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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Never thought of it that way. I did always take it literally, even before we saw what happened to Anakin.
Of course i also always assumed he fell to a lava pit quite literally, given that RotJ novellization says so...

The original Old Anakin actor Shaw still had his eye brows intact before Lucas started screwing with them, so it feels like Vader's injuries were upgraded between the OT and PT.

Anyway, to me a cyborg is something where some organic parts (heart, lungs, brain) are supporting a machine with e.g. powerful limbs.
What we saw in STARWARS was some machine parts supporting a human being.
VADER was as far as anyone ever got on the path from human to machine.
If they do LUKE as a "cyborg", I really hope they don't go overboard with crappy Go-Go Gadgeto extendable arm/wrists, hind legs or any other tasteless crap. Less is more!


Also remember this is 32 years after Jedi. Think about how much technology advances in 30 years.

Cybkrfs already existed in the old ones its bound to be waaaay more common 30 years on.


i'm okay with the rumor being true -- if it's done the right way. the backstory would have some serious 'splainin to do


Also remember this is 32 years after Jedi. Think about how much technology advances in 30 years.

Cybkrfs already existed in the old ones its bound to be waaaay more common 30 years on.

This is another misconception at least for me. Tech doesn't advance in the STARWARS universe. Even if you take out EU stuff like KOTOR where they had pretty much the same tech thousands of years before the OT it always felt to me that if anything tech had reached a plateau long time ago and was regressing even during times of civil war.


Also remember this is 32 years after Jedi. Think about how much technology advances in 30 years.

Cybkrfs already existed in the old ones its bound to be waaaay more common 30 years on.

Except with Star Wars being what it is.... 25000 year old Republic. In other words, interstellar flight (FTL or not) has existed for a long, long time. And anything with capability for interstellar travel... well, i reckon cybernetics are not an issue really.
Plus there's this "PT films have more advanced tech" thing, so time means nothing when it comes how advanced tech is, i think.


So its not your job to 'wholesale ruin the movie', but you publish an article specifically about this giving validation and credibility to a rumour in a sea of rumours.

Fucking idiot.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this leak is a huge misdirect engineered by Abrams and a few writers like Faraci. :p
Guy.brush, I actually agree/sympathize with your attitude toward cyborgs in Star Wars in general. The chicken-like metal appendages attached to Maul's waist in the Clone Wars or whatever somehow feel less plausible and more outlandish than the discrete electronics in Luke and Vader's hands.

I must say that I think it was always implied with the famous "more machine now than man" line that Vader had more extensive prostheses than just his hand, and he was in fact a cyborg. However, I also think there is a dual meaning in the sense that he has become a "machine" to the authoritarian Empire by facilitating their inhumane rule.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this leak is a huge misdirect engineered by Abrams and a few writers like Faraci. :p

Why would that even be a thing? We're not worth the money it would cost to commission the amount of fake art being leaked.

It's Star Wars. There's no value in making up a bunch of fake Star Wars to help hype up Star Wars at the expense of super-Star Wars fans.

It's a literally worthless endeavor.
Why would that even be a thing? We're not worth the money it would cost to commission the amount of fake art being leaked.

It's Star Wars. There's no value in making up a bunch of fake Star Wars to help hype up Star Wars at the expense of super-Star Wars fans.

It's a literally worthless endeavor.

JJ protecting that mystery box would be the only explanation.


Misdirection is quite possible. Fabricating entire things is unlikely, i think, but changing small things...
Consider "Obi-Wan killed your father".
With regards to this rumour, I don't like it, but I will just about accept it if there is a damn good and non-gimmicky piece of narrative that links "Point A: Luke is a paragon who managed to resist the Dark Side at the end of RotJ" and "Point B: Luke is now an evil cyborg". And by damn good, I mean superior to what Abrams and Kasdan are realistically capable of giving us.


Why would that even be a thing? We're not worth the money it would cost to commission the amount of fake art being leaked.

It's Star Wars. There's no value in making up a bunch of fake Star Wars to help hype up Star Wars at the expense of super-Star Wars fans.

It's a literally worthless endeavor.

Rest assured my comment was tongue-in-cheek. :)


Anyone here remember the craziness that was the Phantom Menace internet coverage? Nobody knew how to deal with internet spies back then. I swear the entire plot had leaked a year before release.

Fun times, though.


Imagine if the OT was being released now. Having the 'I am your father' moment spoiled before getting chance to watch it would have been awful.

