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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Or Mark shaved the beard when the shooting's done because he's on record saying he doesnt like it.

That's possible, but both the article reporting his appearance at the pub and a tweet from a guy who got to take his photo with Mark there last night say that Mark had one last day of filming today.
Well, you can't keep the hermit angle for too long once someone's arrived to disrupt it. Ben hung out in his house for like 3 minutes lying to Luke, and then he was gone.

Rey shows up at the end of one movie. I'd imagine with the timeskip between the two movies (there's gonna be SOME semblance of a timeskip, I'm sure. Maybe not a year or two, but time will have passed) by the time we get back to that rock, they'll be more than ready to get off it and do some shit. There's not much drama in hanging out there with Luke in his self-imposed hermitude. It was never going to last all that long onscreen.

I don't know that he'll necessarily be happy and excited, though. It's still possible that Luke will have been fucked up to some extent by what happened at his old temple, and even being reunited with his daughter (if that's what she is) will only go so far towards healing whatever those wounds are.

But it seems that one of those "awright, lets go" type scenes might include Luke striding out of his little hovel looking more like "LUKE." It's simple, but it also immediately tells the audience that a change has occurred without having to actually use words.


damn, not gonna lie, beardless hamill bothers me.

back then when VII was announced and most people said they won't hire the old cast because the no longer looked the part I pulled out pictures of bearded hamill and told people he looked great with a beard. and I was right.

problem is, so were they, witthout a beard he looks really bad.
welp, we'll see
I dunno, depends on how you light and shoot the guy, obviously. Most of the pics where people are like "He looks bad" are bad photographs. I can't imagine Rian Johnson is going to set up a scenario where nobody on set knows how to light and shoot an actor so they don't look haggard and fucked up.

Hell, even this not-very-good-at-all pic makes him look okay.

Well, you can't keep the hermit angle for too long once someone's arrived to disrupt it. Ben hung out in his house for like 3 minutes lying to Luke, and then he was gone.

Rey shows up at the end of one movie. I'd imagine with the timeskip between the two movies (there's gonna be SOME semblance of a timeskip, I'm sure. Maybe not a year or two, but time will have passed) by the time we get back to that rock, they'll be more than ready to get off it and do some shit. There's not much drama in hanging out there with Luke in his self-imposed hermitude. It was never going to last all that long onscreen.

I don't know that he'll necessarily be happy and excited, though. It's still possible that Luke will have been fucked up to some extent by what happened at his old temple, and even being reunited with his daughter (if that's what she is) will only go so far towards healing whatever those wounds are.

But it seems that one of those "awright, lets go" type scenes might include Luke striding out of his little hovel looking more like "LUKE." It's simple, but it also immediately tells the audience that a change has occurred without having to actually use words.

Good point. I guess I'm just stunned by how different Mark looks here than from the look he's built up for TFA.

I really can't wait to see him act alongside Daisy Ridley.

damn, not gonna lie, beardless hamill bothers me.

back then when VII was announced and most people said they won't hire the old cast because the no longer looked the part I pulled out pictures of bearded hamill and told people he looked great with a beard. and I was right.

problem is, so were they, witthout a beard he looks really bad.
welp, we'll see

I initially would have agreed, but just look at the photos and the video of him at the pub. He looks pretty great, I think. He seems to have gotten in even better shape than he was in for TFA.
Take some selfies and you already have an idea of just how much lighting and angles can change things. He'll look alright without a beard.

I mean he looked fine in the Flash to me.
There are plenty of reasons for him to not sport a beard, chief among them a timeskip, but why couldn't they just fake it? Surely that is a more reliable way of ensuring continuity than hoping Hamill can sprout a full movie-ready beard in a few short months for a few days of shooting.

Though, simply letting him go beardless would be an overall minor concession to an actor who will likely have a greater presence in the next film. Not as much of a driving reason to keep him looking like a hermit.
In reference to that VIII news:

Loving the beard news. While I wanted him to initially have a beard I'm glad they are dropping it too. Almost like he's breaking out of the archetype of the old sage to rejoin the fight.

As soon as I saw his beard I was like wouldn't it be awesome if the first thing he did was shave it off to show he's ready to re-enter the universe. Maybe even change costumes into a flight suit reminiscent of Empire or Jedi.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
He also might've just shaved it temporarily as he was only filming a few scenes and principle photography doesn't begin until next year.


Any news on a new trailer?

Inside of three months now and haven't seen shit since, what? May?

I'm guessing since they appear to be taking their sweet fucking time, we're probably only going to get 1 more trailer until release.


Any news on a new trailer?

Inside of three months now and haven't seen shit since, what? May?

I'm guessing since they appear to be taking their sweet fucking time, we're probably only going to get 1 more trailer until release.
Is this late not to have a full trailer? I don't typically pay close attention to these things. Does seem kind of close to release, doesn't it.
Ward stopped just short of saying "If it wasn't so slow on the spoiler front I wouldn't even be posting this horseshit. But it is that slow, so fuck it."


Why not? I'm up to seeing Vader in Episode 8. Maybe show something recorded on some Sith Holocrons?

I'm 99,99% sure that if Vader somehow shows up in Episode 8 ... and starts to talk (James Earl Jones, otherwise GTFO) people are covered in goosebumps.
Honestly, and that rumor's probably bunk, but
if JEJ comes back to do the voice, two of Hayden Cristensen's biggest flaws as an actor, his wooden facial expressions and vocal acting, get covered up in that role. I think he shouldn't have a problem walking around in a suit and pointing at things.

