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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


...really? Haha, I rewatched them last week and totally don't remember that exact wording. Well, either way, in the context of the trailer, it's gotta be referring to someone in the main cast.

i thought it was obvs referring to rey, who is (is it all but confirmed at this point?) Leia's daughter. hence the "family" mention

i think whether or not it's from RotJ is irrelevant, as the reading is apparently pertinent to ep. 7
i thought it was obvs referring to rey, who is (is it all but confirmed at this point?) Leia's daughter. hence the "family" mention

i think whether or not it's from RotJ is irrelevant, as the reading is apparently pertinent to ep. 7
Yeah, that was my guess as well.
Re-posted from the Trailer 2 Thread:

The film will start with Finn participating in an Empire mission with Kylo Ren in command, massacring and burning down a village (Stormtroopers being deployed to a village in trailer 1, Kylo Ren at the burning scene in trailer 2).
The mission makes Finn start questioning his moral stance and he decides to defect from the Empire. Traumatized and with blood on his hands, he returns to the star destroyer and shoots up his former allies with a TIE Fighter (seen in trailer 2) and attempts his escape.

He gets shot down over Jakku (opening shot to trailer 1, most likely the same planet where the village massacre took place), and he is left to search for refuge on his own.
He comes across Rey, who found Luke's lightsaber in her scavenging (as seen cleaerly in the third pic below). Finn recognizes the weapon as that of the infamous Luke Skywalker, the legend responsible for crippling the Empire (know your enemy and all).

This leads Rey and Finn to seek out Luke after discovering that Rey has a connection with the force (and possibly the Skywalker family). They head to the trader outpost seen in both trailers. The Chrometrooper is hellbent on taking out Finn, and leads a ruthless hunt for him (almost satisfying the role of bounty hunter, only under the Empire's command). And so, we have the scene in which TIE fighters bombard the trader outpost with the intention of taking out Finn (trailer 2).

They steal the Millennium Falcon and attempt their escape from Jakku, with the intention of rallying with the Rebel Alliance in another system. Mind you, the pilot chsing down the Falcon utilizes chrome armor.

Upon escaping, they meet with the leader of the Rebel Alliance, Leia, knowing she's Luke's sibling and that she may be able to assist in seeking him out. They get Luke's saber in her hands and she recognizes it as her brother's, legitimizing Rey and Finn's intentions. Before sending them out to seek him (and unsure of Luke's mental state), she provides them with companions who have history with Luke: Han and Chewie. "Chewie, we're home" implies that Han nor Chewie have commandeered the Falcon in a long time, effectively busting the theory that Han and Chewie help Rey and Finn get out of Jakku (that would be a bit too convenient). This approach also enables the film to reunite Han and Leia in a way that makes sense. Also, I'll have to guess that R2 and C3P0 are under the Rebel Alliance's supervision up to this point, and they're also sent along with Han and company aboard the Falcon (just like old times).

Regarding Kylo Ren, I suspect he senses a threat to the Sith and the Empire, one linked to the Skywalkers (and we all know what happens when you pit a Skywalker against the Empire). He seeks out the remains of Vader, somehow trying to narrow down who this person (Rey) is. This might be an opportunity to integrate the much-rumored flashbacks (featuring Vader and the younger versions of Luke and Leia). Kylo then sets out to destroy this potential threat to an already-wounded Empire. He will serve as the endgame villain.

And regarding Poe Dameron, I think he'll be utilized as a rival to Finn (former Stormtrooper against a patriotic X-Wing pilot). It will make for interesting drama and nice contrast between the Empire and Rebel causes.

A stray and completely unsupported guess is that Finn will kill the Chrometrooper (Captain Phasma played by Gwendoline Christie) to complete his respective arc, solidifying him as a good guy when tempted by her to turn against his new friends.
You should clarify that is mostly just speculation. The good news for the people in that other thread is you are largely off base on quite a bit. Welcome to the spoiler/rumor thread.
Just pointing it out, but Making Star Wars posted a completely false description of the very same trailer that released today. They're not always on-point.

