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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

So this also pretty much confirms that the shot of the the guy with the metal arm rouching R2 is of Luke, right? I know some people were saying it was Von Sydow's character.

Yes, that's Luke in the flashback. Sydow is out of the movie within the first 10 minutes.


The most interesting thing, according to that children's book (summary here) is that Maz Kanata is Han's old mentor. What this means exactly I don't know. MSW itself doesn't know and questions whether that means post-RotJ or prior to the OT. There's certainly a logical connection there - Maz is a pirate, Han's a smuggler. But if Maz can use the Force (which we've all been assuming since she causes the flashback sequence), how could she be Han's mentor before the OT, when he doesn't believe in the Force? And if they met after RotJ...why would Han need a mentor?

Also, the Resistance base is not on Yavin but D'Qar, which briefly appeared in Lost Stars. I never would have guessed that they were setting things up for TFA, but here's the excerpt (spoiled for those who haven't read Lost Stars):

THANE ANGLED HIS X-wing low, until it nearly skimmed the thick canopy of trees covering the surface of D’Qar. In the twilight he could see leaves thrashing beneath the other ships as if caught in a windstorm. If anyone were on the ground beneath them, Corona Squadron would be detected within minutes.

We’re not going to be here that long, Thane reminded himself. He opened the secure channel. “Corona Five, this is Corona Four, do you copy?”

“Copy.” Kendy replied. “Negative readings here. I’m not picking up any artificial power sources.”

“Same here.”

Corona Squadron had been sent to check out D’Qar for any possible sign of a new Imperial outpost. Apparently, deep-cover spies on Coruscant had reported massive amounts of materiel being processed for the Imperial Starfleet; nobody knew precisely what it was being used for, but there were rumors of a new large-ship construction facility…

But if the Empire had begun building new Star Destroyers or some other kinds of superweapons, it wasn’t doing so on D’Qar. They’d run scans on every hemisphere, searched planetary and solar orbits, and come up empty.

Thane realized he’d rather have found something. At least then they’d have learned what the Empire was planning, and they could have taken meaningful action: sabotaging the factories, placing a few surveillance droids in key locations, and so on. For now, he simply had to endure the suspense.

He said, “Corona Two, do you also read negative?”

“Confirmed. Complete negative on Imperial activity,” Yendor replied. “Unless the Empire’s drafting small woodland creatures all of a sudden.”

“Doubt it.” Thane considered for a moment. “We should list this planet as a potential base in future. The Empire’s not interested, not much space lane traffic in this area, and there’s plenty of water.”

“Plus it beats Hoth,” Yendor said.

“The belly of a sarlacc beats Hoth.” Thane began punching in the navigational codes that would take him back to the Liberty.

Corona Leader apparently agreed. “Let’s get out of here.”

Very interesting. However, it's kind of annoying that J. J. keeps "reusing" planetary ideas, like Jakku being Not Tatooine and D'Qar being Not Yavin IV.


Very interesting. However, it's kind of annoying that J. J. keeps using "reusing" planetary ideas, like Jakku being Not Tatooine and D'Qar being Not Yavin IV.
And the snow planet that Starkiller Base is in being Not Hoth. It almost feels intentional, to kind of ease us into this new trilogy with a lot of familiar seeming things that actually aren't familiar.


The most interesting thing, according to that children's book (summary here) is that Maz Kanata is Han's old mentor. What this means exactly I don't know.

hmm, I assumed that was Luke, since she is force sensitive, so I assumed she was thinking of Luke when she talks about Rey's eyes. but maybe it's Han?


I'm beginning to think Maz may not be Force sensitive after all.

Maybe her eyes' power is just a special ability of her species or something.


First good shot of Maz Kanata in TFA:



Maz's design just isn't doing anything for me. I really hope it works better on screen than in these crappy quality pictures.

