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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

If it's going to leak I imagine it will be early next week when it arrives in stores prior to going on sale. Maybe we get lucky and it hits somewhere this week but I imagine they are going to have it arrive close to release.

Maybe we will get an official bit soon though?
You can imagine one of the store employees holding the soundtrack like
Have there been any leaks on what kind of romances develop in this?

I saw that interview quote from Oscar Isaac about how Finn and Poe's fates are intertwined, and combined with the fact that you could almost say Rey is the Luke, Finn is the Han, and Poe is the Leia of this trilogy, I think it would be rad if they paired up Finn and Poe.

I doubt that would happen, but what a world that would be.
They didn't.

Have they flat out denied it? Because I don't believe them. Edit: Or was it something from Lucas' original draft?

Also, when did that Duel of the Fates music video appear before Phantom Menace? I guess we're not getting a big music reveal of any particular piece of music from this film?
Have they flat out denied it?

Yes. Kasdan says he doesn't even know what the fuck a canon IS.

They didn't pull from the EU for story beats. Aspects of the EU might have been taken and laid over the top of ideas they already came up with separately (essentially "we have one of those from the books already, so just swap that name in") but no - Abrams & Kasdan didn't use anything from the novels or the comics.

I need to experience the music attached to the film first.

To each their reach, but hearing music and getting familiar with it before seeing it in the film has NEVER diminished that music's worth and emotionality for me. It's always amplified it. Some to lesser degrees than other, but it's never not made my appreciation of the music that much higher when I see the film.
Yes. Kasdan says he doesn't even know what the fuck a canon IS.

They didn't pull from the EU for story beats. Aspects of the EU might have been taken and laid over the top of ideas they already came up with separately (essentially "we have one of those from the books already, so just swap that name in") but no - Abrams & Kasdan didn't use anything from the novels or the comics.

I believe Kasdan doesn't know what canon is.

It's just oddly similar.

I think this is the actual Duel of the Fates video they used before the release of the film. Surprised I couldn't find it on Youtube. I think it may have premiered on one of the US morning shows first.
They're spinning it now that they're simply using the art as confirmation it's accurate to the look of the character in the movie, not saying the art is real (although they were saying the art was real before it was pointed out to them it's a fake based off two pre-existing works)
To each their reach, but hearing music and getting familiar with it before seeing it in the film has NEVER diminished that music's worth and emotionality for me. It's always amplified it. Some to lesser degrees than other, but it's never not made my appreciation of the music that much higher when I see the film.

The only case where I've seen it diminished is when the movie itself uses different cuts from the album; I remember being a bit bummed that they cut the entire extended Throne Room piece out of the ROTS end suite for the film's credits, though adult-me realizes that in retrospect, they had to cut that thing down somewhere in order to keep the credits within a respectable runtime.


They're spinning it now that they're simply using the art as confirmation it's accurate to the look of the character in the movie, not saying the art is real (although they were saying the art was real before it was pointed out to them it's a fake based off two pre-existing works)

Are they not aware that Plageuis as a Muun is no longer canon?
I actually remember being kinda disappointed when hearing that on the soundtrack because it was, after Battle of the Heroes, the exact same as an old concert arrangement of the original End Credits from Star Wars. Same timing and everything - but with a lazier transition back to the finale.

So hearing it cut up in the film itself was fine!

Are they not aware that Plageuis as a Muun is no longer canon?

I'd imagine so, but again - they're thirsty for this one. They've been riding it hard for years now, and since their post-credit theory just got shit on, this is basically all they got left.

Manabyte's going at 'em right now, I guess.


Super twist.

Turns out Snoke is a Muun. But isn't Plagueis.

Would be hilarious.

It's obvious he's going to be a new kind of Alien.
He used to post here & got permbanned, I guess? That's about all I know of him, aside from being a contributor to Ward's site/podcast, where he got blown up earlier this year for planting false stories at other outlets so as to make MSW look better in comparison.

He was pretty apologetic for that bullshit, though.


He used to post here & got permbanned, I guess? That's about all I know of him, aside from being a contributor to Ward's site/podcast, where he got blown up earlier this year for planting false stories at other outlets so as to make MSW look better in comparison.

He was pretty apologetic for that bullshit, though.

Didn't know that. What stories?


He used to post here & got permbanned, I guess? That's about all I know of him, aside from being a contributor to Ward's site/podcast, where he got blown up earlier this year for planting false stories at other outlets so as to make MSW look better in comparison.

He was pretty apologetic for that bullshit, though.

Sounds like a bunch of petty nonsense.

... so pretty par for the course for people on the internet.
Collider is editing the fake Snoke confirmation out of their video and claiming Disney issued a takedown on it:


Hey guys, some of may notice that the title and thumbnail for today's Movie Talk has been changed. Pretty soon, the video itself will be edited down as well to remove the first topic discussed (it was a Star Wars topic). I just wanted to get on here before any speculation started as to why this is happening.
A few hours after the show posted, Disney contacted me and very respectfully requested that we take the segment out. Please understand Disney has never... in almost 10 years that I've dealt with them... EVER requested that I take anything down (nor have I ever put them in a position where they would feel the need to ask). My team and Disney have always had a very good relationship. When I talk mad shit about Agents of Shield, they have never asked me to "tone it down" or "please say something nice". They have always respected our editorial integrity. So when they politely called me and requested we take a topic down today I decided to grant the request. It wasn't an urgent story that fans "had a right to know" or anything important. I didn't feel that removing the topic was somehow a "disservice to the fans", or was in any way "important to the community". So I felt ok about pulling it.
It's important to know that the studios don't have any editorial influence over us, and Disney fully agrees with that. However, just because someone isn't your boss, doesn't mean you can't do something for them if they make a request. Today, Disney made a respectful request, and out of respect we obliged.
So that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I'll answer what I can. Cheers!
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