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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


I just hope Plagueis is the eventual big Sith baddie of the new trilogy. It would connect well with the PT and be great if he's Driver's master. Besides, if he had such control over life and death, whos to say that he didn't use the ability on himself? Sheeve's account could just be the result of misdirection by Plagueis.

The problem with this is where would Plagueis be during the PT, OT, and years between TFA and ROJ?
I wouldn't hold out any hope for links to the prequels honestly


Where is everyone getting the name Janus from?

I know a guy that would know. He confirmed to me today that Driver is Han/Leia's son and will be called Janus/Jason, but says he thinks it is Janus. He has told me stuff before (about other movies he has worked at) and been right, so I believe him for now.


Yeah spoilers so far hint the flirtatious sort of relationship builds in the film for Boyega ans Ridley
Gleeson does not look to be a major role it seems based on how the rumors and spoilers for new characters focus on Boyega, Ridley, Isaac, and Driver


Yeah spoilers so far hint the flirtatious sort of relationship builds in the film for Boyega ans Ridley
Gleeson does not look to be a major role it seems based on how the rumors and spoilers for new characters focus on Boyega, Ridley, Isaac, and Driver
That's quite risky. Isn't this Ridley's first feature film?
I really like the idea of Han handing down the Falcon to a pilot who is disillusioned with the methods/structure of the rebellion (Isaac) and he becomes the new rogue who has a good heart. If Han dies (which I assume he does), what do people think will happen with Chewie? I would assume 3P0 would attach himself to Ridley/Boyega, and possibly R2 (or he would stick with Luke). Or actually, maybe it's more likely 3P0 sticks with Leia (who I assume is leading the rebellion) and we'll get a totally new droid sidekick (the ball droid?).


Elden Member
So given that all the concept art is proving to be true, does this mean Chewie has a cyborg arm now?

I'm really excited to see what has happened with R2D2. Han I could care less about as I feel Harrison has lost his acting ability. Unless something has changed, I hope they get rid of him fast in the film, if he gives us a performance like Crystal Skull it will bring the whole film down.


My thought was that Boyega is basically the new Han, so not a force user. Ridley is the new Lea, will use the force, and she'll hook up with Boyega.

It makes perfect sense "commercially", in a Hollywood-kind of mentality.


So given that all the concept art is proving to be true, does this mean Chewie has a cyborg arm now?

I'm really excited to see what has happened with R2D2. Han I could care less about as I feel Harrison has lost his acting ability. Unless something has changed, I hope they get rid of him fast in the film, if he gives us a performance like Crystal Skull it will bring the whole film down.

That means you do care.
My thought was that Boyega is basically the new Han, so not a force user. Ridley is the new Lea, will use the force, and she'll hook up with Boyega.

It makes perfect sense "commercially", in a Hollywood-kind of mentality.

Why not both (new Han who is also a new jedi)? Otherwise it's just a rehash.
People knew Jake Lloyd, Hayden, and Natalie?

Maybe not Jake Lloyd but the others including McGregor and Neeson already had successes.



Why not both (new Han who is also a new jedi)? Otherwise it's just a rehash.

Cause the big heads in Hollywood would say Boyega is there to attract the "urban crowd", so he can't fight with this elvish-force thingy, he has to shoot guns and drive fast cars. And he can't have no love interest, otherwise it means someone else who isn't as cool would get the girl and that would make Boyega uncool.
Cause the big heads in Hollywood would say Boyega is there to attract the "urban crowd", so he can't fight with this elvish-force thingy, he has to shoot guns and drive fast cars.

This isn't what's happening at Lucasfilm. The "Big heads in Hollywood" mindset isn't really at play here.

Boyega had to beat out like 4 white guys to get this role, also.


Cause the big heads in Hollywood would say Boyega is there to attract the "urban crowd", so he can't fight with this elvish-force thingy, he has to shoot guns and drive fast cars. And he can't have no love interest, otherwise it means someone else who isn't as cool would get the girl and that would make Boyega uncool.
This is Lucasfilm. And the character he is playing wasn't written as "urban" or black. White actors tried out for it. Most actors who tried out for it were white in fact.


