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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Got this off of that TBOT site yesterday that had the spoiler free review posted.
Disney is being SUPER strict about this.

However, I would kill to be the projectionist who gets to view it early.

Sooo. I got to spend a good 20 minutes with the Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens today. There was surprisingly nothing super spoilery. Anyway, ask some questions and I'll pop by later and answer. Lot of gorgeous stuff in that book.


Sooo. I got to spend a good 20 minutes with the Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens today. There was surprisingly nothing super spoilery. Anyway, ask some questions and I'll pop by later and answer. Lot of gorgeous stuff in that book.

Sorry, I should have linked you to the correct thread.

THIS is the thread you're looking for.


With the spoiler thread live is it possible this one gets a title change to cover all future Star Wars films (perhaps even all media, comics etc)?


With the spoiler thread live is it possible this one gets a title change to cover all future Star Wars films (perhaps even all media, comics etc)?

In less than one week this thread will be all but useless unless we do, I really think it should be the overall Star Wars Spoiler thread.
Either one thread for spoilers or three threads to break shit up.

Star Wars: Rogue One (Because people love Star Wars Prequels)
Star Wars: Episode VIII (Here we go again)
Star Wars Lore Thread (Spoiler Free for all)

One thread is probably preferable.


I'd lean toward a new thread for the next saga movie, or at least a new general SW spoiler thread. I'm probably too lazy to update/curate the OP if that's desired/expected, especially if the thread would cover spoilers from other SW media (tv show, books, comics, etc.). FWIW I didn't keep this OP updated since it was pointless to attempt sorting or classifying rumors as they came and went. I likened the thread to a long tale of evolving speculation.

The Star Wars OT probably covers the spoiler-free lore stuff. I don't think Rogue One will have quite the level of spoiler discussion we had in here, and what discussion there is would probably trickle into the SW OT (w/ spoiler tags) or this/future spoiler thread. Other than a few random pop-ups, it seems like people who want to be spoiled on SW will spoil themselves on all things SW so perhaps it's not necessary to break up discussion.
The thread title has been changed per the request. If you folks want to reboot the thread with a new OP, feel free to do so. In the event that you do that, please let me know (via PM) so I can lock this one. If the title needs to be tweaked, just let me know via PM. Note that I'm not online a lot on the weekends, but I'll take a look at your requests as soon as I have time.


The thread title has been changed per the request. If you folks want to reboot the thread with a new OP, feel free to do so. In the event that you do that, please let me know (via PM) so I can lock this one. If the title needs to be tweaked, just let me know via PM. Note that I'm not online a lot on the weekends, but I'll take a look at your requests as soon as I have time.

Thank you!

Regarding Rogue One:

Ben Mendelsohn has been interviewed by Yahoo Movies and he talks a bit about Rogue One:

Ben Mendelsohn said:
Being in Star Wars is like a dream that you don’t wake up from. There’s no one that was working on those films that was not over-the-moon, and just wanting their A-game to be on display. Everyone that’s involved in them feels passionately about them, has an enormous love for them. There was Star Wars Friday, where everyone would wear their Star Wars clothes to the set, whatever they had, T-shirts and full outfits. I know I can safely say that.

What is interesting though is this;

Ben Mendelsohn said:
I have finished on Star Wars. I’m going to go do some Bloodline, and after that, I don’t know. The skies open up again.

It's interesting because production is still under way and they are currently shooting on the Maldives. The location looks like the set pictures that leaked earlier this year from the set in London with the palm trees.

But overall Rogue One seems to be much closely guarded this time around. Seems Cheebo's fears are realized.


Yeah if anything shouldn't it be something like Star Wars ST Production Thread (all spoilers allowed)? ST for Sequel Trilogy. I think that's how we're calling this one?


"Lore Thread?"

This isn't "Lore."

None of this is "Lore."


Sorry.. You're the expert.

Yeah if anything shouldn't it be something like Star Wars ST Production Thread (all spoilers allowed)? ST for Sequel Trilogy. I think that's how we're calling this one?

Maybe Star Wars Franchise Production/Spoiler Thread or something.

Yeah I didn't gave a specific title, just asked if it would be possible. But your suggestions are good so i'll pass it through.


I haven't seen this posted yet here. But Slashfilm spoke to Kathleen Kennedy about the anthology films and how they will differ from the saga films.

This bit is interesting as Slashfilm noted themselves as well.

Kennedy's response about all the films seeming to be prequels:

Kathleen Kennedy said:
No, no. It just so happens to be Rogue One is the precursor to New Hope and yes, this Han Solo idea but I would not argue that we are setting up any kind of prequel notion with these standalone movies. I think that’s so far just coincidence. And to be perfectly honest, we have changed the order of those at the last minute, so that’s not the intention at all.

So the Boba Fett film might very well be a sequel.


There's no way they don't start the Boba Fett movie with him crawling out of the Sarlaac. The visual is just too good.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Dark Times set movie with Boba in his prime like the first 2 anthology films. It's what I am expecting.

