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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


It would have been great if Jingle All the Way 2 had a holiday theatrical release. The Force Awakens trailer could have been attached to it like the special edition trailer was attached to Jingle All the Way. Poetry.


Hmm, really? I wouldn't have expected a teaser any sooner than Age of Ultron.

huh? a few months before release? we are not talking about a trailer here.
I expect the teaser in the next few weeks. definitely this year.

No need to remember: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqcrzE9pZOQ

Gotta love that, of all the bona fide "historical" events that have made their way onto Youtube, a live 1998 audience reaction to the Episode 1 teaser somehow resides among them.

I'm still getting nervous when I see this, I have seen this at least 100 times back then. including a good quality version of course.

They gave away the dual lightsaber in the very first teaser for ep1? What were they thinking?

hype on levels beyond control
I hope it plays with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, not because I care about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but because I want people to be forced to sit through it for Star Wars.

I don't expect it to show much. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just shots of the Millennium Falcon.
I hope it plays with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, not because I care about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but because I want people to be forced to sit through it for Star Wars.

I don't expect it to show much. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just shots of the Millennium Falcon.

The show's gotten better. Second season is way better than first season that's for sure. I'm fine with them showing the trailer after that show if they decide to show it that way. :p


Some old dialogue and shots from the original films and probably showing Old Luke or the Falcon with the Williams sex playing in the BG.

Basically, Superman Returns Teaser. We ain't ready.
Making Star Wars says they're hearing it's almost entirely new footage, and no shots of the old cast at all.

No way we don't see the Falcon, though.
The show's gotten better. Second season is way better than first season that's for sure. I'm fine with them showing the trailer after that show if they decide to show it that way. :p

I would be incredibly surprised if they did, though. Showing Marvel-related stuff with the show is one thing, but Star Wars is on an entirely different level, and I don't see how Disney would gain from showing off their biggest franchise on television first. Into the Woods just seems like the most likely bet to me. The Hobbit will probably draw more people than Into the Woods will, so strategically, putting the Star Wars teaser in front of Into the Woods seems like the smart decision for both properties.
I would be incredibly surprised if they did, though. Showing Marvel-related stuff with the show is one thing, but Star Wars is on an entirely different level, and I don't see how Disney would gain from showing off their biggest franchise on television first..

They're guaranteed to have more people see it, for one.

Even on a shitty episode of Agents of SHIELD, there's likely more people actually watching at that time than there are for an entire weekend's worth of theatrical screenings.

You release the teaser online within a half hour of the teaser airing during Agents of SHIELD, you're going to have roughly 5-10 million people looking at it within the next 48 hours (that's probably a conservative estimate)

That Age of Ultron trailer was at 50 million-plus on YouTube (not counting all the bootlegs/mirrors) after two weeks, and that was without ANY theatrical exhibition.

I don't know if there's a single movie this entire year that's sold 50 million tickets.


Making Star Wars says they're hearing it's almost entirely new footage, and no shots of the old cast at all.
I hope it's that. Lay the foundation from the get go that while the old cast is there, these are the new stars. Williams and the Falcon can be there for the nostalgia impact.

Of course that could also mean that we just see the Falcon flying around with Williams music blaring :p

But yeah, no way that the Falcon isn't shown.
Anyone ever talk about Michael Arndt getting swept under the rug for this? lol Poor guy must be kicking himself over losing a writing credit for the new freakin' Star Wars movie.


I'm thinking the first teaser/trailer won't shot any of the main cast at all. It will be about the world, the era, what's looming, but maybe a small Luke hint, or yeah the Falcon.
Anyone ever talk about Michael Arndt getting swept under the rug for this? lol Poor guy must be kicking himself over losing a writing credit for the new freakin' Star Wars movie.

I think he was asked a couple months ago, but he declined to comment.

But yeah, he got Pete Bested, basically. His was the name that was attached when the news broke, basically the ONLY creative name attached - and then as soon as they got a director, he got bounced.

It's likely he'll still get a "Story By" credit, I'd imagine. He did write a 50 page outline for the entire trilogy. That's gotta count for something, so long as Abrams/Kasdan didn't COMPLETELY throw it out.

It's possible Lucas could get a story credit too, if what he turned over was more than just a pile of notes that Arndt beat into shape.

That makes a lot of sense, but there is the added point that pretty much everyone watching S.H.I.E.L.D is generally a diehard Marvel fan, so it's a sure bet that the show would generate big views for an Avengers trailer. I didn't realize the show had a big enough viewerbase to work that way; I figured the online trailer got its views through word of mouth. I figured they might use Star Wars to sell more Into the Woods tickets, but when you put it that way, I see it doesn't really make much sense from the standpoint of letting everyone know about Star Wars. My line of thinking was that everyone would want to see the new Star Wars teaser, no matter how they had to see it, and word of mouth that the new teaser was playing in front of Into the Woods would get asses in seats no matter what.

So, I dunno.

[switches to Al Pacino voice]

BOBBY! BOBBY! So many CHOICES for how to show off...the brand, spankin' new....STAR WARS teaser! What are they gonna dooo?
Yeah, marketing films is a hell of a lot different than it was even back in 2004.

I do think whatever they do - there's still going to be a Star Wars trailer playing in front of Into the Woods. The question is whether we'll have seen it for about a month online/on TV before then.

But I don't think that even a new Star Wars trailer is enough to boost box-office for a ffilm's opening weekend, or even be seen as that much of a draw. I don't remember that the Phantom Menace trailer actually boosted the box-office of any films it was attached to that opening weekend. The idea that a trailer helps the movie it's stuck to has become this sort of generally accepted thinking among fans, but I don't know if that's ever been a quantifiable thing.

