guinness is dead), and Anakin. If they don't include Anakin, whose legacy is still reverberating through the events of the new trilogy based on Ren's apparent reverence for Vader, it - to me anyway - would feel like a slap in the face, like they're saying "who cares about internal logic? People hate Hayden Christensen, so we can't tie things together!"

So if they don't appear, there has to be at least some reason for it, like they don't appear anymore because Luke no longer needs them. That would be fine. But if Ren really does practically worship Vader, it would make sense for Anakin's ghost to be trying to dissuade him.

I hadn't thought about any of this before, but this makes sense, and I agree. I'd welcome a Hayden Christensen appearance (in Vader appearance would make less sense since his other force ghost appearance was as Anakin) if handled well. And no, that doesn't make me "not a real fan" or in need of "shutting up". Unfortunately the bolded is not at all an exaggeration in terms of how I'd expect a lot of people to react.

Why would force ghosts be in this? They only appeared to Luke. Luke is basically not in this movie. No reason for a ghost.

I agree with sphagnum; the better question is why wouldn't they? Why should we assume Luke has a monopoly on the observation of force ghosts? Sure, they don't HAVE to have force ghosts, but there'd be nothing necessarily wrong/bad about doing it.
I feel like there needs to be some explanation for the Force ghosts not appearing if that ends up being the case. They could always bring back Yoda as a ghost since he can just be CGI'd or puppetted, or Luke as a ghost in Ep IX if he dies. That leaves Qui-Gon (who canonically can't appear in physical form because he training was incomplete, and whose appearance would make no sense anyway since none of the characters know him), Obi-Wan (can't really do since Guinness is dead), and Anakin. If they don't include Anakin, whose legacy is still reverberating through the events of the new trilogy based on Ren's apparent reverence for Vader, it - to me anyway - would feel like a slap in the face, like they're saying "who cares about internal logic? People hate Hayden Christensen, so we can't tie things together!"

So if they don't appear, there has to be at least some reason for it, like they don't appear anymore because Luke no longer needs them. That would be fine. But if Ren really does practically worship Vader, it would make sense for Anakin's ghost to be trying to dissuade him.

They could bring anyone back really. Maybe the characters visit some ancient Jedi temple and that gives an excuse to allow any of the prequel Jedi to appear somehow, like Mace Windu or that cone head guy.

On the evil side, Palpatine is pretty iconic across all the old films and could work. He would certainly have motivations for revenge. If a sith can be a ghost I have no idea.
Didn't Frank Oz say he's already onboard for Episode VIII?

I recall hearing something like that. Did the EU, even though it's not canon any more, say anything about how long force ghosts can stick around and help out and can they help out complete strangers or does the force ghost have to know the person? We need to know these things!
You didn't really wait 30 years to see Luke. You waited about 3. Because nobody really thought a sequel trilogy was going to get made, at least not with enough surety to wait for it's existence.

But there's always Episode 8 - which will hit Summer 2017.

Wow, that's half the turn-around time of Lucas. Where did you hear that?
If Luke dies it will be in the last movie. They have to be Jedi Masters before he dies.
If Rebels is cannon (it is), then Ashoka would still be a living Jedi master. But the suits at the movie studios wouldn't let her become the focus because too many old-school folks would rage. Besides, couldn't force ghost do training? Most trials of becoming a Jedi are entering mystical caves ir swamps where the living force is concentrated.
If Rebels is cannon (it is), then Ashoka would still be a living Jedi master. But the suits at the movie studios wouldn't let her become the focus because too many old-school folks would rage. Besides, couldn't force ghost do training? Most trials of becoming a Jedi are entering mystical caves ir swamps where the living force is concentrated.

I'm not sure it's safe to assume Ahsoka is alive by TFA.


she's like 16 when Anakin becomes vader. flashforward to current (in rebels, and she's about 30/31. +4 to hit ANH age, plus 30 more if she shows up in TFA. she will be a wise old Togruta.

