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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Go Lost Stars.

edit: The meeting with Han & Rey/Finn plays a lot less frantic than originally described. There's actually some comedy bits in here, looks like - an opportunity for Han to be HAN again, bartering and bullshitting in order to (try) to save his own ass.

This shot list, if anything, is simply going to call attention to how the information was delivered, and how much unnecessary obfuscation was introduced in the sharing of that info.


Maybe we are missing scenes and everything is not fully decoded.

But, the one thing this shot selection does not do is explain who Rey is.

I mean, it says that she is powerful, and does something with the force to at least stop Kylo Ren at the end of the movie.

I dunno, maybe she is just someone random in this universe. Maybe she is the new version of the prophecy.

It says that someone will be born and bring balance to the force.

If the force has been unbalanced because of the rise of Snoke and Kylo, and the complete disappearance of Luke who we to believe brought balance previously, with her rise and "awakening" is causing the whole thing to happen again.
because we do not exactly know at what point that conversation between Snoke and Kylo happens, in which he speaks about feeling the awakening of the light and the dark.

Maybe that is why she is in the middle of the poster with the orange and blue on either side.

Or maybe I shouldn't drink before passing out anymore.
Or maybe I shouldn't drink before passing out anymore.

When else are you supposed to drink?

Anyway, they haven't said who she is in the shot list (they're being pretty coy w/ the codewords in the shot list, so it's probably a case of "anyone who needs to know, already knows, c'mon now") but the fact her recognition of Han as some sort of accomplice to myth as opposed to "a guy who seems really familiar to me but I can't place it" really seems to lock down the fact she's not his & Leia's.


I'll say this.

With Kylo being Han and Leia's Son, This movie will technically be the tales of the skywalker's. Even with Rey not being related to anyone.

Maybe will set up a redemption arc for kylo in VIII and IX?


This shot list, if anything, is simply going to call attention to how the information was delivered, and how much unnecessary obfuscation was introduced in the sharing of that info.

Yeah. I appreciate that Jason Ward shared all of this stuff early, but he added a lot of useless speculation and interpretation to everything . Couple that with his procedure of drip-feeding information to increase traffic instead of just dumping it all out at once and it's a recipe for frustration.

MF did us more good, both by leaking the concept art (which Jason sat on and chose instead to describe poorly) and the shot list. And better yet, they did it all in one information dump, rather than stringing us along for months.

Maybe we are missing scenes and everything is not fully decoded.

Maz's flashback has a couple scenes missing...


Yeah I noticed that, Maybe that is the Rey's stuff and because of how "secret" that whole thing is, they removed it from most documents.

Oh well. we find out in what, 16 days or something.

In MSW's version of that scene, they had a couple of descriptions of Kylo Ren approaching Rey in the flashback. Curiously, they're missing in the MF version.

I think it's possible the missing scenes in the flashback relate to Rey.


In MSW's version of that scene, they had a couple of descriptions of Kylo Ren approaching Rey in the flashback. Curiously, they're missing in the MF version.

I think it's possible the missing scenes in the flashback relate to Rey.

Yeah, Well. that shoots holes in my crazy old man theory.

It seems interesting they are removed, Her lineage must be a hell of a bombshell.


Finished reading through the MF shot list and there's some interesting things to note:

"INT NIGHT - 126 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - INTERIOUR • Rey realises who Han Solo is! But he wants them gone"
-Does this mean Rey recognizes Han, or that she realizes he's the owner of the Falcon? I'd assume the former going by what she says in the trailer about the stories that were told about the Rebellion.

"EXT DAY - 228 - CASTLE - RUINS • Resistance Aerial attack. Kylo Ren uses his powers. Maz Kanata does likewise"
-Do Kylo and Maz fight each other?

-Sledgehammer is now called Steamroller
-No longer a scene of Han breaking down on the Falcon en route to Starkiller Base and being consoled by Finn
-No longer a scene of Kylo Ren "having a moment" on the Falcon after it is found on Starkiller Base
-The flashback sequence makes a lot more sense in some ways but is just as confusing in others. No Rey? Is she really "Rey Random"? Why are there sequences of the lightsaber being used by Naka and the local trader before we cut back to young Kylo at the academy? How on earth did Maz "steal" the lightsaber when Lor San Tekka is the one who had it earlier in the film???


INT NIGHT - 40 - STAR DESTROYER - SCARY ROOM • Kylo Ren chats with Poe, confident he will get what he needs

Guessing this is the scene where we see Vader's mask. Likely nothing more than a prized decoration at this point, no?


