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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


7+ feet tall and very, very thin you say...?



Also, confirmed that Snoke ISN'T 25 feet tall.


That was one of the sillier bits of ridiculousness the fanbase ran with lately.

Compiled list of bullshit descriptions of Snoke:

1. Giant Python
2. Blue alien with big yellow eyes
3. Sad faced clown
4. Liquid Metal
5. Force Ghost Luke Skywalker
6. Darth Plagueis
7. Darth Vegas
8. 25 Foot Dragon
9. A cloud of smoke that possesses people
10. Danny Devito
11. Grey alien with long ass neck
12. Jar Jar Binks
13. Darth Vader resurrected
14. Ralph McQuarrie’s early design for the Emperor
15. Kylo Ren's Uncle
16. George Lucas
17. A human Tarkin type left over from the Empire that is a force user as well like Ren
18. A very angry zombie cobra

Surely, one of these has to be correct
Compiled list of bullshit descriptions of Snoke:

1. Giant Python
2. Blue alien with big yellow eyes
3. Sad faced clown
4. Liquid Metal
5. Luke Skywalker
6. Darth Plagueis
7. Darth Vegas
8. 25 Foot Dragon
9. A cloud of smoke that possesses people
10. Danny Devito
11. Grey alien with long ass neck
12. Jar Jar Binks
13. Darth Vader resurrected
14. Ralph McQuarrie’s early design for the Emperor
15. Kylo Ren's Uncle
16. George Lucas
17. A human Tarkin type left over from the Empire that is a force user as well like Ren
18. A very angry zombie cobra

Surely, one of these has to be correct

Joke's gonna be on you when it turns out to be George Lucas...

Compiled list of bullshit descriptions of Snoke:

16. George Lucas

Surely, one of these has to be correct



Watched ESB tonight in my rewatch of 4-6.

For months I've kinda just shrugged at Han's fate...but after watching ANH and ESB, it's really, really going to suck.

I hadn't seen them in a good few years. It's easy to take for granted just how well crafted they both are, and how good a job ESB does at adding depth to everything ANH introduced.
Not really. Just because you have the force and lightsabers doesn't make you a jedi. Sort of like how just because Kylo Ren uses the dark side of the force and a red lightsaber doesn't make him a sith.
I understand that but Ahsoka's case is just really weird.
If its just the fact that she isn't a part of the Jedi order than wouldn't that make everyone else(Obi-Wan, Yoda, Luke, Kanan, Ezra) no longer Jedi.
option 2 is how she operates and follows the Jedi code and such, yet we haven't been shown her doing anything differently than a Jedi.

I understand the situation but the one-off line about Kanan being more of a Jedi is silly, im hoping they go into more detail but being Rebels I have very little faith.
I think they thought it'd be a tease for Rogue One or something? I dunno. It was never a very good bit of speculation. Not only is Lucasfilm not Marvel, not only does the relationship between the spinoffs and the mainline not work the way Marvel's movies do, but it's a thing JJ Abrams has never done, as well as a thing Star Wars doesn't do.

The "logic" was always basically "bu-bu-bu Marvel" and that's it.
I thought there couldn't be any promotion with "Rogue" promoted since LucaFilm has an agreement with Paramount because of Mission Impossible Rogue Nation coming out this year? My bet is that we will see a teaser during the Super Bowl?


TPM is much more entertaining than AOTC though.
Both have the same flaws with writing, script, dialog, and acting, just TPM is paced better than AOTC along with a better story which makes it a better movie, not by a landslide but still quite better overall.

I need to rewatch those movies again, including the unaltered original trilogy!


A lot of fans want it to be Plagueis because they want a big bad to tie all three trilogies together.

But there are (at least) two problems with their theories:

1) JJ and Kasdan have demonstrated zero interest in tying all three trilogies together. They even seem to be making a clean break from the Sith too; if they were doing Plagueis, why wouldn't they keep the Sith around? Why complicate that with the Knights of Ren stuff?

2) A key point of Plagueis' story in ROTS was the implication that Palpatine killed him in his sleep and that Plagueis couldn't stop himself from dying. The fan theories never account for the fact that he is supposed to be dead.


Oh, and also, no post-credits sequence.

Harloff & Campea need to eat some fuckin crow for that one.

Good, don't need that in Star Wars.

But I can now officially state; Next week I'm gonna watch Star Wars EP VII.


btw, can we start to discuss Rogue One freely in this thread or should there be a separate thread for spoiler regarding all Star Wars films?

I agree with Cheebo it would be nice to use this thread for all the spoilers.


It can't be Plagueis. The idea is that Palpatine would have never risen to power if Plagueis was around.
I know its not cannon but its pretty well explained in the Plagueis book.
Palpatines folly was that he broke the Sith Pattern or perhaps he truly was the end of the line. Sith's are supposed to be killed by their apprentices each one gaining more power over the previous.
I don't believe that Palpatine intended for Maul or Vader to succeed him. Maul was disposable to him. Vader was a valuable enforcer but I think Palpatine had no intention of letting Vader succeed him.
Plot sounds very close to the speculation on the net. BB8 probably carrying Luke's lightsabre.

Btw why does JJ hates the Sith to omit them from the NT? I thought Sith works great opposite the Jedi...

The Twitter Q&A they did the other day had Kathleen Kennedy saying that they definitely use the word "Sith" in The Force Awakens.

I think wanting to avoiding returning to the same well is noble though. If you keep returning to the same exact ideas in a world as rich as Star Wars, it makes the universe feel small.

It's why I don't mind that Jakku is Jakku. If that was Tattooine, then this planet that is theoretically supposed to be out in bumfuck, would have a pivotal role in 6 of the 7 films. You can only go back to the well so many times before it becomes eye-roll inducing.
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