I love Pokken!
OMG all this info, the artwork. I can't control it.

Luke has a darkness to him? Weird, he should be the ultimate Jedi at this point.
And one for fun
The Grave Robber is C3PO gone beserk who is trying to rebuild himself from human parts Frankenstein style, and that's why in the other piece of art you can see a human with face parts of C3PO
And that is why you'd be blown away.
He wore a black shirt the entire movie. The same movie where he was tempted by two sith and didn't join them.would he be? He almost died and was saved by the father that wanted to kill him at times and also he was wearing black last we saw him
would he be? He almost died and was saved by the father that wanted to kill him at times and also he was wearing black last we saw him
This is one of the best things I've ever seen. "What are midiclorians?" "It's heroin" lol!
will only watch if Karl Pilkington is his side-kick.
Side note - Davis was also in The Phantom Menace.
This is one of the best things I've ever seen. "What are midiclorians?" "It's heroin" lol!
I now its EU and now gone - but was this guy Greedo?He was also Anakin's young Rodian friend in that movie.
So that huge rumour/spoiler from a few weeks backwas just speculation from these leaked concept photos?That the final scene reveals Luke having turned to the darkside
It sounded alot more confirmed at the time...
Shouldn't principal photography i.e. filming be finished soon?
I hope they start trickling out photos soon. During the prequels years we'd get regular behind the scenes photos on like once a week. anyone remember that?
There were some cool ones. Like Jango Fett dancing with an umbrella.
So that huge rumour/spoiler from a few weeks backwas just speculation from these leaked concept photos?That the final scene reveals Luke having turned to the darkside
It sounded alot more confirmed at the time...
not sure where the writer got that scene description, but could that be endor and the troopers are looking for vader remains i.e. the helmet? maybe not though if supposedly han solo and chewie are there as well.The Stormtroopers apparently kill and torch a local village. They encounter large monsters on their way to the ancient ruins to recover something.
I would be terribly disappointed if that spoiler turns out to be true.
I find this hair style amusing.
I forget, is that supposed to be Han and Leia's daughter or no?
A reliable source just said JW received a trailer from JJ Abrams on Monday, Oct 20. JW has already written new Star Wars music to accompany this trailer. This new trailer music will feature new music and will be recorded on November 15 in LA with full orchestra. Still determining if the score will be recorded in London due to advanced age of composer/conductor. 14 hour flight to LA not too kind on 82 year old. This is all a secret and this message will be deleted shortly.
I'll go and see the shittest movie in existence just to see the SW trailer. And promptly walk out before the movie even begins.
What is the cyborg is Ezra from Rebels?
It could happen... right?
Luke has a darkness to him? Weird, he should be the ultimate Jedi at this point.
I'll go and see the shittest movie in existence just to see the SW trailer. And promptly walk out before the movie even begins.
Yes, I'm that sad and yes I know it'll likely leak on the internet first...
My brother's friend bought a ticket for Jingle All the Way just to see the trailer for the SW special editions.
If Luke don't turn to the dark side in ROTJ I really can't see him going dark in the sequels. Especially as he clearly says "Never. I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me"
Then promptly throws away his lightsaber, brings his father back from the dark side and sees his force ghost. I know a lot can happen in 30 years, but if he was going to turn, logically that would have happened after the events of ESB or ROTJ.
I think this is potentially true symbolically.
But at the same time, that uniform he is wearing was intended to be the original Jedi uniform at the time of filming ROTJ.
In pre-production for Episode I, the Jedis were going to wear Luke's ROTJ robe. Only after some deliberation did Lucas decide that actually, the Jedis should wear Ben Kenobi's hobo robe.
I think it would make a lot more sense if they went with the first idea. First of all, Luke's ROTJ garb looks so much more like a uniform, and it looked modern, sleek and cool (and would have remained so in 1999 as well. It's very "Matrix".). Second, it meant that you could re-contextualize Luke's costume in ROTJ as symbolically the Return of the Jedi... it would have been a highly symbolic act of rebellion that he was openly walking around in the uniform of the fallen Jedi, symbolizing their return. Third, we are to believe that Obi Wan goes into hiding... and he just wears the Jedi robe for 20+ years? That's a horrible disguise, and kind of sad at the same time. I really think when we first watched the OT, that was originally intended by the creators (and interpreted by the viewers) as a hermit's robe unique to Obi, not a a Jedi robe.