Well that might be the best thing I have read all day.
That is awesome.
My personal prediction regarding Finn, Rey and Kylo...
Kylo - It's all but certain he's a Solo. He's obviously force sensitive too, so Leia would have felt that in him upon his birth. She either helped guide him, or sent him to Uncle Luke for training. Ambitious, with an incredibly strong bloodline, I can see young Kylo being hungry to learn, to be strong, to be better than those around him. I think his ability of the force makes him vunerable, and from the trailers/leaks, it seems Snoke is in his head at the time of TFA. I think Snoke got into his head at a far younger age, tempting him with the power of the dark side and the legacy of his Grandfather. He abandons Luke/Leia and the path of the Light Side, and succumbs to the dark ways, and follows Snoke's guidance in joining/forming the Knights of Ren. The attack on the Jedi is an attempt at wiping them out, including Luke. After Luke goes into hiding, Kylo makes it his goal to kill the last remaining Jedi.
Everyone keeps mentioning how Kylo helped take down everyone at Luke's "school". If Rey was 5 at the time, how old was Kylo? Same age or maybe 10? No, he wasn't wearing that outfit at that age so the scene in the rain is either someone else and Kylo eventually inherits that outfit (which wouldn't make sense since Kylo only recently made that lightsaber) or the flashback is really more of a vision and is showing that Kylo aided or supported the attack but clearly Rey doesn't know who he is so the vision has given him his adult appearance since some of her memory is blocked/repressed.
Also, the spoilers say "R2, 3PO and BB8 solve the mystery of the lightsaber and find out where Luke is". No, it's much simpler than that. I think after letting the force in, Rey senses his location with Luke's help to go to him. The opening with Poe, where they put the "message" in BB8, means his lightsaber has been found which implies Luke thinks it's Rey's time. The message itself is the lightsaber.
I bet Luke sent the lightsaber through space, it would definitely show his power and focus when it's revealed. He knew it would reach her. And the falcon? It was on the planet waiting for her, for the right time. Why? Not sure about that one but Han knows who she is (he does play one of the mentor roles after all). The lightsaber being sent to her and the falcon reaching her will be talked about in 8.
Finn is not related to anyone. Could they make his backstory really cool or add a twist? Sure but the point is he is the regular person that's been thrown in to something he didn't ask for, looking for purpose. Rey and Kylo are the Skywalkers, the ones who have things set up for them.
I mentioned it when I talked about Rey, but I think a lot of people assuming Rey is present at the attack is down to the description of the vision. I'm starting to lean more towards she's just witnessing the event, rather than being there, but it's something that keeps changing (my opinion and/or interpretation).
When Kylo tries to break Rey mentally, it's implied that there's history there, and that's also accounted for people thinking Rey was there. However, it might be that Rey simply has the resolve to probe Kylo's mind, and sees his obsession with Vader. By all accounts, he walks away from that confrontation feeling flustered and frustrated, so you'd imagine Rey is a strong mental opponent.
They could hand wave it all and Rey forgets the evidence thanks to some mind trickery from Luke, but I think it's most likely, as you pointed out, that Rey is simply not there at the time of the attack.
Do we have an idea on the time scale regarding Luke's disappearance, the attack, and the start of the film?
My assumption was that Rey was taken away from there as a child, when the attack happened. Why else would she have to leave so young? Which points to the Kylo Ren in the vision not being the Kylo we know since he would be her age. Then we'd have to go with one of two things: Kylo attacked that place much later when Rey had already left that place many years before (which we'd need an explanation for) or the vision is showing that Kylo assisted as a child or went with them (there is no 5-10 year old that tall). They've mentioned the lightsaber he built is new so unless he just attacked Luke's school (which he didn't), then the vision is just a message.
I think Kylo lead the attack, we see him with his lightsaber, which we know was recently constructed (wouldn't be surprised if his was its first outing), and I think he wipes out Luke's pupils. The leaks pretty much refer to it as much. What we really don't know, is if Luke is there, is Rey there, and why was Rey shipped out and seemingly knows nothing of her family?
So what you're saying is Luke JUST went into hiding? I'm not arguing, just trying to get the timeline straight. If it is indeed a true flashback in the vision, that means Kylo, who is around the same age as Rey, JUST recently wiped out the school (which means no way Rey could've been there since she was left alone as small child) and Luke just recently went into hiding? So then why was Rey taken away, what, almost two decades prior when she was 5?