Not to make it intentionally a prequel like she mentioned, but just because it will be a Boba in his prime making a name for himself movie.


I kind of wish we'd have two spoiler threads - one for anthology movies and one for saga movies. I'm going spoiler free for the saga movies for 8 and 9 but I don't really care about spoilers for the anthology movies. Guess I'll have to stick to the OT for the most part and other individual threads.

edit: For the Boba Fett movie, I'd rather have it be Old Man Fett on his last big job or something, just so we can have age appropriate Temuera.

Or if it has to be young Boba Fett, still have Tem, but as an aging clone. Just so he can be in it.


Well, if we don't get something like Ace's rhino birth, my other hope is something akin to An Occurrence on Owl Creek Bridge (At the end of the movie, you realize everything was in Boba's mind as he's slowly being digested in the sarlacc :p).
When will we start getting info on Rogue One? Like an actual teaser or trailer. Rogue One is the anthology I'm most interested in. Don't have high hopes for the Solo movie, and a Boba Fett movie...


When will we start getting info on Rogue One? Like an actual teaser or trailer. Rogue One is the anthology I'm most interested in. Don't have high hopes for the Solo movie, and a Boba Fett movie...

Well supposedly there is a finished teaser trailer making rounds at the lucasfilm office.


The guy tweeting it apparently has had a good track record according to Star Wars NewsNet (supposedly he posted Finn details way before the Rucka page leak). But perhaps Bobby knows more about him.

So we might see a Rogue One teaser trailer rather sooner than later.
When will we start getting info on Rogue One? Like an actual teaser or trailer. Rogue One is the anthology I'm most interested in. Don't have high hopes for the Solo movie, and a Boba Fett movie...

I felt the same way, but the creative team sold me on the Solo movie. Another Kasdan script? And Phil Lord and Chris Miller can do no wrong in my eyes. They just need to nail the casting, which will probably be some of the hardest casting ever to pull off, but if they can do that, than it should be great.


I absolutely love that Phasma makes it through the film and shows up in VIII for the simple fact that Gwendoline Christie gets to talk more Star Wars when VIII comes out. Every TFA interview I've watched with Gwendoline Christie has been a joy to watch/listen to.
The guy tweeting it apparently has had a good track record according to Star Wars NewsNet (supposedly he posted Finn details way before the Rucka page leak). But perhaps Bobby knows more about him.

So we might see a Rogue One teaser trailer rather sooner than later.

His track record isn't very good at all, actually. He's hustling hard to get his site some spotlight, but it's almost always just that - hustle. StarWarsNewsNet gives him shine because they're cool w/ each other, not because he actually breaks stories.

This is kinda his stock in trade, actually: He reports on "scoops" and "rumors" that are more or less unprovable, but are so common sense in and of themselves that it almost doesn't matter whether his sources are accurate, because eventually it'll come true anyway. Stuff like "Disney & Netflix will make Star Wars shows!" and shit like that.

"There's a Rogue One Teaser ready"


His track record isn't very good at all, actually. He's hustling hard to get his site some spotlight, but it's almost always just that - hustle. StarWarsNewsNet gives him shine because they're cool w/ each other, not because he actually breaks stories.

This is kinda his stock in trade, actually: He reports on "scoops" and "rumors" that are more or less unprovable, but are so common sense in and of themselves that it almost doesn't matter whether his sources are accurate, because eventually it'll come true anyway. Stuff like "Disney & Netflix will make Star Wars shows!" and shit like that.

"There's a Rogue One Teaser ready"

Well there it is. Thanks for clearing that up Bobby!


what do we think about the lightsaber?
several things were apparently changed with it, we saw the trailer where maz hands it to leia(?)
it was rumored it would drop from space.

could it be that the orignal plan was that the lightsaber unlocks the map in r2d2? or even unlock r2d2 himself so he could display the map as programmed?
that would have made a lot more sense than what we got right now.
the two map parts were stupid as hell and r2d2 had no reason to activate.

but why was it changed? did they realize that rey would have touched it earlier and that would not have worked with the whole "awakening" plot? although I think it was planned that bb8 carries the saber and they never see it.
there must be something to it. something that might not have worked with episode 8 or a reveal in it.

maybe they realized that it would not make sense for luke to guide his saber there, when he could just leave his fortress himself?
maybe the original plot was that Luke was imprisoned and that's why he guided his lightsaber.
wasn't there an early rumour that he was imprisoned? by the knights of ren?
so maybe that's why they changed this? so they could make episode 7 about a hunt for the map from both parties. because obviously in the original idea the first order /knights of ren would have known his location.

