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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Artistic reasoning most probably.

Maybe to show that Luke has faded away in the eyes of the Galaxy? He said the lines originally when he was one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy,actively fighting in a war.

The rumours that
he's now basically a recluse
could make some sense artistically with this.

I'm probably just grasping at straws though.


Luke might be in excile. He could be guarding an ancient Sith Tomb. We don't know yet. Is it december yet?

I do wonder how powerful he has become though. Seeing as both Darth Vader and Sidious said that the Force was (pretty) strong with him. In the end, he DID turn Vader back to the Light Side. Don't see him pulling Star-Destroyers down though ... Hope he isn't as overpowered as Galen Marek was.

Galen Marek. O wait, non-canon.



Really wonder how big the ship graveyard is going to be on Jakku with a Star Destroyer and Engine part of a Super Star destroyer already seen in the trailer and the downed AT-AT In the concept art. Like seriously what would have to be on that planet for all these resources to be spent on protecting/assaulting it.


MSW? Meh ... grab a shit-ton of spoilers ... pretend everything is real and later de-bunk them because /reasons.

I hope the Han rumor is wrong though.

I wonder when we'll get a real trailer.


MSW? Meh ... grab a shit-ton of spoilers ... pretend everything is real and later de-bunk them because /reasons.

I hope the Han rumor is wrong though.

I wonder when we'll get a real trailer.

Probably around the D23 expo. It's August 14-16 this year.


They've been proven wrong on a multitude of 'facts' so I wouldn't count on it.
Every single shot in both teasers lines up with reports they have had about scenes. Literally, every single one.

I mean it was like 4-5 months ago we had the report of the flashback scene of a hooded younger Luke saying goodbye to Artoo. Boom, opens the second teaser.

It was last year I think we had their report of the tie/falcon chase in the innards of a crashed star destroyer...etc

MSW is on the money. The teasers prove this.


Every single shot in both teasers lines up with reports they have had about scenes. Literally, every single one.

I mean it was like 4-5 months ago we had the report of the flashback scene of a hooded younger Luke saying goodbye to Artoo. Boom, opens the second teaser.

It was last year I think we had their report of the tie/falcon chase in the innards of a crashed star destroyer...etc

MSW is on the money. The teasers prove this.

Yeah, seems like a lot of the MSW mistrust probably stems from wishful thinking by people who don't like some of the things they've leaked. Love it or hate it, MSW hasn't really given us reason to mistrust them; at least not yet. Quite the opposite so far.


I'm a bit behind in the talk in this thread...

But I'm working on a painting (or at least I'd like to) and I'm curious as to who the new Jedi in the making might be. Rey? Since she's rumored to be Luke's niece. Finn? Or is he the dashing rogue? Is Luke rumored to have his beard?

I don't know who to have holding a lightsaber, basically... and what the color of it may be, aside from Kylo's.

I want a grand picture much like the old movie posters of the original trilogy and less lens flarish of the prequel trilogy posters.

Can anyone get me up to speed? I'd read it all, but kinda busy doing a picture of Phasma <3

I guess if there isn't enough rumored info, I may just have to wait until it gets closer to release :(


I'm a bit behind in the talk in this thread...

But I'm working on a painting (or at least I'd like to) and I'm curious as to who the new Jedi in the making might be. Rey? Since she's rumored to be Luke's niece. Finn? Or is he the dashing rogue? Is Luke rumored to have his beard?

Rey is the safe bet for the Force sensitive one. Luke's beard will definitely be in.

On a different note, is it just me or does Han in Disney Infinity look rather...Adam Driverish?

I'm a bit behind in the talk in this thread...

But I'm working on a painting (or at least I'd like to) and I'm curious as to who the new Jedi in the making might be. Rey? Since she's rumored to be Luke's niece. Finn? Or is he the dashing rogue?


