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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Is it a force flashback or just a flashback?

Hard to say.

Seems like Han, Finn, and Rey "experience" whatever Maz shows them, so it doesn't sound like a normal flashback that only the audience is privy to.

Maz also has "special" abilities, according to the leaked documents, which usually appears as a stand-in for "Force abilities" (they use the same terminology for Kylo).
Old-school rumor confirmed: Phasma was gender-swapped just prior to filming, after fans made concerns about lack of female representation known.

Basically: They probably were going for Cumberbatch pre-production, and with 3 weeks to go flipped it, and grabbed Christie instead.
Old-school rumor confirmed: Phasma was gender-swapped just prior to filming, after fans made concerns about lack of female representation known.

Basically: They probably were going for Cumberbatch pre-production, and with 3 weeks to go flipped it, and grabbed Christie instead.

This pleases me. Nice to know that, at least sometimes, voicing these kinds of concerns works (Not to say that this hasn't happened before).

And hell, Christie is taller and in that costume she'll be more physically imposing than Cumberbatch anyways.
Old-school rumor confirmed: Phasma was gender-swapped just prior to filming, after fans made concerns about lack of female representation known.

Basically: They probably were going for Cumberbatch pre-production, and with 3 weeks to go flipped it, and grabbed Christie instead.

Man, don't tell gamer side this. They'll go nuts over SJWs and Censorship.

Oh wait, this isn't about naked 13 year olds in anime games, so it might be ok.
Is it cool if I post my theories/fanfiction? Okay I'll just do it.

The way I see it, Plagueis wanting immortality isn't some crazy delusion, Qui Gon cracked the code - Force Ghosts man! Powerful Sith Lords like Bane could become ghosts, but their spirits were bound to their possessions or corpse. When a Jedi dies, Yoda says they become one with the Force. So I assume that retaining your consciousness in the Force makes you more than just part of it. It allows you to influence it. The Jedi of course would never do such a thing, but a Sith Force Ghost would.

The key to this is that yes Plagueis did die at his apprentice's hand, but then was reborn like Yoda or Obi Wan thanks to his experiments. In the book Aftermath, the Emperor senses some Dark Side energy brewing beyond the known galaxy and sent scouts and scientists to investigate. I think those were hints of Plagueis waiting in the abyss. He corrupted those investigating troops and now they've come back from literally out of nowhere as the First Order. That's why the Rebellion is so surprised by the First Order's appearance, they thought they had stopped the Empire but these few troops like Hux and Phasma were enhanced by Force Ghost Plagueis and are unlike anything they've fought before.

One could wonder what Plagueis was doing out there in the first place and I think it was to investigate the origins of the Force itself, like the midichlorian planet Yoda visits or the Force beings Anakin and Ashoka encounter on Mortis both in the Clone Wars. Ren must be a place or planet and it's linked to ancient Force wielders that the Knights of Ren - sensitives Plagueis has plucked from throughout the galaxy (maybe even some of Luke's former students) - are styled after. This is why none of them wield lightsabers - the Jedi weapon. Kylo's weapon being referred to as "ancient design" makes me think it is a copy of the first prototype lightsaber, something that brought ruin to Ren.

I see Plagueis, disguised as Snoke, and Kylo having a very strong relationship. Kylo, as a Skywalker, was basically created by Plagueis and sees him as his true father. I think the climactic scene between Kylo and Han in this movie being a head-turner on the one from Empire. Han will say "I am your father" then Kylo will respond "No you are not" and strike him down because he genuinely sees Plagueis as his creator.

Plagueis has dire plans for the galaxy, something related to the Force as a whole. To accomplish his goal because, as hinted somewhat in that Clone Wars episode, the Skywalkers being born of the Force makes them into sort of halfblooded Force Celestials and are able to bend it to their will more than anyone else. Plagueis as a ghost corrupts the Force from within while his 'son' Kylo controls it externally. Luke went into hiding because Ghost Plagueis is pervading through the Force and it takes all his will to hold him back. This mental/spiritual battle between Plagueis and Luke is the reason he's been gone for so long. This is why Snoke sends Kylo after Luke's lightsaber, so that it can be used to track Luke and kill him using the same power Maz is described as having: the "Force back". Leia lost her potential, but the hidden daughter of Luke emerges in the Force and breaks the decades long stalemate between Jedi and Sith - The Force Awakens.