My guesses are extracted almost solely from the trailer at hand, with the exception of my guess regarding the flashbacks, which is based off known rumors.
Just pointing it out, but Making Star Wars posted a completely false description of the very same trailer that released today. They're not always on-point.

My guesses are extracted almost solely from the trailer at hand, with the exception of my guess regarding the flashbacks, which is based off known rumors.

You say completely false, but I seem to see quite a bit in their description that was exactly as shown in the trailer (and a few close approximations based on second hand interpretation). A sizeable number of their bullet points didn't make it into this teaser of course, but a few of the real big ones did. Enough that I wouldn't use the word "completely" at least. And all of the teaser scenes we've fit neatly within the most current framework for the plot (based on schedules and call sheets) that has been mostly worked out for weeks prior to the trailer and don't necessarily jive with your assumptions. That being said, those rumor/spoilers are on a whole 'nother level of detail that I kind of regret looking into and I wouldn't recommend you do it either if you haven't (unless you really don't care). It kind of takes the fun out of speculation, and I did appreciate/enjoy how you layed them out sequentially.
So do we know exactly why the Rebels are called the Resistance and the Empire is called the First Order now?

I think because as we know it Empire=Emperor Palpatine, Vader, and the older stormtroopers. This First Order looks the same and sounds the same, but are a little different. I think the Galaxy is kind of split in half. Think North Korea vs South Korea or America vs Russia during the Cold War.


Just pointing it out, but Making Star Wars posted a completely false description of the very same trailer that released today. They're not always on-point.

My guesses are extracted almost solely from the trailer at hand, with the exception of my guess regarding the flashbacks, which is based off known rumors.
They may have been a little off when it came to the trailer description, but there's plenty that proves their veracity when it comes to the call sheets.

You had the torching of the village scene, Kira driving by the crashed Star Destroyer in her speeder, the chase through the crashed Star Destroyer in the Falcon, the bloody hand on Finn's helmet, Finn escaping the SD by blowing up the hanger with a TIE, flashback Luke with R2 in the aftermath of the massacre, and a hint of Lupita's character.

That pretty much solidifies most of what they've been saying the last 2-3 months.


To be honest ...

If they kill Han, Luke or Leia ... I'm gonna be so fucking pissed. I'm not against killing of the OT cast ... I'm against killing them of the first oppurtinity they get.

It's been 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. 32 years after Return of the Jedi. We've waited 32 years for these characters to return only to have them getting killed? Nah brah... naaahhh...

That shit alone makes me want to walk out.

Han getting killed by Kylo Ren? Luke is half man half cyborg? What?


Kylo killing Han would be a huge way to establish that character as a villain across the new trilogy, especially if the rumours of him being his son are true. I'm leaning towards saying he needs something like that.

He can't be another Darth Maul.. that guy was woefully underused.
To be honest ...

If they kill Han, Luke or Leia ... I'm gonna be so fucking pissed. I'm not against killing of the OT cast ... I'm against killing them of the first oppurtinity they get.

It's been 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. 32 years after Return of the Jedi. We've waited 32 years for these characters to return only to have them getting killed? Nah brah... naaahhh...

That shit alone makes me want to walk out.

Han getting killed by Kylo Ren? Luke is half man half cyborg? What?

You should be happy. Its probably the only reason Harrison agreed to come back.


You should be happy. Its probably the only reason Harrison agreed to come back.

True. He's been wanting to die ever since ESB. O well.

I was looking through the concept art and found this piece pretty fascinating.


Take a close look at the bottom right. That looks a lot like C-3PO wearing some type of "skin"? Maybe their "kind" (see what I did there?) is being hunted for scraps? Old Republic droids worth money? This is his way of disguising himself? Dunno. C-3PO and R2 have seen shit. They know what happened and how it happened... Maybe this time they are the droids they are looking for? ... enough Waldini ...

I sure as hell hope that Luke Skywalker isn't some half-man half-cybord thing though ...