I really hope Rey isn't related to Luke. I just can't see these characters having unclaimed kids running around. I hope that the villain is his son and he just lost his way ... that would work for me.


They've been pretty spot-on since they got the call sheets.

Yep, their early reports were based on speculation and descriptions of concept art. Many of which included scrapped concepts despite being real art. Which is the case with concept art for any film.

When they got the mother load, the call sheets that is when things got pretty serious. And the fact both the teasers line up exactly with their call sheet descriptions? Proves beyond a reasonable doubt the call sheets were the real deal.

The only reason to be in denial or question them now is due to not liking the plot, which isn't an actual argument against them.


I hope we get some more info about what the GL version of Episode VII would have been like, but in the new issue of Vanity Fair we hear some things...

[Abrams] said Lucas&#8217;s treatment had centered on very young characters&#8212;teenagers, Lucasfilm told me&#8212;which might have struck Disney executives as veering too close for comfort to The Phantom Menace and its 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker and 13-year-old Queen Amidala. &#8220;We&#8217;ve made some departures&#8221; from Lucas&#8217;s ideas, Kennedy conceded, but only in &#8220;exactly the way you would in any development process.&#8221;

I wonder if things like the First Order or Resistance names came from Lucas. It sounds like they did salvage some of it though.


BTW, the June Vanity Fair is out in digital now.


I think Boba is in his late 60s by the time of TFA.
Let's see,

He was 12 in Attack of the Clones. Would be 15 at the time of Revenge of the Sith. 34 at the time of A New Hope. 37 at the time of Empire Strikes Back. 38 in Return of the Jedi. 70 at the time of The Force Awakens.

Temuera Morrison isn't anywhere close to 70 lol.


Let's see,

He was 12 in Attack of the Clones. Would be 15 at the time of Revenge of the Sith. 34 at the time of A New Hope. 37 at the time of Empire Strikes Back. 38 in Return of the Jedi. 70 at the time of The Force Amwakens.

Temuera Morrison isn't anywhere close to 70 lol.
Seems I have forgotten how to math. I thought it was closer if only slightly.

regardless, they dug a hole by redubbing Boba. I'm sure they could age him a little
That Vanity Fair article is interesting in that it pretty strongly suggests that neither Lucas nor Arndt had much of anything to do with the story as it ultimately ended up playing in the film. In fact, it suggests Arndt never actually finished a single draft. He was on the project for a year and never actually handed in a script.

That's kinda nuts.


Seems I have forgotten how to math. I thought it was closer if only slightly.

regardless, they dug a hole by redubbing Boba. I'm sure they could age him a little
How did they dig a hole? Boba Fett is not going to by in Episode VII. No reason to dig out a 70 old Boba Fett for no reason for 8 and 9 either. I don't see how we will ever see him outside an Anthology film.


That Vanity Fair article is interesting in that it pretty strongly suggests that neither Lucas nor Arndt had much of anything to do with the story as it ultimately ended up playing in the film. In fact, it suggests Arndt never actually finished a single draft. He was on the project for a year and never actually handed in a script.

That's kinda nuts.

""As pre-production was underway, screenwriter Michael Arndt was still struggling to put the story together. At that point, director J.J. Abrams and writer Lawrence Kasdan (The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) decided to take over and start from scratch. &#8220;We didn&#8217;t have anything,&#8221; Kasdan said. &#8220;There were a thousand people waiting for answers on things.&#8221; Abrams and Kasdan wrote the new script in six months, including one memorable session in a crowded café in Paris. &#8220;We&#8217;re yelling back and forth in this noise saying, &#8216;This should happen, that should happen, he can&#8217;t do that&#8217; &#8212; and hoping no one&#8217;s there from Cinema Blend,&#8221; said Kasdan. The two were still working out story beats while Stormtroopers stood by on set.""

Straight up threw his ass under the bus and then some.