I am pretty certain now the original idea was that luke was captured by snoke. all because the 2 maps and r2d2 make no sense at all.

now the next question is why did they change luke being a prisoner.
maybe because they needed him to be free after the masacre to hide rey away? maybe rey was indeed a completely unrelated character originally.
but to make her a skywalker/kenobi/whatever they could not let luke taken prisoner at the massacre.

now are we really certain those scenes that were shot with luke and rey a few months ago were for episode 8?
because I am starting to think those were the shots we got in episode 7.
I think that change was made pretty late in the process, and the original ending, with luke as a prisoner, would have looked much differently.

that script seems to be a mess.


ok, guys, you won't believe me, but I got it all figured out now
this is the original story of episode VIII

Snoke is not an ancient sith lord. no way palpatine and/or the jedi would not have sensed him.
no, Snoke is completely new.
He is a scientist, maybe an archeologist. an expert on the force. driven by envy and the desire to be a force wielder himself.

in his work he found or created a device that could extract force energy from objects and empower himself with it
he is that collector we heard rumours about, the graverobber. he looked for and found vader's mask, luke's lightsaber and many other artifacts. he extracted force from them and became quite strong.

that was not enough, though, he wanted the ultimate power, he wanted to extract the energy from Luke, the strongest Jedi ever.

so he sought out Ben Solo, a young Padawan who struggled with his powers, he was weak.
He promised him he could make him as strong as Vader, as his grandfather. He has an artifact that could extract and transfer force powers. but he needed to capture Luke for that, his uncle.
he convinced him.

Ben Solo and a few others formed the Knights of Ren and massacred the academy, they captured Luke and brought him to Snoke. he imprisoned him and started slowly taking his force energy. (yeah, it was probably midichlorians, get over it)

With that power, Snoke rebuilt the Empire and turned it into the first order under his supreme leadership.
this also explains why the empire was silent for 30 years. Snoke took time to gather his own power and rebuild the empire.

what did Luke do? feeling his power disappearing he had to find a way to tell his friends where he is.
He took one of Snokes new artifacts, his own old lightsaber, and stored a map within that could be played by R2D2, an old droid he knew very well. but he did not know where he was, or the resistance, he knew where an old friend of his was: Lor San Tekka on Jakku.
With the help of the force, he guided the lightsaber through space for many years, until Lor San Tekka found it and alerted the leader of the resistance, General Leia, who sent her best pilot to retrieve the lightsaber.

the rest of the movie is more or less the same.
but all of this had to change, because someone, late in post production, figured that they will run out of Skywalkers at the end of episode 9, because the only Skywalker is a villain. and that can't be.
So they had to make last minute adjustments to make Rey a Skywaler, but it only makes sense if Luke hides her there. so no imprisonment, no lightsaber, no artifacts, nothing. and it all ends up with 2 dumb maps and an R2D2 who activates for no reason.
this explains why snoke and rey have 0 backstory, why no one knows why they are looking for Luke, why it's not explained how or even that the first order became a huge threat so fast, every flaw in the movie's setting.
they now have a year to somehow save this mess.

you heard it here first, cheers


Unconfirmed Member
They don't have to make Luke hiding to make Rey his. Just say as the Knights of Ren arrive to wreck shit he sends Max Von Sydows character to Jakku until he returns for them (not knowing then that he would be captured if you want to stick with that), to keep her parentage a secret from everyone. No one else has seen the girl since she was like 5 and after he dies no one would know who she was (except maybe Maz). Luke could be imprisoned or hiding in this scenario, doesn't matter.

The light saber could be the "key to finding Luke" don't have to figure out its actually a map until later and it still be incredibly important if it's the only way to find him. R2 can still be the interpreter of the map. Or if he is captured (no map needed) then Kylo wants it as a relic once belonging to anakin, and you can give Rey the force vision seeing where like is once she actually touches the thing on Mazs planet.


They don't have to make Luke hiding to make Rey his. Just say as the Knights of Ren arrive to wreck shit he sends Max Von Sydows character to Jakku until he returns for them (not knowing then that he would be captured if you want to stick with that), to keep her parentage a secret from everyone. No one else has seen the girl since she was like 5 and after he dies no one would know who she was (except maybe Maz). Luke could be imprisoned or hiding in this scenario, doesn't matter.

that doesn't work because they already have a whole movie of rey wanting to get back and waiting for someone important. that has to be luke, after all, max von sydow is dead.

however, I am not trying to seriously defend my wacko theory here. I just think the rewrite from the lightsaber to the stupid maps likely happened and I went from there. that rey is the whole reason for that was the last and wildest guess.


Unconfirmed Member
that doesn't work because they already have a whole movie of rey wanting to get back and waiting for someone important. that has to be luke, after all, max von sydow is dead.

however, I am not trying to seriously defend my wacko theory here. I just think the rewrite from the lightsaber to the stupid maps likely happened and I went from there. that rey is the whole reason for that was the last and wildest guess.
No problem. I just mean changing Rey to a sky walker, assuming it was a change, doesn't necessitate making it a map. Also if it was a change, I doubt it happened in post + pickups. Too many characters touch or talk about a map.
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