Sound more like an extended teaser
Knowing JJ there will be a tonne of hints and misdirection
That goes right back to the fact that the Jedi in the prequels were all trained to be stoic and emotionless but when they got their asses kicked and Qui-Gon re-adjusted Yoda and Obi-Wan's perception of the Force and how Jedi should be, that's why they have personality shifts between the prequels and originals. Many complain about it and think it's some kind of flaw, but I firmly believe it to be 100% intentional. They're the same characters, but what happened in the prequels plus that 30 year or so gap full of Qui-Gon's communication and enlightenment changed them into what they are in the originals.
Sound more like an extended teaser
Knowing JJ there will be a tonne of hints and misdirection
Exactly! It is intentional. One of the underlying themes to the PT was that the Jedi Order had to change.
You have no idea how unbelievably happy I am that we might have a good Star Wars film coming out. I thought I would be in my fifties or sixties before something like this might happen.
That goes right back to the fact that the Jedi in the prequels were all trained to be stoic and emotionless but when they got their asses kicked and Qui-Gon re-adjusted Yoda and Obi-Wan's perception of the Force and how Jedi should be, that's why they have personality shifts between the prequels and originals. Many complain about it and think it's some kind of flaw, but I firmly believe it to be 100% intentional. They're the same characters, but what happened in the prequels plus that 30 year or so gap full of Qui-Gon's communication and enlightenment changed them into what they are in the originals.
Even if it was intentional, it was boring and made for bad film.
A lot of people have said that Qui-Gon was how they envisioned the Jedi before the prequels came out... well, that's exactly the point. He had a more natural connection to the Force than the other Jedi and didn't have a stick up his ass when it came to mechanical, by the book affair-- for example, Anakin's age.
So before Qui-Gon dies we see him meditation, presumably under the impression that he may be about to die and was attempting to make peace with the Force. This leads to his ability to become one with the Force, just like how Obi-Wan does when he dies (and look what Obi-Wan does right before he dies). There's no way none of this wasn't intentional.
Yoda and Obi-Wan along with the rest of the Jedi are more by the book in the prequels but when things go to shit and they discover that they can communicate with Qui-Gon, that's what changes them over the years and why they're able to successfully train Luke instead of fumbling like they did with Anakin. They were able to redeem their mistakes via Luke.
Any screenwriter who intentionally writes characters as flat and lifeless as those in the prequel trilogy either has contempt for their audience or is just plain incompetent.
A Mace Windu spin off film...sounds like a waste of everyone's time to me.
You have no idea how unbelievably happy I am that we might have a good Star Wars film coming out. I thought I would be in my fifties or sixties before something like this might happen.
Surely this is some sort of off-beat humor, otherwise it would be the weirdest choice of director.Apparently AJ Edwards was giving a reddit AMA yesterday, and mentioned he's been in talks with Lucasfilm to make the third spinoff movie.
Which would, according to him, be a Mace Windu movie.
At which point they need to do whatever they can to get this scene adapted into it.
Surely this is some sort of off-beat humor, otherwise it would be the weirdest choice of director.
Though who wouldn't want to see a Star Wars film aping the style of Terrence Malick. I can see it now: Mace Windu whispering Jedi philosophy over tranquil images of space and shots of droids and clones wading through the grassy hills of Naboo. They can call it The Thin Purple Line.
You're 100% entitled to that. I didn't find it boring myself, I actually found that it made it all more interesting if anything. I, along with many were expecting the Jedi to be these perfect, all-powerful beings but as it turns out they were supremely flawed, which makes sense because if they weren't what we envisioned them to be, then why would they have failed so hard? There's definitely writing and acting problems, but I do like the idea/direction.
When it comes to the prequels I'm sort of in this middle ground. I mostly think positively of them, but I do understand and agree with many of the complaints. I had some of the same problems with the originals, but like the originals I mostly just enjoy them for their story and action. I also think the originals have bad dialogue and acting, it's just not quite as bad/pronounced as it is in the prequels. But when it comes to writing and acting I find that they're all problematic.
That's why I don't put the originals on some mighty pedestal that towers above the prequels. I find that they're all fun and mostly enjoyable, memorable movies, but they have their issues.
The stark contrast between apparent quality of the PT vs OT has fractured the fan base and steered focus of media like video games away from the feel and quality of the OT towards the cheap, sterile feel of the PT. I'd rather that the PT never have been made at all so that we could have gotten more quality media and stories told in the OT era and with OT quality.
You're 100% entitled to that. I didn't find it boring myself, I actually found that it made it all more interesting if anything. I, along with many were expecting the Jedi to be these perfect, all-powerful beings but as it turns out they were supremely flawed, which makes sense because if they weren't what we envisioned them to be, then why would they have failed so hard? There's definitely writing and acting problems, but I do like the idea/direction.
