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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Making Star Wars reported on production art that had Leia in what looked like political attire arguing with three Hutts so I am doubting that she is the cyborg.

The Evil villain's helmet being slowly being pulled off to reveal this:


Would be the greatest comedic moment of 2015.


Making Star Wars reported on production art that had Leia in what looked like political attire arguing with three Hutts so I am doubting that she is the cyborg.

The Emperor was also frequently dressed in political attire during the prequels. Just saying.
I honestly get the sense she had a decent sized role, and they met with her a couple times, and that decent sized role shrank, because she's Carrie Fisher in 2014, and I don't think she's trusted to carry much dramatic weight so much anymore.


Mon Mothra was the leader of the Rebels anyway. If there's a President or whatever, I don't see why it would be Leia over her.

she would either be dead or certainly retired. but that would probably count for leia as well, I doubt the new republic would want a political system where the chancellor, president or whoever is in charge for for such a long time.
they might have placed the sequels exactly at the time where leia is in power though.
Mace Windu was fucking crap.
I liked him from the movies(even without much screentime)

After Clone Wars though I actually don't like him anymore,
he was like the worst Jedi on the council.
(though I guess that isn't saying much because Clone Wars towards the end made everyone besides Obi-Wan and Yoda seem incompetent)


Don't know if this has been posted yet?


Not sure about the Han & Leia dying so early part, but the Plagueis stuff is interesting.

This is by far the best sounding synopsis we've yet seen find its way online. I'd be happy if this turns out to be the real story. It feels like the natural sort of story progression that would please fans and yet not feel overly forced or fake.

Rather it's real or not... we'll know before the end of the year, I suppose.
I have a feeling the rumors are actually giving us little bits of pieces of the story with each new rumor. Like the story of Luke being super powerful is true but he's hiding out training Kira. Han and Leia will die but probably not together. Leia probably dies and that's what causes Han to go find Luke. Shortly after they meet Han dies. Boyega used to be a Storm Trooper but defected to Han's side. Driver is Han's son but he has a dark side to him and so on.

I'm thinking JJ knows Star Wars is too big to stop so he just puts out a lot of half truths with each rumor.

In other words I can't fucking wait for this movie.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I like the idea of Plagueis being the villain.

The worry I've had is that so many possibilities for a villain at this point would seem "tacked on" to the PT and OT. Just a new threat coming out of nowhere? Or an old threat we never knew about emerging? It could really feel disconnected from the other movies. "Here's a new Sith lord" would be a bit lame.

But if it's Plagueis... that is a villain that could legitimately re-contextualize the PT and OT. If his new threat is tied to the whole reason for Anakin's existence... that could make the new conflict completely relevant to the prior films. We might come to see the PT and OT in a brand new light if the new conflict explains why there was a Darth Vader in the first place.

Whatever story decisions integrally tie into the old movies, and make it seem like one saga, I support. It would be sad if the next movies are just "More adventures in the Star Wars galaxy!"


There have also been rumors that Vader were somehow returning, right?

While they may just be spinning those rumors off of some of the leaked concept art, just the fact that they are using vader's remains/helmet in the film AT ALL is still a potentially big clue.

Let's say Plagueis is the villain. And either him or his dark side trained goons are the ones who are looking over vader's remains in the leaked art.

Why would they waste any time at all showing this in the film if it weren't of some importance to the plot?

Remember how pivotal Plagueis is to Anakin's downfall... though, in an indirect way. For Vader and Plagues to meet or somehow team up could be interesting if done right. And that really is the key... if they were to somehow bring back vader, whatever form that may be, they need to do it in a way where it doesn't come off as eyeroll inducing.

I don't think it's impossible.

Hang with me here, because I think clone stories are very easy to fuck up... but if they cloned vader, and he were young again, like say as young as he was in Episode III, and he knows through Palpatine that Plagueis has mastered the power to cheat death, it's possible that Plagueis could somehow use the potential for reviving Padme to gain Vader's trust or help.

I don't know if that could work. But now that we have some information that both are potentially in the film, it's a line of thought that is hard to overlook...



I love the idea of them referencing vader through his remains and letting us ponder the history of the character but I hope the furthest they go with the idea of resurrecting him is using the remains to channel energy or something. Why bring him back story wise? His arc is finished. Anything they could do with him would just feel tired or redundant imo.