If this rumour is true, it is a bit disappointing it's been leaked. Guess that's the way it is these days. It's hard to wrap yourself in cotton wool to avoid hearing anything about a film.

This isn't a "I am your father" moment. It's more of a "I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND" stupidity.


Has anyone else stopped and disassociated from all the rumors and speculation and hype for just a moment to think "holy shit. It's over 30 years since the original OT and were are actually going to see Luke, Han, and Leia on the big fucking screen again."

Who am I kidding we all have
But the first time we see Luke I want it to be because he is saving all these newbies by taking out the baddies because he's a Jedi master now. :/


Apologies, then :)

No need to apologize! :) I wasn't taken aback or anything by your post. Just wanted to clarify I was being facetious in case the idea of deliberate leaks to throw off the scent might derail the discussion.

If Faraci hadn't confirmed that the rumor agrees with his information, I would have likely written it off as a case of someone connecting dots in an interesting but perhaps inaccurate manner. I still think there could be a twist on top of this - cyborg Luke isn't actually Luke. Real Luke could be imprisoned, as was previously rumored (though I don't know if this new leak trumps or debunks that).


Has anyone else stopped and disassociated from all the rumors and speculation and hype for just a moment to think "holy shit. It's over 30 years since the original OT and were are actually going to see Luke, Han, and Leia on the big fucking screen again."

Who am I kidding we all have

I'm just thinking "Oh, yeah, we're getting more Star Wars!!!". Individual ideas may sound terrible but that doesn't mean they end up being that, in proper context they may work well and actually be awesome, and/or fit in well with the rest of Star Wars. Or something.

(Not actually giving a shit we're seeing the old cast again.)


Well, that apparent spoiler is unavoidable.

Doesn't seem right at all thinking back to the OT but exciting to see how it would play out. In a way, the old cast coming back makes me think they are needed for it to work properly and have prominent roles. You can't imagine them sitting on the side lines when that issue is at hand. Hard to believe it.


What do people figure this movie should be? A giant happy reunion?

You know how you top Darth Vader? Make Luke the fucking bad guy
. Maybe there will be more than meets the eye in the end, but come up with an interesting concept that makes sense and builds on past themes and then leave fans sitting there dumbfounded over what's coming next. Just like they did in 1980. At first glance... the spoiler is controversial, striking, and makes me genuinely curious as to where they're going with this.

Sounds better to me than having a great old OT reunion where the writers wink and nod while they scramble to put together a plot that comes close to matching the emotional weight of Episodes 4-6. So many people bitch about Jedi wrapping things up too neatly, and yet here we have an example of people posting things like "fuck this movie" over a pretty bold and risky move. "But what about the ewok song and my childhood =(". Please.

Honestly, it sounds like some of the "fans" are deathly afraid of change. In before the "it's not change, though. It's shit, and the world is ending" replies. Those kinds of fan reactions (before people have even seen the film) are quite honestly the reason why we can't have nice things.

Also, fuck whoever leaked this.

I don't really like when people impute motives on others they don't know or understand. Or when they are so close-minded that they try to pre-empt anyone from actually explaining their motivations.

This has nothing to do with being afraid of change.

It has to everything to do with our understanding of Luke's character after watching 3 films and dealing with their legacy for 30 years. We had a pretty solid conception of his character (supplemented by the now-dead EU) that now has to be completely re-evaluated.

If it's a "bold" choice, then it's bold because it seems totally out-of-character. Now, of course and as always, the execution matters quite a bit, but the fact of the matter is that this seems to really undermine what was a solid arc for his character in OT and misses what was a pretty obvious in-character arc in the sequel trilogy (him being an Obi-Wan figure).

And, to be honest, I'm not sure how bold this is, when we've already explored the betrayal of a Skywalker turning evil in the previous trilogy.
With regards to this rumour, I don't like it, but I will just about accept it if there is a damn good and non-gimmicky piece of narrative that links "Point A: Luke is a paragon who managed to resist the Dark Side at the end of RotJ" and "Point B: Luke is now an evil cyborg". And by damn good, I mean superior to what Abrams and Kasdan are realistically capable of giving us.

It's obviously just going to be his secret/estranged/supposedly dead son posing as him. I mean, if there's anything this series is known for, it's the idea of fathers and sons being pitted against each other.

"Luke, I am your son."


Yup his hand(s) was artificial, so was Luke's but the legs being robotic to me seemed like a prequel invention.

