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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

There's a report where someone saw a set photo (an actual photo) where Skywalker (who is not a robot) is screaming at Han while holding his saber, and Han is pointing a gun at him.

So... maybe?

Devin saw that picture too. What if this rumor happens earlier in the movie then reported? We have heard Luke has been captured for 10+ years. Some funky shit could go down during the last third of the movie.


The logos on the dailies say "Walt Disney", and as someone who's been in an editing suite on a Disney project (internship)... I can tell you with certainty that the watermark and general format of the dailies seems to be correct.

I don't think they're fake. I just think the situation is more complex than is being reported (obviously).

This is not a Disney movie or a Disney project. Lucasfilm operates independently within the Disney wider corporation as a film operation. It is not a Walt Disney Pictures film. Much like Marvel Studios films.


A MASSIVE amount of film reporters online who have reported stuff have backed up the rumor from yesterday. From the Star Wars blogosphere to mainstream movie sites like BadAssDigest and SlashFilm. At this point it makes no sense to be in denial about it anymore.

Slashfilm didn't back up the rumor. They flat out said they don't know if it's true or not, but are erring on the side of caution and not writing about it in the event it is true.
I can't tell you how much cold water has been thrown on my excitement for this film, with this rumour.

I've gone from giddy enthusiasm to stone cold numbness in the space of one rumour.

I mean, I'm hoping that all these sites got fed a dud lead. Just because they all checked it out with each other doesn't mean the initial source is true. I mean how many sites got dragged into the Emma Watson leak hoax? All of them. I know this sounds like crazy grasping a straws talk but I really hate this rumour. Like DNA deep hate it.

The sins of the father stuff was done, retreating it with Luke is so dumb. It totally ruins the ending of Jedi with Luke's rejection of the dark side and Vader's redemption. Luke's the hero. He made the choices his father didn't and overcame the Emperor. I don't see how this fits with his arc in anyway. He was never tempted by the dark side. Sure, he was goaded into attacking Vader aggressively in their final fight but there was nothing seductive about the dark side for him.

Maybe if this bad Luke is a clone and the real Luke is still active, it might work but I don't see there being a point outside of shock value.

Ah, my mind is full of fuck right now. This information is not digesting well with me.


Slashfilm didn't back up the rumor. They flat out said they don't know if it's true or not, but are erring on the side of caution and not writing about it in the event it is true.

Talking about a slashfilm reporter on twitter who was discussing it with Devin Faraci.


Can please someone spoil teh damn rumor to me?

I don't care what is it I want to know it, biggest since "Im your father"

That could only be Anakin being alive and was always the master of puppets.
Can please someone spoil teh damn rumor to me?

I don't care what is it I want to know it, biggest since "Im your father"

That could only be Anakin being alive and was always the master of puppets.

There is a link on the last page. Basically Luke is the bad guy now and convinces the girl to go with him.
So if this is true... is the dude who was holding Vader's helmet in the leaked concept art supposed to be Luke or someone else? I don't know if I like this rumour leak thing.

Edit: DERP. It says in the article that it is apparently Luke. Don't know if I buy into that.


The more I think about this massive spoiler the more I like it and hope it's true. Makes me even sadder though that I know about it 15 months before the damn film even comes out! Surely there will be plenty of nice twists in the two successor films though.

But I was kind of hoping that creepy cyborg guy was going to be a different sort of character.
The rumor leak doesn't matter to me. Even knowing or not knowing the "twist" won't ruin the movie for me.
Did anyone go see Empire for a story twist?

Give me John Williams, light saber swashbuckling, droids, the force, and star fighters.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can't think of a worse direction for this movie to go than what the rumor says. Wouldn't that pretty much invalidate the entire original trilogy?
Doesn't this rumor kind of point at the Ridley being the main character? Why would we care if she follows Luke? If she ends up being a Skywalker her going down this path would be a way to show what would have happened if Luke took Vader's offer.
Doesn't this rumor kind of point at the Ridley being the main character? Why would we care if she follows Luke? If she ends up being a Skywalker her going down this path would be a way to show what would have happened if Luke took Vader's offer.

I think John Boyega and her are the main characters for this trilogy.


I mean this rumor isn't all that great unless they set her up to be the new Luke/Anakin in the movie and we watch her fall to the Dark Side early and over come it by the end of the new trilogy.
Yeah, I think an evil cyborg Luke being haunted after Vader's death sounds awesome. Obviously, this new trilogy is to usher in a new, younger cast. Who knows what will happen on the journey and who will be on what site by the end of Ep IX.


I feel like evil luke will have to have some chance of redemption at some point like vader in rotj, which makes me a bit worried that his arc in these movies could be too similar to vader's. but honestly it could be amazing if done correctly. the whole premise is really haunting. Can't stop thinking about it.

Really it seems to make sense in terms of storytelling...I think if you were to start this trilogy with resolution (i.e. heroic, predictable luke) then story wise this movie could be kind of stagnant, or require too much exposition building for a part 7.

Then again if it were safe jedi luke more focus could probably be put on the newer characters and establishing new villains, but I think it's becoming increasingly clear that at least this first movie is about the OT characters.
I mean this rumor isn't all that great unless they set her up to be the new Luke/Anakin in the movie and we watch her fall to the Dark Side early and over come it by the end of the new trilogy.

I'm guessing the two form a friendship throughout the film and this splits them apart in a dramatic way so that way they can focus on both sides of the force using the two characters throughout this trilogy.


wtf happened to Luke in the 20 years or however long it's been since RotJ? Is he just pissed Leia isn't putting out or something? I feel like there's no reason for him to
turn evil
since he pretty much already won.


