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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

canon was always heavily discussed in the star wars community, and the highest level of canon was always the movies (and their officials novels), so personally I dont think anything changed.
it was also always clear to me that future movies would not respect the books, comics and games. that would have been terrible, I dont want to deal with palpatine clones or the aftermath of darkside luke or anything. but I do admit it's weird to adjust to an alternate universe where apparently the empire was not defeated and seems to still be in charge. but I am actually quite eager to see what officially happened in those 30 years and what kind of setting we will see.

Yeah the only real change that occurred is that for now on material that would have been C-Canon (that is, books, comics, games, etc, sources that the movies were always free to contradict) will now be G-Canon (true canon, in-line with the movies)

The cost was that all past C-Canon, the EU, is being left behind. But it was already being left behind to begin with really. A potential new movie was always going to contradict it. People focus on this side of the announcement but don't consider that obvious fact. The real annoucnement was not that the EU was dead, but that going forward there wouldn't even be a debate about Movie canon vs EU canon, there would just be one canon and it would all fit together, but a clean slate was needed to allow that. End of the day, it was a good thing.

Of course on a personal level I think they should have brought a few things into the new canon from the EU. Like the Plagueis novel and Kotor. But thats just me being choosey about my favorite EU stuff. And the truth is, until theres a real damaging contradiction to those stories, I have absolutely no reason not to continue considering them as having happened. They are still in my headcanon. I dunno why everyone doesn't think the same way. Love Kotor? It hasn't been contradicted yet so why do you insist on not believing it happened? Wait until that contradiction actually happens, if it ever does, and then deal with that. Otherwise you're just replacing something with nothing.
I've been spending the day trying to pull the various pieces of the puzzle together into some kind of overall big picture for what all of this means to the overall plot of the Star Wars saga and I wonder if the sequel trilogy ultimately hinge on this Return of the Jedi conversation between Yoda and Luke regarding the Jedi's actions with the twins and sheltering them from the weight of their true parental legacy and the consequences it may have for the future.

Yoda: "Your father he is... told you did he?"
Luke: "Yes."
Yoda: "Unexpected this is... and unfortunate."
Luke: "Unfortunate that I know the truth!?"
Yoda: "No, unfortunate that you rushed to face him. That incomplete was your training. That not ready for the burden were you".

I wonder if this line is the what the three trilogies hinge upon.

The prequels were defined by the failure of the Jedi to give Anakin what he needs - a family. Taking him away from his mother after he learns to love is ultimately what causes Anakin's fall. This is why the Jedi don't take kids after a certain age. Qui-Gon's living force and listening to it are the lesson Yoda and Obi-Wan learn at a high price. This is what guides their decision to leave Luke and Lea alone until the Force calls them to their hero's journey.

In the original trilogy, it's only after Luke has learned what loss is (the death of his aunt and uncle) that he is ready to take his journey. Luke has learned to love and learned to let go to an degree. His emotions almost cost him in ESB when he rushes to save Han and Leia and he learns the next lesson - you can't control what your heart says and you only need to be prepared for the consequences. This leads to his actions in RotJ. He's prepared to sacrifice himself to rescue Han and then ultimately - he defies his masters in Yoda and Obi-Wan by not confronting Vader to kill him; but, to turn him even if it means his life. In doing so, Luke teaches Anakin the way to fulfill the prophecy of putting the Force into balance by gaining the power he wanted all along - to keep those he loves from dying, you need to be prepared to sacrifice yourself.

This brings us to the sequels and I've been wondering how all this rumors would fit in with the overall arch and I wonder if it all hinges on "the burden" of the past coming back to haunt the future.

Various rumors have Adam Driver as the bad guy. They also have him as possibly Jono Solo - the offspring of the estranged Han and Leia. The rumors also have him as the possible Grave Robber that has a particular fascination with Darth Vader. There is also a set picture of what appears to be Adam on set with x-wings wearing a Republic pilot outfit.

I'm beginning to wonder if Adam's character is the Solo's offspring and what he's been carrying the weight of his grandfather Anakin's downfall around his neck all his life. What if Han or Leia told him the truth as a young child? This could've started as simple fascination and ultimately to an obsession. Perhaps enough to consume him into living a double life.

Maybe jealousy is a part as well. Other rumors have Daisy Ridley (Kira) as the Solo's daughter. If so, what is she doing on the desert planet away from them living a life of poverty?

Most rumors point towards Luke being missing for years; but, nothing really points towards what he was doing before that.