When it comes to the prequels I'm sort of in this middle ground. I mostly think positively of them, but I do understand and agree with many of the complaints. I had some of the same problems with the originals, but like the originals I mostly just enjoy them for their story and action. I also think the originals have bad dialogue and acting, it's just not quite as bad/pronounced as it is in the prequels. But when it comes to writing and acting I find that they're all problematic.
That's why I don't put the originals on some mighty pedestal that towers above the prequels. I find that they're all fun and mostly enjoyable, memorable movies, but they have their issues.
And we're going to see another fan base fracture after these new movies (ST?) come out. You watch...there is going to be a base of fans that say "Well, I don't like what happened to ______" or "so and so would NEVER do that/become that" or whatever. They will claim the only true ST will be the Timothy Zahn novels, and the EU is the TRUE canon after the OT.
I'm not saying it's wrong, of course. I just think they should have went the safe route and gone 1000 years in the future with entirely new characters and no Skywalkers. You piss off a lot less people that way.
Then again, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see Luke and Han once again. However, whatever route they take it won't be the 'right' direction with a lot of the fan base.
The EU was something I could never be bothered with really, and I consider myself a pretty big SW fan.
And we're going to see another fan base fracture after these new movies (ST?) come out. You watch...there is going to be a base of fans that say "Well, I don't like what happened to ______" or "so and so would NEVER do that/become that" or whatever. They will claim the only true ST will be the Timothy Zahn novels, and the EU is the TRUE canon after the OT.
I'm not saying it's wrong, of course. I just think they should have went the safe route and gone 1000 years in the future with entirely new characters and no Skywalkers. You piss off a lot less people that way.
Then again, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see Luke and Han once again. However, whatever route they take it won't be the 'right' direction with a lot of the fan base.
And we're going to see another fan base fracture after these new movies (ST?) come out. You watch...there is going to be a base of fans that say "Well, I don't like what happened to ______" or "so and so would NEVER do that/become that" or whatever. They will claim the only true ST will be the Timothy Zahn novels, and the EU is the TRUE canon after the OT.
I'm not saying it's wrong, of course. I just think they should have went the safe route and gone 1000 years in the future with entirely new characters and no Skywalkers. You piss off a lot less people that way.
Then again, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see Luke and Han once again. However, whatever route they take it won't be the 'right' direction with a lot of the fan base.
Mace Windu was fucking crap.
You're saying that all the clunky dialogue, bad acting, casting of Hayden Christensen etc. was intentional and relevant to the plot. I sincerely doubt this was premeditated, and even if it was, then it was a terrible mistake and not artistically in good taste. I'd prefer no prequel movies over prequel movies that lack heart.
I think it's 100% unintentional. We were meant to revere the Jedi in the OT, lament their fall as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and indeed hope for the Return of the Jedi...That goes right back to the fact that the Jedi in the prequels were all trained to be stoic and emotionless but when they got their asses kicked and Qui-Gon re-adjusted Yoda and Obi-Wan's perception of the Force and how Jedi should be, that's why they have personality shifts between the prequels and originals. Many complain about it and think it's some kind of flaw, but I firmly believe it to be 100% intentional. They're the same characters, but what happened in the prequels plus that 30 year or so gap full of Qui-Gon's communication and enlightenment changed them into what they are in the originals.
I think it's 100% unintentional. We were meant to revere the Jedi in the OT, lament their fall as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and indeed hope for the Return of the Jedi...
I think it's 100% unintentional. We were meant to revere the Jedi in the OT, lament their fall as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and indeed hope for the Return of the Jedi...
...But we go back in time and discover they're dry, beuracratic, boring space cops?
I think it's far more likely Lucas just doesn't know how to write characters, let alone the subtle, mystical nature that an order of monks deserves. The Jedi are written the exact same as the politicians in the prequels: monotone, monologing boors. They just hold their hands in mudras and get Yoda to throw out pseudo philosophy now and then to make them "spiritual".
This directly mirrors that conversation a few pages back where someone argued that Anakin was "intended to be" petulant and whiny. So it turns out the Jedi were flawed beauracrats and Darth Vader wasn't so much a great man turned evil as he was a spineless puke? I find it unlikely that Lucas set out to do that on purpose given the setup of the OT revering both as great (in the case of Vader, formerly great.)
And if he was was consciously making a bold twist, none of it was telegraphed to the audience as intentional. The editing, the music, the dialogue... Nothing implies that the creators know they're making dry flawed Jedi or Anakin as a sleazeball.
It's more likely some fans just "explain away" Lucas' storytelling weakness.
Any screenwriter who intentionally writes characters as flat and lifeless as those in the prequel trilogy either has contempt for their audience or is just plain incompetent.
A Mace Windu spin off film...sounds like a waste of everyone's time to me.
I think it's 100% unintentional. We were meant to revere the Jedi in the OT, lament their fall as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and indeed hope for the Return of the Jedi...