How did they dig a hole? Boba Fett is not going to by in Episode VII. No reason to dig out a 70 old Boba Fett for no reason for 8 and 9 either. I don't see how we will ever see him outside an Anthology film.

if they intended on doing Boba

now we only have to wonder what Boba we will get for the second Anthology film. how old? is it actually the same Boba. etc


""As pre-production was underway, screenwriter Michael Arndt was still struggling to put the story together. At that point, director J.J. Abrams and writer Lawrence Kasdan (The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) decided to take over and start from scratch. &#8220;We didn&#8217;t have anything,&#8221; Kasdan said. &#8220;There were a thousand people waiting for answers on things.&#8221; Abrams and Kasdan wrote the new script in six months, including one memorable session in a crowded café in Paris. &#8220;We&#8217;re yelling back and forth in this noise saying, &#8216;This should happen, that should happen, he can&#8217;t do that&#8217; &#8212; and hoping no one&#8217;s there from Cinema Blend,&#8221; said Kasdan. The two were still working out story beats while Stormtroopers stood by on set.""

Straight up threw his ass under the bus and then some.
I don't think that was intended. Abrams said he'd like to work with Arndt in the future and all.

I remember a rumour saying Arndt left because of constant rewriting, so maybe the fact he never finished a script was because he had to start from scratch multiple times and never got it right.
They're probably still using much of Arndt/Lucas stuff, as according to MSW some of the scenes in the teasers were tweaked from Arndt's ideas/drafts.
They're probably still using much of Arndt/Lucas stuff, as according to MSW some of the scenes in the teasers were tweaked from Arndt's ideas/drafts.

Yeah, but article's saying there wasn't a draft, much less multiples.

It sounds like there were Lucas' notes - which Kennedy decided not to use all that much. Some ideas from those were given to Arndt, who came up with a treatment out of that, and got the screenplay job. From there, Arndt spent a year coming up with ideas - that never actually became a completed draft, whether due to Kasdan/Kinberg interference, or due to just never figuring out a narrative to string the moments he was coming up with together. Then Abrams comes in, Arndt gets dismissed, and Kasdan/Abrams spend six months coming up with a narrative that actually uses some of the details from Arndt & Lucas, but is primarily their own story. In fact, it sounds like Abrams' having a blank slate to work from was a huge reason as to why he took the job.


Yeah, but article's saying there wasn't a draft, much less multiples.

It sounds like there were Lucas' notes - which Kennedy decided not to use all that much. Some ideas from those were given to Arndt, who came up with a treatment out of that, and got the screenplay job. From there, Arndt spent a year coming up with ideas - that never actually became a completed draft, whether due to Kasdan/Kinberg interference, or due to just never figuring out a narrative to string the moments he was coming up with together. Then Abrams comes in, Arndt gets dismissed, and Kasdan/Abrams spend six months coming up with a narrative that actually uses some of the details from Arndt & Lucas, but is primarily their own story. In fact, it sounds like Abrams' having a blank slate to work from was a huge reason as to why he took the job.
Right, but he worked on it for a year, he never delivered a script or a draft for the whole story, but I can't believe he never wrote drafts for multiple scenes at the very least. We know he wrote an earlier version of Finn's crash and introduction, for example.

" just never figuring out a narrative to string the moments he was coming up with together."

I think that might be it, but we won't know until we get some behind the scenes book a couple of years down the road or something similar.

On a different note, what's the latest word on Luke's role in this film? Last thing I read was that he'd get a short scene near the end and probably take a bigger role in Ep VIII. Is that still the cast? The 2nd teaser and the amount of time he was seen going to/on set gave me a different impression.
On a different note, what's the latest word on Luke's role in this film? Last thing I read was that he'd get a short scene near the end and probably take a bigger role in Ep VIII. Is that still the cast? The 2nd teaser and the amount of time he was seen going to/on set gave me a different impression.

The idea seems to be that you'll see him (or a stand in dressed as him) in a flashback near the middle of the movie, explaining why he's not in the movie proper. And then you'll see him near the very end of the movie.


