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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


68% RT score confirmed.

What do you guys think the run time will be? I think 130 minutes at most. Probably like 128.
What's with the Slashfilm tweet?

And what's a Slashfilm? Never heard of them.

As for the running time, 2 hours is the sweet spot for me. Longer and you risk losing my video-game ruined attention, shorter and I feel like we've missed something.
What's with the Slashfilm tweet?

And what's a Slashfilm? Never heard of them.

As for the running time, 2 hours is the sweet spot for me. Longer and you risk losing my video-game ruined attention, shorter and I feel like we've missed something.

He was basically trying to allude that by not doing the press screenings until the day of release there's something wrong with the movie when he's really just an entitled film blogger crying that he won't get to see it before the peasants who pay for movies.
Did Sciretta delete that tweet? I responded to it yesterday shortly after he put it up. Faraci was wondering the same shit. And I've heard that it was up in the air as to whether press/preview screenings were actually going to be a thing.

The reasoning as to why? Some think secrecy. I personally think it's simply a matter of Abrams (who did this with Into Darkness, as well) essentially doing his part to simply cut that part of the marketing budget out and reallocate it somewhere else.

The money studios spend to do preview screenings nationwide isn't exactly cheap, and for some movies, that expenditure is completely fuckin pointless. It literally does not matter whether they do it or not.

I wrote about this back in 2013 right before Into Darkness opened, actually.

It's still possible that whatever preview/critics screenings they do will simply happen that Monday, while everyone else is paying attention to the premiere in Los Angeles.


You see this in games too. When publishers don't send out review copies until the day of release or not at all thats usually a sign that they are trying to delay reviews because they know its going to get a poor response. I guess some movie reviewers have the same kind of thought process with review/preview screenings. Although I think in this case JJ and Disney are not worried about reviews or quality and instead are focusing on secrecy and not spending the money on something that really is irrelevant for this type of movie.


You see this in games too. When publishers don't send out review copies until the day of release or not at all thats usually a sign that they are trying to delay reviews because they know its going to get a poor response. I guess some movie reviewers have the same kind of thought process with review/preview screenings. Although I think in this case JJ and Disney are not worried about reviews or quality and instead are focusing on secrecy and not spending the money on something that really is irrelevant for this type of movie.

Perhaps, but maybe there will be screenings but just not that early, probably only a week or a couple of days before the premier.

Honestly, they won't need to do any screenings in order to promote the movie and even if any possible pre-screenings produce great reviews, Disney and JJ are most likely going to avoid creating any sort of expectations, positive or negative. There are no better expectations that the hope of it being incredible, and maybe just some whispers of it being good or great.


Interesting stuff that ties into TFA, some short stories that will be released late this year:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens / 10 Oct 2015
NYCC 2015: Disney and Lucasfilm Announce New Titles in Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens
New novels and short stories on the way.

By Amy Ratcliffe On September 4, the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens publishing program launched. The first wave of titles, including Aftermath, Shattered Empire, and Lost Stars, explored the canonical Star Wars galaxy post-Return of the Jedi for the first time. The program shows how the universe is changing -- the books and comics contain clues and easter eggs that subtly hint at the future -- and that will continue with new novels and short stories. Lucasfilm's Michael Siglain moderated a panel at New York Comic Con with Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens authors Jason Fry, Greg Rucka, Claudia Gray, Chuck Wendig, Adam Bray, and Pablo Hidalgo, and they looked back at the program so far and announced new titles.

The new titles will continue to look ahead to the next film. Hidalgo, also a member of Lucasfilm's Story Group, said when they knew where the publishing program was headed, they made a plan. He said once the story line for The Force Awakens really solidified, they had an offsite day and mapped out conceptually what had happened in-universe in the the 30 years since Return of the Jedi. Hidalgo said what they constructed was informed by notes and stories from George Lucas, from ideas developed by Michael Arndt, and using thoughts Rian Johnson had in mind for Episode VIII. Hidalgo then wrote a document depicting the universe leading to the Battle of Jakku. He called it a "seismic event." They built their road map around that watershed moment and built the road map to service different formats and media.

Upcoming novels and short stories will inch closer to The Force Awakens. Siglain pulled up a slide showing the image of alien denizens of Maz Kanata's palace and announced the woman in the middle -- the one in black who sort of looks like a court jester -- is named Bazine and that she'll start in a short story by Delilah Dawson. Alan Dean Foster will release a short story about the alien Bazine is sitting on. Both stories will be out in November and December. Landry Walker will have a collection of short stories available on December 1: High Noon on Jakku (a western), The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku (a pirate story), All Creatures Great and Small (a fable), and Face of Evil (a horror story).

