The Elite
The spoiler board has Luke as her father. Though it's still with some uncertainty.
Why have I just discovered this Spoiler Board?
The spoiler board has Luke as her father. Though it's still with some uncertainty.
The spoiler board has Luke as her father. Though it's still with some uncertainty.
*scrolls down to Starkiller base*
"Finn uses the blue saber for the first time"
edit: also I'm gonna be upset if there isn't a snowspeeder chase in here with all these cool First Order vehicles
I do like that the Spoiler Board thingy acknowledges they're fucking shit up as they fuck it up. It's why those percentages are there. It's kinda slick.
so snoke is a jawa?
Just to confirm, does all evidence point to Rey being Luke's daughter?
Can I ask, what is everyone's opinions on the general plot of the film, IF the story board is correct? Are you happy with the narrative?
I know there's a lot that is still uncertain, particularly the final act, but the general plot seems pretty much certain now.
Personally, I like it. There's enough throw back, but I like the path they've created for the new guys, especially Finn and Rey. The fanservice seems solid....but potentially over the top to the point of awkwardness. It could quite easily come across as cheesy if its not handled well (I'm mainly refering to seeing a Wookie rip someone's arms off, and Han shooting first (the cheer for that would be immense, if handled properly)).
I guess that's the point really, isn't it? We know the broad strokes, but the delivery is what will make or break it. There's nothing in any of the leaks that makes me think "well, thats dumb".
I'm so fucking excited, despite the leaks and potentially spoilering all/most of the film.
They will turn out to be stalk eyes, belonging to a very familiar face...
so snoke is a jawa?
New trailer with more Snoke dialog:¬if_t=video_comment
I like it. But the way the falcon is just there and how it seems they just bump into Han and Chewie is a little to close to the-thrown-of-the-Enterprise-onto-desolate-snow-planet-and-run-into-old-Spock moment from JJ's Star Trek.
But I hope they have a logical reason for these things happening.
Hosnian Prime = Luke's hideout?
I have a feeling Starkiller Base is what they call the trench/military part, but as a whole, it has a different name. Hosnian Prime sounds like somewhere an evil former Empire would build a space laser.would have been my guess
unless the planet of starkiller base has an original name as well
which makes it look like the planet is called starkiller base, but that doesn't make any sense, starkiller is obviously the name of the weapon the base is built aroundStarkiller Base
An ice planet converted into a stronghold of the First Order
the wiki says
which makes it look like the planet is called starkiller base, but that doesn't make any sense, starkiller is obviously the name of the weapon the base is built around
unless the whole planet is a base similiar to the death star, on the poster it looks a bit like that
the wiki says
which makes it look like the planet is called starkiller base, but that doesn't make any sense, starkiller is obviously the name of the weapon the base is built around
unless the whole planet is a base similiar to the death star, on the poster it looks a bit like that
Bryan pointed out on twitter that the star-map revealing the new planet names is missing Kamino still. Maybe he's hiding out there.
But I'm betting it's Hosnian Prime he's on. Starkiller Base has its own separate spot on the map, meaning whatever that planet used to be called, it's just Starkiller Base now.
Where's Mustafar?it's got Rakata Prime on there![]()
Tatooine and Geonosis are close.
Think they touched on that fact in Episode II, IIRC.
1. Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village
2. The Scavenger
3. I Can Fly Anything
4. Rey Meets BB-8
5. Follow Me
6. Reys Theme
7. The Falcon
8. That Girl with the Staff
9. The Rathtars!
10. Finns Confession
11. Mazs Counsel
12. The Starkiller
13. Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle
14. The Abduction
15. Han and Leia
16. March of the Resistance
17. Snoke
18. On the Inside
19. Torn Apart
20. The Ways of the Force
21. Scherzo for X-Wings
22. Farewell and the Trip
23. The Jedi Steps and Finale
Track listing posted on Amazon France:
1. Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village
2. The Scavenger
3. I Can Fly Anything
4. Rey Meets BB-8
5. Follow Me
6. Rey's Theme
7. The Falcon
8. That Girl with the Staff
9. The Rathtars!
10. Finn's Confession
11. Maz's Counsel
12. The Starkiller
13. Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle
14. The Abduction
15. Han and Leia
16. March of the Resistance
17. Snoke
18. On the Inside
19. Torn Apart
20. The Ways of the Force
21. Scherzo for X-Wings
22. Farewell and the Trip
23. The Jedi Steps and Finale
I am curious about "The Abduction". Trying to place it with what we already know.
Forgot about that.
Hoth and Bespin being practically on top of each other makes sense since you can get from one to the other without hyperdrive.
Edit: I don't see Chandrila.