Perhaps in the two Solo offspring, Kira was the one that showed the most promise and was deemed to be Luke's apprentice? Using the lessons he learned as a child, he knew that if he starts training her too soon, he could run the risk of making the same mistakes the prequel's Jedi made in training children and not letting them learn the lessons of life and love. Perhaps, Luke was waiting for the Force to call and the choice was to wait and watch as happened with Obi-wan and him?

Then while waiting, Luke begins to lose control as his powers grow and then goes into seclusion.

If this is the case, and Driver's character is a Solo and is the Grave Robber and is the brother of Kira - maybe he is the one that sets things in motion and he takes Anakin's Luke's saber from Bespin and Vader's hand from either the Death Star II's explosion or his other hand from the corpse on Endor and leaves it for Kira to find to draw her out on a path where he can ultimately corrupt her.

Perhaps it is the burden of the past (Anakin's legacy) and him not being selected for uncle Luke's training that is the driving force (puns intended) in the sequels?

Maybe this is what connects all the rumor dots together?

I also seem to recall some original Lucas quotes about the sequels and several of them made references to not repeating the mistakes of the past.
Someone in this picture above looks like:


That was my first thought as well.

Weren't there rumors about Plagueis being in this movie way back when? I never really believed them, but at the same time... I do love his book. Given his pursuits, he very well could have tricked Palpatine into thinking he was dead. I mean its a stretch, but way less of one then Maul's return.
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying… He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It’s ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.

That's a good write-up, Matt.

I wonder if Bad Solo Kid is causing all the mayhem in the movie or does he turn as it progresses? If he's not, then I wonder what else is causing conflict in the film. Like is there a solid idea about the state of The Empire and The Alliance?
That looks like Darth Malgus to me. Chest piece and breather all match up.



Do we know if the rule of two is still canon? The films seems to stick to that formula so far.
Yeah it is. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the "new" Sith not adhere to it though? Seeing as how they were destroyed in ROTJ and this (presumably) their return, couldn't the new guy(s) just ignore it and make their own structure?


I think the reality of the situation is that the concept art used a lot of stand-ins. There's supposedly art that uses Darth Vader attacking a village simply because they hadn't fleshed out what the villain in the scene's design looked like yet. So the Sith in that piece could just be the guy from the trailer for all we know, just using an older design temporarily.

Likewise, I think the guy in the bottom right corner is supposed to be Boyega because the concept art of him turning on the lightsaber had a white character as it was before Boyega's casting and it looks pretty similar facially.


Yeah it is. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the "new" Sith not adhere to it though? Seeing as how they were destroyed in ROTJ and this (presumably) their return, couldn't the new guy(s) just ignore it and make their own structure?

They could, but The Grave Robber doesn't seem like the type who would learn from past Sith's mistakes. He seems to idolize them, so I could see him wanting to use the rule of two.


I think the reality of the situation is that the concept art used a lot of stand-ins. There's supposedly art that uses Darth Vader attacking a village simply because they hadn't fleshed out what the villain in the scene's design looked like yet. So the Sith in that piece could just be the guy from the trailer for all we know, just using an older design temporarily.

Likewise, I think the guy in the bottom right corner is supposed to be Boyega because the concept art of him turning on the lightsaber had a white character as it was before Boyega's casting and it looks pretty similar facially.

and it's a stand-in for the leak of the Claymore too, right?
Yeah it is. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the "new" Sith not adhere to it though? Seeing as how they were destroyed in ROTJ and this (presumably) their return, couldn't the new guy(s) just ignore it and make their own structure?
As far as I understood it, the Rule of Two isn't really a rule, it's a philosophy. Anyone can ignore it if they want. It was ignored by various people within the EU, so there's no reason that this character cast couldn't ignore it. Given the grave robber setup though, that seems unlikely.


and it's a stand-in for the leak of the Claymore too, right?

As far as I'm aware the leaked photo of the cross-guard lightsaber wielder is real. The saber at least is 100% the same as in the trailer. Although I think MSW has said the mask is red before, but the leaked photo has it as silver.


As far as I'm aware the leaked photo of the cross-guard lightsaber wielder is real. The saber at least is 100% the same as in the trailer. Although I think MSW has said the mask is red before, but the leaked photo has it as silver.

the mask has had both colors, so it's possible. though the mask is quite obscured in shadow, and it's a low quality image, blending it a bit


They could, but The Grave Robber doesn't seem like the type who would learn from past Sith's mistakes. He seems to idolize them, so I could see him wanting to use the rule of two.
Ah yeah, true. The only reason I could think he'd ignore it is if he's more interested in the power and artifacts of the Sith than their culture/doctrine. Still, that'd be a stretch.

