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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Luke having a small roll really bums me out.

But it's all setup for him to have a sizable, if not full on lead role in Episode 8. The ending shot looks to be Rey (Daisy Ridley) discovering Luke where he has been in hiding and boom credits roll.

Essentially Han in this movie is what Obi-Wan was for A New Hope. And Luke is the Yoda of this trilogy it looks like.

They are playing a long game here. Not trying to throw everything into just one movie. Got to keep the momentum rolling. Episode 8 is only a year and half away after The Force Awakens.

It's not like this is our one and only time we get to see Luke. The spoilers point to this being a cliff-hanger/setup for his full on return in Episode 8.


Luke having a small roll is okay with me on the condition that he have a much bigger role in VIII and/or IX. It will make me sad if he gets one or two very short scenes only to die quickly.

I'm okay with Han dying... since that has been in the cards anyway.


There mere fact finding Luke due to finding his saber seems to be the macguffin of the movie and the cliff hanger end of the film is discovering him makes me think it is very unlikely he will barely be in 8. The Force Awakens seems to have lots of setup for a big return of Luke for 8, especially with that ending.

We get a Rian Johnson directed Mark Hamill performance. Everyone wins.

Everyone will leave TFA badly wanting to see a Episode 8 with that ending. Exactly what they would want.


Luke isn't getting anywhere near 15 minutes. More like less than 5 minutes, if that.

Leia has a decent sized role it looks like, more than 15 minutes based on the number of scenes she is in. Not a full on lead role like Han though.

How do we know how many scenes she's in for sure? I know MSW allegedly has call sheets for every non-CG shot. But did they ever actually release the full list?


How do we know how many scenes she's in for sure? I know MSW allegedly has call sheets for every non-CG shot. But did they ever actually release the full list?

They have described multiple scenes with Leia. She has a super weapon and looks to be possibly one of the point of view characters in the big space battle.


I kind of hope most of the leaks have been wrong. Just to shake things up a bit. If it all turns out to be true... what the hell is Disney doing with their shitty security over there? Get it together.

It must be quite difficult with so many people working on the film. You would expect it to be a bit better though.


I kind of hope most of the leaks have been wrong. Just to shake things up a bit. If it all turns out to be true... what the hell is Disney doing with their shitty security over there? Get it together.
The teaser confirmed tons of reports from MSW already. The wish of leaks being wrong died in December.

And the trailer description from MSW and Star Wars Underworld for next week looks to confirm dozens more of the MSW leaks.

Star Wars films are notoriously leaky. Same happened with the prequels.


Seriously why is Luke in this for that little he's the only person I was excited to see in the whole film.

If you read the leaked scene by scene outline of the film it makes sense, the movie is essentially "The Search For Spock" but with Luke and it ends with Luke set to be major part of Episode 8.

This is about a long game, setting up the whole trilogy to play out. Not shooting your load all in one movie.
Seriously why is Luke in this for that little he's the only person I was excited to see in the whole film.

The Force Awakens is the first in a trilogy. Sounds like JJ and Kasdan wanted to focus primarily on Han in VII seeing he's bowing out. There's two more films for Luke to take a more prominent role.


The Force Awakens is the first in a trilogy. Sounds like JJ and Kasdan wanted to focus primarily on Han in VII seeing he's bowing out. There's two more films for Luke to take a more prominent role.

And it looks like there is a ton of setup leading to his major reveal at the end. It's set to be an epic moment and cause people to go crazy wanting to wait for Episode 8.

If Abrams and co. pull it off, it could be a pretty brilliant scene and powerful cliff-hanger moment.

And I like they aren't taking the easy path of "hey let's get the gang back together for one last ride!". It'd be like if Yoda and Obi-Wan both tagged along for A New Hope. Each got their movie to shine in the OT as the older mentor. Looks to be doing that again with Han and Luke.
And I like they aren't taking the easy path of "hey let's get the hang back together for one last ride!". It'd be like if Yoda and Obi-Wan both tagged along for A New Hope. Each got their movie to shine in the OT as the older mentor. Looks to be doing that again with Han and Luke.