It's kind of weird hearing the normal speaking voice of an actress being used for such a weird looking character, but I'll wait until I see the movie before deciding whether it works or not. Usually in Star Wars weird aliens have more "cartoony" voices--Yoda, Jabba, Watto, etc. Maybe the face design is unremarkable because they want a simple facial structure to project Lupita Nyong'o's motion capture performance onto.
forgive my ignorance, but aren't there really only three possible outcomes for Luke:
  • He's turned evil
  • He's in seclusion
  • He's dead

in a movie where three of the new characters could metaphorically represent Luke from different eras:
Rey - if he'd never left Tatooine
Finn - if he'd joined the Imperial academy
Kylo - if he'd joined Vader

isn't the outcome that makes the most sense that luke is dead. and when rey goes to see him at the end of the movie, he's a blue force ghost.

isn't that the end that is the gut punch, tear-jerker, with the silver lining of Luke as immortal sage that someone like JJ would go for? The mcguffin is that Skywalker is just dead

I think Luke will die but in Episode IX. He will get the yoda treatment. He will die from old age and become one with the force. They gotta find a way to make sure the old characters exit to make room for the new gen. Han Solo will take his exit in episode VII based on the rumors and luke in IX. Lea will stick around since she is the general.

JJ and disney keeping this safe by sticking close to the original trilogy. I am sure VII is new hope, VIII is like empire where rey will get trained by a luke in exile and IX is the final chapter with ray as fully trained jedi. After she defeates the new emperor AKA andy serkis character she will rebuild the jedi again.


I think Luke will die but in Episode IX. He will get the yoda treatment. He will die from old age and become one with the force. .
Old age?! Mark Hamill will be in his 60's when Episode IX comes out. He isn't that old. The sequel trilogy is only 30 years after ROTJ.

No lol, he won't die of old age. Unless you think they will do a 20 year time jump so he can be in his 80's which would make Rey & Poe in their 40's which would just be silly.
I think Luke will die in IX as well. Maybe saving everyone, maybe just choosing to become one with the Force, I dunno. I feel like Disney/Lucasfilm wants the next trilogy to be truly about the new characters.
1st real clip

Notice them running past the Falcon in the first shot on the right, so when the crop jumper blows they have to run back to the right.

Clip only increases my confidence in this movie working. There's such a nice energy to this. The first shot in particular is something I noticed Abrams does often, where characters move very quickly towards the camera and then past it. Its an energetic establishing shot, the horizontal movement of the characters and the cameras making good use of the wide 2.35:1 aspect ratio. There's a brief glimpse of these shots in the BTS videos, here and here. For this scene, he holds the shot just long enough to establish the object they're running towards(the crop jumper) and for lil BB-8 coming up in the rear.

I love the Kasdan dialog. He just so totally gets that boys own(girls own) pulpy adventure feel. He loves genre, but not in a Tarantino/Shane Black/Coens/Whedon post-modern way. Its a Golden Age Hollywood voice. Its totally free of irony, completely earnest, threads the needle between pulpy and cheesy just right. He's got so much respect for all the characters, and seriously believes in the themes even his escapist genre stories are selling. Its absolutely delightful, and it really sings with John Williams(and Spielberg) cuz he's in that same Golden Age Hollywood style, too.

I also like BB-8's head turning around every time there's an explosion. Little sight gag most wouldn't even notice, but its funny.
1st real clip

Notice them running past the Falcon in the first shot on the right, so when the crop jumper blows they have to run back to the right.

Clip only increases my confidence in this movie working. There's such a nice energy to this. The first shot in particular is something I noticed Abrams does often, where characters move very quickly towards the camera and then past it. Its an energetic establishing shot, the horizontal movement of the characters and the cameras making good use of the wide 2.35:1 aspect ratio. There's a brief glimpse of these shots in the BTS videos, here and here. For this scene, he holds the shot just long enough to establish the object they're running towards(the crop jumper) and for lil BB-8 coming up in the rear.

I love the Kasdan dialog. He just so totally gets that boys own(girls own) pulpy adventure feel. He loves genre, but not in a Tarantino/Shane Black/Coens/Whedon post-modern way. Its a Golden Age Hollywood voice. Its totally free of irony, completely earnest, threads the needle between pulpy and cheesy just right. He's got so much respect for all the characters, and seriously believes in the themes even his escapist genre stories are selling. Its absolutely delightful, and it really sings with John Williams(and Spielberg) cuz he's in that same Golden Age Hollywood style, too.

I also like BB-8's head turning around every time there's an explosion. Little sight gag most wouldn't even notice, but its funny.

That's a Spielberg technique that always works well. It keeps the energy flowing and you go from one character action right to the next as if you're following their train of thought.
I think Luke will die but in Episode IX. He will get the yoda treatment. He will die from old age and become one with the force. They gotta find a way to make sure the old characters exit to make room for the new gen. Han Solo will take his exit in episode VII based on the rumors and luke in IX. Lea will stick around since she is the general.

