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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Apparently Rogue One has started shooting on the Maldives. Wonder if we're gonna get some set pictures.

I think you were right Cheebo regarding the Disney Ninja's. Production seems to be much closely guarded. There was a site reporting some leaked pictures on monday and the article was already gone 2 hours later when I stumbled upon it.

Seems to be an older Tweet. Was posted here:


of course it will leak. Disney's star wars ninja protectors can't escape reality. those cds are in warehouses right now. someone has to have it.

same goes for all the star wars books releasing on Dec 18th. Surely there's things like pictures of Snoke etc. in them?
The warnings on these time sensitive boxes might say not to even open the box until release day. Most big box stores will adhere to the rule as GMs will be checking to make sure the inventory hasn't been tampered with.

It's the small mom & pop shops that are hopefully getting inventory. We're waiting on them.
It might be time to check random stores that still sell CDs. A Walmart nearby my location had Aftermath and quite a few The Force Awakens products out on shelves a week before Force Friday. Sadly, if we are lucky and someone finds one, the sell date is probably hard coded in their checkout system so you'll probably get stuck there. Our best hope is probably a local non-chain store.


The warnings on these time sensitive boxes might say not to even open the box until release day. Most big box stores will adhere to the rule as GMs will be checking to make sure the inventory hasn't been tampered with.

It's the small mom & pop shops that are hopefully getting inventory. We're waiting on them.

I'm sure that is true but it didn't prevent the legions of TFA toys that were sold before street date just weeks ago. Also let's remember there are territories outside the USA who likely don't give a rat's ass about the street dates!

It's just kind of aggravating. They don't seem to be using any of the new score in promotional material which is unusual. Are they holding it back because of how good it is or how bad it is? :)


The soundtrack hasn't shipped to retail yet, and likely won't leak until the 15th. I say the 15th because it is a new release day for retail, and they receive those shipments either the evening before or early in the morning that day. Since the 18th isn't considered a "new release day", product held for certain dates will be stored in the warehouse with a "Do not open until" label. So the soundtrack should ship with the 15th's new release shipment.


I want to see the opening crawl. For TPM I could swear it leaked several weeks in advance (and like everyone else, I was like "wtf... trade disputes??". Nothing yet on this one though, eh. I guess early next week when people start seeing the movie..
They fucked up alright, at least at face value. Surely they realise that getting collider to remove that stuff is going to have the opposite effect of what they want. Maybe they're trying to misdirect?

You're misunderstanding which of the parties is being accused of fucking up. Its' not Disney. It's Collider.

Essentially: Nobody believes Collider actually got a c&d from Disney. What people believe is that Collider didn't do their homework, went on the air, checked their twitters, realized how big they fucked up, and came up with a mostly unverifiable story as to why they pulled their bullshit off the YouTube.


I want to see the opening crawl. For TPM I could swear it leaked several weeks in advance (and like everyone else, I was like "wtf... trade disputes??". Nothing yet on this one though, eh. I guess early next week when people start seeing the movie..

Here's an hilariously false one that "leaked" on TFN the other day:

Episode VII

Sovereign worlds are again in grave danger. An oppressive enemy threatens to destroy hard-won peace previously secured by the galaxy’s greatest champions of freedom.

Under the radical banner of the new FIRST ORDER, remnant Imperial factions have united and are now vowing to obliterate oppositional star systems.

Summoned by the Resistance Council, Royal General Leia Organa has responded to a distress signal from the planet Jakku by sending a squadron of her most trusted fighter pilots in the familiar hope of protecting this strategic location....


I really want everything MSW has leaked to be false. These guys come off as total douchebags on twitter and especially after the stuff you guys showed me yesterday they did


I really want everything MSW has leaked to be false. These guys come off as total douchebags on twitter and especially after the stuff you guys showed me yesterday they did

Jason Ward is a a bit of a twat and Manabyte is certifiable but their shotlist (well Indie Revolver's one) is just about correct barring pickups and reshoots. What may not be entirely correct is the interpretation that Ward puts on the 1 line scene descriptions, which don't always match the other shotlist that has leaked.

Whatever happens a bunch of Star Wars fans on forums will start a war over how "right" MSW was.

Without the shotlist no one would have had a clue what this film was about. A lot of the concept are leaks were from MF rather than MSW etc.
Jason Ward is a a bit of a twat and Manabyte is certifiable but their shotlist (well Indie Revolver's one) is just about correct barring pickups and reshoots. What may not be entirely correct is the interpretation that Ward puts on the 1 line scene descriptions, which don't always match the other shotlist that has leaked.

