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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Interesting that Driver's hair is visible in the below pic, but not in the gif.


My first time seeing this shot.

Wow that looks goofy. Like some failed cosplay with a too-small helmet. Even the way he's hunched over makes him look a little chubby.

It's going to be funny when Kylo Ren's story turns out to be an allegory for obsessed Star Wars fanboys.
I would guess IR didn't want the heat.

I dunno, though. IR basically showed up on people's radar by leaking a lot of that pre-production art themselves.

The only real heat applied by Lucasfilm this time out appears to be them going after the imageshack account that leaked Kylo Ren's design early.

Everyone else basically got ignored. Which was smart.
My first time seeing this shot.

It's going to be funny when Kylo Ren's story turns out to be an allegory for obsessed Star Wars fanboys.

I'm actually most intruiged by where Kylo's arc is going to go through this series. They've suggested plenty of times that he's not fully-formed as a villain yet. So where does that go? Does he evolve into being Darth Vader-tier by IX? Does he realize the delusions he's fallen prey to, and become more of an anti-hero (I.E. Zucko in Avatar)? Does he become a Starscream-esque lackey to Snoke in VIII and IX?
Does he die like a prequel trilogy chump in the opening of VIII?


I dunno, though. IR basically showed up on people's radar by leaking a lot of that pre-production art themselves.

The only real heat applied by Lucasfilm this time out appears to be them going after the imageshack account that leaked Kylo Ren's design early.

Everyone else basically got ignored. Which was smart.

Also the pic of Hamill in the 3D scanner. They went nuclear on that.
Too bad Kylo seems to lose the mask at the end of the movie, especially for what seems to be the climatic battle against Finn and Rey.

I feel like his charisma will plummet once he removes his mask.

Nooooooo way. Full-on, dark side, full-of-rage Adam Driver is what I'm going to be waiting the entire film for. I'm actually hoping he loses the mask sooner rather than later.
Also the pic of Hamill in the 3D scanner. They went nuclear on that.

Did they though? It's still freely floating around with that watermark on it, even. Like, if you go to YouTube, and watch a single Collider video, that image is going to show up in your recommended videos on the right hand side as a thumbnail.

I'd imagine that's the one spoiler that Lucasfilm is genuinely upset about getting out there, but I don't remember them going after anyone too hard for it.

edit: also, reading the quoted TFN post from sphagnum upthread - pretty sure that's darth psychotic himself, i.e. the guy who runs millenniumfalcon.

I also like that the link got posted here IMMEDIATELY after a tiny discussion about people not believing spoilers. "Oh, you don't think spoilers are real, huh? WHOOPS."


Interesting thing I hadn't seen before from the Rolling Stone article, which is up in full:

Back at Bad Robot, I am permitted to watch Abrams editing the movie for precisely 20 minutes. That adds up to maybe a minute or two of actual footage. So I can confirm that there is a space battle in the film, featuring X-Wings and TIE fighters and something like a Death Star. There is a lightsaber duel, where Kylo Ren is unmasked, revealing an intense-looking, unscarred Driver. There is a weapon that the filmmakers, at least, refer to as a "Sunsucker." I see a churning energy device on the ground of a planet that sends a massive, lavalike beam upward – Sunsucker or not, it looks scary.

Is the planet called Starkiller base and the weapon is called Sunsucker? Or is this just another production codename, like Catapult? I don't know why they'd be using a codename this late in the process though. And it's hard to mishear "Starkiller" as "Sunsucker".
Interesting thing I hadn't seen before from the Rolling Stone article, which is up in full:

Is the planet called Starkiller base and the weapon is called Sunsucker? Or is this just another production codename, like Catapult? I don't know why they'd be using a codename this late in the process though. And it's hard to mishear "Starkiller" as "Sunsucker".

Might just be a nickname that caught on rather than an actual codename.
This is interesting too, from the RS article above:

They begin by reviewing a shot shown in the trailer, where dozens of flags appear on a castle that belongs to Maz Kanata, a mysterious little goggle-wearing creature, played by Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave) via motion-capture and CGI. The flags are designed to drive superfans nuts with references to the earlier movies, but Abrams tells Guyett that too many of them allude to the first of Lucas' prequels: "I don't want to be too about podracers," he says. "I'd rather come up with our stuff."


Sick burn, JJ.

"Too many prequel references! Cut it down, cut it down!"

Howard was grilling JJ hard about GL in their interview this week. He had nothing but nice things to say about GL but it's clear there is a mandate, either from JJ, the story team or higher up, to try downplay the role of the prequels as much as possible.


