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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]




Is that the space hand?
I love how they've been handling reveals so far. Showing a mechanical hand is both a cool reveal in and of itself, but also meta like the Dejarik table after the set leaks. This shows that they're plainly aware of the the rumor... but not the disposition of the rumor. Now that we know that they know that we know... etc.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
He looks GREAT.
Can't wait to see bearded Luke on that film stock that Abrahams is using that's supposed to be like the film stock they used for the OT.


I just realized something. There's a good chance we're going to see Luke actually kick some serious ass Jedi-style in this. I still am in a bit of disbelief that this movie is actually happening.
Give me a break man, I have had 4 shots of Kettle One Vodka in me. More to come. At least I haven't got banned yet like you, voluntarily or non-voluntarily.

Well that escalated (I think?) quickly. I just laughed at a typo. Relax buddy. Also, you haven't lived until you've been banned.


at last, for christ's sake
so basically, any middle aged Jedi master has to grow a beard

yeah i know Windu didn't have one, but that was Jackson being Jackson


The only exposed mechanical party of Luke's hand is out of the frame in that picture...
There the prop at the science of star wars exhibition that showed the internal workings of Luke's hand it doesn't look that:

Maybe it's changed in design though if it is his hand.


I love that Luke and Han still have longish hair (going by that photo of Harrison Ford using a crutch after his accident).
You don't really see the actual hand portion of Luke's robot hand, and what's shown there definitely matches up, colour- and design-wise to the tendons in his wrist.
But that kinda did happen, and it's one of the best moments in movie history.

Luke gives in to the dark side and wails on Vader and cuts his hand off, but then he rejects it. Going against what Yoda said and becoming a better Jedi than anyone thought he could.

Stray thought RE: "Going against what Yoda said"- I can't remember Yoda's exact instructions. Vaguely, I think it went like this.

Yoda : "One thing remains, Vader. You much confront Vader."

And then, again, if I'm remembering clearly, it's Obi-Wan who later implies Luke needs to kill Vader.

Luke : "I can't kill my own father."

Obi-Wan : "Then the Emperor has already won."

So, if I'm remembering all that right, or at least close to right, Yoda never told Luke to kill Vader, he just said he had to confront him. Yoda seems to get that violence and killing isn't the answer, but that Luke facing Vader (who represents his own potential for falling into darkness) and overcoming him by not giving in to his anger is what really needs to happen. I don't know if he knew that that would redeem Vader, but it does seem like even in death, Obi-Wan still thinks the only answer is to kill Vader while Yoda has grown a little and decided violence isn't the answer.

I could be remembering all those lines wrong and this is all pointless conjecture though.
Stray thought RE: "Going against what Yoda said"- I can't remember Yoda's exact instructions. Vaguely, I think it went like this.

Yoda : "One thing remains, Vader. You much confront Vader."

And then, again, if I'm remembering clearly, it's Obi-Wan who later implies Luke needs to kill Vader.

Luke : "I can't kill my own father."

Obi-Wan : "Then the Emperor has already won."

So, if I'm remembering all that right, or at least close to right, Yoda never told Luke to kill Vader, he just said he had to confront him. Yoda seems to get that violence and killing isn't the answer, but that Luke facing Vader (who represents his own potential for falling into darkness) and overcoming him by not giving in to his anger is what really needs to happen. I don't know if he knew that that would redeem Vader, but it does seem like even in death, Obi-Wan still thinks the only answer is to kill Vader while Yoda has grown a little and decided violence isn't the answer.

I could be remembering all those lines wrong and this is all pointless conjecture though.
I thought he said only said "you must face Darth Vader again" Maybe I'm wrong too lol.


I love the Snowtrooper design update, but the new Stormtrooper helmet looks way too sleek for me.

Is it confirmed fully yet? The article states that they "have it on good authority" that it is real.
I'm not too fond of either. Stormtrooper is too sleek and the snowtrooper doesn't have the separate eyes that I like.

I guess they'll suffice, though. I'm just happy we're getting another Star Wars.


I thought the whole thing about Star Wars visual aesthetics is that things looked authentic and detailed and dirty/used.


Stormtrooper looks a little too sleek and clean, but the more I look at it, the more I get used to it.

I actually love the Jungle Trooper helmet. Looks so McQuarrie-esque.


Such a huge helmet, they should have went for a more retro slimmer look while paying homage to the original design rather than blowing it out of proportion.
i do too, my gf tells me i'm a jedi in bed
meaning i'm too fast probably

lol nice. next time you get horny and she is busy tell her "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out for me to tap that ass, babe."

i personally like it if true. its very 70's sci-fi, and even resembles a bit of the Clone War Era style trooper helmets. i have no problem changing up the trooper's look.
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