The full plot is going to leak in the next couple of days. Employee/press screenings are happening and it will only take one person who doesn't care about NDA's posting through a proxy on reddit.
The full plot is going to leak in the next couple of days. Employee/press screenings are happening and it will only take one person who doesn't care about NDA's posting through a proxy on reddit.

pretty sure not enough about snoke will be shown in 7 so we'll have to deal with Plagueis theories for the next few years. -____-


Is it cool if I post my theories/fanfiction? Okay I'll just do it.

The way I see it, Plagueis wanting immortality isn't some crazy delusion, Qui Gon cracked the code - Force Ghosts man! Powerful Sith Lords like Bane could become ghosts, but their spirits were bound to their possessions or corpse. When a Jedi dies, Yoda says they become one with the Force. So I assume that retaining your consciousness in the Force makes you more than just part of it. It allows you to influence it. The Jedi of course would never do such a thing, but a Sith Force Ghost would.

The key to this is that yes Plagueis did die at his apprentice's hand, but then was reborn like Yoda or Obi Wan thanks to his experiments. In the book Aftermath, the Emperor senses some Dark Side energy brewing beyond the known galaxy and sent scouts and scientists to investigate. I think those were hints of Plagueis waiting in the abyss. He corrupted those investigating troops and now they've come back from literally out of nowhere as the First Order. That's why the Rebellion is so surprised by the First Order's appearance, they thought they had stopped the Empire but these few troops like Hux and Phasma were enhanced by Force Ghost Plagueis and are unlike anything they've fought before.

One could wonder what Plagueis was doing out there in the first place and I think it was to investigate the origins of the Force itself, like the midichlorian planet Yoda visits or the Force beings Anakin and Ashoka encounter on Mortis both in the Clone Wars. Ren must be a place or planet and it's linked to ancient Force wielders that the Knights of Ren - sensitives Plagueis has plucked from throughout the galaxy (maybe even some of Luke's former students) - are styled after. This is why none of them wield lightsabers - the Jedi weapon. Kylo's weapon being referred to as "ancient design" makes me think it is a copy of the first prototype lightsaber, something that brought ruin to Ren.

I see Plagueis, disguised as Snoke, and Kylo having a very strong relationship. Kylo, as a Skywalker, was basically created by Plagueis and sees him as his true father. I think the climactic scene between Kylo and Han in this movie being a head-turner on the one from Empire. Han will say "I am your father" then Kylo will respond "No you are not" and strike him down because he genuinely sees Plagueis as his creator.

Plagueis has dire plans for the galaxy, something related to the Force as a whole. To accomplish his goal because, as hinted somewhat in that Clone Wars episode, the Skywalkers being born of the Force makes them into sort of halfblooded Force Celestials and are able to bend it to their will more than anyone else. Plagueis as a ghost corrupts the Force from within while his 'son' Kylo controls it externally. Luke went into hiding because Ghost Plagueis is pervading through the Force and it takes all his will to hold him back. This mental/spiritual battle between Plagueis and Luke is the reason he's been gone for so long. This is why Snoke sends Kylo after Luke's lightsaber, so that it can be used to track Luke and kill him using the same power Maz is described as having: the "Force back". Leia lost her potential, but the hidden daughter of Luke emerges in the Force and breaks the decades long stalemate between Jedi and Sith - The Force Awakens.
We have already got confirmation that Snoke is not Plagueis. It's done and over. Both Kasdan and Abrams have said so.


We have already got confirmation that Snoke is not Plagueis. It's done and over. Both Kasdan and Abrams have said so.

You think that'll stop anybody???

If they don't reveal a fleshed out backstory, Snoke could always be retconnec to actually being Plagueis at a later date! The 'hope' will stay alive.

As far as wack job fan theories go, the one you quoted actually isn't completely terrible. obamanotbad.jpg


Snoke is going to be a lot of fun I think, in terms of how it can alter our perception of the Dark Side and the Sith. I mean fundamentally, the Sith are a religion, interpreting the Dark Side, embracing and teaching certain values, whilst also maintaining a sense of order, and control. Is Bane and the founding of the Rule of Two still canon, by the way? I wonder if our new Dark Side villains follow a different teaching, one free from the Rule of Two, or the code of the Sith.

I think Snoke will be as much of a puppet master as Palpatine, but on a grander scale. Strip away the formalities, and I just want him to be the embodiment of the Dark Side. I've wondered for a while, that if they're going to move away from the Sith, and yet have a character that is so defined by Vader, whether Kylo is just being exploited, with Snoke using the leverage available to control one of his assets. I can quite easily see Kylo being this young, ambitious, jealous, hungry force sensitive child, who is lured by Snoke by what he can offer him through embracing what Vader largely stood for. Anakin was ultimately trying to save the love of his life, and yet with Kylo you've got a sense of self-righteousness to the character, to the point whereby he feels very selfish in his motivations.

