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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

I still don't see Abrams letting the Falcon get away clean. If Han dies, he dies on that ship. What better way to tearjerk every fucking Star Wars fan alive by letting Han sacrifice himself and that ship for the greater good - especially if its in response to something Luke did.

edit: only now realizing this means at some point, if something like that does go down, Leia is going to be really pissed at Luke for putting in motion events that lead to the death of her husand/father of her children.

Boy, that Skywalker family...

This is what I see happening actually.
Blow up the Millenium Falcon? Surely not...
Man I remember when I was really little(like 5 or younger) I saw a trailer for what I now think was Star Trek.

In it it showed a roundish ship crashing into a forested planet,
I immediately thought it was the Falcon in a new Star Wars and started freaking out.

Waited and waited and nothing ever came of it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yeah it is obvious in RotS what and who he is referring to. His line delivery and expression is spot on to convey exactly that.
Think this through though... Anakin coming into play in Episode I had nothing to do with Palpatine's machinations. The Jedi+Padme land on Tattooine becsuse its randomly nearby when their ship is damaged. So the fact that Anakin wanders into Palpatine's life is a total coincidence. Yet he created Anakin? Makes no sense.

Man I remember when I was really little(like 5 or younger) I saw a trailer for what I now think was Star Trek.

In it it showed a roundish ship crashing into a forested planet,
I immediately thought it was the Falcon in a new Star Wars and started freaking out.

Waited and waited and nothing ever came of it.
Sounds like Star Trek Generations?


Think this through though... Anakin coming into play in Episode I had nothing to do with Palpatine's machinations. The Jedi+Padme land on Tattooine becsuse its randomly nearby when their ship is damaged. So the fact that Anakin wanders into Palpatine's life is a total coincidence. Yet he created Anakin? Makes no sense.

My understanding (from where I can't recall) of the idea was that Palpatine believed he failed, that the Force itself (or, in Georgian speak the medichlorians) hid the result of his efforts from him and then led the Jedi to him through what appears to be chance.

I think that makes a fine amount of sense, but it's still better left as innuendo than explained. Star Wars should always have some mystery to its backstory imo.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
My understanding (from where I can't recall) of the idea was that Palpatine believed he failed, that the Force itself (or, in Georgian speak the medichlorians) hid the result of his efforts from him and then led the Jedi to him through what appears to be chance.

I think that makes a fine amount of sense, but it's still better left as innuendo than explained. Star Wars should always have some mystery to its backstory imo.
Yeah I see your point. If you explain that it sounds like the Force is God. Which is certainly a way to explain the Force but it shouldn't be that specific.
I wonder if there are a finite amount of midichlorians in the universe. Suppose Luke is the most powerful Jedi ever because everyone else died, and all the midichlorians migrated to him.


Yeah I see your point. If you explain that it sounds like the Force is God. Which is certainly a way to explain the Force but it shouldn't be that specific.

If you take what Yoda said in ESB at face value, I think it becomes something more like the Force is the aggregate will of all living (and non-living?) ... stuff in the galaxy. Something more like a collective unconscious or mob mentality writ large, occasionally acting through living or dead individuals. That could be taken as god-ish, but it's certainly not an Abrahamic notion of God.

But then medichlorians...
There is the living force and cosmic force. The Clone Wars season 6 arc goes into it.

It is implied that they created Anakin. The force simply guides beings together. Even ESB did that with Luke finding Yoda on a massive planet mostly by chance. Just give into the notion that the force pulls the strings on those who are sensitive.


If you take what Yoda said in ESB at face value, I think it becomes something more like the Force is the aggregate will of all living (and non-living?) ... stuff in the galaxy. Something more like a collective unconscious or mob mentality writ large, occasionally acting through living or dead individuals. That could be taken as god-ish, but it's certainly not an Abrahamic notion of God.

But then medichlorians...

Lucas has stated on multiple occasions the Force is essentially God

say what you will about the guy but that's straight from the horse's mouth


Lucas has stated on multiple occasions the Force is essentially God

say what you will about the guy but that's straight from the horse's mouth

Could be the horse's ass for all I care, authorial intent holds little truck with me. Celluloid or bust.

This particular horse lost his credibility for even his own work a long time ago anyways.


I still don't see Abrams letting the Falcon get away clean. If Han dies, he dies on that ship. What better way to tearjerk every fucking Star Wars fan alive by letting Han sacrifice himself and that ship for the greater good - especially if its in response to something Luke did.

I think you're right about that.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There is the living force and cosmic force. The Clone Wars season 6 arc goes into it.
I haven't seen it, but just knowing that makes me angry.

The Force is supposed to be your vague metaphor for God, pantheism/Buddha nature/the Tao/Mother Nature... Its whatever you want it to be.

Defining its specific powers is so lame. I wasn't a fan of how they drifted into that in the EU and KOTOR and such, where the dark side gave you powers like force lightning and light side gives you telekinesis and pursuasion. You might think that's on screen in the old films, but it's actually not. Luke pulling his lightsaber from the ice in the Bantha cave was a surprise once, and the first time you see it you're supposed to think "he's in tune with nature itself and could potentially do anything with that power". And similarity when Palpatine unleashed the lightning hands in the first movie, you're supposed to think "this guy figured out how to tap into the force in some dark fucked up way". Not just that being a Sith gets you, specifically, lightning powers. They codified it into a series of lame wizard powers eventually.

I have the same problem with the Matrix movies. When Neo flies at the end of the first film, it implied that he could maybe do anything. Now you watch it in light of the sequels and think "flying powers unlocked". Well that's a whole lot dumber.


I only pop into this thread occasionally.

