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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

That's pretty much what it boils down to. If it doesn't feature Luke kicking Kylo Ren's ass and/or Han surviving, it's misinformation. I mean, I'm pretty sure that Luke will have his moment to shine in VIII or IX.

But some people just feel like these characters are getting the shaft just because they aren't front and center for the whole thing. There are some people on TFN that honestly believe that Luke's role won't increase in VIII, which is absurd. It's weird.

Hamill has already filmed scenes for VIII and he's growing his beard out again to film more in January/February. That right there tells you his role is bigger in the next one.


Hamill has already filmed scenes for VIII and he's growing his beard out again to film more in January/February. That right there tells you his role is bigger in the next one.

Yup, I guess people see what they wanna see.

Speaking of which, where do you all think they'll take the next few episodes? I feel like the possibilities are pretty endless.
Heh, look what made it into the NY Times today.

‘Star Wars’ Fever Extends to an Ancient Irish Island




Pretty crazy that, excluding MSW obtaining the call sheets (which was a huge leak, don't get me wrong), we'd know very little about this movie.

Personally I wish he hadn't. They'll likely be more careful next time around as without the shot lists no one would have a clue what was going on. It's been pretty leak free
Do you guys think we'll see Coruscant at any point in this new trilogy? Being the capital, it's a pretty important part of the galaxy, but at the same time, I wonder if it's prequel ties will make Lucasfilm apprehensive about including it.


Even if they don't appear in the new trilogy, they have a second chance to appear in the spinoff films. Whose to say some of the Rebels from Rogue One won't be recruited or travel to/from Coruscant?
Even if they don't appear in the new trilogy, they have a second chance to appear in the spinoff films. Whose to say some of the Rebels from Rogue One won't be recruited or travel to/from Coruscant?

Coruscant during the time of Rogue One would be interesting.
Im hoping Rebels shows a lot of it eventually.

Big One

These movies aren't going to completely ignore the prequels, lol. They're just trying to make their own thing, hence why Jakku and Not-Hoth are new planets of old ideas.
These movies aren't going to completely ignore the prequels, lol. They're just trying to make their own thing, hence why Jakku and Not-Hoth are new planets of old ideas.

Hell, if the speculation ends up bearing out, then Starkiller Base is actually ON a planet we've only seen previously in The Clone Wars.


They don't really give a shit about reusing locations or vehicles from that era.

The setting isn't what made those movies disliked.

Yeah, it's a major misunderstanding on the part of some fans about what went wrong with the prequels.

The planets, names, adventure and many of the plot points weren't the problem and perhaps were the things that made the prequels watchable.

I personally want to see how they tie it all together, even the prequel era. So far, the new canon material —from novels to comics— haven't shied away from the prequel era universe and incorporated its history, planets and even characters in the new stories, even in the material released as part of the Journey to the Force Awakens stories.


Hell, if the speculation ends up bearing out, then Starkiller Base is actually ON a planet we've only seen previously in The Clone Wars.

Someone super-imposed a older EU map from a few years back over the new map (can't find it right now but it was on reddit) and the locations of places on both maps matched up exactly and Starkiller base was in the same location as Illum from TCW.

We already have a one The Clone Wars reference in the trailer. Maz's castle have flags with Ziro the Hutt and Hondo Ohnaka's gang signs on them.

Let's not forget just yesterday on Howard Stern JJ Abrams talked about Pablo Hidalgo, and how he would talk to him almost every day to get canon/universe info he needed.


I don't want to get pedantic, but I don't think a couple of really ancillary callbacks (many of them relegated to EU material that only super-fans are going to read) make it apparent that Disney isn't avoiding the prequel trilogy.

I think it's pretty clear that they're doing their best to avoid its settings, regardless of the fact that those places don't have anything to whether or not the prequels are disliked.

It's the just the general association that they're trying to avoid.


I don't want to get pedantic, but I don't think a couple of really ancillary callbacks (many of them relegated to EU material that only super-fans are going to read) make it apparent that Disney isn't avoiding the prequel trilogy.

Assuming its Ilum it isn't some sort of love letter to TCW. More they had a icey sort of planet meant to be in the unknown regions and someone in the story group said "there is already a planet like that why not just use that one?" and thats about it.
I think it's pretty clear that they're doing their best to avoid its settings, regardless of the fact that those places don't have anything to whether or not the prequels are disliked.

But they're not.

I mean, not to any further extent than they are the planets/settings in the original films as well. The Force Awakens doesn't feature any previously featured planets.

But Lucasfilm is absolutely incorporating prequel-era shit into the current canon. Some of it more meaningful than others, absolutely. But it's in the mix.