According to your view, timeline would go:
Rey, at age 5, is taken into hiding.
Kylo at some point leaves.
Luke continues teaching.
Kylo comes back to kill everyone (him and Rey are both now in their 20's). This also implies the school has been around until very recently.
Luke goes into hiding and Kylo is after him.
I always assumed the school went down in flames when Rey was a child which is why she was transported away and Luke has been hiding for years which, again, doesn't go along with Kylo destroying the school and having that lightsaber because, again, they're around the same age meaning that's either an insanely tall 5 year old, this school was around longer than I thought and was recently destroyed or it's a vision that has meaning but isn't exactly what happened.
The only reason I question it as a recent event is because Luke has been missing for a long time which to me implied many years and he gave up on the school when she was a child. Unless...Rey was actually around the whole time and saw the massacre. Her mind was altered by Luke and she knows how to use the falcon because she wasn't actually dropped off as a kid, she was lied to and hasn't been on Jakku for very long. It also awakened her memory of how to use a saber and the force.
Interior Day Rosess Pub There is a secret underground chamber and Rose begins her tale to Han, Rey, and Finn. They hold hands.
Flashback: Interior Night at Academy Dead bodies are on the ground. Luke turns up.
Flashback: Exterior Dusk at the Academy It is noted it is peaceful now. Artoo-Detoo is saddened as his master departs.
Flashback: Exterior Day at the Savannah A hand that takes the sword at the start of the film is revealed to be Nakas hand.
Flashback: Exterior on the Savannah A peasants hovel where the peasant drops the sword, starts a fire, panics and then returns.
Flashback: Exterior Desert Local trader is seen leaving. (I believe it then cuts to Finn and Reys faces as the story unfolds).
Flashback: Exterior Day Desert Local trader makes a sale to a wealthy man.
Flashback: Exterior Night Battlefield Fierce battle! Sword is being use by the CLAN against THE SEVEN.
Flashback: Exterior Night: the last man is down and Kylo Renn approaches Rey!
Flashback: THE SEVEN are looting and we see Rose in the foreground taking the object.
Interior Day Rosess Pub: In the underground chamber, Rose presents the saber and Rey is revolted by it while Finn is attracted to it.
Interior Day Rosess Pub: Rey moves past aliens in an uproar as she leaves the establishment.
Interior Day Rosess Pub: Courtyard: Rey runs away from the castle.
Exterior Day: Woods near Rosess pub Rey runs into the woods.
Interior Day Rosess Pub: Rose now knows why the saber came to her.
Exterior Day: Woods near Rosess pub BB-8 finds Rey but suddenly the villains are overhead.
Adding on top of all the flashback talk, over at the TheForce.net some people have unlocked a whole new level of speculation after adjusting the image of Ren in the rain. He appears to be holding an object that looks a lot like lightsaber in his off-hand, and it looks awfully similar to Luke's ROTJ saber.
Adding on top of all the flashback talk, over at the TheForce.net some people have unlocked a whole new level of speculation after adjusting the image of Ren in the rain. He appears to be holding an object that looks a lot like lightsaber in his off-hand, and it looks awfully similar to Luke's ROTJ saber.
It does kind of have a similar shape to his green lightsaber, but it looks too fat on the handle and too skinny at the top.Adding on top of all the flashback talk, over at the TheForce.net some people have unlocked a whole new level of speculation after adjusting the image of Ren in the rain. He appears to be holding an object that looks a lot like lightsaber in his off-hand, and it looks awfully similar to Luke's ROTJ saber.
No, some just see a repeat of A New Hope, but it's becoming obvious that they structured it more as a homage to the entire OT and Episodes VIII and IX will be more original stories (hopefully).
First Act of TFA: A New Hope (introduction to heroes, desert planet, a McGuffin)
Second Act of TFA: The Empire Strikes Back (snow planet, surprise Imperial attack)
Third Act: Return of the Jedi (A last minute victory for the heroes, Luke shows up and the Jedi come back into play)
There's even more stuff from the entire OT thrown in between. Themes from ROTJ come up in the second act, stuff from a TESB in the third etc., but it seems very likely this is what they went for.
Let's hope it works.
Bit worried about all the elements that seem to comprise the last 2 acts.
The verdict will be in how organic it feels to transition over to e.g. the speeder bike chase thing on Starkiller base in between all the other elements/action set pieces that are directly lift..rhymed with the OT.
