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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Someone tell them to post the email from Disney.

Why wouldn't it be Lucasfilm?

It was LFL that went after the leaked Kylo Ren image.

Also why aren't they going after EVERY OTHER OUTLET who posted that bullshit?

Hell, why hasn't LFL gone after them for having that Luke image from the 3D scanner as a thumbnail on their YouTube?
Why wouldn't it be Lucasfilm?

It was LFL that went after the leaked Kylo Ren image.

Also why aren't they going after EVERY OTHER OUTLET who posted that bullshit?

Hell, why hasn't LFL gone after them for having that Luke image from the 3D scanner as a thumbnail on their YouTube?

You're right. Someone ask them to post that email.
Are you there Collider? It's Me, Disney Legal.

I know you guys are super cool, even when you talk shit about Marvel stuff that doesn't have anything to do with Star Wars. And boy, that really gets our goat, but we've held our tongue and never once told you to not be mean about Agents of SHIELD or anything like that, because you guys are super cool and we know it.

But today you went on the internet and posted some fan art based on some really old pictures of Darth Plagueis and told people that it was Snoke, and then you told people it wasn't actually snoke, but a good representation of what you've heard Snoke is going to look like, and even though you've got a legitimate image of Luke Skywalker, the one character we've been trying to hide EVEN MORE than Plagueis, we thought this was a step too far, even for super-cool dudes like you!

So while we hate to do it, we have to very politely request you please remove all evidence of your ever having posted that piece of fan art based off old art that you said was Snoke but then said wasn't Snoke but could might maybe look like him in the movie.

But just you guys though. Nobody else. Everyone else can leave theirs up. But if you could, just... just you guys. Please take that down?

Thanks for being cool,

Disney Legal (not Lucasfilm)


As someone who likes all six movies, I agree that Snoke being Plagueis would make both ROTS and ROTJ seem like lesser events.

Palpatine no longer kills his master and rise to power himself like a boss, it was just part of the plan of the big bad.

Vader no longer defeats the Dark Lord thus saving his son and fulfilling the prophecy. He just killed an underling of the big bad.

In a way, it would ruin Palpatine as an antagonist.


We have our first image of Rey wielding the Bespin saber, wearing the same clothes as that new bit of footage with her and Leia at the end of the film.


Rey is looking an awful lot like Luke did for the vast majority of TESB.
Looks like what she's wearing in this old concept art.

Collider is editing the fake Snoke confirmation out of their video and claiming Disney issued a takedown on it:



Not sure if new but in the commercial for 'The Evolution of the Lightsaber Duel' there's a few shots of Finn wielding the lightsaber and taking down a stormtrooper.


More than anything, I can't wait to see what this Snoke motherfucker looks like

He won't look anything like Plagueis


High 70s/low 80s.

Number one complaint will be the lack of Luke. People will hate Abrams for killing Han and not having the original cast on screen together if the leaks are indeed true.

I don't think the critical reaction is going to care about Luke's screentime.

The fanbase? Sure. But not critics.
High 70s/low 80s.

Number one complaint will be the lack of Luke. People will hate Abrams for killing Han and not having the original cast on screen together if the leaks are indeed true.

Never mind that there's only like a handful of scenes in the most popular Star Wars film, ESB, that have Luke, Leia, and Han all on-screen simultaneously.

But no, people gotta have their dreams fulfilled, etc.


Never mind that there's only like a handful of scenes in the most popular Star Wars film, ESB, that have Luke, Leia, and Han all on-screen simultaneously.

But no, people gotta have their dreams fulfilled, etc.

Now that you mention it, isn't the only scene where they're all together the Hoth med-bay scene?


in both Star Wars and Empire, all three of them are onscreen at the same time for less than five minutes, I think.
Do you run the Full of Sith Twitter? I feel like every time I see you drop one of these factoids on Gaf I immediately see it on the FoS Twitter too. It's awesome.


Talking about Bobby moving on from FoS just made me realize, some of us have been in this thread together since the beginning. It was started in June 2014, and I think I joined in in August. I'm gonna miss this, especially since I'm going to try to go on spoiler blackout for the movies from here on out. It's been an honor serving with you all, and hopefully this thread goes out with a bang over the next week.

Yeah, been running FoS's social media since October. I turn the keys back over around Christmas.
:( Hopefully whoever takes over keeps it up as well as you have.

AWWW YEAH, gettin' those follows.

I haven't run a stopwatch (although I probably should) but I'm pretty sure the amount of time they're all onscreen during the Cellblock Escape, the Trash Compactor, and the Falcon Escape, is right around, or maybe a little bit over 5 minutes tops.

For a lot of the Death Star hijinks, two of them are onscreen, but not three. Han splits off from the other two pretty quickly, and Leia/Han/Luke occupy different areas of the Falcon for most of the escape, too.

The awards ceremony is maybe another minute, right?


I haven't run a stopwatch (although I probably should) but I'm pretty sure the amount of time they're all onscreen during the Cellblock Escape, the Trash Compactor, and the Falcon Escape, is right around, or maybe a little bit over 5 minutes tops.

For a lot of the Death Star hijinks, two of them are onscreen, but not three. Han splits off from the other two pretty quickly, and Leia/Han/Luke occupy different areas of the Falcon for most of the escape, too.

The awards ceremony is maybe another minute, right?
Yeah, the ceremony is like 1.5 minutes. And they're all in the briefing before the Death Star assault too, but none of them exchange dialogue or are actually in frame together much, so I don't know if that would count.
I actually clocked it. It's about 9 minutes for Star Wars, just over a minute and a half for Empire.

Han & Luke don't even finally SEE Leia until around the 90 minute mark.
Talking about Bobby moving on from FoS just made me realize, some of us have been in this thread together since the beginning. It was started in June 2014, and I think I joined in in August. I'm gonna miss this, especially since I'm going to try to go on spoiler blackout for the movies from here on out. It's been an honor serving with you all, and hopefully this thread goes out with a bang over the next week.

:( Hopefully whoever takes over keeps it up as well as you have.

AWWW YEAH, gettin' those follows.


It should just become the production/spoiler thread for Star Wars films.

My first post in this thread wasn't something about Luke being the best. I still remember it.


Disney will never confirm or deny something like that so its an easy get out for them.

Anyone with half a brain knows that they have fucked up massively though.

They fucked up alright, at least at face value. Surely they realise that getting collider to remove that stuff is going to have the opposite effect of what they want. Maybe they're trying to misdirect?


So this Collider nonsense has turned most of the Star Wars reddits and forums into a hive of Plagueis truthers.



So this Collider nonsense has turned most of the Star Wars reddits and forums into a hive of Plagueis truthers.



Will be funny when the film comes out.
(Because they won't stop believing. Even if some writer writes a canon book that explicitly says Snoke isn't Plagueis.)
It's going to be hilarious on Monday night after people see the movie and Harloff tries to backtack on his three trusted sources.

One person on Reddit says his wife works for Hasbro.


They shouldn't. If there was any truth to it the guy from the story group wouldn't be mocking it openly and bringing attention to it days before release.
My point was, the truthers are fools, because...
Yes, they are.
... that's the way conspiracies work.
Which is hilarious.

You have to remember that there is no reasoning with these people. JJ lying about Kahn in From Darkness is all they need to refute Hidalgo.

Ah, another usual conspiracy theorist tactic. Some unrelated fact negates another etc.
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