...But we go back in time and discover they're dry, beuracratic, boring space cops?
I think it's far more likely Lucas just doesn't know how to write characters, let alone the subtle, mystical nature that an order of monks deserves. The Jedi are written the exact same as the politicians in the prequels: monotone, monologing boors. They just hold their hands in mudras and get Yoda to throw out pseudo philosophy now and then to make them "spiritual".
This directly mirrors that conversation a few pages back where someone argued that Anakin was "intended to be" petulant and whiny. So it turns out the Jedi were flawed beauracrats and Darth Vader wasn't so much a great man turned evil as he was a spineless puke? I find it unlikely that Lucas set out to do that on purpose given the setup of the OT revering both as great (in the case of Vader, formerly great.)
And if he was was consciously making a bold twist, none of it was telegraphed to the audience as intentional. The editing, the music, the dialogue... Nothing implies that the creators know they're making dry flawed Jedi or Anakin as a sleazeball.
It's more likely some fans just "explain away" Lucas' storytelling weakness.
It was so unintentional that it was plainly obvious to a good many people!
George Lucas on Darth Vader:
"Ultimately, he's just a pathetic guy who's had a very sad life."
"...The same thing happened with Padmé in Episode I, when she had this very stilted dialogue as the Queen. And also with Hayden in Episode II. He said, "I don't want to be this whiny kid." I said, "Well, you are. You gotta be a whiny teenager." He said, "I want to be Darth Vader." I said, "You gotta be a petulant young Jedi. You're not going to be the guy you thought you'd be when you signed your contract." Hayden was grateful for this last movie, where he actually got to be Darth Vader."
That is no Han Solo. Han Solo is not a baby faced pretty boy.I watched "The Giver" tonight and for some reason the lead actor Brenton Thwaites reminded me of a very young handsome Han Solo. I started picturing him in the new movie, and then started pretending The Giver was the new Star Wars. Am I crazy?
I meant for Han/Leia's son obviously. Do we know for sure if they've cast their son in the new film? (I haven't been keeping up with the news till today.)That is no Han Solo. Han Solo is not a baby faced pretty boy.
Any screenwriter who intentionally writes characters as flat and lifeless as those in the prequel trilogy either has contempt for their audience or is just plain incompetent.
A Mace Windu spin off film...sounds like a waste of everyone's time to me.
The roles were all cast, the movie wrapped filming a little while ago. They may or may not have a son. If it's anyone it's likely Adam Drivers character.I meant for Han/Leia's son obviously. Do we know for sure if they've cast their son in the new film? (I haven't been keeping up with the news till today.)
It was so unintentional that it was plainly obvious to a good many people!
George Lucas on Darth Vader:
"Ultimately, he's just a pathetic guy who's had a very sad life."
"...The same thing happened with Padmé in Episode I, when she had this very stilted dialogue as the Queen. And also with Hayden in Episode II. He said, "I don't want to be this whiny kid." I said, "Well, you are. You gotta be a whiny teenager." He said, "I want to be Darth Vader." I said, "You gotta be a petulant young Jedi. You're not going to be the guy you thought you'd be when you signed your contract." Hayden was grateful for this last movie, where he actually got to be Darth Vader."
Oh for some reason I thought they still had the bulk of the film to go. But yeah looking at the cast now Adam Driver is a sure bet, looks and probably 'personality' too.The roles were all cast, the movie wrapped filming a little while ago. They may or may not have a son. If it's anyone it's likely Adam Drivers character.
Making Star Wars reported on production art that had Leia in what looked like political attire arguing with three Hutts so I am doubting that she is the cyborg.So we still know basically nothing about Carrie Fisher in this film, right? My girlfriend and I were watching RotJ the night before last and she came up with a bizarre theory: What if Princess Leia is, in fact, the evil cyborg villain.
During RotJ, what sets Luke off so much and almost makes him turn is when Vader says, "Sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. If you will not turn, perhaps she will." It would be very space opera in tone. The evil person being the hero's twin sister is right out of Days of Our Lives.
Considering that Leia is theoretically as powerful as Luke with regards to the Force, she could make a good villain. Plus, they could CGI the hell out of her to make a scary cyborg monster. "No, Daisy Ridley. I am your mother!"
So we still know basically nothing about Carrie Fisher in this film, right? My girlfriend and I were watching RotJ the night before last and she came up with a bizarre theory: What if Princess Leia is, in fact, the evil cyborg villain.
During RotJ, what sets Luke off so much and almost makes him turn is when Vader says, "Sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. If you will not turn, perhaps she will." It would be very space opera in tone. The evil person being the hero's twin sister is right out of Days of Our Lives.
Considering that Leia is theoretically as powerful as Luke with regards to the Force, she could make a good villain. Plus, they could CGI the hell out of her to make a scary cyborg monster. "No, Daisy Ridley. I am your mother!"