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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I had October 14th pegged for the trailer.

Could still be, honestly. All we seem to know (ish) is that theaters have been told they need to make room in their lobbies for Star Wars promotional shit that weekend, and that they're going to be taking pre-sales the following Monday.

The trailer could drop online anytime in the week before that.
I need to find a decent theater to watch Force Awakens. I've been to 4 theaters since I moved California. One has seriously bad sound proofing, the other is mediocre mall theater, the third is a Alamo Draft House rip off, and the fourth shows indie films.


Orange County. Near Irvine

I visited my brother out there in May/June. We went to see Mad Max at the Edwards Irvine Spectrum - is that the mall theater you're referencing? Either way I thought was pretty good - screen was nice and big, and the sound system was especially great for a movie like Mad Max.
I was just thinking. With how much people want and NEED Star Wars The Force Awakens to be good, if Red Letter Media trashes it this December, I have a feeling they'd find the same people championing them all these years turning on them to rip them to pieces. It'd be really interesting to me if that happened.
I was just thinking. With how much people want and NEED Star Wars The Force Awakens to be good, if Red Letter Media trashes it this December, I have a feeling they'd find the same people championing them all these years turning on them to rip them to pieces. It'd be really interesting to me if that happened.

The floor for this movie is Super 8/Into Darkness tier. (Into Darkness being better than Super 8, but for purposes of the comparison, you get what I'm going for)

Even in that case, I'm not seeing RLM ripping it apart.

Besides which, they're pretty populist with their tastes. They don't tend to have takes on films that veer wildly far from what general consensus is on a movie, I've found. If they feel they gotta rip Force Awakens apart, it'll probably be because there's enough wrong with the film that everyone kinda wants to rip the movie apart.

People watch them mostly because they're able to comedically articulate people's common criticisms with a film in a way they'd like to, but don't have the time/inclination to pursue.
There are things about the movie that I could absolutely see them nitpick, but you're probably right overall. Boyhood was the weird outlier on this one, and it's shown that they can definitely hate something enough that they go for the "look how different we are we hate the critical darling look at all these people suck this movie's dick" schtick. I also feel like they wish they could go after Marvel movies more than they do deep down. They throw jabs at them but not in enough of a hard way to stick as a real critique. Plus, were people really that eager for someone to rip apart Star Trek: First Contact? Sure, the movie has big problems, but it was extremely well-loved in the fanbase before they went for it.

No, I think if they legitimately don't like or enjoy TFA, they'll either go for the "wow look at these people sucking this movie's dick" schtick again or they'll throw a bunch of sarcasm at it in littler videos to address it, or they'll do a half-hearted Half in the Bag where they say it's just okay, or they'll go for a Plinkett review, I guess. There's a few possibilities there. They're not going to read any of the comics or books or extra stuff to get any more context for the movie, either.

Nitpicks based on what we know of the plot I could see them throwing out:

Harrison Ford
Han Solo has a son? WHAAAAT? And he's EVIL? WHAAAAAAT?
Rey is Luke's daughter maybe? WHAAAAAT? What a tiny galaxy. Everyone is everyone's son or daughter. Is Finn actually Lando's SON? LOLOLOLO
Harrison Ford
Carrie Fisher
Luke's only in the movie for five seconds?
If any of the actors are bad in this movie somehow. If any of the aliens are annoying.
ANOTHER FUCKING SUPERWEAPON. BUT THIS TIME THERE'S TWO. TWO FUCKING SUPERWEAPONS. HOW ORIGINAL wait isn't the scene where Leia's ships get destroyed just like the one where Glenn Close's ships get destroyed in Guardians of the Galaxy
The Force lets people have shared visions now, and of the past surrounding the big MacGuffin? Isn't this just a ripoff of that Benicio Del Toro scene in Guardians of the Galaxy?
How'd Luke's lightsaber get everywhere? Did Luke send it through space. Is he that powerful, and if so, why couldn't he save Han? We've got Force visions now. Why didn't he just go kick the bad guy's ass. He was moping in a cave and let Han die?
Star Wars: Episode VII: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 joke

And so on and so forth. And if they did go for those nitpicks, that would be precisely why people would probably turn on them, even though nitpicks are what half their videos are all about.
^ Actually there's a new rumor out that Max von Sydow's character, apparently named Lor San Tekka, knew Luke way back when and has had the Bespin lightsaber for ages. In other words, Poe is sent to Tekka not to pick up the saber per se, but to collect info on how to find Luke from Tekka.

If that's really true, I'd wager Luke probably left Tekka as Rey's guardian on Jakku growing up.
Revisiting the RLM reviews, while they are funny, there's a lot of mean-spiritedness in them, and even complaints about things that aren't really inherently terrible . I agree with many of their points, but it's also a bit annoying to see these reviews used as a "law" when it comes to the prequels (as some in the internet seem to view them).