Yeah, I've really warmed to the idea after being a little disappointed initially. Ford was only ever going to do one more so it makes sense to give him a bigger part to play this time around.


Once we have the full trilogy it will all likely flow well. No one now complains about having to wait through A New Hope to get to Yoda after all. Luckily we don't have the longer 3 year gaps like we used to. We'll be at Episode 8 just a year and a half later with Rogue One in the middle.
If you read the leaked scene by scene outline of the film it makes sense, the movie is essentially "The Search For Spock" but with Luke and it ends with Luke set to be major part of Episode 8.

This is about a long game, setting up the whole trilogy to play out. Not shooting your load all in one movie.

Eh. I did read it but to end the movie like that is lame. Especially since Abrams made it seem like this movie was gonna focus on the original cast one last time when it's really just focusing on Han. I get it but I don't like it.


Eh. I did read it but to end the movie like that is lame. Especially since Abrams made it seem like this movie was gonna focus on the original cast one last time when it's really just focusing on Han. I get it but I don't like it.
Where did Abrams ever give that impression? I mean the teaser had exactly zero members of the old cast after all.

The focus on the trio as main characters seemed to be a fan creation/wish.
Where did Abrams ever give that impression? I mean the teaser had exactly zero members of the old cast after all.

The focus on the trio as main characters seemed to be a fan creation/wish.

I think that may have started with Devin after the announcement that Arndt wasn't on the movie anymore and everyone spread it around. Enough people repeat it, and it becomes fact.
I think that may have started with Devin after the announcement that Arndt wasn't on the movie anymore and everyone spread it around. Enough people repeat it, and it becomes fact.

Yep that was it, went and reread the stuff I remembered and it was all about the scrapped script. Oh well. Still bummed. Would have been better if they lied and didn't have Hamill as part of the original announcement and then have him show up at the end of the movie. That would have actually been a surprise, now I'm gonna watch Episode VII just waiting for Luke to show up.


Yep that was it, went and reread the stuff I remembered and it was all about the scrapped script. Oh well. Still bummed. Would have been better if they lied and didn't have Hamill as part of the original announcement and then have him show up at the end of the movie. That would have actually been a surprise, now I'm gonna watch Episode VII just waiting for Luke to show up.
I don't think they had a choice. I mean first off George Lucas himself said Hamill, Ford, and Fisher were coming back well before the cast was announced and we got photos leaked of when Hamill filmed his scene on the island for the end of the movie. It was going to come out no matter what, they had to announce him as part of the cast.

Even without any of that people would put 2 and 2 together when he was being spotted in London with a beard at the time of filming.

I do agree, the moment might be even more exciting if you didn't know Hamill was back but we are in 2015, you just can't keep that sort of stuff under wraps anymore. I mean hell, we got a shot by shot list of every scene in the movie after all.


FINALLY merch is starting to leak... it's been a long, long wait.

Very intersting because this confirms the final design which matches really close to some of the concept art that's for sure
So they just took the prelim art and repainted it red with silver instead of black with gold.
Well, actually that red lightsaber there might be tinting it. It could still be black or steel colored.

What do you think? Red and silver or black and silver?

Sure, there's definitely a resemblance, but the key physical differences still lie in the width of the mask's mouth region (quite a bit wider on Ren's mask) and the concave angle of the eye slot as opposed to the straight-across one on Revan's mask. Color-wise, the sole similarity would be the red on the front of the mask below the eye slot; it's a nice visual callback if you're looking for it, but I don't believe it would immediately make one go "Oh, that's Revan."


Doug Chiang (lead conceptual designer on Force Awakens, also was lead conceptual designer on all the prequels as well) discusses how difficult the process has been on the film without George Lucas.

“The terrifying part is we don’t have George,” Chiang said in an interview this week.

“It’s very demanding. It’s very hard,” said Chiang, who now serves as vice president and executive creative director at Lucasfilm. “We’re still trying to figure out, what is Star Wars? Without George, it’s a very tough challenge.