[switches to Al Pacino voice]

BOBBY! BOBBY! So many CHOICES for how to show off...the brand, spankin' new....STAR WARS teaser! What are they gonna dooo?



Making Star Wars says they're hearing it's almost entirely new footage, and no shots of the old cast at all.

No way we don't see the Falcon, though.

What, no thats all wrong they need to sell this one using the OT members, forget the new blood for now, we already sat through three films in the PT worth of new cast members (although technically some were old Characters, but how are the older fans of star wars who aren't connected online, (i know a lot of them like my dad and uncles for a start) how are they going to perceive this?

Oh a bunch of new guys with cameos from our old favourites. The marketing sounds all wrong, they're gonna fuck it up, of they do that with the teaser


*okay And breathe*.

They already have rebels on the wrong station, Disney what are you doing? (Okay I am aware JJ is probably choosing the trailer shots....i hope)

They should use Episode Eight as a platform for the Next generation of Stat Wars Characters.

Force Wakens should be old school including the marketing, retro is cool.

I'm off to sleep now, i shall review this post Tommorow wen i'm less tired.


You'd see leaked reports and runtime information by now if a trailer were attached to the front of anything coming out this year. This was the case for Interstellar, Star Trek Into Darkness and many other films in the past few years. Jurassic World on the other hand has already wrapped filming and we've similarly seen some trailer description/runtime information circulating.

I think it would be good marketing to attach it to the front of The Hobbit but I feel like it's too soon given the lack of leaks so far.
I would be incredibly surprised if they did, though. Showing Marvel-related stuff with the show is one thing, but Star Wars is on an entirely different level, and I don't see how Disney would gain from showing off their biggest franchise on television first. Into the Woods just seems like the most likely bet to me. The Hobbit will probably draw more people than Into the Woods will, so strategically, putting the Star Wars teaser in front of Into the Woods seems like the smart decision for both properties.

You make a really great point. Didn't consider that. It would make sense since putting it before either one is a good way to market the film. Huge audience for both movies would be key to promoting the film and getting word of mouth.
I hope it plays with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, not because I care about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but because I want people to be forced to sit through it for Star Wars.

I don't expect it to show much. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just shots of the Millennium Falcon.

I'd wait until dudes record the TV screen of the teaser on their phones.
so has anyone leaked if the trailer is done along with the trailer score form Williams, if so, then a realistic release date would be what?
You make a really great point. Didn't consider that. It would make sense since putting it before either one is a good way to market the film. Huge audience for both movies would be key to promoting the film and getting word of mouth.

Putting the first trailer for an anticipated movie will definitely drive up sales a bit from people who were on the fence about seeing something. Into The Woods is another Disney production so odds are if a movie is going to get that Star Wars bump it would be Into The Woods.


What did the previous Star Wars film trailers premiere with? Not out of somw kind guess work where the new will be but I can't remember for the life of me, but I do remember going to a movie and a bunch of folks walking out after the first one showed.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What did the previous Star Wars film trailers premiere with? Not out of somw kind guess work where the new will be but I can't remember for the life of me, but I do remember going to a movie and a bunch of folks walking out after the first one showed.

The Phantom Menace teaser was with The Waterboy and Meet Joe Black.
huh? a few months before release? we are not talking about a trailer here.
I expect the teaser in the next few weeks. definitely this year.

It's the first new Star Wars film in a decade. It's the continuation of the original trilogy. It sells itself. There was no trailer for Crystal Skull until like three months before its release. Same for Avatar.

I didn't think they'd go quite that far for The Force Awakens, but given the extreme secrecy around the project (which hasn't worked out perfectly, but I digress), I wasn't expecting a trailer for a while.


posting on contract only
It's the first new Star Wars film in a decade. It's the continuation of the original trilogy. It sells itself. There was no trailer for Crystal Skull until like three months before its release. Same for Avatar.

I didn't think they'd go quite that far for The Force Awakens, but given the extreme secrecy around the project (which hasn't worked out perfectly, but I digress), I wasn't expecting a trailer for a while.

I feel like Avatar wasn't necessarily a no-brainer "it'll sell itself" thing the same way a continuation of a huge franchise is. Otherwise I agree with you.


What Will The First STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer Contain?

You are not far from seeing the first footage from the first Star Wars sequel. You're maybe weeks away. I've heard a lot of rumblings about it, everything from claims that the trailer will be attached to The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (I really do not believe this) to claims that it will debut on ABC (more believable) - but all the rumblings seem to agree that whereever it debuts, it's debuting soon. Within the next four to five weeks.

What's it going to be like? If my sources are correct (and this is a big IF. These sources have been mighty reliable in the past, and if they're wrong I believe they're wrong honestly, ie they're not bullshitting me), it'll be short. And when I say short, I mean one minute long. It's going to have The Force Theme played on woodwinds, softly, over flashing images of the main leads, each fading to black. There's no dialogue, just reveals of the characters. And then the music swells up into a full orchestral piece - perhaps what John Williams recorded this weekend? - and we hear a female voice, likely Daisy Ridley's, saying "Wake up."

And then the title card appears - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - and we see the Millennium Falcon, firing blasters, coming right at the camera.

That's the report. Is it correct? We'll know soon.
Back in the day people paid to watch Meet Joe Black just to see the trailer for Phantom Menace. Disney should do the same with this trailer, put it into some movie they don't expect to make big bucks on, and then don't release the trailer online for like a week. They don't need to get the trailer in front of millions of eyes immediately, the movie's going to make bank even if they don't release any trailers at all.
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