Or maybe Kylo is Luke, and Snoke is Palpatine, so Palpatine won after all?

I think the First Order are interesting in their apparent adoption of the Force, or at least embracing it far beyond the cynicism showed within the ranks of the Empire. If what we saw of the Empire were space Nazis, then the First Order seem like the SS and other true believers.

The First Order, Kylo, the Knights, Snoke...they're probably the aspects I'm most liking forward to exploring. Whilst we may get snippets and clues, I don't think it'll be until VIII that we get a closer look at it, and help flesh out the lore. TFA seems very much about the heroes of this generation, bringing this together and showing us the struggle they will face.

Not. Long. Now.
9 days!

Film's Peter Sciretta asked JJ Abrams about his take on The Force and midi-chlorians. His response:

"I will just say this: I would never presume to question anything George Lucas says is canon in Star Wars. And our job was not to negate or undo. A lot of people who are critics of our Star Trek, and I respect all of them, said we destroyed what they loved and negated everything. And we worked hard to clarify that we are not saying that our Star Trek over-rides a thing of the original Star Trek — it was a parallel timeline. I never wanted to negate canon that fans held so dear. And because I love Star Wars and have for too many years… … And having said all that and meaning it — I don’t want to presume over-write or change what George says the rules are.

I’m not someone who quite understands the science of the Force. To me Star Wars was never about science fiction — it was a spiritual story. And it was more of a fairytale in that regard. For me when I heard Obi-Wan say that the Force surrounds us and binds us all together, there was no judgement about who you were. This was something that we could all access. Being strong with the force didn’t mean something scientific, it meant something spiritual. It meant someone who could believe, someone who could reach down to the depths of your feelings and follow this primal energy that was flowing through all of us. I mean, thats what was said in that first film!

And there I am sitting in the theater at almost 11 years old and that was a powerful notion. And I think this is what your point was, we would like to believe that when **** gets serious, that you could harness that Force I was told surrounds not just some of us but every living thing. And so, I really feel like the assumption that any character needs to have inherited a certain number of midichlorians or needs to be part of a bloodline, it’s not that I don’t believe that as part of the canon, I’m just saying that at 11 years old, that wasn’t where my heart was. And so I respect and adhere to the canon but I also say that the Force has always seemed to me to be more inclusive and stronger than that."


^ Nice sentiment I guess, or something... but goes against what we know about force sensitivity, even before we were told about midichlorians in particular.
Even with all the shooting schedule leaks and me being perfectly fine with Luke having a small role, I have this uncanny hunch or feeling that there is more to everything going on than meets the eye. Here are the reasons behind my hunch:

1 - The marketing is punching up the "Where is Luke mystery", and it seems like it might be a letdown to most of the casual audience if he's really the book-end to the film. I don't think his role is big, but maybe more than the shooting schedule lets on.

2 - Anthony Breznican, the writer for Entertainment Weekly who seems to have a great relationship with the crew Lucasfilm mentioned his own personal thoughts on Rebel Force Radio. He doesn't even think Han will die, mostly because of how much of a bummer it would be. I partially agree, but I think Han will probably die just because of how much evidence we've seen towards it. Its Anthony's sentiment however, that hits home for me. All the language from JJ, Kathleen, and Kasdan, point to recapturing the fun and wonder of A New Hope. In his Wired interview, Kasdan says their primary goal was to 'delight' as much as possible. In the current rumored plot summaries, we have Han dying, and Luke seclusion and out of the action until the last scene. To me personally, both of these scenarios combined does not feel like 'delight'.

However, all this being said, I will not be upset in the slightest if anything rumored turns out to be the case. It is new Star Wars, and I'm looking forward to it tremendously.


Even with all the shooting schedule leaks and me being perfectly fine with Luke having a small role, I have this uncanny hunch or feeling that there is more to everything going on than meets the eye. Here are the reasons behind my hunch:

1 - The marketing is punching up the "Where is Luke mystery", and it seems like it might be a letdown to most of the casual audience if he's really the book-end to the film. I don't think his role is big, but maybe more than the shooting schedule lets on.