I can't tell you how much cold water has been thrown on my excitement for this film, with this rumour.

I've gone from giddy enthusiasm to stone cold numbness in the space of one rumour.

I mean, I'm hoping that all these sites got fed a dud lead. Just because they all checked it out with each other doesn't mean the initial source is true. I mean how many sites got dragged into the Emma Watson leak hoax? All of them. I know this sounds like crazy grasping a straws talk but I really hate this rumour. Like DNA deep hate it.

The sins of the father stuff was done, retreating it with Luke is so dumb. It totally ruins the ending of Jedi with Luke's rejection of the dark side and Vader's redemption. Luke's the hero. He made the choices his father didn't and overcame the Emperor. I don't see how this fits with his arc in anyway. He was never tempted by the dark side. Sure, he was goaded into attacking Vader aggressively in their final fight but there was nothing seductive about the dark side for him.

Maybe if this bad Luke is a clone and the real Luke is still active, it might work but I don't see there being a point outside of shock value.

Ah, my mind is full of fuck right now. This information is not digesting well with me.

Me too. Luke being a
haunted/evil/Sith/Dark Jedi sect cyborg
feels wrong to me.
It seems contrary to his whole arc in the OT and not just that. STAR WARS was known for a rather strict separation between droids and humanoids. Afaik there were no cyborgs at all in the OT/PT other than Vader himself. Now suddenly we have
Max von Sydow reportedly being one and Luke too?


Well, there's Grievous, too.

Well, he was from Lucas' late "don't know my own universe anymore" period so he doesn't count. ;) and he only had a human heart right?

STAR WARS is not known for augmented humans running around like in Deus Ex or cyberpunk. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Maybe we will get clones of main characters too?
EDIT: Lobot could be seen as a "cyborg light", but he also felt like an exception.


wtf happened to Luke in the 20 years or however long it's been since RotJ? Is he just pissed Leia isn't putting out or something? I feel like there's no reason for him to
turn evil
since he pretty much already won.

Who knows? I'm partial to the idea though that he can't escape his lineage and he'll always have father vader looming over him in temptation or some shit. But yeah there'd have to be some crazy twisted event that would lead to him turning.


Well, he was from Lucas' late "don't know my own universe anymore" period so he doesn't count. ;) and he only had a human heart right?

STAR WARS is not known for augmented humans running around like in Deus Ex or cyberpunk. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Maybe we will get clones of main characters too?
EDIT: Lobot could be seen as a "cyborg light", but he also felt like an exception.

This 'rule' of yours sure is getting a lot of complex exceptions.
Only canon that matters now whether nerds like it or not is PT, OT, CW, and Rebels. There is a precedent in each of those for people with cybernetic parts.


Whatever the new trilogy will do with cyborgs, i hope they don't continue with the damn "cyborgs are less than human" thing Star Wars (though perhaps the EU is a bigger culprit here) has going on.
Super advanced galaxy, no transhumanism (as in, large scale use of cybernetics for enhancement, not just replacement, and whatever else related). What.
Me too. Luke being a
haunted/evil/Sith/Dark Jedi sect cyborg
feels wrong to me.
It seems contrary to his whole arc in the OT and not just that. STAR WARS was known for a rather strict separation between droids and humanoids. Afaik there were no cyborgs at all in the OT/PT other than Vader himself. Now suddenly we have
Max von Sydow reportedly being one and Luke too?

I haven't got a problem with cyborgs, really. They fit the tone and are quite prevalent. There is precedent there. I don't see why it has to be a Skywalker though. Does it add anything other than irony? These desert boys can't catch a break, strap some tin to them, they're done.

Luke is an inherently good man.


For me as an oldschool fan I see it like this:

Fitting to STARWARS:


Not fitting to STARWARS:


To me it felt like in Star Wars only very instrumental/important people would get a new arm/leg/hacking device attached to their skull.
It is not something you just screw on in a junkyard. So Luke basically is part of a powerful organisation that built him up again?
Still feels weird to me.


There was this other minor cyborg guy too...Vader, I think his name was.

Was it ever established in the OT that Vader had fully artificial limbs? He moved quite natural. There was no sound design to indicate any kind of joint motors. To me he always felt more like a burn victim in need of a breathing aparatus rather than a cyborg.


Was it ever established in the OT that Vader had fully artificial limbs? He moved quite natural. There was no sound design to indicate any kind of joint motors. To me he always felt more like a burn victim in need of a breathing aparatus rather than a cyborg.

"He is more machine than man"
Was it ever established in the OT that Vader had fully artificial limbs? He moved quite natural. There was no sound design to indicate any kind of joint motors. To me he always felt more like a burn victim in need of a breathing aparatus rather than a cyborg.


"He's more machine now than man"
Was it ever established in the OT that Vader had fully artificial limbs? He moved quite natural. There was no sound design to indicate any kind of joint motors. To me he always felt more like a burn victim in need of a breathing aparatus rather than a cyborg.

'He's more machine now than man, twisted and cruel.'

Plus, Luke relieves him of his hand, showing wires.

This brings up an interesting question as to what is a cyborg in the most basic sense. A machine aided living being, I guess...

The nature of Lobot always confused me.

Edit: Mega beaten


Always saw this quote more about having no free will anymore, rather than literally being a machine.

Never thought of it that way. I did always take it literally, even before we saw what happened to Anakin.
Of course i also always assumed he fell to a lava pit quite literally, given that RotJ novellization says so...

EDIT Oh, i just realized, your interpretation doesn't work because Vader quite clearly has a will of his own: He tries to turn Luke against the Emperor (and one should remember that early on, the Emperor wasn't going to be a willful individual but only a figurehead).
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