-No longer a scene of Han breaking down on the Falcon en route to Starkiller Base and being consoled by Finn
-No longer a scene of Kylo Ren "having a moment" on the Falcon after it is found on Starkiller Base

I'm going to be honest: if these are gone, I'm going to be sad. Hope there's something that conveys this sort of pathos in the final film.


This is what the guy who posted the link on TFN had to say about this version of the shot list:

A few things...

I worked - that is - we worked all all through Thanksgiving Week on this from scanned pages (on the beach no less because it's hot down herre)

1. Coded names were replaced with actual names

2. Missing numbers and repeated numbers are intentional as the information was omitted from the hardcopy.

3. A ton of information was omitted from this report i.e.which castmember was there, what studio or location was used, whether plates or VFX shots were used, etc (ex Any shots Mark Hamill did in Britain were for interior finale scene's shots)

4. I have been doing this since 2001 before I even old enough to legally drink. "MakingStarWars" apparently has been a follower of mine since that time. If our work differs from IndieRevolver/MakingStarWars it's because IR has more "documents" than us and IR transcribed the info to MSW. A lot can get lost in translation and there is a lot more information now than there was back in Feburary/March/April.

If you like what I/US/WE/MF does make sure to send the sources our way. Also maybe contact this site's owners to hire some JC'ers to update the TFN frontpage. There was way too much dripping, teasing, and attentionwhoring this time around.

So I'd imagine some of the stuff from MSW's version still applies.


So given that all this stuff seems to now have originated from IR. I wonder why they weren't the leakers and they left it up to MSW.

I also wonder how long this has been in the wild given that it may be the original source of the lightsaber in space.


I still wonder where that thing from those costume listings about Rey stumbling upon a whole room of Knights of Ren inside Starkiller Base came from. Was the guy who wrote those descriptions really bored and just wanted to play around or did they somehow misinterpret "Stormtroopers" as "Knights of Ren"? Old draft information?


Too bad Kylo seems to lose the mask at the end of the movie, especially for what seems to be the climatic battle against Finn and Rey.

I feel like his charisma will plummet once he removes his mask.


Too bad Kylo seems to lose the mask at the end of the movie, especially for what seems to be the climatic battle against Finn and Rey.

I feel like his charisma will plummet once he removes his mask.


He's got the body language, he'll do just fine.


I'm still pretty confused about the flashback tbh but rather than really think about it and try and figure it out, I'm happy to wait at this point.


Ooooh, something slightly new to read! Yay.

Mods and Rockers is the best codename. I had this weird vision of Paul Weller confronting Han.

That scene is the one that worries me the most, I think. From the sound of it, it has the potential to be a bit...silly? Particularly when they release whatever cargo it is, and Finn gets dragged around.

The new bits around the flashback are interesting; Kylo is taken/runs away as a child from the academy.

I know it's meant to be vague and/or deceptive, but I really want to see a primative native somewhere using a lightsaber to start a camp fire. So impractical.

Not long now....


The thing I always found crazy was how Indie Revolver was the initial start point of all this. I mean who ever heard of them before this. I wonder how they found themselves with a source over at Lucasfilm.


So given that all this stuff seems to now have originated from IR. I wonder why they weren't the leakers and they left it up to MSW.

I also wonder how long this has been in the wild given that it may be the original source of the lightsaber in space.

For whatever reason IR did source this to MSW and it's not clear why, maybe to avoid the potential fallout in case Disney came down on all this somehow?

We've known about IR's involvement for a very long time, MillenniumFalcon themselves called them out on it no later than April (this form post has been heavily edited from what it originally contained, however. you'll see lots of REDACTED sections)

They also claimed MSW dishes out fake info to other fan sites and a bunch of other unsavory things. When you combine this with MSW's strategy of drip-feeding all the info from these call sheets to their readers bit by tiny bit to stretch out the page hits for as long as possible, you begin to see a not so pretty picture forming.
For whatever reason IR did source this to MSW and it's not clear why, maybe to avoid the potential fallout in case Disney came down on all this somehow?

We've known about IR's involvement for a very long time, MillenniumFalcon themselves called them out on it no later than April (this form post has been heavily edited from what it originally contained, however. you'll see lots of REDACTED sections)

They also claimed MSW dishes out fake info to other fan sites and a bunch of other unsavory things. When you combine this with MSW's strategy of drip-feeding all the info from these call sheets to their readers bit by tiny bit to stretch out the page hits for as long as possible, you begin to see a not so pretty picture forming.