From some leaks, Act2 and Act3 definitely feel more like kitchen sink rather than going with iconic 1-2 action scenes and making sure they are worth it.
In this regard TFA already seems to be more like a modern Marvel movie.
To be fair, Star Wars had 3 parallel battles going on in ROTJ. During TPM post-production Lucas realized he might have made a mistake with going for 4 which is just too many to get invested in.
Adding on top of all the flashback talk, over at the TheForce.net some people have unlocked a whole new level of speculation after adjusting the image of Ren in the rain. He appears to be holding an object that looks a lot like lightsaber in his off-hand, and it looks awfully similar to Luke's ROTJ saber.
TheForce.net JC speculation isn't much to go on. There's a 13-page thread over there where they're still trying to convince themselves the MSW leaks aren't real.
SMH at the chinese poster minimizing the black dude
SMH at the chinese poster minimizing the black dude
Yeah it's kind of embarrassing.TheForce.net JC speculation isn't much to go on. There's a 13-page thread over there where they're still trying to convince themselves the MSW leaks aren't real.
I'm still really curious how Poe fits into everything. So far all I know for sure is that Kylo tortures him and he plays a hand in Finn's escape. Beyond that, he seems like a pretty unknown quantity.
I'm still really curious how Poe fits into everything. So far all I know for sure is that Kylo tortures him and he plays a hand in Finn's escape. Beyond that, he seems like a pretty unknown quantity.
He's basically Wedge++ in this movie. I'd expect him to get a bigger role in 8 and 9.
He heads to Jakku to get the lightsaber (or maybe just a kyber crystal and Maz has the lightsaber? Hard to tell now with that one illustration showing Lor San Tekka putting something in his hand that is clearly smaller than a lightsaber), gets caught in the raid by Kylo's forces but hands off the package to BB8. He's taken to the Finalizer and tortured for information, and when Finn decides to defect he gets him out of the brig and they hijack a Special Forces TIE together. The TIE gets shot down on Jakku and Finn thinks that Poe is dead so he takes his jacket and plods off into the desert. Somehow Poe gets off Jakku and reappears on Takodana just in time to help save the day by riding in with his X-Wing squadron, then heads to D'Qar to rejoin the Resistance. He leads his squadron in the space and atmosphere battles over Starkiller Base. His group survives when Hux uses "the array" and wipes out nearly all the First Order and Resistance ships, and they destroy the superweapon by bombing it after Finn lowers its shields withe the lightsaber.
I just realized, there's no scene explaining how Poe gets off Jakku. Another HMMM....
15 days.
Remember how far, far away this film seemed?
Does the Resistance only have X-wings?
Hope my baby the Y-wing is still inuse.
They should make a new Y-Wing based on the original concept art: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net...Q-ywing.png/revision/latest?cb=20130308044453
(I know The Clone Wars Y-wing was based on this but it is too hightech-y, IMO.)
Kudos to Disney/Lucasfilm, a few weeks out from release and there's still so much we don't know about this movie (Act 3, Luke, Vader's mask, Rey/Finn/Poe/Kylo's lineage, etc.).
Not an easy feat in this day and age.
I think we know most of those things.
You may not want to be in this thread.
I remember the day I woke up to the news and was a little late for uni because I was too shocked to get ready haha15 days.
Remember how far, far away this film seemed?
You're telling me you know everything about Act 3? Get out of here. It's still all speculation.
They should make a new Y-Wing based on the original concept art: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net...Q-ywing.png/revision/latest?cb=20130308044453
(I know The Clone Wars Y-wing was based on this but it is too hightech-y, IMO.)
You're telling me you know everything about Act 3? Get out of here. It's still all speculation.
It's pretty bizarre at this point that people are still doubting the MSW synopsis. I mean, I figured that it would stop when the second teaser came out, when a bunch of scenes described in the shot list were in it. Nope.
Then the trailer came out a couple months ago and more scenes from the shot list were confirmed. Nah, still just "guesswork". I swear some people are still gonna be in denial even after they see the movie.
You're telling me you know everything about Act 3? Get out of here. It's still all speculation.
People will see the movie a week from Monday. Even if they talk about it afterwards, the deniers will still claim it's all guesswork or misinformation and there's secretly a lost third act that's nothing but Luke wrecking Kylo.
These delusional people have no problem accepting the 1st or 2nd act of the shot list, but they claim nothing is known about the third act to maintain their Luke delusions. That's despite the soundtrack listing pretty much confirming the outline.