In the novel department, Claudia Gray is writing Star Wars: New Republic: Bloodlines. It will be released in spring 2016 and is set six years before The Force Awakens. Chuck Wendig s working on the next books in the Aftermath trilogy. The second book is called Aftermath: Life Debt, and the third and final book is called Aftermath: Empire's End.


The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku
The Lost Treasure of Count Dooku

Can't wait.

y u lie kasdan
Trailer sometime this week, maybe. There was never any hard & fast deconfirmation of the initial rumor. And so far as I can tell, nobody's actually come out against the pre-sale date, either.

It's still possible poster/trailer/tickets is gonna hit 1-2-3 sometime around the middle of the week.

ALSO: anonymous reddit post with anonymous reddit rumor apparently based on the novelization, made with a burner account.

Basically - the idea that Rey is Luke's kid? Correct. Kinda.

There have been rumors that Rey is Luke's daughter. She is not. Rather, she is his chosen apprentice. She was orphaned at a young age and Luke might as well be the closest thing she had to a father figure. She is not a Skywalker by blood, however. Luke and Rey's relationship has a lot to do with Kylo Ren's motivations in the story.

Rey was orphaned. Luke recognized the force in her, took her in as an apprentice, and ultimately adopted her as his own. It is true that Luke had started an academy and that he was training several young jedi, but Rey was the favored one.

Kylo is the blood relation, via Han and Leia. A lot of his anger stems from the fact that Luke favored an adopted child over an actual member of the Skywalker bloodline. It is hinted that Luke had sensed a propensity for the dark side in Kylo and was therefore hesitant to train him.

Kylo was at the academy, the academy is indeed ransacked. Luke's instinct is to protect Rey, and Kylo witnesses this. Kylo is abducted and indoctrinated into the Knights of Ren. The Ren wish to eliminate the Jedi from the galaxy, and Kylo takes this on as his personal mission as he grows older due to his particularly personal motivation. This creates a tense dynamic between Kylo and Snoke. Kylo's goals are not the same as the Knights of Ren. He believes he is pulling one over on them by exploiting their resources for his personal gain, but Snoke is an aware puppet master playing on this all along.

Scorned by Luke, Kylo denies him as the last truly great Jedi and instead turns to Darth Vader as a role model. Kylo is obsessed with his heritage and frustrated that all those around him only wanted to deny it. Kylo believes he has the power of Vader and secretly plans to usurp control of the Knights of Ren.

This all seems to make sense in regards to the plot points we have, and the direction the story goes. The only thing that might make things a little iffy is the idea that Kylo isn't part of the raiding party in the Temple flashback, but is just a student there who the party takes. Which makes sense (and has been speculated before) but doesn't line up with the way a lot of people have been interpreting the (very vague) description of that scene, where Kylo is already Kylo and already bad.

ALSO: Snoke isn't Plagueis.


That doesn't really sound like Luke though in the sense that he would give up on a family member because of the Dark Side?

I could see something like Luke was treating them all equally and Kylo thought it was a slight rather than Luke actually showing bias.
That's basically it. People (usually some of the same people who dislike the way stories tend to shrink down the universe and make all the characters related to pre-existing characters) heard about a big mysterious bad and immediately jumped to the conclusion it was Palpatine's old mentor somehow - and then just never let go of it, even though there's absolutely nothing supporting the notion other than "It would be cool"

Which a) isn't necessarily true and b) isn't enough.

That doesn't really sound like Luke though in the sense that he would give up on a family member because of the Dark Side?

It might not be that he actually "gave up" on the kid, though, like you're speculating: If Kylo is at the temple as a student, it might be more that Luke prioritized Rey over him, and Kylo simply got snatched before Luke could save him, too. (that whole flashback is so fuzzy, and will remain that way until the novelization actually gets leaked) - it's just that Kylo percieves it as having given up on him.

The rumor there states that Luke was hesitant to train him. Not that he didn't try to do so anyway.

Also, this rumor seems to confirm that we don't actually know any of the ACTUAL names of Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren. Which is an interesting decision. Curious as to how that will pay off, or if it's just surface level distraction shit.
That doesn't really sound like Luke though in the sense that he would give up on a family member because of the Dark Side?

I could see something like Luke was treating them all equally and Kylo thought it was a slight rather than Luke actually showing bias.
I wouldn't equate being hesitant to train a family member, likely for their own good, as giving up on them. Likewise, giving a gifted student special instruction isn't the same as neglecting all the others.

I very much like this rumor. I like the way it sets up a dynamic in a seemingly organic way.


Not knowing Rey and Kylo's real name isn't that substantial if this rumor is true.

The big mystery is Finn.
I wouldn't equate being hesitant to train a family member, likely for their own good, as giving up on them. Likewise, giving a gifted student special instruction isn't the same as neglecting all the others.

