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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I don't know if anyone knows, honestly. If she was hanging out with Han & Chewie when they show up, I think she'd have been mentioned. But so far, it seems that her role in the movie is relegated to holding down Rebel HQ as a political leader of some sort.

I'm starting to think she's going to be Chancellor Valorum, essentially.

More like Mon Mothma if the rumors of the galaxy never becoming stable enough to form a new government are true. I wonder if she is still married to Han or whatever?
The art was definitely something.


Wasn't a big fan of the story, though.


I don't know if anyone knows, honestly. If she was hanging out with Han & Chewie when they show up, I think she'd have been mentioned. But so far, it seems that her role in the movie is relegated to holding down Rebel HQ as a political leader of some sort.

I'm starting to think she's going to be Chancellor Valorum, essentially.

I remember one of the rumors being that her and Han split and kept waiting to see how fan reaction to THAT one would be :D
Oh shit, that's right! I'd forgotten about that bit of speculation.

It would kinda make sense that at some point, Han sucks at being a responsible adult, and Leia gets sick of his shit, and they break up


And going off the other aspect, you could have a redemptive arc where the selfish/irresponsible Han swoops in to save the day (ala Ep IV) saving Luke and Leia sparking them into new directions. Except this time, he ends up dying as a result, showcasing the higher stakes and sparking both of them into action.

I mean, let's presume the trio have split hence the need for new characters to built the new trilogy off of. It'd kind of explain why whatever is the threat isnt stopped immediately by the trio as they have their own stuff to work out on their own.

That one pic of what could have been the Falcon in flames? What if Han swoops in and the audience expects a repeat of Ep IV only to have the new enemy pull down the Falcon ala Starkiller taking down the Star Destroyer. Han crawls from the wreckage and fires at the new bad guy saving Luke and Leia. Meanwhile Chewie is injured in the crash requiring him to have a cybernetic arm in the next film.

My attempt at a grand unification theory off the top of my head :D


I don't believe the Luke rumour personally. He was already tempted by the dark side in ROTJ. To have him become a sith or even half cyborg for E7 just doesn't make sense and screams more of fan-fiction than anything else.
I like Dark Empire a lot. I like the imagery in it, and it feels like something original Star Wars would have done. It's silly, but I really enjoy it.
that is some massive family curse ...at the end of the day your destiny is to become as evil or more evil then your father..the endless cycle of the skywalkers.


Leia should end up with Lando, who is basically a responsible Han. Would create fun tension

Leia realizes that Lando was really just trying to save her from a loveless marriage, always competing with a Wookie for her husband's affection, when he had them turned in and Han encased in carbonite.

I really hope this Luke as Sith thing isn't true, not sitting well with me.


Luke becoming sith would make the whole original trilogy pointless.

Bingo. Luke was faced with the threat of his own death, the enslavement of his sister to the Emperor, and the death of his friends, and still didn't succumb to the dark side. Palpatine and Vader failed, and Luke became the champion of the Jedi that Anakin should have been. I cannot fathom what could have possibly taken place in the years following the Battle of Endor that could push Luke to the dark side.


Bingo. Luke was faced with the threat of his own death, the enslavement of his sister to the Emperor, and the death of his friends, and still didn't succumb to the dark side. Palpatine and Vader failed, and Luke became the champion of the Jedi that Anakin should have been. I cannot fathom what could have possibly taken place in the years following the Battle of Endor that could push Luke to the dark side.

Of course this sounds very interesting to have Luke as the Sith Lord. But why the hell should he the bad guy? He is the old hero, he did face the dark side. Also it would be too similar to Anakin's Story.


Why wouldn't he change back in the sequels by the end of the trilogh if the rumor is true? Hell Vader changed back after all.

That's just a waste of time though. If Luke turns to the dark side and turn back, then that means his whole arc is to become the exact same person we left him as.
Why wouldn't he change back in the sequels by the end of the trilogh if the rumor is true? Hell Vader changed back after all.

You just can't have him show up as the bad guy. Luke is the most important person to the story because he was the main character of the OT. We would have to see him go through the change.


The thing is I would worry if it was just Abrams writing this but Lawrence Kasdan is writing the script. Kasdan gets and understands the franchise and the characters of the OT. He helped define who they are and create them. He wouldn't do something this radical if it didn't make sense in context of the trilogy.

I trust in Kasdan. And he mentioned before talking about return of the jedi he was very interested in having Luke turn to the dark side and perhaps make Leia the hero. Amongst other possibilities. This is a plot Kasdan has long since contemplated.


Wasn't that one of his rules? I remember reading that he had two for EU writers. 1. Luke can't go full sith 2. Luke can't die.
Is this an important clue then, if true?
Luke can't go full sith because it was a plot point for 7,8,9. In the back of George's mind, he always knew star wars would have a life after him and that these stories needed to stay untouched for this very reason.
Is this an important clue then, if true?
Luke can't go full sith because it was a plot point for 7,8,9. In the back of George's mind, he always knew star wars would have a life after him and that these stories needed to stay untouched for this very reason.

Nope, it was because Luke is the hero.
You can't have a prequel trilogy that drags it's feet over the downfall of the father and then have a sequel trilogy where the son turns to the dark side off screen. Especially when he rejected the dark side so thoroughly in his last appearance.

The focus of the plot is the supposed to be the new cast. Making Luke evil takes him from a supposed supportive role to equal billing with the new cast.

And I think someone else mentioned it, you don't bring back a recognisable face and then alter his look to the degree rumoured. You might as well have it be a different character.


The force is powerful and an on going battle of temptation and corruption.

For Luke to turn bad is always a possibility but I agree considering what happened in the OT it sounds extreme.

