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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

If it wasn't before, its more then obvious now that Ridley and Boyega are the leads.

Unrelated: Max Von Sydow as Thrawn. Just... just think about it for a minute. nickolson.gif

Both of their intros felt lacking as a proper introduction.

I got a "I done got myself in a mess" Han Solo vibe from Boyega's scene and a "can do attitude!" Padme/Leia vibe from Ridley. I think it will be Gleeson + Ridley love interest and Boyega as the new rogue/Han Solo.
If anyone gets revived, it should be Sidious. I still think his death is too anticlimatic. For all the scheming he did and all his power, dying from being tossed down a hole by a cripple just seems so wrong. Dark Empire's answer was dumb as a stump, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reattempted in the new canon with better ideas.

by a cripple



Both of their intros felt lacking as a proper introduction.

I got a "I done got myself in a mess" Han Solo vibe from Boyega's scene and a "can do attitude!" Padme/Leia vibe from Ridley. I think it will be Gleeson + Ridley love interest and Boyega as the new rogue/Han Solo.

Boyega + Ridley needs to happen. The outrage alone would make it worth it.
And black Skywalkers in the SST would be awesome.
I called Boyega being the new Han when it was announced. Dude has just the right amount of coolness.

EDIT: Today a screenwriting told me that there is no way Daisy is a Skywalker because she has an accent. I just shook my head.
Pretty sure if Gleeson was a lead he would have been in the trailer.

I still think Isaac is the new Han. I mean, Boyega better get a lightsaber one way or another. It just won't be justice if he doesn't.


And if Ridley is gonna be in a relationship with anyone, it will probably be Boyega, since they seem like they will be paired together a lot. Of course, everyone assumed Luke would get it on with Leia after ANH, so I won't presume anything until I see a ki... more then just a kiss.


That's my point. He's not in the trailer at all, and I couldn't find his potential character in the concept art either.
I thought he might be the Sith in the trailer but the voice over sounds like Serkis so the signs point to him being the Sith, unless he is the Sith Master behind the shadows pulling all the strings.


I am pretty sure serkins is the sith master. if you look at the concept with lightsaber ridley, that guy standing next to driver definitely matches the voice in the teaser.


Both of their intros felt lacking as a proper introduction.

I got a "I done got myself in a mess" Han Solo vibe from Boyega's scene and a "can do attitude!" Padme/Leia vibe from Ridley. I think it will be Gleeson + Ridley love interest and Boyega as the new rogue/Han Solo.

What kind of intros did you expect from a 88 second teaser? Or maybe you are just joking and I am tired.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I don't think Serkis is going to be a main villain, at least not a Sith. He'll presumably be playing some sort of creature.
So going from the trailer and some of the previous pages in here, my guess is:

Oscar Isaac and Driver are both X-wing pilots at the start - probably good mates.
Driver ends up becoming a sith, and its him with the light saber in the trailer.

Thus Isaac ends up being the protagonist and Driver the antagonist.

Isaac teams up with Boyega (an AWOL stormtrooper) and Ridley (who owns the Millenium Falcon as she is Han's daughter).


If anyone gets revived, it should be Sidious. I still think his death is too anticlimatic. For all the scheming he did and all his power, dying from being tossed down a hole by a cripple just seems so wrong. Dark Empire's answer was dumb as a stump, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be reattempted in the new canon with better ideas.

Being tossed down a hole by the monster he created seems like good writing to me.


Is it safe to say boyega and ridley are the lead characters, then? If so, that's disappointing, I was expecting Gleeson to be the 'hero'.

Boyega and Daisy are both going to end up Jedi(possibly Sith at the end) in this film, so chances are extremely high that they're the leads in this movie.


So has this said (thread is huge so wouldn't know)
The sith holding the crucifixed shaped saber is han solo's son? A guy told me about it, he helped build a few sets.


So has this said (thread is huge so wouldn't know)
The sith holding the crucifixed shaped saber is han solo's son? A guy told me about it, he helped build a few sets.

This is a spoiler thread, no need for tags! And yes a lot of rumors are that Adam Driver's character is Han and Leia's son.

I hope Gleeson is the lead, I really liked him in About Time. He has the scrawny Luke look as well.

We already know that the two main leads are Daisy Ridley & John Boyega. Not to mention in the cast order listed on official sites, trailer page, etc. The top 3 billed are:
Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac. Followed by Adam Driver. And it just so happens those are the only 4 on screen in the teaser as wel.

We know who the leads of the movie are.


So has this said (thread is huge so wouldn't know)
The sith holding the crucifixed shaped saber is han solo's son? A guy told me about it, he helped build a few sets.