There have also been rumors that Vader were somehow returning, right?

While they may just be spinning those rumors off of some of the leaked concept art, just the fact that they are using vader's remains/helmet in the film AT ALL is still a potentially big clue.

Let's say Plagueis is the villain. And either him or his dark side trained goons are the ones who are looking over vader's remains in the leaked art.

Why would they waste any time at all showing this in the film if it weren't of some importance to the plot?

Remember how pivotal Plagueis is to Anakin's downfall... though, in an indirect way. For Vader and Plagues to meet or somehow team up could be interesting if done right. And that really is the key... if they were to somehow bring back vader, whatever form that may be, they need to do it in a way where it doesn't come off as eyeroll inducing.

I don't think it's impossible.

Hang with me here, because I think clone stories are very easy to fuck up... but if they cloned vader, and he were young again, like say as young as he was in Episode III, and he knows through Palpatine that Plagueis has mastered the power to cheat death, it's possible that Plagueis could somehow use the potential for reviving Padme to gain Vader's trust or help.

I don't know if that could work. But now that we have some information that both are potentially in the film, it's a line of thought that is hard to overlook...

there is no point in bringing Vader back unless in a flashback/vision.

Grave Robber is the new Vader and I think it would be cool if the SW mythology part is approached by a dark character throughout the new trilogy. Like a Sith Indiana Jones looking for artifacts and secrets of POWAAAAA.


No chance Han dies early in the film. Harrison Ford was already filming for a month when the accident happened which halted production for multiple weeks and he filmed for over a month after he returned. The amount of time he was required on set does not match someone dying early in the film. He was filming far too much and he was enough of a required presence to halt filming. Does not line up at all with what we know of the production.
The site rumor doesn't work anymore but how would this work?

I have no idea and I don't care. But there's zero chance of it happening. I really liked the scene in which Palpatine is talking about him, and made me really curious as to what he was like, looked like, his powers, etc. It made him sound like the ultimate Sith or something.


the more I think about it, the more I like the Grave Robber concept.

An explorer is a great way of building up the SW Universe.
It's Han fricking Solo. Of course he steals the show.

Disney are saying the trailer won't debut with the Hobbit now. They have 'bigger plans'. Wonder what that means.


I like the idea of Plagueis being the villain.

The worry I've had is that so many possibilities for a villain at this point would seem "tacked on" to the PT and OT. Just a new threat coming out of nowhere? Or an old threat we never knew about emerging? It could really feel disconnected from the other movies. "Here's a new Sith lord" would be a bit lame.

But if it's Plagueis... that is a villain that could legitimately re-contextualize the PT and OT. If his new threat is tied to the whole reason for Anakin's existence... that could make the new conflict completely relevant to the prior films. We might come to see the PT and OT in a brand new light if the new conflict explains why there was a Darth Vader in the first place.

Whatever story decisions integrally tie into the old movies, and make it seem like one saga, I support. It would be sad if the next movies are just "More adventures in the Star Wars galaxy!"

It would be a great accomplishment if JJ Abrams could make the PT relevant. It might even redeem Jar Jar's existence!


Rumor making the rounds that next weekend every single showing of every single movie will have the trailer for select theaters.
Is there a more reliable source for that beyond some people on reddit saying they're friends with managers of theaters who told them that?

I want to believe though.
Sounds like a crock of shit to me. When the rumor first hit, it was THIS weekend. Which didn't make sense, as the rumor dropped this afternoon - which would mean if this plan was going forward, it'd have already happened starting whenever the first matinee screening happened today.

So then it got changed to next week - but even then, the part of the rumor that states they're limiting the trailer to only 100 theaters... makes zero sense. That's like, the opposite of what an ad is supposed to do. You don't make an advertisement and then artificially limit how many people can see it once it's released. Plus you're just guaranteeing that someone's going to cam it and toss it up on YouTube within a half hour.

So if you're going to combat that, that means you have an official version ready to go simultaneously on the Star Wars official site and youtube - which then makes the decision to limit the number of people who can see it even MORE pointless.

Basically, nothing about that rumor makes sense.
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