Maybe not Jake Lloyd but the others including McGregor and Neeson already had successes.
Eh, they weren't really the trilogy leads. You're right with McGregor, but I look at him the same way I look at Alec or James. Good actors they brought in for experience. Samuel L and Neeson were wasted on their characters, though.

But I was mostly pointing out that the leads (or main ones should have specified) were not house hold names prior to the films. That's all. Rather they had a previous resume before that wasn't my point. We weren't running to see Natalie Portman play Princess Padme.
Not sure if discussed yet, but that scene with the supposedly Sith guy appears as if he is looking for something, and when he activates the saber he seems to be looking downward. Then considering the whole "grave digger" thing and that this character has been collecting ancient sith artifacts. What if the saber crackling isn't because it's a DIY saber, but the ancient saber of whoever it is he's trying to resurrect? Perhaps he has made it to the entrance of a tomb and is using the saber to cut through it? Then when he resurrects the dude he hands him his saber.

That would then go along with the theory that it is Han's son, because he wouldn't actually be a Sith at that point, just an artifact collector. The way he appeared in the trailer didn't exactly come off as a highly skilled Sith either.


Palpatine sounds like something you put on a genital rash.

Eh, they weren't really the trilogy leads. You're right with McGregor, but I look at him the same way I look at Alec or James. Good actors they brought in for experience. Samuel L and Neeson were wasted on their characters, though.

But I was mostly pointing out that the leads (or main ones should have specified) were not house hold names prior to the films. That's all. Rather they had a previous resume before that wasn't my point. We weren't running to see Natalie Portman play Princess Padme.

Uh, speak for yourself. While I was a huge Star Wars, McGregor, and Neeson fan, Natalie was my #1 waifu since I saw a making of "Leon" months before that movie even came out. Oh she was on my radar, trust me, and I wasn't alone. She had a lot of fans from Beautiful Girls and Heat as well.


look at christensen for example

hamill was not great either, but certainly not as bad as christensen
But back then being the lead in the first SW meant nothing. There was no pressure at all. Hamill wasn't great at first, but he stepped up his game later. One could say Christensen did the same, but the script was so bad it's hard to compare.


But back then being the lead in the first SW meant nothing. There was no pressure at all. Hamill wasn't great at first, but he stepped up his game later. One could say Christensen did the same, but the script was so bad it's hard to compare.
No one wants to see a known actor in the leads for movies like this. It just wouldn't work. It wouldn't feel like star wars.


So I was just thinking about that broadsword lightsaber. Maybe I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but I think the purpose of a cross-guard on a sword is to protect the hands, right? In a series that is practically known for people getting hands cut off, that might just be the best invention ever.

It still looks goofy as hell, but hey.


Hamill was straight up bad in the first film, but he later toned it down. I think that's why he gets a pass and I wonder if Lucas did it intentionally due to Mark's talent at the time. He just wasn't ready.

So the character gets more subtle, he acts more with his eyes than anything in Empire especially. His lines are short and to the point. He's not exclaiming anything. He mutters a few things, but he's not whining about power converters.

He could totally rock it now though.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
Is it just me, or does that scene with sith/jedi walking through the forrest and turning on the light sabre look all cgi?


Cause the big heads in Hollywood would say Boyega is there to attract the "urban crowd", so he can't fight with this elvish-force thingy, he has to shoot guns and drive fast cars. And he can't have no love interest, otherwise it means someone else who isn't as cool would get the girl and that would make Boyega uncool.

Lucas doesn't have that mindset, nor does LucasFilms. Boyega got it because he was the best person for the role. You factor in that Variety said he was gong to be a Jedi months back, plus the concept art of the character he's playing and Ridley both holding lightsabers. And he will most likely be getting that Ridley love.


Lucas doesn't have that mindset, nor does LucasFilms. Boyega got it because he was the best person for the role. You factor in that Variety said he was gong to be a Jedi months back, plus the concept art of the character he's playing and Ridley both holding lightsabers. And he will most likely be getting that Ridley love.
Not to mention many white actors tried out for the role. It's not written as "urban" character and it's pretty bizarre to automatically assume that since he is black.


