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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Gets me hyped can't believe we're about to get so many Star Wars movies in the next couple of years.

Next month.

This reveal also seems to put a little bit of weight behind the idea there's a teaser coming around Thanksgiving (or sooner)

This is going to be a long year. I'm getting goosebumps already just thinking about sitting in the theatre opening night and watching a new Star Wars.
Here's my idea of the general idea behind the movie:

The Jedi failed to use the force correctly, and the Sith of course corrupted it. Anakin/Luke brought balance to it, but since Luke was the only remaining Jedi and chose to go into hiding after ROTJ it is not being used for good any more, and the galaxy is suffering because of it. So now the Force has chosen to awaken and has created a whole bunch of new strong force users all over the galaxy in the hopes that they can be a positive force for change/good. The movies will be about Luke being forced into training a new order of Jedi from some of these people, and others will form (or be tricked) into working for the dark side (or some similar thing).

That's my shot in the dark. Basically the Force will imbue power into thousands of new people all over the galaxy while it's still in disorder after the fall of the Empire and it will force Luke to react.

EDIT - And I bet the Empire starts collecting these people too, which is what triggers Leia and Han into finding and recruiting Luke. So once again they will be the underdogs as the Imperial Force users (but not Sith) are used against the rebellion.

I love it!
I really hope that's not completely final and that Episode VII is still part of the title. Gotta have it for that title crawl and to fit with the rest of the movies. But The Force Awakens title is great.
Here's my idea of the general idea behind the movie:

The Jedi failed to use the force correctly, and the Sith of course corrupted it. Anakin/Luke brought balance to it, but since Luke was the only remaining Jedi and chose to go into hiding after ROTJ it is not being used for good any more, and the galaxy is suffering because of it. So now the Force has chosen to awaken and has created a whole bunch of new strong force users all over the galaxy in the hopes that they can be a positive force for change/good. The movies will be about Luke being forced into training a new order of Jedi from some of these people, and others will form (or be tricked) into working for the dark side (or some similar thing).

That's my shot in the dark. Basically the Force will imbue power into thousands of new people all over the galaxy while it's still in disorder after the fall of the Empire and it will force Luke to react.

EDIT - And I bet the Empire starts collecting these people too, which is what triggers Leia and Han into finding and recruiting Luke. So once again they will be the underdogs as the Imperial Force users (but not Sith) are used against the rebellion.

I love it!

Well if Rebels is right the Empire has been using force users for awhile.


"The Force Awakens"...

Meh, still a billion times better than either "The Phantom Menace: or "Attack of the Clones" (even Ewan McGregor LOL'ed when he found out the title of that one).


I doubt it's the final logo either... but I don't think they need to put the episode number in the title. It's only going to scare away casual viewers

"Episode VII? But I haven't seen One through Six!"

It should be an accessible film to new viewers to maximize ticket sales. Disney.


"The Force Awakens"...

Meh, still a billion times better than either "The Phantom Menace: or "Attack of the Clones" (even Ewan McGregor LOL'ed when he found out the title of that one).
Disagree, Phantom Menace was good, the hype was unreal when it was revealed. More so than this which seems to be met with a lot of head scratching and disappointment


Now that sounds interesting. 100% support if true.
Not so much a villain as he is too powerful for his own good.

Yeah the more I think about it, the more I love this. Of course he would have to exile on Dagobah, right? I mean, did Luke even tell anyone that was where Yoda was hiding? So no one would even know that would be the place to look for him.

The opening crawl could explain Luke's power and exile. So the first half of the movie is setting this up and then about mid-way through the movie the 'new cast' finds him. Luke 'mother-fucking' Skywalker, the Most Powerful Jedi who ever lived.

That makes me excite.
If Luke ends up being as powerful as they are saying he is, I doubt he will be a good guy so soon into the new trilogy. At best, I can see him being neutral until at least Episode VIII; otherwise, with him on the good guys' side, whatever threats may exist would seem inconsequential.