(if Rebels doesn't kill her)
she's like 16 when Anakin becomes vader. flashforward to current (in rebels, and she's about 30/31. +4 to hit ANH age, plus 30 more if she shows up in TFA. she will be a wise old Togruta.

(if Rebels doesn't kill her)
Your assuming her species ages as ours, not a terrible assumption based on how quickly she matured from Clones to Rebels, but who knows. I hated her at first but those last two seasons of Clones made her a pillar of the SW universe and I want her to be the next Yoda (though not quite that great).
MSW has posted every rumor sent to him, including blatantly contradictory stuff more than once. If I sent in a rumor right now and namedropped a couple industry people that I actually know, it would be on the site tomorrow morning.

Just because MSW is sometimes right doesnt mean MSW is always right. It could be true, it could be trash.

MSW isn't Latino Review (or even StarWars7News). Both of those sites ran a bogus trailer description a few weeks ago that was quickly debunked because it was completely made up by someone and sent to them.
Rebels gonna kill her.
If they kill Ahsoka and Jar-Jar lives a full Gungan life, there are not words for that anger. But that would only confirm my other suspicion: Jar-Jar is the greatest force conduit ever but is constantly underestimated because he doesn't carry a light saber and trips over his tongue.


Dave Filoni has been heavily hinting Vader is going to kill Ahsoka. She isn't going to make it out of Rebels alive. No way. I doubt she even lasts till the end of Season 2.


Hmm, that could actually be pretty cool depending on how they handled it.

We would, of course, have to endure some degree of a shitstorm from "purist" irrational prequel haters if they were to include something like this.

EDIT: That didn't take long:

Lol, right, as if you need to truly abandon your sense of reason to think less of Hayden and his performance.


I'm a prequel hater, but I wouldn't be completely against Hayden showing up in ghost form. I'd prefer he not, but if he has to, I'm sure another director could get a better performance out of him than Lucas.

If any ghosts show up, I want Yoda or Palpatine.


If Rebels is cannon (it is), then Ashoka would still be a living Jedi master. But the suits at the movie studios wouldn't let her become the focus because too many old-school folks would rage. Besides, couldn't force ghost do training? Most trials of becoming a Jedi are entering mystical caves ir swamps where the living force is concentrated.

Ahsoka isn't a Jedi. She left the Order and
Dave Filoni has made the point that she now uses white lightsabers to distance herself from both the Jedi and the Sith
. This could actually work in her favor, as her not being a Jedi would let the story group work around Yoda telling Luke in RotJ that he will be the last Jedi upon his death.

But I think the safer assumption is that Vader will kill her before ANH.

Why would Hayden should up as a ghost? Fuck that shit. lol

I don't think it makes sense in any universe.

Why wouldn't he? He already did in RotJ. If a character has gained the ability to have eternal life, wouldn't it be weirder if they didn't show up?

burgervan said:
If any ghosts show up, I want Yoda or Palpatine.
Palpatine is impossible, since Sith can't learn to Force ghost. This was established in TCW. The Sith believe that death is an absolute, which is why they are so obsessed with finding how to obtain immortality in the physical sense.
Ahsoka isn't a Jedi. She left the Order and
Dave Filoni has made the point that she now uses white lightsabers to distance herself from both the Jedi and the Sith
. This could actually work in her favor, as her not being a Jedi would let the story group work around Yoda telling Luke in RotJ that he will be the last Jedi upon his death.

Filoni already addressed that as well. He did a three-part interview on the official site and in part 2 he talked about the Yoda thing:

StarWars.com: I have a bit of a continuity challenge for you. In Return of the Jedi, Yoda tells Luke, “When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be.” But now he knows that Kanan and Ezra are out there. We obviously don’t know at this point what will happen to them, but is that something you’re aware of?

Dave Filoni: I don’t see it as a challenge at all. It’s what the Sith call an absolute. When Obi-Wan says to Luke, “Your father was the greatest starfighter pilot in the galaxy,” is that true? Or is that something you tell a kid because you want him to believe his father was great? It doesn’t have to be empirical or absolutely true. Saying Luke is “the last,” is that a singular thing, or is he the last of a group? I don’t know.

