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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I don't think it's worth that much speculation, honestly, because of how implausible it seems. When the ground is a little less pastry crust and more baking sheet, speculation might be more fun, but right now, it's like trying to fit a puzzle piece with not only a lack of box to compare the puzzle to, but no table. Or floor. More like a filled bathtub.

I guess the main question would be why, with the cast of characters we've got, and the direction we seem to very strongly be going in Episode 7, a look even farther back into prequel era story/character would be an option that seems worth pursuing. I'm not sure that it is, or that Rian Johnson would be concerned with any of that.


I have a really hard time believing that, after all the conscious efforts to disassociate the ST from any aspect of the PT, that the storytellers-that-be would get one of the PT's most-maligned elements to return, even for a cameo

I personally wouldn't be opposed to it if it's done for the right reasons, because I didn't mind HC in the role, but I just don't see the Johnson or the Story Group doing it. You know a certain segment of the theater-going audience will bemoan his appearance right from the outset. Why risk doing that?
I don't believe it.

Could he just be back as a force ghost? Hologram recording from the past? Doubtful but you never know.

Admittedly, if the rumor is true I will enjoy the salt >_>


I personally wouldn't be opposed to it if it's done for the right reasons, because I didn't mind HC in the role, but I just don't see the Johnson or the Story Group doing it. You know a certain segment of the theater-going audience will bemoan his appearance right from the outset. Why risk doing that?

I doubt they're too worried about nerd rage from a minority of the fan base. I'd be 100% fine with it if it's done in a reasonable manner for the right reasons.

Admittedly, if the rumor is true I will enjoy the salt >_>

I must admit that I would too. I would joyfully drink the tears of all the irrational prequel haters. I didn't really strongly like the prequels either (compared to the OT at least) for the most part. But the outlandish "fan base" has driven me to like them more almost... for spite or something.

Though from day one I've been a firm believer that the ewoks are much worse than Jar Jar, and that nostalgia goggles play a significant part in creating the perceived gulf in "corniness" levels in the dialogue and other aspects between the two trilogies.
I don't love the PT, but I would have no issue with HC coming back in some form.

But, it seems more likely that Hamill would be returning in ghost form, if anyone. Or Yoda.


What would be the point of Christensen coming back? Sounds all kinds of stupid.

How could it automatically sound stupid when we have no idea what they have in mind and how it would be executed? (Assuming it's true of course, which it probably isn't.)

If they said ewoks/jarjar were returning, yeah, THAT would automatically sound stupid. But when we know Ren is going to have a hard on for Vader, it's not necessarily a massive stretch to have Vader involved as a flashback/ghost/holocron/etc. Still don't think it's likely, but I hope the complaints here aren't just prequel-hate-kneejerks. If it turns out to be true, the internet might break.
Because it would be Hayden Christensen in the sequel trilogy.

Even if never see his face or hear his voice in the movies, it'd still be stupid (and pointless).

Ewoks aren't a specific character, it'd be less stupid to see them than HC in any of the main new movies.


I think hayden christensen is one of the biggest flaws of the prequels, his acting capabilities and how his character was written basically ruined the focus of these movies.

But I agree that I probably wouldn' mindt if he was in the suit. the most we might actually see and hear of him would be in his chamber, and even then under a ton of makeup. if they just want to keep him for the sake of some continuity, yeah why not.

I could also totally see them making one of the future spinoff movies about vader with christensen btw.about him hunting down the last jedi or something like that.
I don't see Vader coming back for the main saga. An appearance at the tail end of Rogue One (OH SHIT HE'S COMIN WE GOTTA GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BECAUSE IF WE'RE STILL HERE WHEN HE GETS HERE EVERYONE IS FUCKING DEAD) makes sense (and would get through the loophole Edwards left when he said "There will be no Jedi in this movie)

I don't think you meant it like that, but I just had a vision of Felicity Jones/a bunch of Rebels going YO VADER COMIN' and it's the best thing.
If those (most likely false) rumors talk about Darth Vader aka the big cyborg dude in the black armor, i don't see any reason why they would need Hayden Christensen to play him at all.
In the end, all you need is an actor/stunman who has the physical requirements (as in big) and James Earl Jones for the voice. James Earl Jones is vital imo, the one and only voice for Vader!

But please, no Anakin-Force-Ghost ... never again.


I could easily see Hayden Ghost not precisely as an advisor, but as someone who understands Kylo Ren....and feels like crap that his "legacy" is fucking a young man up.

I can picture a scene where Anakin's ghost urges Luke to save Kylo from walking the same path he did. Maybe in a scene where every significant force ghost gives Luke some morale boosting mini speech....

Basically this:


In Star Wars form


Poor Anakin had no game.

Love this expression btw:


I never noticed it before I saw this video.

Hayden often delivered dialogue pretty flatly but he was usually good with his visual acting. I always thought this was a pretty good if weird face on his part. He's so confused about how he blew it.

Anyway this is just fan art for TFA but I liked it enough that I figured I'd post it:



didn't the first teaser release black friday last year. maybe again this year for full trailer. would be pretty late but still.
October 17th

November 14th

I have no idea

didn't the first teaser release black friday last year. maybe again this year for full trailer. would be pretty late but still.

Abrams has altered the deal. Pray he doesn't alter it any further.

I saw someone post somewhere else, I think - the final trailers for all three prequels released somewhere between 60-70 days before premiere.

Looks like GAF alumnus ManaByte employed the tried and true "Bobby Roberts" method of scoop wrangling: Emailing a bunch of movie theaters and asking them what's up. According to him, theater managers have been told to reserve spots for Star Wars promotional items on October 15th/16th - meaning that's probably when they're supposed to start putting up the final one-sheet, which will probably come with the hard drive containing the full trailer. Which is right around the time the tickets are supposed to go on sale.

Basically - you got two weeks.
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