I know of most of it simply because people who like the prequels can't stop themselves from crowing about every fucking crumb they find in the new canon that refers back to them.

It's a fair amount of crumbs. More like an entire muffin top, actually.


But they're not.

I mean, not to any further extent than they are the planets/settings in the original films as well.

But Lucasfilm is absolutely incorporating prequel-era shit into the current canon. Some of it more meaningful than others, absolutely. But it's in the mix.

I know of most of it simply because people who like the prequels can't stop themselves from crowing about every fucking crumb they find in the new canon that refers back to them.

It's a fair amount of crumbs. More like an entire muffin top, actually.
I am most surprised about how much is in Rebels, I really expected that to be more of a fresh sort of OT loving era show than we ended up getting.

If someone told me we'd get Rex and Ashoka added as recurring characters before the first episode aired I would have laughed them off as being a crazy TCW fanboy being delusional.

At this rate Bobby your pal Bryan might actually get his "WHERE IS PADMES FAMILY!?!?" answer in a comic or something.


But they're not.

I mean, not to any further extent than they are the planets/settings in the original films as well. The Force Awakens doesn't feature any previously featured planets.

But Lucasfilm is absolutely incorporating prequel-era shit into the current canon. Some of it more meaningful than others, absolutely. But it's in the mix.

I know of most of it simply because people who like the prequels can't stop themselves from crowing about every fucking crumb they find in the new canon that refers back to them.

It's a fair amount of crumbs. More like an entire muffin top, actually.
Yeah, the books and comics are packed to the brim with prequel era stuff so far.


The big thing people need to remember is who is on the story group. Most of them are prequel era Lucas hires. No one should be surprised by the lack of a anti-prequel agenda in a lot of the media.


As Bobby said, most of the planets in The Force Awakens are simply new additions to the galactic map in order to expand the universe (pun intended), just like the prequels added a bunch of planets, but I don't think they are meant to obscure previous planets or mythology.

After all, the new cannon map includes planets from all three trilogies.

Oh, have any of you started reading the new Journey to the Force Awakens short stories with background characters we've seen in Maz Kanata's castle (and constable Zuvio from Jakku)? They're great tidbits, although I've finished only two so far, but they are great thirst quenchers before TFA is out.

Prequel era stuff gets mentioned in them too.
Look at this denial:

MSW has not leaked enough to ruin or expose much of anything.

I hope MSW is wrong about: Han Luke's screen time That last line

(That guy thinks MSW made up the stupid MY BABY GIRL line, they didn't)

I'll be disappointed if it's true because it's a pretty boring film as his synopsis reads - just a bunch of educated guesses and broad plot points that lack any glimpse of character thought or motivation, which is where the real interest in the film will be. There's plenty of things left out and I doubt it's 100% accurate, especially during the last act of the film.

I don't buy the leaks, they're just making a speculation based on info and trailers. We'll see on the 17th.


we have the entire shot list leaked with scene descriptions. Sorry dude we know everything

Well if the Cheebs says it, it must be true. I've been reading all the spoilers as you guys have, but that news about Mark Hamill getting paid big money to not share some big secret threw me the fuck off.

What does Snoke look like?
Well if the Cheebs says it, it must be true. I've been reading all the spoilers as you guys have, but that news about Mark Hamill getting paid big money to not share some big secret threw me the fuck off.

That's not how that goes, though.

He has a clause in his contract that he LOSES money if he spoils plot-relevant details (specifically concerning his role in the film). Not that he gets a bonus if he manages NOT to spoil something.

He's basically clarifying that there is no way he's going to mention to anyone under any circumstances what his role in the film is, because there's literally a penalty attached to that information.

You gotta read more carefully.


That's not how that goes, though.

He has a clause in his contract that he LOSES money if he spoils plot-relevant details (specifically concerning his role in the film). Not that he gets a bonus if he manages NOT to spoil something.

He's basically clarifying that there is no way he's going to mention to anyone under any circumstances what his role in the film is, because there's literally a penalty attached to that information.

You gotta read more carefully.

Well, the article comes off as such: Mark Hamill is keeping a massive 'Luke, I am your father' style secret for Star Wars: The Force Awakens

"It's crazy. This NDA [Non-disclosure agreement] stuff where you’re not allowed to talk about anything. I have something coming out [in The Force Awakens] where there’s an amount of money that if it leaks, because of me, I don’t get that payment. If I keep it secret until the day it comes out, I get that payment."

"I’m proud of the fact that I knew a year and a half before anybody else that he was actually dad Vader," he said. "I didn’t even tell Harrison or my wife, because I thought it would be terrible if she said something to a fan.
"Now it’s happening all over again. I’m not even authorised to tell you I’m in Episode VII, it’s all secret."