What if this;


... is actually Kylo Ren "kidnapping" Rey to subdue her to the Dark-Side? Also looks like a figure is standing at the left. Might be Luke trying to help/rescue her. God ... my mind is going beserk.


Both Lawrence Kasdan and Harrison Ford ever since ESB have been talking about how Han needs to die. Lucas vetoed both of them.

Now both Kasdan and Ford are back but not Lucas. The character was dead the second Kasdan came on board as screenwriter.
Is it confirmed Boyega isn't going to be a Jedi? I remember reading a leak where both Finn and Kira are supposed to be trained but I don't know if it's debunked.


So not worth it
Both Lawrence Kasdan and Harrison Ford ever since ESB have been talking about how Han needs to die. Lucas vetoed both of them.

Now both Kasdan and Ford are back but not Lucas. The character was dead the second Kasdan came on board as screenwriter.

Except that character arc ended in the OT and now we're 30 years later and the character no longer needs to die for the redemption arc of the OT to happen.


Except that character arc ended in the OT and now we're 30 years later and the character no longer needs to die for the redemption arc of the OT to happen.

He needs to die because there is no chance in hell 71 year old Ford was going to stick around for another 2 films after this. And you want to kill off one of the iconic classic characters in film 1, to show nobody is safe and the new bad guy means business.

I would put good money on the fact Luke is not going to survive through the whole trilogy either. He is going to die in Episode IX, no question.


imagine if luke was chilling with the digital force ghosts of alec guinnes, sebastian shaw and yoda all the time in his hermit cave.


So not worth it
"Yeah, we need to kill off all your characters because you're too old and we don't want to risk you dying on us mid-trilogy"

I dunno mate, sounds sketchy. :D
One thing that hasnt't been really talked about is will Kylo Ren's voice while in helmet be modulated, performed by another actor ala James Earl Jones, or will it be just his voice.
One thing that hasnt't been really talked about is will Kylo Ren's voice while in helmet be modulated, performed by another actor ala James Earl Jones, or will it be just his voice.
If they are putting Adam Driver behind that mask, then I'm sure they wouldn't have any other actor doing the voice because otherwise what a waste of a great actor. Modulated is certainly possible, but if so I would suspect less of a technological modulation effect and more in a generic imposing muffled mask bad guy effect.
If Kylo Ren has Vader's helmet. Could this be remnant's of his saber?

It looks like it's built out of both Vader and Maul's sabers.

Also, a poster over at TFN's boards might have figured out that Luke's failed academy, Rey's home, the Vicar's hangout, Rose's Pub, and Poe's capture, all take place on the same planet.

This is the filming

Of this shot in the trailer.

Which is supposed to take place in that flashback showing how/why Luke went into exile.

It appears to be the same location as this:



So basically, the planet of Jakku is pretty damned important this time around. And I wouldn't be surprised if it became a new planet other than Tatooine simply because having all this shit happen on Tatooine would be pretty ridiculous considering what a backwater nowhere world we've always been told it is.
I think the narration is pretty telling. And it's been 30 years, the synthetic skin might have worn off.

For me, it's a few reasons. The narrative of the trailer - I bet my brass buttons that Leia is receiving Luke's old saber. And it makes sense with what we've heard. I think that shot is part of the flashback. The hooded figure is pretty slim and obviously hooded. Have a stand in wearing a hood with Artoo and narration will tell you it's Luke. The hand is robotic because they can do that now and it ties with the narrative we've heard so far. I also think sharing a mechanical limb with his fathers means a lot to Luke. Maybe Abbrams read into the moment in the final fight when Luke has that revelation after he bests Vader. It's a connection and a reminder. Maybe he had the choice to fix his hand up like before but chose not to. I think the scene takes place shortly after ROTJ. The costume is very telling. A white tunic replacing the black.

