Boy, some SW fans sure are grumpy and out of the loop nowadays.
Anyway, I try to be "hip" and enjoy everything Star Wars, from the OT to Rebels, so I don't get how some people just stick to the OT and call themselves SW fans, or shit on everything else. You can have a preference, but to pretend the rest doesn't exist isn't really an option for me.
I laugh at the horrible parts of the prequels but enjoyed the best of the Clone Wars immensely, and I don't miss a single episode of Rebels (second season has been so-so) or the new canon material.
I'm 28, by the way, so I was born in the era of no OT in the theaters, no Special editions and no prequels, but still managed to become obsessed with SW.
Age has nothing to do with preference I find. I have a friend in his forties who will defend the prequels to the moon and loves Clone Wars. He's great but I never trust his critical thinking because he bases his love of a film on if he likes the director rather than if the film is good. He will dismiss a film without watching it if he has no history with the director.
I'm 27 grew up with the Special Editions but now I avoid anything that isn't the theatrical cuts of the OT.
I'll admit there are some interesting ideas and visuals in The Phantom Menace. And it's the one prequel that doesn't look like ass now - thanks to having been shot on film - but the other two prequels are as bad as each other. Sith is the hardest pill to swallow for me because unlike the other two, Sith has a great idea to hang the plot on. A gift of story. The fall of a hero and it utterly fails to capitalised on that. It somehow fails to tell that story well, let alone tell it dramatically.
I find it baffling that some say that Sith is better than Jedi. Jedi is the weakest of the OT, but it is still a well acted, visually engaging film with the best space battle and arguably the best duel in the OT. A duel rich in pathos, suspense and emotion. People cite pacing and Ewoks but I'd argue that the pacing of Sith is worse, The Obi/Grevious subplot is a dead end and is ultimately pointless.
The Clone Wars feels like damage control to me. Other writers making up for the missteps of films. I shouldn't have to watch CW to better enjoy the prequels. The OT doesn't require that step. They were good on their own.
As to what a "fan" can or can't enjoy. They can count what they want as canon. It's their party. Hell, there is such a disconnect visually and tonal between the OT and everything else that I find it crazy easy to just delete it from my canon. Am I any less a fan because of me making that distinction? Does it make anyone else more of a fan because they love Tano or Dooku? Of course not.
I'm a massive Star Wars fan. Huge. I freaking love the first three films. The more I watch them the more they engage with me. As I get older I appreciate things I never have before, moments I (somehow) missed. They are eternally re-watchable for me. They are movie magic. And they still move me.