I mean, does it really matter either way? You're free to believe whatever you want, but man the lengths people go to to distance "their" Star Wars from the prequels astounds me sometimes.
It's obviously just going to be his secret/estranged/supposedly dead son posing as him. I mean, if there's anything this series is known for, it's the idea of fathers and sons being pitted against each other.

"Luke, I am your son."

Nah the girl is going to be Luke's daughter and she'll follow him.


Nah the girl is going to be Luke's daughter and she'll follow him.
What I love about the rumor is abrams and co aren't playing it safe. Giving a star wars movie that feels safe. Making her related feels safe. I am glad there has been no rumors like that.

I love the idea from the rumors that the movie is going to punch you in the gut and end in a dark place like Empire
I don't buy that rumor is true for a minute. It goes against a lot of other things we know. If I had to guess, I'd say a lot of this stuff is coming from the original drafts of the script by Arndt. After that, we know Abrams and Kasdan came in and changed it up in bug ways because they "wanted to give the OT crew one last send off" or something like that. Turning Luke into a black mirror version of Vader goes against that.
It also doesn't explain why Hammill has been sporting a beard for the last 12 months or so.

I wouldn't be surprised if it has some roots in reality though. I can see it being a twisted clone of Luke. Maybe that jives with the rumors of him being held captive for a long time. That would still be a huge moment. A broken, dark side Luke clone? Makes sense and also neatly ties it back to the Prequel Trilogy, where clones had such a huge role.
What I love about the rumor is abrams and co aren't playing it safe. Giving a star wars movie that feels safe. Making her related feels safe. I am glad there has been no rumors like that.

The rumors surrounding the girl's role are exactly why I think she's going to be related to Luke and Leia somehow. Everything about her sounds like JJ is hiding who she is. The fact that they call her different names on set, we've heard like 4 different ways she supposedly gets dragged into the story, and now this rumor.


Junior Member
I dunno guys this all sounds like Hooplah to me. I don't like the idea of Luke going bad. I'm hoping he would be in a Obi-Wan-like role now.

I think this is what we all wanted. At least ever since we saw the photos of bearded Hamill.

I really don't want the OT characters to be a central focus of this new trilogy at all. For the most part they need to be supporting mentors to a new cast.


The rumors surrounding the girl's role are exactly why I think she's going to be related to Luke and Leia somehow. Everything about her sounds like JJ is hiding who she is. The fact that they call her different names on set, we've heard like 4 different ways she supposedly gets dragged into the story, and now this rumor.

Incest confirmed.


The rumors surrounding the girl's role are exactly why I think she's going to be related to Luke and Leia somehow. Everything about her sounds like JJ is hiding who she is. The fact that they call her different names on set, we've heard like 4 different ways she supposedly gets dragged into the story, and now this rumor.
Well it will get weird if this rumor is real then. Part of this rumor contained production art seen by Making Star War where Luke gone evil is sexually carassing Daisy Ridley after she submits to be his apprentice.


Well it will get weird if this rumor is real then. Part of this rumor contained production art seen by Making Star War where Luke gone evil is sexually carassing Daisy Ridley after she submits to be his apprentice.
This is part of the reason this sounds like a BS rumor to me. People keep saying how "bold" it is, but no, it's not bold. It's a contrived and arbitrary plot twist cooked up not because it fits Luke's character, but because the movie needs a big shocking twist. It just doesn't seem like something that professional writers who grew up loving the OT would come up with, mostly because it's such a massive shift in character for Luke. They would have to jump through quite a few narrative hoops to convince me that the Luke we saw in the OT would ever become a character like is being described in this rumor.


This is part of the reason this sounds like a BS rumor to me. People keep saying how "bold" it is, but no, it's not bold. It's a contrived and arbitrary plot twist cooked up not because it fits Luke's character, but because the movie needs a big shocking twist. It just doesn't seem like something that professional writers who grew up loving the OT would come up with, mostly because it's such a massive shift in character for Luke. They would have to jump through quite a few narrative hoops to convince me that the Luke we saw in the OT would ever become a character like is being described in this rumor.
Lawrence Kasdan who is writing the script with Abrams didn't grow up with the OT. He helped write the OT! So he doesn't have any fan like nostalgia. It also is worth noting Kaasdan for the past 30 years complained that Lucas wouldn't let him make Return of the Jedi as dark as he wanted.
What I love about the rumor is abrams and co aren't playing it safe. Giving a star wars movie that feels safe. Making her related feels safe. I am glad there has been no rumors like that.