I seem to remember that post you link once saying all things are forgiven with Bobby, was he involved in that?


One thing I got to say is people may like to criticize MSW for dripping out the shot list over time for hits but look, IR and co seemed too spooked to post it themselves. If MSW didn't post it we may have never have gotten this till now with MF mere weeks before release. They do deserve credit for actually having the balls to be the only site to leak this months and months ago. I can't fault the guy for doing it in a manner to get the ad revenue hits, at least he leaked it to us way way in advance.

My only worry is this was a one time deal. That things will be much tighter on Episode VIII. I don't think I can handle not having detailed spoilers for all the films.


One thing I got to say is people may like to criticize MSW for dripping out the shot list over time for hits but look, IR and co seemed too spooked to post it themselves. If MSW didn't post it we may have never have gotten this till now with MF mere weeks before release. They do deserve credit for actually having the balls to be the only site to leak this months and months ago. I can't fault the guy for doing it in a manner to get the ad revenue hits, at least he leaked it to us way way in advance.

My only worry is this was a one time deal. That things will be much tighter on Episode VIII. I don't think I can handle not having detailed spoilers for all the films.

When does shooting begin on EP VIII, March still? I still think we're going to get more than enough details when they start shooting. I mean Disney/Lucasfilm must be kind of happy with the way VII panned out. Even though nearly everything got out, it hasn't reached the main audience.


When does shooting begin on EP VIII, March still? I still think we're going to get more than enough details when they start shooting. I mean Disney/Lucasfilm must be kind of happy with the way VII panned out. Even though nearly everything got out, it hasn't reached the main audience.

None of the stuff ever reaches the main audience for spoilers. The entire scripts leaked in advance of all 3 prequels, I can't imagine anyone outside the spoiler hungry community had any idea that they were out there though.
So do Poe and Rey have any scenes together. And was all that stuff about possible tension/jealousy surrounding Rey/Finn/Poe just bs? (It was one of the older rumors, I can't remember if it was ever in the actual spoilers on MSW or not).

Seems like they aren't going for anything but a solid friendship between the 3 in this one.

That scene is the one that worries me the most, I think. From the sound of it, it has the potential to be a bit...silly? Particularly when they release whatever cargo it is, and Finn gets dragged around.

Reading that, I was thinking that maybe it's another loose callback to the OT. I'm thinking it plays a little bit like the trash-compactor scene in ANH .

Shot list sounds like it will make for a fun little romp if they get it right.
I'm going to be honest: if these are gone, I'm going to be sad. Hope there's something that conveys this sort of pathos in the final film.

Yeah, I was especially looking forward to seeing how Ren having a "moment" would play.

However, I did notice this :

INT DAY - 235 - STARKILLER BASE - CORRIDOR #1 • Kylo Ren pauses outside the Dungeon, flustered

INT DAY - 241 - STARKILLER BASE - GREAT HALL • Kylo Ren briefs his boss on Rey - He's worried. Snoke says load The Catapult

INT DAY - 260 - STARKILLER BASE - DUNGEON • Kylo Ren annoyed to find that Rey has left the party.

INT DAY - 261 - STARKILLER BASE - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE DUNGEON • Kylo Ren really upset about what's just happened.

He's shook! And angry! Someone might get force choked for this shit.
I seem to remember that post you link once saying all things are forgiven with Bobby, was he involved in that?

nah, what DP was referring to there is super old drama bullshit regarding Ward, from around 2007/2008. Nothing to do with any bullshit mind games MSW and Manabyte got caught planning and playing earlier this year. The reference to forgiving me made more sense before the redactions.

Anyway, it is weird that IR would just turn the whole shebang over to MSW and let them run old spoiler dissemination playbooks from 2003 on it, as opposed to just doing it themselves.
Is Poe a more minor character than we intitally thought? He dissappears in the shot list pretty early on... Heck, the way it reads, it almost sounds like he dies (Although, that would conflict with past information and footage we've seen, right?) His last appearence in the shot list by name is:

EXT DAY - 68 - NEAR MAIN STREET - RUINED TIE FIGHTER • TIE Fighter has landed hard. Finn okay, Poe not. Promise made

EXT DAY - 69 - SAND PIT • Finn walking alone, puts on some of Poe's clothes

EDIT: Re-read the synopsis in the OP, and yeah, everything makes sense now haha. Sorry.
So how did the Falcon end up on Jakku? Has it been abandoned there since the battle of Jakku?

So basically they end up in it by pure coincidence (ahem the force)?