Well the recent updates at MSW in regards to Finn's character has me worried that he's going to be too much of a joke throughout the film.

The whole thing is kinda weird too in that the casting rumors had him pegged as the Luke Skywalker of the trilogy but it looks like he's going to be following Han's footsteps instead.
Well the recent updates at MSW in regards to Finn's character has me worried that he's going to be too much of a joke throughout the film.

The whole thing is kinda weird too in that the casting rumors had him pegged as the Luke Skywalker of the trilogy but it looks like he's going to be following Han's footsteps instead.

I get the sense Poe is closer to Solo's personality. And considering the way the climax plays out, he's still Luke-ish. He just doesn't get to close the deal. At least not this movie. I'd imagine his arc will get fleshed out more in the coming episodes. Rey has to save his ass this movie, and then somewhere down the road, he's gonna have to return that favor. And that's when the ideas regarding his abilities, as held by Leia/Maz, will be realized.

Maybe. That's how I'm seeing it.


I get the sense Poe is closer to Solo's personality. And considering the way the climax plays out, he's still Luke-ish. He just doesn't get to close the deal. At least not this movie. I'd imagine his arc will get fleshed out more in the coming episodes. Rey has to save his ass this movie, and then somewhere down the road, he's gonna have to return that favor. And that's when the ideas regarding his abilities, as held by Leia/Maz, will be realized.

Maybe. That's how I'm seeing it.

The way MSW is making it sound like, he's not even Force Sensitive. Which makes his arc even weirder as Poe can pilot and do all the Solo stuff already.


They've made a mistake or two in trying to fill in the blanks regarding characters before, though. Sometimes their speculation slides a little sideways off the mark.

But it's possible, definitely.

The initial Variety articles almost directly spelled out that he's supposed to be a Jedi apprentice then you seemingly get a movie where he has no overt displays of Force powers...

Yea I know it's possible that MSW is missing something but I am slightly worried about it as I was hoping/expecting for a Kyle Katarn type Jedi and I don't know if I'm getting that at this point.


if anyone plays Boba in TFA, it will be Temuera Morrison, who is in more or less the right age bracket

Aren't there long standing rumours that when they bring back Bona (whether in main line or spin off) they're likely going to have him as someone new having either killed or stolen the suit from the PT/OT Fett?

It could have happened before the OT as a nice way to explain the difference in accents? And I realise they added Morrison's voice into ESB but I try to ignore that.
Aren't there long standing rumours that when they bring back Boba (whether in main line or spin off) they're likely going to have him as someone new having either killed or stolen the suit from the PT/OT Fett?

They aren't based in anything solid, though. It's baseless speculation. Wishful thinking, honestly.

I believe one of the Story Group members has already gone on the record debunking it. Cheebs would know.


In that reddit post from a while back it was mentioned that Max von Sydow was playing Boba Fett. But that has been debunked iirc.


They aren't based in anything solid, though. It's baseless speculation. Wishful thinking, honestly.

I believe one of the Story Group members has already gone on the record debunking it. Cheebs would know.
Correct. Pablo Hidalgo said it is completely false and they won't change him from being a clone of Jango in any current upcoming film.


Correct. Pablo Hidalgo said it is completely false and they won't change him from being a clone of Jango in any current upcoming film.

so glad to read that
I don't like episode 2 either, but I don't understand the demand to retcon it or make it meaningless, that would be terrible. boba's origin is perfectly fine.
Well the recent updates at MSW in regards to Finn's character has me worried that he's going to be too much of a joke throughout the film.

The whole thing is kinda weird too in that the casting rumors had him pegged as the Luke Skywalker of the trilogy but it looks like he's going to be following Han's footsteps instead.

The whole Boyega is the new Luke was just some shit Devin started spewing when the cast was announced.

Devin hasn't gotten shit right about this movie.
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