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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Jurassic World was fine. (Though I know gaf hates it with a hyperbolic passion.). I'm not worried.

I believe they hate it because it blew up the box office when they were pretty sure it would be a dud.

If I've learned anything, the GAF hivemind hates to be wrong.

Also, I second Empire > Jedi > New Hope

EDIT: Oops, looks like I triggered some people :3


I understand that we don't know jack shit at this point, but it's pretty crazy how the directors for 8 and 9 are kinda lining up with how Empire and Jedi turned out. As of now, 8's gonna be darker and more character driven and 9's gonna be a big bombastic finale.


Personally, I've always enjoyed RotJ more than Empire, but now that I'm older and know more about filmmaking, I realize that Empire is the better movie and am starting to kind of like it as much, maybe more that Jedi. I don't know why I like Jedi more thouh. I mean, they're almost equal in my book, it's not like there's a huge gulf between them, but I'd definitely have to go

RotJ > Empire > A New Hope
I understand that we don't know jack shit at this point, but it's pretty crazy how the directors for 8 and 9 are kinda lining up with how Empire and Jedi turned out. As of now, 8's gonna be darker and more character driven and 9's gonna be a big bombastic finale.

Empire was also a lot more funny and a lot more romantic than Star Wars, too.

Nobody really gives it that credit. But it's true. Star Wars is fun, and exuberant, and amiably goofy. But Empire is funnier, sweeter, scarier, sadder, and more dramatic. It's not just "darker."

It's basically just everything Star Wars, but better.


Empire was also a lot more funny and a lot more romantic than Star Wars, too.

Nobody really gives it that credit. But it's true. Star Wars is fun, and exuberant, and amiably goofy. But Empire is funnier, sweeter, scarier, sadder, and more dramatic. It's not just "darker."

It's basically just everything Star Wars, but better.

No offensive to Abrams and Kasdan (it's looking fricken' good) but I can see Johnson doing the same. Here's hoping.
Brothers Bloom shows he's capable of light-hearted adventure and comedy. Brick shows he can do super-tight plotting and efficient storytelling. His work on Breaking Bad shows he can get ratchet up tension like nobody's business.

That guy is the goods. He's deliberate. If he wants a particular emotion to play out, he's going to to maximize it as much as he can. And if Kasdan's like "he's on some shit with his movie" that means we're going somewhere we might not have gone before with Star Wars. I'm EXCITED about that.


Brothers Bloom shows he's capable of light-hearted adventure and comedy. Brick shows he can do super-tight plotting and efficient storytelling. His work on Breaking Bad shows he can get ratchet up tension like nobody's business.

That guy is the goods. He's deliberate. If he wants a particular emotion to play out, he's going to to maximize it as much as he can. And if Kasdan's like "he's on some shit with his movie" that means we're going somewhere we might not have gone before with Star Wars. I'm EXCITED about that.
This is what I most want to see out of 8 and 9. I want them to do crazy things we've never seen before, while still staying true to Star Wars. Don't play it safe, but don't make it feel like it doesn't belong. It's going to be tough, but I have faith.
Brothers Bloom shows he's capable of light-hearted adventure and comedy. Brick shows he can do super-tight plotting and efficient storytelling. His work on Breaking Bad shows he can get ratchet up tension like nobody's business.

That guy is the goods. He's deliberate. If he wants a particular emotion to play out, he's going to to maximize it as much as he can. And if Kasdan's like "he's on some shit with his movie" that means we're going somewhere we might not have gone before with Star Wars. I'm EXCITED about that.

I agree Bobby. I feel like this movie is playing it safe in a good way to get some people back on track that were a little disenfranchised with Star Wars after the prequels. I do not believe they are going to follow the Original Trilogy route that some seem to think. I think Force Awakens has a chance to be the third best Star Wars film behind Star Wars and Empire, while Episode 8 could possibly be the best. We'll see!
Star Wars has better fuck yeah moments and has the advantage of being a full story though. Empire is better, but sometimes I feel like it might not be.

I'm sorry, I'm just rambling to myself.