“We all think we know what it is, but really, Star Wars is George. George is the only person who really knows it very well. We’re all trying to create something in his playground, but it’s his playground.”
Doug Chiang (lead conceptual designer on Force Awakens, also was lead conceptual designer on all the prequels as well) discusses how difficult the process has been on the film without George Lucas.


I'm sure it's not what he means, but that reads a bit like now that George is gone, there's no single person to put all the blame on anymore, so everyone involved has a bit more responsibility. No doubt that it's hard, especially with that kind of fanbase.


I'm sure it's not what he means, but that reads a bit like now that George is gone, there's no single person to put all the blame on anymore, so everyone involved has a bit more responsibility. No doubt that it's hard, especially with that kind of fanbase.
Yeah I do not think that isn't what he means at all. Doug Chiang is clearly very proud of the work he did on the prequels and is loyal to Lucas. The guy design iconic prequel material such as Darth Maul.

And JJ Abrams would take the blame for any perceived faults, just like Lucas would. It always ends up falling on the director in the end from a outsider sort of perspective it seems.
I should have a Rumor Control going up today. Nothing you guys don't already know/aren't familiar with, but then again, the point is to basically just recap/boil down the last month or so of rumors/news and add some jokes.


Seriously why is Luke in this for that little he's the only person I was excited to see in the whole film.

The reality is probably that Hamill comes cheap and is willing to work and therefore can be utilized in mulitiple films while grumpy Ford just wants to do one movie and finally have Han killed off.


Elden Member
All these guys are getting older, Mark is 63, and while we all hope he has a good long life, I hope they aren't putting too much faith in his health holding up for the next few years while they make these.
They're probably gonna start shooting Episode 8 in early 2016. Even if they weren't moving that movie to Summer 2017, the normal schedule is a 2-year one, not a 3-year one. It's not gonna take 1/3rd less time to make this trilogy as the others.
I'm sure it's not what he means, but that reads a bit like now that George is gone, there's no single person to put all the blame on anymore, so everyone involved has a bit more responsibility. No doubt that it's hard, especially with that kind of fanbase.

Seems straight forward to me. GL is the authority on Star Wars. It was born in his mind and no one can ever match that (for better and worse). On all the other movies, if someone on the crew was unsure about something GL would make the final decision. And that helped a lot because creativity always has lots of options. When you have someone saying "yes" and "no", it takes some of that insecurity away. It can be really freeing for everyone working because they can explore ideas but have the definitive guide (GL) steer them to a direction. With the new movie, they can't look to GL anymore and they have to figure out what Star Wars is on their own. And let's face it, no two fans will 100% agree on what Star Wars is. It's not a cynical "where does the blame go?" thing. It's more a matter of being true to what Star Wars is.


Seems straight forward to me. GL is the authority on Star Wars. It was born in his mind and no one can ever match that (for better and worse). On all the other movies, if someone on the crew was unsure about something GL would make the final decision. And that helped a lot because creativity always has lots of options. When you have someone saying "yes" and "no", it takes some of that insecurity away. It can be really freeing for everyone working because they can explore ideas but have the definitive guide (GL) steer them to a direction. With the new movie, they can't look to GL anymore and they have to figure out what Star Wars is on their own. And let's face it, no two fans will 100% agree on what Star Wars is. It's not a cynical "where does the blame go?" thing. It's more a matter of being true to what Star Wars is.
Many people really seem to miss the fact that the Lucasfilm crew who have been at this going back to the prequels, and even the original trilogy in many cases (Ben Burtt is doing Sound Design on TFA and did so on every single Star Wars movie since '77 for example). They are very loyal to Lucas and worked closely with him for years and decades. It isn't a cynical thing at all.

I wonder if people seem to realize just how many of the bigger names in the prequel crew worked on TFA. John Knoll, Doug Chiang, Matt Wood, etc. All working on TFA. All made their names on the prequels.

It isn't like how it is on the internet.


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