I get the NDA stuff. I get that he can't say he's in Episode VII. But that's it? The article is misleading if so.
That's not how that goes, though.

He has a clause in his contract that he LOSES money if he spoils plot-relevant details (specifically concerning his role in the film). Not that he gets a bonus if he manages NOT to spoil something.

He's basically clarifying that there is no way he's going to mention to anyone under any circumstances what his role in the film is, because there's literally a penalty attached to that information.

You gotta read more carefully.

He clarified he was talking about Arkham Knight and not getting paid if he talked. He said he's keeping quiet about TFA for free.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
That's not how that goes, though.

He has a clause in his contract that he LOSES money if he spoils plot-relevant details (specifically concerning his role in the film). Not that he gets a bonus if he manages NOT to spoil something.

He's basically clarifying that there is no way he's going to mention to anyone under any circumstances what his role in the film is, because there's literally a penalty attached to that information.

You gotta read more carefully.

I believe he clarified later on Twitter that he was talking about a bonus on not spoiling he was returning as the Joker in Arkham Knight.
He clarified he was talking about Arkham Knight and not getting paid if he talked. He said he's keeping quiet about TFA for free.

Ah-ha. I thought the Arkham Knight thing got confused with the TFA thing, which only amplified the confusion. He ended up saying that it was NEVER Star Wars, and was always Batman, then?

By the time that interview was given, his role as Joker in Arkham Knight was already known though, wasn't it? Why would he be speaking about that reveal as if it hadn't happened yet?

I fucking hate the reblog echo-chamber sometimes.
That's what I'm talking about - the initial interview is talking about a thing he's doing in the future. That Arkham reveal had already happened when the interview was given.

Plus people referring to the penalty he'd incur if he spoke as if it were a bonus instead didn't help.

Regardless, main point: People, with two weeks to go, still convinced the spoilers that have basically been completely solidified and locked in since MAY are somehow part of a disinformation campaign are fuckin' tripping.


EXT DAY - 190 - LANDING PAD JOURNEY • Plates as required for Maz Kanata journey to Maz Kanta's Castle

EXT DAY - 192 - SAVANNAH • Reprise Hand takes sword, we reveal Naka

EXT NIGHT - 193 - SAVANNAH - PEASANT'S HOVEL • Peasant is using the sword as a firestarter

EXT DAY - 194 - SAVANNAH - PEASANT'S HOVEL • Local trader buys sword off of Naka

EXT NIGHT - 195 - SAVANNAH • Local trader already has sold the sword on

EXT NIGHT - 196 - BATTLEFIELD • A battle rages. The sword is being used.

EXT DAY - 198 - ACADEMY • Leia and Han Solo hand over Young Kylo Ren to his Uncle for training

EXT DAWN - 200 - ACADEMY • Young Kylo Ren being trained by his Uncle

INT NIGHT - 202 - ACADEMY • Bodies left behind - Young Kylo Ren is gone

EXT DAY - 203 - JAGGED TERRAIN/PALACE • Kylo Ren joins The Knights Of Ren

EXT DUSK - 204 - ACADEMY • R2-D2 upset as his master leaves

EXT NIGHT - 205 - JAGGED TERRAIN/PALACE • Kylo Ren joins The Knights Of Ren

EXT DAY - 207 - CASTLE • Reveal Maz Kanata's spectacular Castle

INT DAY - 208 - CASTLE • Maz Kanata walks the group through the Castle interiour

EXT NIGHT - 209 - CASTLE • Kylo Ren and his Knights at campfire. Maz Kanata steals sword

INT DAY - 210 - CASTLE STAIRCASE • Walking down stairs, Maz Kanata reveals she stole it.

EXT NIGHT - 211 - MOUNTAIN SIDE • Reveal Maz Kanata on Speeder, she has the sword

Well, I guess Maz's flashback makes a little more sense.

Interesting stuff regarding Han and Leia dropping Kylo off with Luke for training.


Other than the Kylo Ren reveal, it appears that this Shot outline still does not tell us who Rey is.

But hey, Han dying makes way more since with Kylo Ren being his son.


The stuff with "The Emissary" and the "Tunnel of Love" getting blown up still doesn't make a lot of sense though.

MSW made it sound like it was a ship that got blown up but I dunno. It seems a little wasteful, when you have a sun-destroying weapon, to use it to blow up a simple starship as the first demonstration of its "horrifying" power.

I realize the emperor used the Death Star II to blow up a couple capital ships but we already understood what it was capable of after the first movie.
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