The prequels occupy a complicated place in the "Star Wars" canon. Obviously, they were Lucas' vision and there's a whole generation for whom they were the entry point to the "Star Wars" universe, but a lot of older fans felt like they were a huge letdown. How do you think about them in terms of their place in the overall story?

The story [in the prequels] does not interfere. We only have to deal with the first trilogy so we didn't have to deal with it much. They obviously have a certain feel, and that was not the feel we wanted this one to have. This is much more related to "A New Hope" and "Empire."


I mean...duh? The prequels are pretty far removed time-wise from the new trilogy and anything of consequence that happened in them was addressed in the OT. There are still background references to them in The Force Awakens (pods on Jakku, flags on Takodana) and thats all you really need. Hell I bet Naboo gets a passing mention before this trilogy is done. I don't think anyone was expecting them to catch us up with what Jar Jar has been up to.


You and me to the end. I think we are the only Star Wars fans that consider Star Wars to be better than Empire.

Empire is great but as I've aged I've come to like Star Wars the best. It has the best opening and ending of all six movies and there's a simplicity to the character relationships that makes each of them feel like small characters in a much larger story.


Man, i had a weird The Force Awakens dream.

I can't recall how it began but it sure was odd, and nonsense. Like Finn being a dark jedi but not a darksider, apparently.
I was really confused why the film was so different from the synopsis based on the shooting schedule.
The weirdest part was when JJ Abrams appeared in the film, except he was actually Peter Jackson, and he told everyone Luke would die rather than Han would die ("wat" was my reaction), and at that point the movie ended anyway, just like that without Luke dying and no resolution.
And the film lacked the final battles completely.
Oh, and Boba Fett appeared, loyal to the empire as a bounty hunter and he worked with Captain Phasma for some reason.

Dreams are really, really weird.

Wasn't the first dream i had about TFA... I reckon i must be subconsciously quite exited about the film.
Just wanted to share.
George Lucas clearly intended to make a feature-length, big budget version of an 80's Saturday Morning cartoon with Episode 1. It's all there--the racially stereotyped villains, the annoying "comic relief" sidekick, the silly anachronisms, and the humor that no one above the age of five could possibly find funny. The two-headed race announcer clinched this idea for me. Lucas plainly created Jar Jar Binks to be the movie's Orko, not realizing that nobody really liked Orko in the first place. It's pitched at the same level as an episode of Masters of the Universe or Thundercats, with more impressive visuals to boot. I mean there are truly plenty of moments in the Phantom Meance where the set design, creature design, sound effects, editing, music, and color all snap into place, and its legitmately good popcorn cinema.

Moments that are muuuuuch rarer than Episode 2, which doesn't even feel like an actual movie at times in comparison.
Man, i had a weird The Force Awakens dream.

I can't recall how it began but it sure was odd, and nonsense. Like Finn being a dark jedi but not a darksider, apparently.
I was really confused why the film was so different from the synopsis based on the shooting schedule.
The weirdest part was when JJ Abrams appeared in the film, except he was actually Peter Jackson, and he told everyone Luke would die rather than Han would die ("wat" was my reaction), and at that point the movie ended anyway, just like that without Luke dying and no resolution.
And the film lacked the final battles completely.
Oh, and Boba Fett appeared, loyal to the empire as a bounty hunter and he worked with Captain Phasma for some reason.

Dreams are really, really weird.

Wasn't the first dream i had about TFA... I reckon i must be subconsciously quite exited about the film.
Just wanted to share.

I had a dream it was bad, and also a mix of Alien: Resurrection and 2001: A Space Odyssey, but slower, browner, and all spaceships' interiors looked like the inside of a cracked walnut, with yellow paint floating around everywhere. The movie only resembled an actual Star Wars movie sorta when I started realizing it wasn't like the leaked synopsis. It ended with Luke's saber falling out of the ship. I also remember attending it in a theater that looked like it was in a laundromat in a ruined building, with all the chairs going up the theater area these white fold-up chairs that were growing out of the floor. Was weird.