So I was just thinking about that broadsword lightsaber. Maybe I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but I think the purpose of a cross-guard on a sword is to protect the hands, right? In a series that is practically known for people getting hands cut off, that might just be the best invention ever.

It still looks goofy as hell, but hey.

I agree with this. Luke and Vader both lost their hands in lightsaber combat and there was a rumor that the opening shot of TFA would feature a
severed hand holding a lightsaber floating in space
So having the handle guard seems like it fits right into the universe. Maybe it is an ancient Sith weapon with a rare crystal that beams light to all three sides? Something that only 1:1000000 can do.


Not to mention many white actors tried out for the role. It's not written as "urban" character and it's pretty bizarre to automatically assume that since he is black.
Yeah, that too. Say what you want about Lucas, but he despises stuff like that.

Which is also why Ridley will probably be the new Luke in this trilogy since he's stated before he'd like to have a female heroine, iirc.
Cause the big heads in Hollywood would say Boyega is there to attract the "urban crowd", so he can't fight with this elvish-force thingy, he has to shoot guns and drive fast cars. And he can't have no love interest, otherwise it means someone else who isn't as cool would get the girl and that would make Boyega uncool.
Rumor has that he does get to use a lightsaber. So yeah...


After hanging out in this thread for the last couple months, I think I want to go on media blackout. I don't know of that's even possible though, don't know if I can even last a week much less a year.


Hamill was straight up bad in the first film, but he later toned it down. I think that's why he gets a pass and I wonder if Lucas did it intentionally due to Mark's talent at the time. He just wasn't ready.

So the character gets more subtle, he acts more with his eyes than anything in Empire especially. His lines are short and to the point. He's not exclaiming anything. He mutters a few things, but he's not whining about power converters.

He could totally rock it now though.

I don't know why people say Hamil wasn't good in ANH. I thought the character was as you'd expect him to be at that age, it gives him a real progression.

Not to mention many white actors tried out for the role. It's not written as "urban" character and it's pretty bizarre to automatically assume that since he is black.

I haven't read spoilers or looked at concept art, it's good to know if that's true.


So I'm thinking the plot goes something like this:

1- Luke has been away for 30 years.
2- Lea/Han/Rebels/good guys are in a dire situation due to some new threat or resurgence of the empire, whatever
3- Lea/Han's son, wanting to save them, goes out on his own looking for something/someone to turn things around.
4- This is felt as an "awakening" of the dark side, felt by Luke, which "awakens" Luke. Cue the awakening of both the dark and light side.

I'm guessing the cloaked figure is Solo's son and he has his grandad's sabre which he "fixed". The sabre's chaotic appearance symbolizes his attempt at rebuilding something he doesn't quite understands; he doesn't have good control of the force and it shows in how he built the sabre into something unique but somewhat dysfunctional and chaotic.
So I'm thinking the plot goes something like this:

1- Luke has been away for 30 years.
2- Lea/Han/Rebels/good guys are in a dire situation due to some new threat or resurgence of the empire, whatever
3- Lea/Han's son, wanting to save them, goes out on his own looking for something/someone to turn things around.
4- This is felt as an "awakening" of the dark side, felt by Luke, which "awakens" Luke. Cue the awakening of both the dark and light side.

I'm guessing the cloaked figure is Solo's son and he has his grandad's sabre which he "fixed". The sabre's chaotic appearance symbolizes his attempt at rebuilding something he doesn't quite understands; he doesn't have good control of the force and it shows in how he built the sabre into something unique but somewhat dysfunctional and chaotic.

yeah that's probably what Driver's story is.
I don't really buy into the "it's Vader's saber rebuilt by some one who doesn't quite understand it" theory many are going with. The saber has an extended hilt for the cross guard. I just can't imagine anyone rebuilding Vader's saber with such an addition.

Much more likely it's an ancient Sith artifact and perhaps the force of its original master is still present around it and it possesses Han's son. Why else would Han's son turn Sith?
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