So how did the Falcon end up on Jakku? Has it been abandoned there since the battle of Jakku?

So basically they end up in it by pure coincidence (ahem the force)?
I'm really hoping that isn't the case, if only because it'll be the only thing detractors of the movie talk about if they can't find anything else.


I'm really hoping that isn't the case, if only because it'll be the only thing detractors of the movie talk about if they can't find anything else.

I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being this. I remember reading - although I can't remember where - J. J. once saying that if things are well executed enough then the audience is willing to let coincidences slip. And "will of the Force" works better here at least than, say, Kirk ending up on the exact right place on that snow planet in the Star Trek movie.
Another interested thing...

The "awakening" dialogue from the trailer... now seem to refer to the events on Jakku.

So what did really awakens? Rey? The lightsaber? The Falcon? :)

Logical answer would be Rey? But how specifically in that context?

The events *are* directly linked to the lightsaber though.


Another interested thing...

The "awakening" dialogue from the trailer... now seem to refer to the events on Jakku.

So what did really awakens? Rey? The lightsaber? The Falcon? :)

Logical answer would be Rey? But how specifically in that context?

The events *are* directly linked to the lightsaber though.

Using her Force-enhanced Skywalker-lineage ability to suddenly become a great pilot I guess? *shrugs*


So how did the Falcon end up on Jakku? Has it been abandoned there since the battle of Jakku?

So basically they end up in it by pure coincidence (ahem the force)?

More so that they then manage to fly it straight to where Han is. Which would be a ludicrous double co incidence.

It's something that the shot lists won't tell us. Hopefully there is an explanation. Maybe the Falcon is flown to Han by BB8 if he/she has to fix the hyperdrive. Or its pre programmed to return home once it's been turned on after someone fires her up.
Another interested thing...

The "awakening" dialogue from the trailer... now seem to refer to the events on Jakku.

So what did really awakens? Rey? The lightsaber? The Falcon? :)

Logical answer would be Rey? But how specifically in that context?

The events *are* directly linked to the lightsaber though.
I don't think the awakening has to be a single thing or specific confluence of things, nor does it have to be sudden. If the force is dormant, then things start moving and pulling together in some larger vague sense would work as an awakening. It doesn't have to be a power suddenly manifesting, but a realigning and start of something bigger. Small ripples in the field that build slowly over time. Something a keen badguy would be like "yo, something is happening here. can you feel it".


For whatever reason IR did source this to MSW and it's not clear why, maybe to avoid the potential fallout in case Disney came down on all this somehow?

We've known about IR's involvement for a very long time, MillenniumFalcon themselves called them out on it no later than April (this form post has been heavily edited from what it originally contained, however. you'll see lots of REDACTED sections)

They also claimed MSW dishes out fake info to other fan sites and a bunch of other unsavory things. When you combine this with MSW's strategy of drip-feeding all the info from these call sheets to their readers bit by tiny bit to stretch out the page hits for as long as possible, you begin to see a not so pretty picture forming.

I would guess IR didn't want the heat. If Disney cared that much or MSW leaked something they absolutely didn't want getting out they could easily make life very difficult to Ward just through sending a Lawyers letter on something spurious.

I think realistically though as long as the spoilers stay in threads on forums and not known to the general public they'll let it go. Mind you it seems among a few people I've talked to Han dying seems to be general knowledge.

I guess the shot lists will be on the black paper with red ink for episode VIII like the script.
I don't think the awakening has to be a single thing or specific confluence of things, nor does it have to be sudden. If the force is dormant, then things start moving and pulling together in some larger vague sense would work as an awakening. It doesn't have to be a power suddenly manifesting, but a realigning and start of something bigger. Small ripples in the field that build slowly over time. Something a keen badguy would be like "yo, something is happening here. can you feel it".

I'm not sure, I get the feeling it's a specific event. Maybe this:

INT DAY - 115 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - TURRET • Rey gets ready to do something that scares her...


I'm not sure, I get the feeling it's a specific event. Maybe this:

INT DAY - 115 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - TURRET • Rey gets ready to do something that scares her...

I think that's just supposed to be her making the Falcon do a flip.

INT DAY - 115 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - TURRET • Rey gets ready to do something that scares her...

INT DAY - 116 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - TURRET • Finn freaked - get ready for what?

INT DAY - 117 - MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT (GIMBAL) • Rey yanks on the yoke.

EXT DAY - 118 - SHIP WRECKAGE - DEBRIS • Millennium Falcon does loop! Finishes last TIE Fighter
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