For example, the way the movies are shot was blown out of proportion imo, and gets used way too cheaply by people who just regurgitate what these guys said.
I watched the Plinkett reviews because people would swear by them and I thought they were an OK critique but the humour wasn't really for me. I then watched their Half in the Bag stuff and I just couldn't get into it at all.
Goddamnit. I didn't want to turn this thread INTO a discussion about them in general, I just wanted to bring up more how much people want and NEED this to be good so badly, especially after the prequels, that many will likely overlook the small nitpicks and such this time where they didn't with the prequels. I did not make that clear enough at all, and RLM were just an offshoot thought about how I thought it would be funny and interesting if they not only didn't profit off of TFA like they did with the prequels, but nitpicking the movie was to their detriment for exactly that reason.

Wasn't even a big, important, or smart thought. I just kinda threw it out there just because I was curious what people thought of such a scenario where, hypothetically, the darlings of so many in the Star Wars or geek community at large, who get "regurgitated" so much, got their fans to do a 180 on them with this film. It was kinda a mean-spirited thought anyway, and the discussion got a bit bigger than it was worth. Sorry.


There's going to be a Plinkett review, regardless. No way there isn't.

And it's going to get posted here ad-fucking-nauseum, too.

I can see the thread titles years from now...

"Should I watch The Force Awakens?"

response on first page: "Just watch the Plinkett reviews instead."

Star Wars is not only a nerd thing. It's a god damn cultural phenomenon.
Sigh. Yeah I know, but like any media involving spaceships and fantasy- fuck it it was a lame attempt at self-defense. Well, partially. I care about Star Wars but I make fun of it a lot, too. Look I brought up a stupid subject on a whim, and you and JC came at me. Can you please lay off? It feels like you're on my ass all the time in movie threads and I'm tired of fighting with you. I literally have nothing against you.

If not, keep in mind all I'm gonna do about it is say okay and do nothing, or post a picture of Bugs Bunny saying "of course you realize this means war" or something, but I thought I'd ask.
I think most people would be more forgiving of visual shifts and CG in this and other sequels. Purely because they are sequels. If the prequels were made with the same scripts but had been shot using sets not only present but also evoked the designs from the films that they were mean to dovetail into, then most people might have been fine with them.

There is this mad rush in ROTS to put in tons of OT ships and sets into use instead of having them from the start and showing a gradual transition. Heck, if they had just shown brand new, gleaming x-wings and y-wings in the phantom menace it would have sold a lot of things a little better.

In a sequel there is room to expand both narratively and visually, allowing for most crazy stuff, even blatant cgi but a prequel should - for the most part- match up with what's to come. Look at Prometheus, that universe is fucked now because Ridley is expanding backwards and making everything a convulsed mess, when even the mildest Alien fan has a better reasoned and thought out explaination for the Xenos origins. He really should have just started a new story separate from that universe.
The Irvine Spectrum is a real IMAX.

If that's the case, then maybe I'll see it on Imax. Isn't there only like one scene shot in true Imax though for the movie? Plus, fuck 3d if that's the only way to see in iMax. I hate 3d, especially converted 3d.

Edit: I double checked and that Irvine Imax looks legit. I guess I'll attempt to get tickets opening night for that.


Not that there was any doubt, but just in case:

“The saga films focus on the Skywalker family,” says the Lucasfilm President. “The stories follow a linear narrative that connects to the previous six films. ‘The Force Awakens’ follows ‘Return of the Jedi’ and continues that generational story. The Anthology films offer opportunities to explore fresh characters, new storylines and a variety of genres inside the Star Wars universe.”


Mentioned this in the regular OT thread, but it's weird how this quote got run with today. It's functionally no different than what she said at the press release in Japan back in May. In fact, when she said it back in May, almost everyone then took it to mean that Rey was definitely Han's kid. And now the same thing is repeated in a Costco magazine, and everyone is convinced it means she's Luke's kid.

Nobody seeming to put together that the quote doesn't have to necessarily refer to Rey at all, and even if it did, being Han & Leia's kid OR Luke's kid means she's a Skywalker EITHER WAY.

But yeah, it seems more and more people are coming around to the idea that she's Luke's kid. Which is the shit I was on back in early May anyway. So go get your late pass, motherfuckers


I just had a "Whoa" moment when I noticed that Finn's line from that talking Finn action figure where he says "FN-2187" is also Princess Leia's prisoner cell number on the Death Star. 2187.

Has anyone brought this up yet? Neat little nod.
I just had a "Whoa" moment when I noticed that Finn's line from that talking Finn action figure where he says "FN-2187" is also Princess Leia's prisoner cell number on the Death Star. 2187.

Has anyone brought this up yet? Neat little nod.

That is neat.


I just had a "Whoa" moment when I noticed that Finn's line from that talking Finn action figure where he says "FN-2187" is also Princess Leia's prisoner cell number on the Death Star. 2187.

Has anyone brought this up yet? Neat little nod.
2187 is a number that has appeared a few times in Star Wars, like 1138. I believe it's been in most of the films. It's nice they are keeping the less famous of the number traditions in tact.
Apologies if it's already been discussed but do we know if the IMAX release is 3D only?

I wouldn't be surprised but I'd be gutted if it was IMAX 3D only.

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