So how much do we know about the story?

By the title sounds like some big Force event happens, due to the death of Darth Vader?


never heard about the cat, apparently
Is it actually known that Leia and Han actually have kids, or even that they're still together, or is this just another EU assumption people have assumed is canon?

I know that it's a common guess that the younger characters are somehow related, but I don't recall anything making it official.
the only things that are cannon are the movies and the Clone Wars/Rebels TV series. Future cannon includes books and video games as well though. I think there are already a few books out, I think one about Tarkin and one about some of the Rebels characters. As for the Solo Kids, that is all EU stuff.

edit: http://www.starwars.com/news/the-legendary-star-wars-expanded-universe-turns-a-new-page
Been going back through all the rumors and speculation.
I really hope the no New Republic rumor is false, that would absolutely destroy the OT for me and be far worse than anything the PT did.
the only things that are cannon


mrkgoo said:
So how much do we know about the story?

Maybe like 10-15% of it. Mostly the setup and some possibilities about the ending. A large chunk of the plot is still a total mystery, as are about half of the characters in the cast.

I really hope the no New Republic rumor is false, that would absolutely destroy the OT for me and be far worse than anything the PT did.

From what I understand, there's a New Republic, but it's just called The Republic, and its' not the most stable of things. At least that's the rumor as it stands now. There's still an Empire, there's a Republic, and the two are in some sort of cold war.


the only things that are cannon are the movies and the Clone Wars/Rebels TV series. Future cannon includes books and video games as well though. I think there are already a few books out, I think one about Tarkin and one about some of the Rebels characters. As for the Solo Kids, that is all EU stuff.

edit: http://www.starwars.com/news/the-legendary-star-wars-expanded-universe-turns-a-new-page

To be clear, I know what's canon. By "assume is canon" I meant "assume will be taken up into canon".

I was asking if there was hard proof any of it had.
Been going back through all the rumors and speculation.
I really hope the no New Republic rumor is false, that would absolutely destroy the OT for me and be far worse than anything the PT did.
But in a sense, wouldn't re-establishing the Rebublic be somewhat akin to restoring the setting and status quo of the PT (in other words sort of doing what the PT did)? Granted that may have been an outcome they were fighting for in the OT, but isn't that kind of boring? The broken state of the galaxy was part of what made it compelling.
From what I understand, there's a New Republic, but it's just called The Republic, and its' not the most stable of things. At least that's the rumor as it stands now. There's still an Empire, there's a Republic, and the two are in some sort of cold war.
I don't really care if it isn't stable or not made up of a huge portion of the last Republic.

The wording in that original rumor just had me worried it would still be Rebels vs Empire
which not only completely undermines everything about the OT but would put the NT in a tight spot.
I mean the Rebels destroyed 2 DeathStars, defeated Vader and the Emperor and had 30 more years of warfare with them, at that point what could they possibly do to finally succeed?

But in a sense, wouldn't re-establishing the Rebublic be somewhat akin to restoring the setting and status quo of the PT (in other words sort of doing what the PT did)? Granted that may have been an outcome they were fighting for in the OT, but isn't that kind of boring? The broken state of the galaxy was part of what made it compelling.
Im not saying have the Republic fully back to its glory days and the Empire completely destroyed.
The entire purpose of the Rebel Alliance was to bring back the Republic, if they don't have at least a few planets under a government they set up everything from EP4 till EP7 was pointless.
It even kinda undermines the Emperor because the Empire would continue on at the status quo with him dead for actually longer than it existed with him.


I haven't seen it, but just knowing that makes me angry.

The Force is supposed to be your vague metaphor for God, pantheism/Buddha nature/the Tao/Mother Nature... Its whatever you want it to be.

Defining its specific powers is so lame. I wasn't a fan of how they drifted into that in the EU and KOTOR and such, where the dark side gave you powers like force lightning and light side gives you telekinesis and pursuasion. You might think that's on screen in the old films, but it's actually not. Luke pulling his lightsaber from the ice in the Bantha cave was a surprise once, and the first time you see it you're supposed to think "he's in tune with nature itself and could potentially do anything with that power". And similarity when Palpatine unleashed the lightning hands in the first movie, you're supposed to think "this guy figured out how to tap into the force in some dark fucked up way". Not just that being a Sith gets you, specifically, lightning powers. They codified it into a series of lame wizard powers eventually.

I have the same problem with the Matrix movies. When Neo flies at the end of the first film, it implied that he could maybe do anything. Now you watch it in light of the sequels and think "flying powers unlocked". Well that's a whole lot dumber.

Totally agree, especially regarding the clone wars. I still don't see them as canon, I don't care what anyone says. It will always be fan fiction to me. Explaining the force is a terrible idea.
Totally agree, especially regarding the clone wars. I still don't see them as canon, I don't care what anyone says. It will always be fan fiction to me. Explaining the force is a terrible idea.

Well you're going to have to accept that your opinion doesn't matter. You have no say in the matter.

It happened get over it.


No say in the matter? My opinion does matter, it matters to me. Is it going to change the stupid decision to have the clone wars as canon, no.
John Williams scored the teaser trailer Saturday.



Calling it now:

Abrams releases the trailer on 12/25 as a holiday "gift" to everyone.


I'm thinking it could hit this month. Disney could be pushing for it to come out before black friday to give an extra boost to Star Wars merch and disc sales throughout the holiday.

It would be an awfully quick turn around though.
Could be Hunger Games (this Friday)
Could be online-only (whenever)
Could be The Hobbit
Could be Into the Woods
Could be Agents of SHIELD.

It's apparently just over a minute long, too.
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