4 = 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2

I like ANH and ESB both equally as much though for different reasons. I feel Jedi drags a lot in some places and Sith is just better paced compared to Jedi.


1 is drivel and the plot doesn't really go anywhere. It was a huge let down to an 18 yr old SW fanatic like me.

2 was just donkey shit though. I mean no redeemable features apart from McGregor as a middle aged Obi Wan.
That is a fairly common order so I don't see the need for flame shields.

Mine is
4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2.

Some folks (see any Star Wars thread in the OT) don't like it when you put any of the prequels in even the same air as any of the originals.

And I say that as someone who actually really enjoyed RotS.
We doing rankings?

5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 >1

I have a very basic ranking.

He's not a good one.

Eh, I'd say he is. So far he has a track record of one indie film that I very very much enjoyed, and one big blockbuster that I thought was subpar.

From what I've heard, there was at least some level of studio interference on JW as well. Heard Trevorrow wanted to do more with practical effects and the studio told him no.

I'll agree that, between him, J.J, and Rian, he has the most to prove.


That is a fairly common order so I don't see the need for flame shields.

Mine is
4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2.

Mostly this:

Some folks (see any Star Wars thread in the OT) don't like it when you put any of the prequels in even the same air as any of the originals.

And I say that as someone who actually really enjoyed RotS.

I had no idea it was at all common around here for anyone to put any of the prequels over any of the OT. It may be more a case of the hyperbolic hate train from a vocal segment of the fan base drowning out everything else.

RotS of course had its problems. They flubbed the immediate aftermath of Windu's death horribly. (The novelization's portrayal made it easier to swallow than the film's version). But otherwise I put it right up there with the OT even if there's a dropoff after 4/5.
Where you hearing this? You gotta post a link for stuff like that.

No press/previews has been a thing that hasn't been solidly answered yet.

I think we know that a number of bloggers, like Germain from io9 and Devin Faraci are seeing it on the 14th. So there definitely will be some pre-release buzz.

Whether there are mass press screenings beyond that premiere isn't known yet, I think..
These last two weeks will be the last two weeks I'll be in Star Wars movie related threads. I've decided that I will go spoiler free for 8, 9, and the anthology films. I will watch the trailer and tv spots, but I will no longer be participating in the threads because I have learned some people like to spoil things while acting like they are just "guessing". It's been a fun ride with you people for Force Awakens. Enjoy the rest of the trilogy and off year films!


Where you hearing this? You gotta post a link for stuff like that.

No press/previews has been a thing that hasn't been solidly answered yet.

Frosty from Collider tweeted that Disney went back and forth on showing footage. Originally they were going to show 20-30 minutes, but change their minds.

/Film also confirmed no footage and said Hamill is not listed to appear at the press junket.
Frosty from Collider tweeted that Disney went back and forth on showing footage. Originally they were going to show 20-30 minutes, but change their minds.

/Film also confirmed no footage and said Hamill is not listed to appear at the press junket.

Okay, thanks for the clarification. So they've declined to show 30min of footage at the press event this weekend, but this isn't a decision on press/preview screenings in general.


So how do we handle EPVIII spoilers?

Ah well I'll just tag it to be sure but regarding an EP VII character that's now confirmed to return for EP VIII:

Captain Phasma is confirmed to return in EP VIII



Okay, thanks for the clarification. So they've declined to show 30min of footage at the press event this weekend, but this isn't a decision on press/preview screenings in general.

No problem, I should've back it up when I posted it. Are they doing press screenings the week of release? I thought they were just going to show the 30 minutes and that was it.


So, when will be people be backing out of the Internet? The premiere is on the 14th, at which points all the plot points we don't know about will leak out like a sieve.

I'd imagine the whole Han dying thing will be common knowledge and likely be getting spoiled on big sites on the 14th.


So how do we handle EPVIII spoilers?

Ah well I'll just tag it to be sure but regarding an EP VII character that's now confirmed to return for EP VIII:

Captain Phasma is confirmed to return in EP VIII

I think this should just be an all out Star Wars spoiler thread. Rogue One and all.
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