What could turn him? Long captivity and torture, more serious injury, lost memory, stranded. Losing himself is not out of reach. I think it's likely wars were fought after ROTJ that included Luke which could set up the Star Wats intro that alludes to Luke being injured, MIA, maybe captured by unknown but powerful in the ways of the force enemies, it is Luke being undone after all. The search begins...
Lucas never spoke about this on the record. He isn't the main hero of the new trilogy regardless if he is going sith or not. They have new heroes now.

I never said he has to be the hero now. He's the most important person in the series and these movies are still continuing story. He can't start off the villain. It's too big of a leap for the audience to accept.

You're right. Kasdan has outlived his welcome. I guess he'll just have to RETIRE. He's SPENT. USED UP. WASHED OUT. Old dogs don't learn new tricks. Kurtzman or Orci will just have to step in now to save Star Wars.

Oh Secret Fawful is here. No one criticize anything he likes or he'll make a long post in the movie thread about leaving gaf because people don't like the same shitty movies or share the same opinions that he has. Because people not liking what he likes makes him have a nervous breakdown or something.


Personally I think the story and plot is going to be a trainwreck just to make it more dark and gritty for the sake of it. Feels like they were stumped for any good ideas so they thought just make Luke evil, yeah plot device.
Personally I think the story and plot is going to be a trainwreck just to make it more dark and gritty for the sake of it. Feels like they were stumped for any good ideas so they thought just make Luke evil, yeah plot device.

That's kind of what I was thinking. It seems that Kasdan just wanted to make things dark for the sake of it. Return of the Jedi does have some problems but I've always thought it ended just fine.
Oh Secret Fawful is here. No one criticize anything he likes or he'll make a long post in the movie thread about leaving gaf because people don't like the same shitty movies or share the same opinions that he has. Because people not liking what he likes makes him have a nervous breakdown or something.

Sounds like I struck a nerve. I'm flattered that you remembered me.

Big One

I have a theory about how a lot of this is going to lay down, if all these rumors are true. This is COMPLETE FANFICTION, but I wanted to piece this together to get an idea of what we may be seeing:

Daisy and John's characters will be the main characters of the film, or setup to be for the entire sequel trilogy with this movie. For some reason, they find Luke's robot hand and go on a quest to find him.

They probably encounter Daisy's character's father Han Solo and shenanigans.

Sometime in the movie they learn Luke was imprisoned for a long period of time, however they never find him in said prison when they go there.

It turns out sometime between Episode VI and VII, Luke was imprisoned for several years in terrible conditions, goes mad Gollum-style, and basically turns into this insane crazy person. He becomes malnourished, and eventually escapes the prison once he finally succumbs to the dark side of the force. Somewhere in here, he loses his robot hand in his attempt to escape hence why Daisy, John, and Han have it.

His body got so fucked up he had to get a complete cybernetic overhaul to even survive, much like his father before him. Perhaps it was his weakened state once he escaped prison, or maybe an accident happened causing his body to get fucked up.

He basically gets pissed off at the world and has nostalgia for his days that his father was alive, finds a piece of Vader's masks and relishes his father's legacy. In his own twisted way, he views Vader's final moments with him as a passing of the torch rather than what it really was (Vader becoming Anakin again). Because of this, he becomes a new Sith Lord .

Daisy and John finally encounters him, he unmasks revealing the truth that Luke was the bad guy all along. Daisy succumbs to the dark side.

The whole arc of the sequel trilogy will be getting your friends on track. John becomes the main character to help Daisy, Han and Leia become side characters cause they want to help Luke.
Sounds like I struck a nerve. I'm flattered that you remembered me.

How could I ever forget you? You wanted to leave Gaf because people made fun of Thor 2. That's easily the most pathetic thing I have ever seen online and I have been reading Gaf gaming for years.

Now on-topic. I was joking about the wife and kid thing but man I can see JJ doing it.

I have a theory about how a lot of this is going to lay down, if all these rumors are true. This is COMPLETE FANFICTION, but I wanted to piece this together to get an idea of what we may be seeing:

Daisy and John's characters will be the main characters of the film, or setup to be for the entire sequel trilogy with this movie. For some reason, they find Luke's robot hand and go on a quest to find him.

They probably encounter Daisy's character's father Han Solo and shenanigans.

Sometime in the movie they learn Luke was imprisoned for a long period of time, however they never find him in said prison when they go there.

It turns out sometime between Episode VI and VII, Luke was imprisoned for several years in terrible conditions, goes mad Gollum-style, and basically turns into this insane crazy person. He becomes malnourished, and eventually escapes the prison once he finally succumbs to the dark side of the force. Somewhere in here, he loses his robot hand in his attempt to escape hence why Daisy, John, and Han have it.

His body got so fucked up he had to get a complete cybernetic overhaul to even survive, much like his father before him. Perhaps it was his weakened state once he escaped prison, or maybe an accident happened causing his body to get fucked up.

He basically gets pissed off at the world and has nostalgia for his days that his father was alive, finds a piece of Vader's masks and relishes his father's legacy. In his own twisted way, he views Vader's final moments with him as a passing of the torch rather than what it really was (Vader becoming Anakin again). Because of this, he becomes a new Sith Lord .

God this sounds so bad. You have to be right.
How could I ever forget you? You wanted to leave Gaf because people made fun of Thor 2. That's easily the most pathetic thing I have ever seen online and I have been reading Gaf gaming for years.
Huh? I don't even like Thor 2. At all. While I have this coming, don't misrepresent me. My stress at continuous criticism of anything Marvel was in general, and has long since passed. Thor 2 sucks.
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