Yeah the more I think about it, the more I love this. Of course he would have to exile on Dagobah, right? I mean, did Luke even tell anyone that was where Yoda was hiding? So no one would even know that would be the place to look for him.

I don't think so. Looks like his refuge was that set on Michael Skelling Island, which doesn't look anything like Dagobah.

If Luke ends up being as powerful as they are saying he is, I doubt he will be a good guy so soon into the new trilogy. At best, I can see him being neutral until at least Episode VIII; otherwise, with him on the good guys' side, whatever threats may exist would seem inconsequential.

Well, I still think he can be a good guy in the next movie, but is still deciding to hold his powers back. And then for the finale, he decides to finally let loose with his powers and embrace his role.
Well, I still think he can be a good guy in the next movie, but is still deciding to hold his powers back. And then for the finale, he decides to finally let loose with his powers and embrace his role.

So essentially that would make the new trilogy about Luke again...only because of his seclusion we get a hot young new cast to enjoy...which kinda works. Prequels are about Anakin, OT is about Luke and Anakin, and Sequel Trilogy is about Luke.

I dig it.



So essentially that would make the new trilogy about Luke again...only because of his seclusion we get a hot young new cast to enjoy...which kinda works. Prequels are about Anakin, OT is about Luke and Anakin, and Sequel Trilogy is about Luke.

I dig it.


I sorely want this. Or at least I want Luke around for the trilogy in a decent role. You want to kill someone, get Han shot first.
Yeah the more I think about it, the more I love this. Of course he would have to exile on Dagobah, right? I mean, did Luke even tell anyone that was where Yoda was hiding? So no one would even know that would be the place to look for him.

The opening crawl could explain Luke's power and exile. So the first half of the movie is setting this up and then about mid-way through the movie the 'new cast' finds him. Luke 'mother-fucking' Skywalker, the Most Powerful Jedi who ever lived.

That makes me excite.

Seeing these characters again after so many years, it would be hard for their character development to match the expectations of the audience. Not only the logical expectations but the emotional expectations. Luke Skywalker is the Jedi legend to us even if in the context of the whole Star Wars universe he was not the most badass who ever lived.

Basically what I'm saying is that the reason why I like the rumor so much is because it lives up to my emotional expectations for the character and satisfied my inner child's desire for badass. It treats the character in the same way that I've felt about him since I was small.

Plenty of movie sequels take characters in logical directions but not always in emotionally satisfying directions. Also, the shortcut writers often use is to simply write them exactly the same as before, which is very literally true to the character but does not progress the character at all. This rumor is both emotionally satisfying and progresses the character. It's cool as hell, too.

Sometimes when this is done improperly, however, it results in flanderization. Abrams has to watch out.

It could all be bullshit anyway so let's not get too excited.

Well I guess it works. I'm kind of disappointed though. It sounds a too generic or something. I liked that The Ancient Fear rumor title better.

I'm not against the new title but it is pretty boring. I also thought an Ancient Fear sounded cool.


Well I guess it works. I'm kind of disappointed though. It sounds a too generic or something. I liked that The Ancient Fear rumor title better.


Badass and somewhat childish Luke is best Luke.

New heroes Will help him grow balls, embrace his legacy and power and RIP.
Sounds good for a hero's journey


I like the title and "Awakens" sounds like a good Star Wars word. The only thing I don't like is the departure from Star Wars naming convention. A New Hope, and The Phantom Menace, so this first movie should have been article+adjective+noun.
I like the title and "Awakens" sounds like a good Star Wars word. The only thing I don't like is the departure from Star Wars naming convention. A New Hope, and The Phantom Menace, so this first movie should have been article+adjective+noun.

Would you have preferred
"The Awakened Force"?
"The Awakening Force"?
"The Maxibig Daforce"?


What I like is that Abrams is breaking from the confines of tradition. No episode # in today's title reveal. Rumors about the scene after the opening crawl not involving a ship. Tradition is restrictive. Time to break away from what people think or expect a SW movie should be. Start fresh.
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