the soundtrack will leak on the 17th you heard it here first
Turns out I won't be seeing it until the 22nd
I'm going with someone.
Variety said:For the new edition, Williams has written a handful of themes for characters including Rey (Daisy Ridley), Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Poe (Oscar Isaac), along with a major march piece for the Resistance and a choral fanfare for Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) that inspired by a Kipling poem translated into Sanskrit.
And while there are a few short references to themes from earlier films, nearly all of the two-hour-plus score is new, Williams says. The recording process was very luxurious, he adds, with 12 sessions scattered over a five-month period between June and November.
This is the first Star Wars score to be recorded in L.A. Originally we were going to London, and do it all in the space of two weeks time, the way weve always done Georges (Lucas) films. That would not have worked in this case, because J.J. (Abrams)s editing process is very different.
The composer began work last December and basically continued all year, completing the recording in mid-November. His 90-piece orchestra recorded 175 minutes of music, he says, although nearly an hour of that was discarded, modified or rerecorded as Abrams re-edited the film. Snokes theme was recorded by a 24-voice mens chorus.
Oh Variety, you're not helping this interminable wait:
“a major march piece” for the for the Resistance and a choral fanfare for Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) that inspired by a Kipling poem translated into Sanskrit.
Snoke’s theme was recorded by a 24-voice men’s chorus.
I need this soundtrack
Holy shit this sounds amazing! I need an expanded edition release that includes every bit of music, including the cut pieces and alternative takes! This needs to happen! Also, leak goddamnit!
Some guy on the JWFan forums (get your scum-and-villainy jokes in now, folks) was hinting at a Friday or Monday leak. He looks to be a pretty well-established user but it's still chatter from the asylum, so to say.
My hype just shot the astronomical levels with that trailer.
I am not even upset Han says that same line from ESB.
Hmm, interesting, I can see it like that.I know the source, but I would love it for Friday. Be a Great way to start the final Weekend before the movie is out.
So I found this on that same board.
I can't vouch on the Validality of this review, the people on the JWFan board are stating that he seems like he has some connections.
Full review below:
Here's my non-spoiler review/impressions on the movie. NOSTALGIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Oh boy, how to review a film without talking anything about the story.
My whole plan to see the film was try to avoid any footage of it besides the teasers. This is very difficult especially in my field. I did see the first two teasers as planned, but haven't seen any of the latest marketing besides a brief bit of a TV Spot, and of course that meme all over my feed, thanks facebook friends. Anyways, based on this, I had no idea what to expect.
Yes, the film is excellent. Hell, its fucking awesome. Its nice to see a decent Star Wars film after the prequels (I know it gets tiring, but there'll be comparisons here).
Effects: JJ has been heavily emphasizing practical models and effects and there's actually a lot of it, or the CGI is just so good on certain things. Either way it worked. Obviously there's CGI, and having seen Revenge of the Sith recently obviously TFA's CGI beats it. It doesn't feel like its all over the place, like Lucas prequel films, sorry if it sounds a bit off topic here. The sound design itself is awesome. I mean people will focus on the obviously amazing soundtrack by John Williams, but I very much enjoyed the sounds of the various things in the movie (Spaceships, characters, world, etc). No complaints for the effects honestly.
Cinematography did the job when needed in my opinion. It doesn't really stand out but there are a few stunning landscape shots. I would be more specific on what scenes, but no spoilers.
Did it feel like a Star Wars movie? There were a few people mentioning to me they were worried about it just being a sci fi movie with Star Wars elements. Its definitely a Star Wars movie, and a great one at that. If the Williams theme doesn't convince you, then the characters will and the feel of the world. Lots of fan service, but done very well. I'm not exactly a hardcore fan here, but even a casual person might get a few of the references heh. If you feel worried the marketing has spoiled a bit, you're in for a show. I think their restrained marketing strategy will really please fans. I'd be honestly okay if JJ did the rest of the series, but it'll be interesting to see how the other directors handle it.
Characters characters characters. How were the new leads like Ridley and Boyega? They were both good, though I think Boyega was better. Had some great scenes. I'm going to avoid talking about the old cast besides saying Ford may have aged, but he's still Han Solo. I would talk more in this section, but I might be walking into spoiler territory. No complaints about the characters here in general.
Its also nice to have a decent script where the characters aren't worried about stupid sand or cringe worthy romance bits.
Crowd was perfect btw, they cheered at the right moments. I think they enjoyed it, but I didn't exactly survey everyone. Though Disney types did hand out some surveys. What does this mean for box office? Seeing the film doesn't automatically make me the best box office predictor but I can say with confidence that it'll explode. Anyways.
Its definitely a Star Wars movie.
If I had to rate it, this is tough because I really love a New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. I think in some ways its stronger then ANH, but that movie was so damn revolutionary that its hard to top for me.
Final rating: A
My god...
It's more like a hybrid of his "hold together" line from ANH and Lando's "don't let me down" from ROTJ.
But regardless, that was Star Wars as fuck
Seriously. It's like a snake hiss/rattle. Very menacingTHAT SOUND EFFECT FOR THAT SABER!
We're not seeing Luke until we see the movie.For a second I thought they would show Luke
We're not seeing Luke until we see the movie.
Also note Kylo is using one hand at the end for his swing, just like Vader did to Luke in Bespin.
They were taking notes. Oh man.
Lol does BB-8 not have a way to magnetize himself to something?
We're not seeing Luke until we see the movie.
Nah, we've seen him since the first trailer, as Kylo Ren.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)