I've been spending the day trying to pull the various pieces of the puzzle together into some kind of overall big picture for what all of this means to the overall plot of the Star Wars saga and I wonder if the sequel trilogy ultimately hinge on this Return of the Jedi conversation between Yoda and Luke regarding the Jedi's actions with the twins and sheltering them from the weight of their true parental legacy and the consequences it may have for the future.
Yoda: "Your father he is... told you did he?"
Luke: "Yes."
Yoda: "Unexpected this is... and unfortunate."
Luke: "Unfortunate that I know the truth!?"
Yoda: "No, unfortunate that you rushed to face him. That incomplete was your training. That not ready for the burden were you".
I wonder if this line is the what the three trilogies hinge upon.
The prequels were defined by the failure of the Jedi to give Anakin what he needs - a family. Taking him away from his mother after he learns to love is ultimately what causes Anakin's fall. This is why the Jedi don't take kids after a certain age. Qui-Gon's living force and listening to it are the lesson Yoda and Obi-Wan learn at a high price. This is what guides their decision to leave Luke and Lea alone until the Force calls them to their hero's journey.
In the original trilogy, it's only after Luke has learned what loss is (the death of his aunt and uncle) that he is ready to take his journey. Luke has learned to love and learned to let go to an degree. His emotions almost cost him in ESB when he rushes to save Han and Leia and he learns the next lesson - you can't control what your heart says and you only need to be prepared for the consequences. This leads to his actions in RotJ. He's prepared to sacrifice himself to rescue Han and then ultimately - he defies his masters in Yoda and Obi-Wan by not confronting Vader to kill him; but, to turn him even if it means his life. In doing so, Luke teaches Anakin the way to fulfill the prophecy of putting the Force into balance by gaining the power he wanted all along - to keep those he loves from dying, you need to be prepared to sacrifice yourself.
This brings us to the sequels and I've been wondering how all this rumors would fit in with the overall arch and I wonder if it all hinges on "the burden" of the past coming back to haunt the future.
Various rumors have Adam Driver as the bad guy. They also have him as possibly Jono Solo - the offspring of the estranged Han and Leia. The rumors also have him as the possible Grave Robber that has a particular fascination with Darth Vader. There is also a set picture of what appears to be Adam on set with x-wings wearing a Republic pilot outfit.
I'm beginning to wonder if Adam's character is the Solo's offspring and what he's been carrying the weight of his grandfather Anakin's downfall around his neck all his life. What if Han or Leia told him the truth as a young child? This could've started as simple fascination and ultimately to an obsession. Perhaps enough to consume him into living a double life.
Maybe jealousy is a part as well. Other rumors have Daisy Ridley (Kira) as the Solo's daughter. If so, what is she doing on the desert planet away from them living a life of poverty?
Most rumors point towards Luke being missing for years; but, nothing really points towards what he was doing before that.
Perhaps in the two Solo offspring, Kira was the one that showed the most promise and was deemed to be Luke's apprentice? Using the lessons he learned as a child, he knew that if he starts training her too soon, he could run the risk of making the same mistakes the prequel's Jedi made in training children and not letting them learn the lessons of life and love. Perhaps, Luke was waiting for the Force to call and the choice was to wait and watch as happened with Obi-wan and him?
Then while waiting, Luke begins to lose control as his powers grow and then goes into seclusion.
If this is the case, and Driver's character is a Solo and is the Grave Robber and is the brother of Kira - maybe he is the one that sets things in motion and he takes Anakin's Luke's saber from Bespin and Vader's hand from either the Death Star II's explosion or his other hand from the corpse on Endor and leaves it for Kira to find to draw her out on a path where he can ultimately corrupt her.
Perhaps it is the burden of the past (Anakin's legacy) and him not being selected for uncle Luke's training that is the driving force (puns intended) in the sequels?
Maybe this is what connects all the rumor dots together?
I also seem to recall some original Lucas quotes about the sequels and several of them made references to not repeating the mistakes of the past.