I very much like this rumor. I like the way it sets up a dynamic in a seemingly organic way.

It seems though that Luke would spend the extra time with Kylo especially since Luke saw what the Dark Side did to his father. That said, this could all just be Kylo's perception that doesn't need to match with reality.


Am i the only one who sees Kylo as being rather similar name to Luke? With reversed syllables.
If he is Han's and Leia's son, it would make sense, like he is named after Luke (though this does lead to a question, why would they name their son after Luke...).


I thought only that Ren part is from Knights of Ren?
Or is the whole name adopted?

Still similar to Luke. Could be out of spite, or perhaps mocking.


Kylo isn't his real name, though. It's the name he adopts upon joining the Knights of Ren.
Kylo is a title, isn't it? I can't remember if that was confirmed or still speculation. (oh, I guess not since it makes no sense for him to be <Title> <Order>, Kylo must be his identifier). So if he really is han and leia's son then the Kylo = sKY soLO really is an on the nose clue as people have speculated for months.

Anyway here are all that guy's comments thus far if you want to piece together what he is saying. There are plenty of people claiming to have special information about the film but he's one of the most credible sounding ones to-date, being that the info he provides fits in perfectly with all the facts we know are true and provides some new insight which makes sense and doesn't sound outlandish or fanwankery.



Rumor is he is Han and Leia's son. In the now non-canon Expanded Universe they had a son named Jacen who ended up dark side later on.

... and his sister Jaina is the one who eventually kills him. So I think we can see where this is all going in the future films.

Anyway, I hope that some of this is true because while the EU has major issues I think some of the core story elements are very adored by fans, and recanvasing them in this way could be a good approach.


There have been rumors that Rey is Luke's daughter. She is not. Rather, she is his chosen apprentice. She was orphaned at a young age and Luke might as well be the closest thing she had to a father figure. She is not a Skywalker by blood, however. Luke and Rey's relationship has a lot to do with Kylo Ren's motivations in the story.

Yes. This is what I was hoping for. I like this a lot.

Big One

I don't get it. If Rey is Luke's apprentice, why is she not with him in the movie? Isn't she supposed to be playing Luke's role in Episode IV where she's a "Jedi" but barely force-sensitive?
I don't get it. If Rey is Luke's apprentice, why is she not with him in the movie? Isn't she supposed to be playing Luke's role in Episode IV where she's a "Jedi" but barely force-sensitive?

Being close to Luke puts her in danger. His whole Jedi colony gets wiped out.


Unless he was playing dumb

didn't think about that did ya
Nah, if you watched the panel he seems genuinely befuddled what the guy is asking about rather than playing coy.

There is not going to be any significant major prequel era call backs like this. Especially one so in intertwined into the old EU.
Nah, if you watched the panel he seems genuinely befuddled what the guy is asking about rather than playing coy.

Its called "acting" amigo. Its something that has gone away from this franchise since Lawrence Kasdan's departure, and now he's bringing it back.


Its called "acting" amigo. Its something that has gone away from this franchise since Lawrence Kasdan's departure, and now he's bringing it back.
They are not going to have a big reveal in this trilogy that hinges on a viewer seeing Revenge of the Sith, let alone recalling a single line from the movie. ;)


They are not going to have a big reveal in this trilogy that hinges on a viewer seeing Revenge of the Sith, let alone recalling a single line from the movie. ;)
If we're dealing with some kind of powerful evildoer that basically sat on the sidelines throughout the OT era, I don't see why Plagueis is any worse than some new character. Because "it makes the world too small" or because "fuck the prequels"?

I agree that it's extremely unlikely, but some people have a very visceral negative reaction to I the idea which seems extreme.


The reason people like the idea of Plagueis being the villain is because it helps tie all three trilogies together instead of the the PT and the OT flowing together as the story of Palpatine's rise and fall and Vader's fall and redemption + here's this new trilogy. Now obviously we don't know the full plot of the new trilogy yet, but so far it doesn't sound like Snoke is really connected to anything related to the overarching plot of the original six movies. But that's still up in the year.

That said, it won't happen. But it would've been cool if it did.


I don't think the Sith are ever coming back, at least in this trilogy. We have the Knights of Ren for a reason as a seperate force user sect. Bringing back the Sith pretty much ruins the whole chosen one thing with Vader/Anakin.
I'd rather have cool new characters if it's an option to do so. Yeah, maybe it'd be cool for Serkis to play Plagueis. But I think it's even cooler that he's going to create his own character, unique to this movie.

New characters keep things vital in a way callbacks can't.
Sometimes I feel like a noob. Why the Sith never coming back? Isn't a Sith just a force user who goes dark? Wouldn't a "knight of ren" force user be essentially the same thing as a Sith?
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