I also think Artoo will be absent for much of the film, with Luke and BB8 is there to fill that hole.
For me, it's a few reasons. The narrative of the trailer - I bet my brass buttons that Leia is receiving Luke's old saber. And it makes sense with what we've heard. I think that shot is part of the flashback. The hooded figure is pretty slim and obviously hooded. Have a stand in wearing a hood with Artoo and narration will tell you it's Luke. The hand is robotic because they can do that now and it ties with the narrative we've heard so far. I also think sharing a mechanical limb with his fathers means a lot to Luke. Maybe Abbrams read into the moment in the final fight when Luke has that revelation after he bests Vader. It's a connection and a reminder. Maybe he had the choice to fix his hand up like before but chose not to. I think the scene takes place shortly after ROTJ. The costume is very telling. A white tunic replacing the black.

I also think Artoo will be absent for much of the film, with Luke and BB8 is there to fill that hole.

I think more telling is that they show Vaders mask (My father had it), fade to black, Someone with a robotic hand who's with R2 (I have it) - So its easy to presume it's Luke, fade to black, Someone with female hands/clothes (My sister has it) - So easy to assume it's Leia. The speculation and teaser is that "You have it too" - and which one of the new mains it is referring to.
It looks like it's built out of both Vader and Maul's sabers.

Also, a poster over at TFN's boards might have figured out that Luke's failed academy, Rey's home, the Vicar's hangout, Rose's Pub, and Poe's capture, all take place on the same planet.

This is the filming

Of this shot in the trailer.

Which is supposed to take place in that flashback showing how/why Luke went into exile.

It appears to be the same location as this:



So basically, the planet of Jakku is pretty damned important this time around. And I wouldn't be surprised if it became a new planet other than Tatooine simply because having all this shit happen on Tatooine would be pretty ridiculous considering what a backwater nowhere world we've always been told it is.

So what you're saying is there's a chance Luke knocked up a chick on a planet?
I want Rey to be Luke's kid so bad.

Maybe intead of brothers, Rey and Kylo might be cousins. Or still brothers. Both could work. Kylo killing his father (Han) would be crazy too.


So it appears that that Star Destroyer on Jakku is wreckage from the Battle of Jakku, which took place 1 year after RoTJ. Would it be safe to assume that we'll see this in Aftermath?
People have been assuming that Rey and Ren are the same age, but Ren could easily an older brother. If Ren is 10-15 years older it would explain a hell of a lot.


So is Kylo Ren going to lead a more extreme, Sith-focused group separate to the Empire/New Order? That could be pretty cool, with the Empire being the overall villains, and Kylo Ren's group being the more vicious, brutal arm of the organisation. I still feel like we're not being shown everything here, and that there's a villain that is more important working in the background, with Kylo Ren taking a Darth Maul-type function in the plot.

I really hope that some EU stuff is referenced, like maybe how he is inspired by the old Sith, and that's why his mask looks so much like Revan's. Probably won't happen but it would be cool if it did!
Why's it so important that it's Tatooine? So much of Star Wars has been set there - it'll be nice to see some action on a different planet.

If this is true (and with the Battlefront stuff it seems like it could be), Jakku has an interesting history:

Jakku was a wasteland with no population/settlements until around 40 years ago when the star destroyers we see in the trailer crash landed after a nearby space battle. The surviving crew became deserted and set up a colony. The crew were the first settlers on the planet. The battle of Endor took place around the same time as the 'battle of Jakku.' As a result of the second Death Star's destruction and the death of Vader and Palpatine, the empire was in disarray and did not have the time and resources for a rescue mission. Max Von Sydow was the Moff/Admiral/Commanding officer of the Star Destroyer we see in the beginning of the trailer and now acts as the de facto leader of the civilization. He is mad at the empire for leaving them stranded so he has no loyalty to the First Order. He helps out Rey and gives Finn information/evidence about the empire (they're evil) that finalizes his decision to desert. The planet attracts pirates, scavengers, scum, villainy, etc. because of the looting potential of the ship graveyard, so it has become the 'new' Tattooine and Mos Eisley.

There's also a thing about Kylo there that meshes with one rumored line of dialog Rey says to him when he's interrogating her in the movie. This is the post:
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