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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Fragment 3: the corner of his mouth...





I don't understand. What's the significance of these beard close ups? It's not odd for men of age to have different colors in their beard. I'm 40 and I've got grey, brown, and a touch of red all in my beard.


I don't understand. What's the significance of these beard close ups? It's not odd for men of age to have different colors in their beard. I'm 40 and I've got grey, brown, and a touch of red all in my beard.

Because of the shock and awe when it's revealed
it's actually Luke's happy trail.
One thing I don't really think has been mentioned much is
I hope the factions are a little more diverse in this new trilogy.

When rewatching the OT recently with my brother(who had never seen anything Star Wars) it was something I had never noticed before but the Rebels really needed more diversity.
I don't just mean normal races either, just some more "alien" characters would be nice.
This has been floating around on the internet. Was set as the avatar for the Twitter user who previously uploaded the beard pics not too long ago, and was quickly changed.



This guy has to be fucking with everyone. i say let's not give him any attention until he releases something solid.

Every time there is a hugely speculative geek film on the horizon these kinds of people show up, dropping tiny shreds of... whatever, usually turns out to be bullshit. Never fails.
Every time there is a hugely speculative geek film on the horizon these kinds of people show up, dropping tiny shreds of... whatever, usually turns out to be bullshit. Never fails.

They are SUPER annoying.

Leaker- "Good guesses guys. I'll ask you to add a TWIST to your thinking.
Until next time!"

Forumite-"Twist? Omg that means there will be a TWIST ending!?"

Leaker-" ;) "

Just embarrassing sinking in your seat and hide behind your hands feelings
if those luke rumors are true, I dig it. Kind of goes with what Gary Kurtz originally wanted for Luke at the end of Jedi, a tormented loner.

We had an outline and George changed everything in it,” Kurtz said. “Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy. The original idea was that they would recover [the kidnapped] Han Solo in the early part of the story and that he would then die in the middle part of the film in a raid on an Imperial base. George then decided he didn’t want any of the principals killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason.”

The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.


I'm really going to miss that 20th Century Fox drumroll.

I hope they dive into the oportunity missed in the PT of Palpatine possibly having "done" something to Shmi while he was senator and discarding her as a slave to Tatooine so as not to be caught in scandal. At the very least, they could save that for episode IX as the WTF "I am your father" moment.

Sheev & Shmi... It's like poetry!

Well in an older draft of ROTS, Palpatine basically insinuates he used the force to conceive Anakin... making for a "I am your father" moment.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I don't understand. What's the significance of these beard close ups? It's not odd for men of age to have different colors in their beard. I'm 40 and I've got grey, brown, and a touch of red all in my beard.

Yeah, my facial hair is brown, black, red, grey and white. The hair on top of my head is only brown and grey.


Well in an older draft of ROTS, Palpatine basically insinuates he used the force to conceive Anakin... making for a "I am your father" moment.
Wait, what? Source?

It was in the film as well, just more subtle, but also not so subtle, I thought it was pretty obvious myself what he was referring to when mentioning his master could create life. In the "Plagueis" novel, while EU at the time and now "Legends", they say as much and that Plagueis tried to manipulate the Force but ended up creating Anakin.


What a dipshit.
The man who wanted to kill Han Solo but got over-ruled by Lucas happens to be someone named Lawrence Kasdan. Screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and....The Force Awakens. I will honestly be shocked if he doesn't kill off Han Solo like he wanted to in 'Jedi.


so The Force Awakens' Luke looks like a cross between Yoda (very unkempt/crazy gibberish speak), Obi-wan (beard) and the Emperor (dark outfit and glowing eyes)?!


sounds good.

add the potential robot twist/untwist reveal for some Darth Vader vibe et voilà.

give me a teaser. and leaks. I want leaks. the leakier this ship, the better.

The man who wanted to kill Han Solo but got over-ruled by Lucas happens to be someone named Lawrence Kasdan. Screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and....The Force Awakens. I will honestly be shocked if he doesn't kill off Han Solo like he wanted to in 'Jedi.

there is a rumor about that. but with a twist :

spoilerish and doubtfull, tho
Han kills Luke

even more spoilerish, although very doubtfull :
because Luke wants to kill Han's son, who happens to be Driver who happens to play grave robbing and plays double sides (Light and Dark, Alliance and Empire) and Luke sees him in his visions as a very grave threat


Is it genuinely agreed upon that Han will most likely die in Episode VII?