Whatever happens a bunch of Star Wars fans on forums will start a war over how "right" MSW was.

Without the shotlist no one would have had a clue what this film was about. A lot of the concept are leaks were from MF rather than MSW etc.

Manabyte is certifiable, and that has nothing to do with his fandom.


Note how Mark's left index finger is pointing at the article headline about pregnancy fashion.

Now we know why Luke is absent from marketing - he's pregnant with a midichlorian baby.


You're misunderstanding which of the parties is being accused of fucking up. Its' not Disney. It's Collider.

Essentially: Nobody believes Collider actually got a c&d from Disney. What people believe is that Collider didn't do their homework, went on the air, checked their twitters, realized how big they fucked up, and came up with a mostly unverifiable story as to why they pulled their bullshit off the YouTube.


I don't how you came to that conclusion. They said on show that they asked their sources about the image. They all confirmed it was snoke. Disney asked them to remove the section, and they did. I've no reason to believe that they made up a story to cover their tracks. It's not something they'd do in my experience. Certainly not the movietalk guys.
I don't how you came to that conclusion.

By looking at what happened and how it happened.

Also, it's looking like nobody at Disney/Lucasfilm knows anything about any such reach-out from "Disney Legal."

Probably too busy issuing actual takedowns for leaked book imagery/excerpts.


I don't how you came to that conclusion. They said on show that they asked their sources about the image. They all confirmed it was snoke. Disney asked them to remove the section, and they did. I've no reason to believe that they made up a story to cover their tracks. It's not something they'd do in my experience. Certainly not the movietalk guys.

It's blatant damage control after they go caught out by a bullshit image.

They got caught out looking like idiots.


It's blatant damage control after they go caught out by a bullshit image.

They got caught out looking like idiots.

They even admitted on the show that the art looked like shit. It wasn't until they checked the sources that they went ahead with anything. Why do people think they're lying? Have they lied before? I don't understand why there's such distrust.
Why do people think they're lying?

Because it's way easier to believe that notion than is to believe the idea that "Disney Legal" contacted them and told them to pull their fake image from a fanzine based on fan art. Especially considering if Disney Legal was that concerned about imagery they don't want getting out (even fake imagery based on 7 year old fan art of a completely different character) they'd likely have reached out to them back when they did a whole show (their most viewed, not coincidentally) on the completely legitimate leak of Mark Hamill in-costume as Luke.

So yeah - it's a lot easier to believe they're bullshitting. WAAAAY easier. No, they don't have a track record of doing shady shit like this. But that doesn't mean they didn't do what it very much LOOKS like they did.


Because it's way easier to believe that notion than is to believe the idea that "Disney Legal" contacted them and told them to pull their fake image from a fanzine based on fan art. Especially considering if Disney Legal was that concerned about imagery they don't want getting out (even fake imagery based on 7 year old fan art of a completely different character) they'd likely have reached out to them back when they did a whole show (their most viewed, not coincidentally) on the completely legitimate leak of Mark Hamill in-costume as Luke.

So yeah - it's a lot easier to believe they're bullshitting. WAAAAY easier. No, they don't have a track record of doing shady shit like this. But that doesn't mean they didn't do what it very much LOOKS like they did.

I guess the possibility remains that they're being trolled by somebody claiming to be "Disney Legal" somehow, and that they're still acting in good faith on their end.

...But that's a hell of a stretch. A lot less of a stretch than the more likely possibility that they got caught with their pants down, and conducted very sloppy damage control.


They even admitted on the show that the art looked like shit. It wasn't until they checked the sources that they went ahead with anything. Why do people think they're lying? Have they lied before? I don't understand why there's such distrust.

The whole "Disney Legal" thing came about pretty quickly after they were bombarded by people telling them the pic was a fake via twitter and YouTube and everyone generally laughing at them for being played.

That and the fact they've been really pushing the Plagueis thing on their show all year.

Occam's Razor and all that.

Look if Snoke turns out to be a Muun I'll hold my hands up. But I think it was a segment put in to garner more views and they have been caught out massively.


Came in here to check to see if the Soundtrack leaked.

Saw it hasn't.

Am now sad.

I still think it will.
I just hope its sooner rather than later.
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