But yeah it seems unnecessary and forced based off what we know goes down in VII
I could see them putting Vader in Rogue One. He is just too tempting not to exploit, and Disney certainly hasn't shied from putting him in stuff like Rebels. Not to mention that is a place where his presence would absolutely make sense. Of course, the rumor mill is a long game of telephone, so I can easily see something as simple as "Vader is in the next star wars" being morphed and misinterpreted into this load of baloney.


Disney will find it too tempting not to put Vader in Rogue One. Also gives it a huge boost in terms of character recognition they can use for marketing. And what is the first thing we see Vader doing in his very first appearance in SW? Searching for the stolen plans. It feels natural for him to have some part to play in the story of them being taken. Hopefully not a huge role though, or it being his direct responsibility. I like thinking of Vader as having a very good record of success all the way up to the destruction of the first Death Star, which is his first major failing under Palpatine.


Vader having some small role in Rogue One might make some degree of sense. Sure, I'm all for it.

Having Vader in VIII at least on the surface would make a lot less sense. If it's true I'd wait and reserve judgment (I wouldn't declare it automatically horrible, even if HC is back), but I'd be more unsure of that one.
As far as I can remember, Disney and Lucasfilm have stated that the Special Editions are the canon versions of the OT that they're working with. So with that in mind, the potential for Hayden to reprise his role as Anakin via Force Ghost in VIII or IX is totally with the realms of possibility.

The question I'm thinking to myself is "Why?" It probably is just a run-of-the-mill rumor, but if there's any truth to it, I think it's worth speculating why they'd bring Hayden back. These would be the potential ideas off the top of my head:

  • Luke and/or Rey communicate with Anakin's Force Ghost
  • Rey has a metaphorical vision of Anakin or Vader, ala the cave in Degobah
  • Kylo Ren has a metaphorical vision of Anakin or Vader, ala the cave in Degobah

If Rey and Kylo Ren are indeed related to each other, be it as cousins or siblings, then it's a safe bet that one of the elements of their conflict will be the legacy of Anakin Skywalker versus the legacy of Darth Vader.
I don't think you'd get Christensen if you're never going to show his face. You can hire any big guy to go lumbering around in the suit otherwise.

I don't see Vader coming back for the main saga. An appearance at the tail end of Rogue One (OH SHIT HE'S COMIN WE GOTTA GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BECAUSE IF WE'RE STILL HERE WHEN HE GETS HERE EVERYONE IS FUCKING DEAD) makes sense (and would get through the loophole Edwards left when he said "There will be no Jedi in this movie), but I can't see Hayden showing up in Episode 8 or 9 outside of some Force Ghost shit, and I can't see old-ass Luke or Rey talking to stringy haired douchebag Anakin and getting anything resembling quality advice from the guy.

Plus I don't see how/where this kind of detail even really gets out. There's no real plausible scenario in which someone knows enough about what Episode 8 is about at this point in order to be in the position to relay this info, right?
I don't think you'd get Christensen if you're never going to show his face. You can hire any big guy to go lumbering around in the suit otherwise.

I don't see Vader coming back for the main saga. An appearance at the tail end of Rogue One (OH SHIT HE'S COMIN WE GOTTA GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BECAUSE IF WE'RE STILL HERE WHEN HE GETS HERE EVERYONE IS FUCKING DEAD) makes sense (and would get through the loophole Edwards left when he said "There will be no Jedi in this movie), but I can't see Hayden showing up in Episode 8 or 9 outside of some Force Ghost shit, and I can't see old-ass Luke or Rey talking to stringy haired douchebag Anakin and getting anything resembling quality advice from the guy.

Plus I don't see how/where this kind of detail even really gets out. There's no real plausible scenario in which someone knows enough about what Episode 8 is about at this point in order to be in the position to relay this info, right?

Honestly, if we do see Force Ghost Anakin in VIII or IX, I'd wager that his characterization would probably be more akin to how he was portrayed in The Clone Wars show than the actual prequel films. Granted, I haven't seen the whole show, but what episodes I have seen of it seem to present a more likable Anakin. However it would be odd for them to seek advice from Anakin, as I'm not really sure what advice he could really give to them.

I lean more towards the idea that they might have Hayden come back to reprise the role (be it as Anakin or Vader) via a vision like in the Cave on Degobah in TESB for either Rey or possibly even Kylo Ren. After all, Darth Vader wasn't always trapped in the iconic black suit...


There was a brief moment in time where Anakin/Darth Vader was on the verge of becoming the absolute most powerful Force user in the entire GFFA and had fallen to the Dark Side. That all fell apart once he got sliced up and immolated. I get the impression that while Kylo Ren is currently a Vader poser, the trajectory of his own personal "journey" might lead him to being a potential answer to "What if Darth Vader hadn't been injured in his fight with Obi-Wan on Mustafar?"
I don't even know why they'd go that route at all, though. And I don't know why anyone else would actually know the answer to that question as of yet, either, since filming for 8 doesn't really start for awhile - the Skellig stuff was done because that's when the island was available, not because production is really set to go.

Everything about the rumor is flaky/shaky as fuck right now, basically.
I don't even know why they'd go that route at all, though. And I don't know why anyone else would actually know the answer to that question as of yet, either, since filming for 8 doesn't really start for awhile - the Skellig stuff was done because that's when the island was available, not because production is really set to go.

Everything about the rumor is flaky/shaky as fuck right now, basically.

I actually agree with you. It's an incredibly shaky rumor and it probably is just nothing. However it's just something that I think is worth speculating about right now, even if only on a really minor level.
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