It definitely is something that comes up, and we discuss that moment all the time for what it could mean. It is possible to interpret it as, Luke is the last person that’s following the path as laid out by the Jedi Order, which we knew. The way of the Jedi is not the only way to use the light side of the Force. Luke is taught by Obi-Wan and Yoda, who very much followed the dogma of the day. So, he is the last of that line for sure. That’s absolutely true. But you don’t have to be a Jedi to use the Force. You don’t have to be a Sith to use the dark side.



Obi-Wan to Anakin in Episode III: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes"

Obi-Wan to Luke in Episode VI: "So what I told you was true, from a certain point of view"

Illustrating the different philosophies of the Sith and Jedi.

It's been right there the whole time!
A dude from Star Wars Underworld/That Hashtag Show has apparently seen the trailer.


The opening sequence begins on the desert landscape, a dusty star destroyer crashed into the sand. Looks like it’s been there for many years.
Following cut, characters Rey and Finn and our favorite rolling robot BB-8 are making their way through a crowd in the fleamarket a very Tatooine-ish type of scenario.
Next, we have Rey looking through the trees, in a Yavin-like scenario, as TIE fighters fly overhead.
The next scene he told us about, were pilots running to their ships in their old-school style X-wing gear… yeah… orange!
Now it really starts to get interesting… Towards the end of the trailer, from behind, we will see Han Solo, vest and all. Complete traditional garb, the way we remember his, as he sits down and re-acquaints himself with the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon.
As if this wasn’t good enough – brace yourselves – because this last scene has not been described by any other website yet. As far as we know, this is an exclusive…
This last scene shows a gloved hand pulling something out of a pile of ash. As it comes into the clear, it begins to take the shape of Vader’s former helmet… what’s left of it. Here’s the interesting part:
Remains of a skull still reside in the helmet.


It was officially announced at an investor's meeting recently, I believe. They're going back to the traditional May release for the main series after Force Awakens.
Thats good. I am kinda sad that they broke the tradition. I was even willing to wait the remaining extra months...


We became one with the force.

Given that a new trailer is going to drop next week, the associated thread will probably become the hangout for most TFA talk/speculation, with this one being more spoiler/rumor-centric.
We became one with the force.

Given that a new trailer is going to drop next week, the associated thread will probably become the hangout for most TFA talk/speculation, with this one being more spoiler/rumor-centric.

Over/Under on that thread becoming a minefield of black bars? Page 5? 6?
How did this happen? We were so popular over in the OT Discussion thread. TFA hasn't even come out yet. Good thing I subbed or I would be lost right now.

Maybe the spoilers were becoming too real? I mean talk of Han or Luke dying would make most people angry.


Over/Under on that thread becoming a minefield of black bars? Page 5? 6?

Page 5 sounds about right - I'll take the under! Roughly 200-250 pages of reactions followed by things settling in and the speculations blooming. :p

Since many of us in here are "spoiled", I suppose we'll have to be careful with our comments and use black bars as necessary. I'm curious to see how the speculation by unsullied GAF members aligns with the rumors we've come across.
Page 5 sounds about right - I'll take the under! Roughly 200-250 pages of reactions followed by things settling in and the speculations blooming. :p

Since many of us in here are "spoiled", I suppose we'll have to be careful with our comments and use black bars as necessary. I'm curious to see how the speculation by unsullied GAF members aligns with the rumors we've come across.

I figure people are going to go in completely the wrong direction if they see the Vader helmet.


I wonder how they're going to explain Vader's skull still being in his helmet. Are they going to retcon out Anakin becoming one with the Force?


Because both are in the movie for like 15 mins.
Luke isn't getting anywhere near 15 minutes. More like less than 5 minutes, if that.

Leia has a decent sized role it looks like, more than 15 minutes based on the number of scenes she is in. Not a full on lead role like Han though.
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