I love the idea from the rumors that the movie is going to punch you in the gut and end in a dark place like Empire

That's interesting considering those who are talking about how it's playing it safe through nostalgia pandering.

People working on franchises with a huge fanbase are always fighting an uphill (impossible) battle that they can never win. It's either this or that. They just have to do the best they can and deal with the bitching. Much like with Zelda fans, Star Wars fans actually have no idea what they want. But whatever it is, it sucks.


Lawrence Kasdan who is writing the script with Abrams didn't grow up with the OT. He helped write the OT! So he doesn't have any fan like nostalgia. It also is worth noting Kaasdan for the past 30 years complained that Lucas wouldn't let him make Return of the Jedi as dark as he wanted.
Well shit.

Whatever, if this is the direction they want to take things, I'll watch it play out and then judge if they pulled it off well. If they have a good explanation for him turning, great. If not, that really sucks and I hope it's all a ruse. I'd just hate for this to be the prequels all over again.

Also, I can't remember for sure, but wasn't there a rumor a month or two back that all these sources were "100% on", and then it got squashed in an interview or by other means? I seem to remember people freaking out over one that seemed pretty much confirmed and then it ended up being nothing. Could be mistaken though.


Lawrence Kasdan who is writing the script with Abrams didn't grow up with the OT. He helped write the OT! So he doesn't have any fan like nostalgia. It also is worth noting Kaasdan for the past 30 years complained that Lucas wouldn't let him make Return of the Jedi as dark as he wanted.

Let's be fair, Kasdan pretty much critiqued TESB after Lucas' own draft. Lucas doesn't get enough credit for TESB script.


Let's be fair, Kasdan pretty much critiqued TESB after Lucas' own draft. Lucas doesn't get enough credit for TESB script.
Lucas had a lot of involvement in TESB and wrote multiple drafts. But Kasdan was the one responsible to toning down the gags and playing a lot more straight than ANH. It was a battle he tried in ROTJ but lost.


Well don't we know that Luke has scenes before the finale? There was that supposed rumor of Luke facing off against Han. So if Luke was that cyborg, that twist can't be the final scene in the movie.

I think it being Driver is much more likely. Driver is Luke's son and went darkside while idolizing his grandfather. Luke has been chasing his son all over the place and trying to turn him back. Han wants to just kill the kid while Luke is trying to save him.


Well don't we know that Luke has scenes before the finale? There was that supposed rumor of Luke facing off against Han. So if Luke was that cyborg, that twist can't be the final scene in the movie.

I think it being Driver is much more likely. Driver is Luke's son and went darkside while idolizing his grandfather. Luke has been chasing his son all over the place and trying to turn him back. Han wants to just kill the kid while Luke is trying to save him.
That's what I was thinking. Maybe it's at the end of act 2? I really hope we get a trailer or at least a teaser relatively soon, because I feel like it would at least ease some of the tension these rumors are causing, or maybe even put some of them to bed.

holy shit is this how you're supposed to watch movies now
Yeah bruh, it's revolutionary.


Why would that even be a thing? We're not worth the money it would cost to commission the amount of fake art being leaked.

It's Star Wars. There's no value in making up a bunch of fake Star Wars to help hype up Star Wars at the expense of super-Star Wars fans.

It's a literally worthless endeavor.

There's so much bullshit flying around that no one on the production even needs to engineer fake spoilers to leak. People get glimpses at real concept art or real scenes that are being shot, and then the telephone game turns legitimate information completely inside out over and over.

Adam Driver's the biggest example. Since he was cast, everyone has sworn up and down -- from bloggers like Devin to actual trades like Variety -- that he plays some kind of villain, Sith, Imperial, aristocrat, whatever. Then we get shots of him on set in a Rebel uniform. So, what the fuck.

Basically, no one knows anything, even the people who are actually leaking this shit to begin with.


Junior Member
What this discussions sounds like is, Lucas always wanted Star Wars to be a relatively happy, family-friendly adventure franchise that sells toys, whereas Kasdan always wanted something a bit darker and/or more provocative. It seems Kasdan's influence most strongly won out in Empire.


What this discussions sounds like is, Lucas always wanted Star Wars to be a relatively happy, family-friendly adventure franchise that sells toys, whereas Kasdan always wanted something a bit darker and/or more provocative. It seems Kasdan's influence most strongly won out in Empire.

Oh, Return of the Jedi could have been a heck of a lot darker. Like, Han dying and Luke possibly turning and needing Leia (there is another) to finish the job darker.
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