JJ and disney keeping this safe by sticking close to the original trilogy. I am sure VII is new hope, VIII is like empire where rey will get trained by a luke in exile and IX is the final chapter with ray as fully trained jedi. After she defeates the new emperor AKA andy serkis character she will rebuild the jedi again.

But then what's the fucking point in a new trilogy. Say what you will about the quality of the prequels but at least it wasn't an outright rehash of the story beats from the OT. Yeah, themes were reused (Anakin and Luke on Tatooine, blowing up space station in I/IV, romance in II/V and defeat of the Jedi/Sith in III/VI), what's being described here just sounds like the OT using film equipment from 2015. I don't want to see Rey be trained by Luke in exile in VIII and I don't want to see him die in IX right before Rey overthrows Palpatine 2.0. Just seems like an utter waste of time.

VII really should have featured Luke and the rebuilding of the Jedi Academy or whatever, it seems ridiculous that we'd go through the exact same beats as the OT to get to a Episode X where we'd finally see the Jedi returning to their previous power all those decades ago. With that said, I'm excited for VII and love everything I've seen so far, but I want VIII and IX to go in a different direction. It'd be much more exciting to see Rey and Luke gather force sensitive users to become Jedi and rebuild the academy to then join forces and overthrow Serkis and Ren, with all of this paying off in a big showdown in IX.
What if part of the point of this trilogy is that rebuilding the Jedi Order is a shitty idea?

I'm down with that, I think I read that idea somewhere either on GAF or elsewhere and it's something that would be a cool idea to explore. Have the Jedi really be myth and legend, popping up when you least expect it to help those in danger. Keepers of the peace, but not have a big ass temple in the centre of the planet that is one big city.

That'd be a lot more interesting to see in the films than repeat the OT.


But then what's the fucking point in a new trilogy. Say what you will about the quality of the prequels but at least it wasn't an outright rehash of the story beats from the OT. Yeah, themes were reused (Anakin and Luke on Tatooine, blowing up space station in I/IV, romance in II/V and defeat of the Jedi/Sith in III/VI), what's being described here just sounds like the OT using film equipment from 2015. I don't want to see Rey be trained by Luke in exile in VIII and I don't want to see him die in IX right before Rey overthrows Palpatine 2.0. Just seems like an utter waste of time.

VII really should have featured Luke and the rebuilding of the Jedi Academy or whatever, it seems ridiculous that we'd go through the exact same beats as the OT to get to a Episode X where we'd finally see the Jedi returning to their previous power all those decades ago. With that said, I'm excited for VII and love everything I've seen so far, but I want VIII and IX to go in a different direction. It'd be much more exciting to see Rey and Luke gather force sensitive users to become Jedi and rebuild the academy to then join forces and overthrow Serkis and Ren, with all of this paying off in a big showdown in IX.

This movie is establishing the new characters while keeping things very familiar. I personally didn't mind the prequels as much but it left a bad taste in a lot of people mouths. This film is trying to bring back those people. But first and foremost it's to establish the new characters.

The first movie just has to be good. That's it. Of course you'll have people complaining it's not the best of all time. But if the consensus of this movie from movie goers is good. It's done it's job.
I'm going to say that Luke tried to build a new order like the old one. It was a dumb idea and he learns that Jedi need more life experience before going through training.

Edit: I fully expect Luke to be more kind and caring than prequel Jedi. More Obi-Wan than Yoda.
This movie is establishing the new characters while keeping things very familiar. I personally didn't mind the prequels as much but it left a bad taste in a lot of people mouths. This film is trying to bring back those people. But first and foremost it's to establish the new characters.

The first movie just has to be good. That's it. Of course you'll have people complaining it's not the best of all time. But if the consensus of this movie from movie goers is good. It's done it's job.

I'm perfectly fine with that, and it makes sense. Another movie following an ageing Leia, Luke and Han would be all kinds of tragic. Fresh blood was definitely needed. What I'm not keen on is the idea of this trilogy following the same beats as the OT.

The prequels may have left a bad taste in people's mouths but that doesn't mean every mainline Star Wars film needs to go back to the OT as a template on 'how to do Star Wars'. VII gets a free pass because it's Star Wars big comeback, but that said, it doesn't seem to be following IV too closely. Sure you've got Rey on Not Tatooine, a masked Dark Side of the Force user, and a droid companion, but like I said with the prequels, those are more thematic references rather than what I'd call retreading old ground.
I'm just hoping VIII and IX branch out into their own story.
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