I don't think we have any direct evidence of it happening. There is plenty of past information that it's either been planned (by writers) or wanted (by harrison). People do seem to agree that the new cast will take more focus in VIII and IX. I am certain that before the trilogy is over we will see AT LEAST one of them die (Han, Leia, Luke).

The only OT character I'm interested in at this point is Luke, so I'm hoping he lasts the full trilogy. Love me some OT Han but Harrision just doesn't have the chops anymore to pull off the character. So yeah, I think it's likely he could die in VII.

It's just not Star Wars without some compelling deaths. Happened plenty in previous films.
so The Force Awakens' Luke looks like a cross between Yoda (very unkempt/crazy gibberish speak), Obi-wan (beard) and the Emperor (dark outfit and glowing eyes)?!


sounds good.

add the potential robot twist/untwist reveal for some Darth Vader vibe et voilà.

give me a teaser. and leaks. I want leaks. the leakier this ship, the better.

there is a rumor about that. but with a twist :

spoilerish and doubtfull, tho
Han kills Luke

even more spoilerish, although very doubtfull :
because Luke wants to kill Han's son, who happens to be Driver who happens to play grave robbing and plays double sides (Light and Dark, Alliance and Empire) and Luke sees him in his visions as a very grave threat

They're not killing Luke in the first movie.

I'm betting on something close to this:

Han dies. Luke will likely be wounded at the end which leaves him weak or almost force less and he's put into a teacher role for the sequels.


I can see Han dying, if only because the idea/Ford's wish that it happened in Return of the Jedi is pretty well known. On the other hand, who knows if they have the guts to do that in the first new movie. I don't have anything against JJ Abrams, but I do think his movies are generally pretty safe.

Luke dying makes a bit more sense to me, making him the new Qui Gon/Obi Wan. Again, might just happen at the end of the second movie to raise the stakes for the finale. Or, alternatively, they're going to keep him around for all the movies (until perhaps the end of the third one), as the last big connection to the classic movies, in a role that's similar to the original Spock in JJ's Star Trek movies.


Is it genuinely agreed upon that Han will most likely die in Episode VII?

I think it's pretty likely. If Han is the (OT) star of the show in VII, then killing him off at or near the end makes sense. It's not gonna be Luke, since it sounds like he plays too instrumental of a role in the larger story here, and Leia isn't a big enough presence for it to hit as hard. And I wouldn't be surprised if getting killed off -- which Ford agreed with back during Jedi -- wasn't part of the deal to get Ford back in the first place.

I would be more shocked by Ford agreeing to do another three Star Wars movies than Han getting killed in VII
I'd be pretty surprised if Han didn't die in the Force Awakens. It's common knowledge he wanted him to die in Return of the Jedi and with the shift to the new cast in the latter part of the trilogy, it seems pretty likely.

They'd better make it a good one though! Will be sad seeing one of my favourite fictional characters kick the bucket.
I still don't see Abrams letting the Falcon get away clean. If Han dies, he dies on that ship. What better way to tearjerk every fucking Star Wars fan alive by letting Han sacrifice himself and that ship for the greater good - especially if its in response to something Luke did.

edit: only now realizing this means at some point, if something like that does go down, Leia is going to be really pissed at Luke for putting in motion events that lead to the death of her husand/father of her children.

Boy, that Skywalker family...


Is it actually known that Leia and Han actually have kids, or even that they're still together, or is this just another EU assumption people have assumed is canon?

I know that it's a common guess that the younger characters are somehow related, but I don't recall anything making it official.
Is it actually known that Leia and Han actually have kids, or even that they're still together,

Nope. Most of the "known knowns" aren't all that known, really. And whether Han & Leia are still together is one of those things people are just sorta rolling with. Considering how big his role is, and how nobody's heard SHIT about Leia's role, it's entirely possible they split at some point between Jedi and now.

Same with the rumor about Ridley's character being their daughter, based mostly on the fact she's sitting between them at the cast read. So far nothing's pointed towards that NOT being the case, so people are rolling with it.


That's what I thought. I may be a terrible person, but I kind of want them to have broken up and never had kids just to see the knocked over magazine racks.


Han has to die so Lando replaces him in the sequel.

I hope this is more true than not because in my opinion Star Wars needs a character archetype like Solo or Lando, otherwise we run into the unrelatable lifelessness that was all too common without Ford and Co.

With just a bit of cropping, when JJ moves out of the scene and i got this screencap


Nice. The dark gray set looks Imperial, and in the closeups of R2 you can see some grime so he's been busy. Can't wait for this!
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