2 - Anthony Breznican, the writer for Entertainment Weekly who seems to have a great relationship with the crew Lucasfilm mentioned his own personal thoughts on Rebel Force Radio. He doesn't even think Han will die, mostly because of how much of a bummer it would be. I partially agree, but I think Han will probably die just because of how much evidence we've seen towards it. Its Anthony's sentiment however, that hits home for me. All the language from JJ, Kathleen, and Kasdan, point to recapturing the fun and wonder of A New Hope. In his Wired interview, Kasdan says their primary goal was to 'delight' as much as possible. In the current rumored plot summaries, we have Han dying, and Luke seclusion and out of the action until the last scene. To me personally, both of these scenarios combined does not feel like 'delight'.

However, all this being said, I will not be upset in the slightest if anything rumored turns out to be the case. It is new Star Wars, and I'm looking forward to it tremendously.

I'm sure there will be some surprises. The two shooting schedules that leaked had inconsistencies between them, possibly due to being from different times. Or just due to the way one line can be interpreted for one scene.

Han dying is a given though imo, even without the shot lists. Given Ford's thoughts on the matter. I also think given the shape Mark Hamill is now in even compared to when he was filming TFA that his role will be much expanded in VIII.
Every information based on this thread so far it seems to me that epvii is a carbon copy of episode 4. Han solo role is a carbon copy of obi wan. So han I think will die like obi wan. And lukes role is carbon copy of Yoda. And Daisy ridley's character is a carbon copy of Luke. Disney playing this super safe. Hopefully there's some originality in this new trilogy.Also I feel like the kylo ren and snoke is also a super carbon copy of Vader and emperor. Same type of relationship and same way kylo ren turned evil I think.
Every information based on this thread so far it seems to me that epvii is a carbon copy of episode 4. Han solo role is a carbon copy of obi wan. So han I think will die like obi wan. And lukes role is carbon copy of Yoda. And Daisy ridley's character is a carbon copy of Luke. Disney playing this super safe. Hopefully there's some originality in this new trilogy.Also I feel like the kylo ren and snoke is also a super carbon copy of Vader and emperor. Same type of relationship and same way kylo ren turned evil I think.

We'll definitely see some new stuff, like a desert planet full of scavengers, and a super-weapon with enough firepower to destroy millions of lives!


I'm sure there will be some surprises. The two shooting schedules that leaked had inconsistencies between them, possibly due to being from different times. Or just due to the way one line can be interpreted for one scene.

In particular, the more recent leak didn't sound quite as adamant that Han dies (though his absence for the rest of the scenes probably seals the deal regardless).

I think I know what I want to know, and will probably avoid further more detailed spoilers that will inevitably come out ahead of the release.
So I've been thinking...

What if Kylo and Rey are both Luke's kids? And he gives Kylo to Han/Leia to raise and then sends Rey to Jakku to ensure they're separated. It fits that leak in the slides of him telling Han "you're not my father" before killing him and explains his Vader obsession even more.

That'd be a decent twist. I'm still conflicted about Rey but still.


So I've been thinking...

What if Kylo and Rey are both Luke's kids? And he gives Kylo to Han/Leia to raise and then sends Rey to Jakku to ensure they're separated. It fits that leak in the slides of him telling Han "you're not my father" before killing him and explains his Vader obsession even more.

That'd be a decent twist. I'm still conflicted about Rey but still.

Nah, the "you're not my father" thing probably doesn't mean "you're literally not my father". More of a "fuck off, Dad, I hate you."


So I guess this absolutely confirms that theory about Finn's name.

Holy shit, if the leaks are true then Disney XD just showed a brieft shot of what is likely the second to last scene in the movie.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tF8PvCWMX4 - @ 55 second mark.

Leia and Rey in new outfits, obviously saying goodbye.


Looks like a beautiful moment. Glad to see Rey still has her staff.

Saw some people going insane thinking this is mother/daughter. Hehe.


Every information based on this thread so far it seems to me that epvii is a carbon copy of episode 4. Han solo role is a carbon copy of obi wan. So han I think will die like obi wan. And lukes role is carbon copy of Yoda. And Daisy ridley's character is a carbon copy of Luke. Disney playing this super safe. Hopefully there's some originality in this new trilogy.Also I feel like the kylo ren and snoke is also a super carbon copy of Vader and emperor. Same type of relationship and same way kylo ren turned evil I think.

This is exactly my thought. Very little new ground here. But they have to play it safe and get everybody back on board and try to bypass the sour taste left with the pre-quels. Give the people what they want, I suppose. Well at least the spaceships look incredible in action from what I have seen. That's what I am excited about for this particular film. Hopefully more originality will work its way into future movies.
Their thirst for that Plagueis rumor got em acting silly. Jesus guys.

They eaten any crow for that post-credits shit yet?

edit: That illo of HUX is lookin ugh-tier, too.
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