As far as I understood it, the Rule of Two isn't really a rule, it's a philosophy. Anyone can ignore it if they want. It was ignored by various people within the EU, so there's no reason that this character cast couldn't ignore it. Given the grave robber setup though, that seems unlikely.
Yeah, it's not a universal constant or anything, just kind of a rule of thumb for the Sith to follow. Like Moppeh said, if this character's motivations are as we suspect, then he has little reason to ignore it.

They certainly don't have to adhere to the rule of two, but it just got me thinking that Driver could be the one in search/have a fascination with the Dark Side or Plagueis' Force spirit is awakened by a Force sentitive Solo child who is tempted by the Dark Side. Driver's character is in search of Plaguies.

Maybe Driver learns about the Plaguies' power to prevent death and wants to find a way to bring back Anakin. It's like poetry.
That actually sounds plausible, and it's kind of a cool angle. I'd rather they avoid too many big "remember this guy who's been dead but isn't now?" moments, but if they have to do it then this would make a lot of sense.


The Rule of Two is a rule insofar as the existing Sith have to pretend to respect it. Sith aren't really loyal to each other - the apprentice always wants to kill the master and the master knows that and manipulates the apprentice as much as he can to use him as tool - but they still have to work together and put on the show of respecting "the rule". It's a way to ensure that the Sith continue to exist in the shadows since having too many Sith around would lead to them all killing each other constantly.

It's expected that everyone will break the rule, but they still have to maintain the fiction that they're observing it. Really, to be "Sith" is just getting a Darth title slapped on you. There's no reason that Asajj Ventress or Savage couldn't be considered "Sith" except for the fact that, well, they weren't. Because of the Rule of Two. But I'd imagine being crowned with the title "Darth" is a very prestigious thing, hence why someone like Ventress became Dooku's (sort of) secret apprentice, because she wanted to not just fight like Sith but be Sith and have the title to back it up.

Sidious started training Maul while Plagueis was still alive. He probably also started recruiting Dooku before the events of TPM. Dooku started training Ventress and briefly Savage Opress while Sidious was still alive. Vader tried to turn Luke to the dark side to help him overthrow Sidious and Sidious likewise did the same to try and kill Vader. It's all just a ruse.
If anyone gets revived, it should be Sidious. I still think his death is too anticlimatic. For all the scheming he did and all his power, dying from being tossed down a hole by a cripple just seems so wrong. Dark Empire's answer was dumb as a stump, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reattempted in the new canon with better ideas.


When Boyega jumps up there is radio chatter has anyone figured out what its saying?

Probe Droid chatter. Its possible he's being hunted for something he did. Maybe the pilot of the Tie attacking the other? Though Tie Pilots used to wear black


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Bringing Plagueis back would be dumb. Unless he name drops Sheev. Then I'm all in.
Plagueis dropping Sheev would be like your parents saying your full first name and you know it means you're in deep shit.
If anyone gets revived, it should be Sidious. I still think his death is too anticlimatic. For all the scheming he did and all his power, dying from being tossed down a hole by a cripple just seems so wrong. Dark Empire's answer was dumb as a stump, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reattempted in the new canon with better ideas.

Dark Empire was some of the best EU writing ever, shut your whore mouth.


If anyone gets revived, it should be Sidious. I still think his death is too anticlimatic. For all the scheming he did and all his power, dying from being tossed down a hole by a cripple just seems so wrong. Dark Empire's answer was dumb as a stump, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reattempted in the new canon with better ideas.

Let's not bring Dark Empire into this.


Do we know if the rule of two is still canon? The films seems to stick to that formula so far.

the rule of two was introduced in the phantom menace, it was and always will be canon. it's not EU material. however, that doesnt mean every future sith will follow that rule.

the rule of two basically made palpatine so powerful to finally be the sith lord to rule the galaxy and destroy most of the jedi, so it worked.

but in the end, palpatine failed, too. so of course, a future sith lord might change his mind and create an army of sith again like in the old times and abandon the rule of two, but that doesnt mean it wont be canon anymore.

Palpatine is a pretty weird name too. It was better when he was just the Emperor.

the Name Palpatine was already in the original novel of STAR WARS (a new hope)


Is it safe to say boyega and ridley are the lead characters, then? If so, that's disappointing, I was expecting Gleeson to be the 'hero'.
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