Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku!
Only one of the 3 new leads is related to the Skywalker family by all indications. Not sure where you are coming from here.
I was referring to the girl and the bad guy.
Only one of the 3 new leads is related to the Skywalker family by all indications. Not sure where you are coming from here.
You said:I was referring to the girl and the bad guy.
Dueling super weapons. Star wars needed more super weapons.
A short time after this encounter, Rey enjoys a few drinks, and gets tipsy on the pirate ale. It sounds like a good time! While tipsy, Rey thanks Finn for sticking up for her in the strife. Finns attempt at chivalry doesnt go unnoticed or unappreciated by Rey.
ReyxFinn ship gooooooooooo
Even if it happens tumblr will still ship FinnxPoe...
PoexKylo. "Yeah, I know he killed all those villagers and pirates and Han but...hes just so dark and troubled <3 I feel that way sometimes"
What happened to his other leg?
I'm hoping for the "twins" to be the case.
Something about Luke having a long lost daughter doesn't sit well with me.
Driver is over 10 years older than Ridley. if they are brother and sister he'll be an older brother one would assume.I'm hoping for the "twins" to be the case.
Something about Luke having a long lost daughter doesn't sit well with me.
Driver is over 10 years older than Ridley. if they are brother and sister he'll be an older brother one would assume.
They Rey/Ren naming convention must mean something.
If Ren is his first name does that mean Kylo is a First Order title?
What happened to that old rumor that the Falcon is now Poe's ship? I mean that would atleast provide a logical reason why the Falcon is on the planet and open for anyone to enter.
Pretty sure that was just speculation. Wouldn't make much sense to be his anyway, Poe is an X-Wing pilot for the Resistance and flew his X-Wing to Jakku from what we have seen.
Snoke sounds kind of... funny. But then again, I thought the same about Kylo Ren at first, and I love that name now, so I'll give it time.
Sheev doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
Sheev Snoke would have been a great name
The way I'm pronouncing it, it rhymes with "coke". Is that right?It all depends on how you pronounce it.
kind of a silly name but no more silly than sheev. now that we know he's gonna have cgi face i'm hoping for something along the lines of the cyborg we saw in the concept arts of yesteryear.
that's what felt most natural to me. Why would it sound like snook? It's smoke with an "n"So Snoke is pronounced like Smoke but with an 'n' and not like Snook like look right?
are we sure we have any "Darths" anymore
didn't the Skywalker end the whole Sith thing
I don't think there is a Darth or Sith just dark side users.
So if they aren't Sith, then are they dark jedi then? We have to have a name for evil force users.
By that logic, then there is no jedi and only light side users?