Is the planet called Starkiller base and the weapon is called Sunsucker? Or is this just another production codename, like Catapult? I don't know why they'd be using a codename this late in the process though. And it's hard to mishear "Starkiller" as "Sunsucker".

I bet it's just a production in-joke, rather than a name in the movie.

really interested to see where exactly is Captain Phasma during this entire third act

There's a good chance she isn't a part of it. I don't think she has a significant role in this film.
Go Lost Stars.

edit: The meeting with Han & Rey/Finn plays a lot less frantic than originally described. There's actually some comedy bits in here, looks like - an opportunity for Han to be HAN again, bartering and bullshitting in order to (try) to save his own ass.

This shot list, if anything, is simply going to call attention to how the information was delivered, and how much unnecessary obfuscation was introduced in the sharing of that info.

Man Lost Stars is awesome so far, listening to it while stocking at Walmart all night.
Just got to the Death Star firing.
Again, the trailer likely started with one of 'em. A pretty creative one, too.

But there is no way Abrams isn't using wipes as transitions in this movie.

Although I'm also as convinced that if he didn't, it would take someone else pointing out that they didn't happen for most people to notice.

related to the "wackiness" of the Force Awakens, here's an interview with Lawrence Kasdan where he mentions that kind of aspect (goofiness) as being a key one.

The prequels occupy a complicated place in the "Star Wars" canon. Obviously, they were Lucas' vision and there's a whole generation for whom they were the entry point to the "Star Wars" universe, but a lot of older fans felt like they were a huge letdown. How do you think about them in terms of their place in the overall story?

The story [in the prequels] does not interfere. We only have to deal with the first trilogy so we didn't have to deal with it much. They obviously have a certain feel, and that was not the feel we wanted this one to have. This is much more related to "A New Hope" and "Empire."

These movies will all be so different. ["Episode VIII" director] Rian Johnson is a friend of mine — he's going to make some weird thing. If you've seen Rian's work, you know it's not going be like anything that's ever been in "Star Wars."

Yesssss. Absolutely cannot wait to see what Rian does with Star Wars. I'd bet money that VIII is widely going to be seen as the strongest of this new trilogy just based on his presence.


Yesssss. Absolutely cannot wait to see what Rian does with Star Wars. I'd bet money that VIII is widely going to be seen as the strongest of this new trilogy just based on his presence.

Please don't blow this, Rian.
The prequels occupy a complicated place in the "Star Wars" canon. Obviously, they were Lucas' vision and there's a whole generation for whom they were the entry point to the "Star Wars" universe, but a lot of older fans felt like they were a huge letdown. How do you think about them in terms of their place in the overall story?

The story [in the prequels] does not interfere. We only have to deal with the first trilogy so we didn't have to deal with it much. They obviously have a certain feel, and that was not the feel we wanted this one to have. This is much more related to "A New Hope" and "Empire."




The prequels occupy a complicated place in the "Star Wars" canon. Obviously, they were Lucas' vision and there's a whole generation for whom they were the entry point to the "Star Wars" universe, but a lot of older fans felt like they were a huge letdown. How do you think about them in terms of their place in the overall story?

The story [in the prequels] does not interfere. We only have to deal with the first trilogy so we didn't have to deal with it much. They obviously have a certain feel, and that was not the feel we wanted this one to have. This is much more related to "A New Hope" and "Empire."

Just when my hype for this movie couldn't get any higher...


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Yesssss. Absolutely cannot wait to see what Rian does with Star Wars. I'd bet money that VIII is widely going to be seen as the strongest of this new trilogy just based on his presence.

I have zero faith in him. But at least VIII will have more Luke.
He was apparently picked from a list of directors who were known for their work in drama. Affleck was one of the choices. From what anyone can gather, even a smidgen of detail, it's going to be an emotional film. I think Johnson won the gig more because of his work with actors in some of the most emotional and dramatic scenes (like the most gut wrenching scenes in Breaking Bad) and his general understanding of special effects.


These movies will all be so different. ["Episode VIII" director] Rian Johnson is a friend of mine — he's going to make some weird thing. If you've seen Rian's work, you know it's not going be like anything that's ever been in "Star Wars."

The guy said he was enamored with Under The Skin and it's one of his all-time favorites. If we get the right amount of that weirdness in VIII, holy shit it will be boss.

(I haven't seen Jurassic World, i'm not a Jurassic Park fan in any way. And based on what i've heard about JW, i wouldn't have liked it at all.)

Wholesome family fun with average direction and standard cinematography.

Good news is, Rian is writing a draft of IX based on JJ/Kasdan's direction.
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