So Luke's nephew want's to kill him? Skywalker family reunions are so fucked up


Calling it now. There is only one 'sith' seen in the movie who is the grave digger/robber who isn't actually sith by wants to revive them. He is played by Driver but VOICED by Serkis.


To sum up what we know from spoilers so far from the likes of MakingStarWars and friends:
-Luke has gone into hiding decades ago, neither Leia or Han have seen him in a long long time.
-Luke feels while he is powerful he is not wise, and doesn't want to risk another Vader situation and best to let the knowledge of the force die with him
-Han Solo loses the Falcon in a bet with Oscar Isaac's character some time before the film begins
-John Boyega is a stormtrooper who for some reason deserts the empire and has a tie fighter he is in shot down and crashes in the desert
-John Boyega is rescued by Daisy Ridley's character. They discover an old lightsaber in the sand. It is Luke's (though they don't know that).
-They decide to try to find the owner of the saber along with a little blue alien and the soccer ball droid, it eventually leads them to Han Solo which eventually leads them to finding Luke who is a crazy old hermit now
-The villian (or one of them, info about the bad guys has been vague) is obsessed with the sith and collects sith artifacts. This character or another sith like character is very likely played by Adam Driver who is quite possibly Han and Leia's son.
-There is a scene in which Luke has a his saber aimed at Adam Driver while Han has his blaster pointed at Luke. Han and Luke are yelling at each other.


Trying to remember the name he said for Solo's/ Leia's son, I think it was Bo or something like that. May have to ask again.


this seems to imply otherwise, that's definitely drivers character next to the sith master
Probably Boyega/Isaac as they were Just one character at first.
Just like the Sith design has changed.

Serkis is probably a Sith tho his character is not your typical mad/threatening bad guy.
Narrator is a Force user to be able to feel the Awakaning and a knowledgeable one. And very old from his tone. A powerfull and old jedi would have joined Luke during OG events.
Only a Sith might have reasons to not engage in the OG events. Especially if he conducted them somehow...


Sooo I was wrong with the name haha.

Adam Driver is definitely Han/Leia's son and his name will be Janus. Which Solo could pronounce as Jason.
Boyega is by far the most exciting part of this whole new Star Wars phase. From what I see, it also looks like they are ripping off one of the best EU characters and spinning it around.

I mean, if they aren't doing a Kyle Katarn with him... I'm gonna be pissed.


Boyega is by far the most exciting part of this whole new Star Wars phase. From what I see, it also looks like they are ripping off one of the best EU characters and spinning it around.

I mean, if they aren't doing a Kyle Katarn with him... I'm gonna be pissed.

I never made the connection in my head before but from the spoilers that is a pretty apt comparison. Stormtrooper who defects and learns the way of the force. Yep, very similar indeed.

I wouldn't say its a rip-off though. I am really doubtful Kasdan or Abrams have any clue who Kataran is and came up with the storyline for the character on their own. Just happens to match something similar in the old EU.
With all those talks about old Sith awakening and ancient relics and stuff, I guess there was some truth to the "Ancient Fear" subtitle. Maybe it really was considered as a potentital subtitle at some point.


Any one think it could be Janus who is collecting the sith stuff? It could be Han buys or gives him Darth Vader's helmet or another sith item. Thinking it is just a harmless collectable, but ends up corrupting him or something and he becomes a apprentice?


Any one think it could be Janus who is collecting the sith stuff? It could be Han buys him Darth Vader's helmet or something. It ends up corrupting him or something and he becomes a apprentice?

I think it's a good guess that Driver's character is doing the sith masters dirty work, and that includes digging up graves
I never made the connection in my head before but from the spoilers that is a pretty apt comparison. Stormtrooper who defects and learns the way of the force. Yep, very similar indeed.

I wouldn't say its a rip-off though. I am really doubtful Kasdan or Abrams have any clue who Kataran is and came up with the storyline for the character on their own. Just happens to match something similar in the old EU.

I didn't mean "rip off" in a bad way. Simply didn't remember another way to put it. I'm more than fine with them going that way, shit I demand it!


aka ThreeOneFour
I'm going to go out on a limb and brand Ridley's character as our "latent lightside force user".

Han won't lose the Falcon, but instead "hand the keys over" to someone who becomes disillusioned with their military structure and proves themselves to him in some way. Issacs' character or Boyega's character, either one could fit that role.


Digging through old spoilers. Forgot about this one about the little ball droid. I love it. A stormtrooper picks it up and it has a puffer fish like defense and pricks the trooper with quills.
The big feature comes via a Stormtrooper. The Stormtrooper picks up the little droid up. Presumably its laser cutter, hand claw, and tools won’t help it. So it has a puffer fish like defense mechanism. That’s right, mechanical quills come out of the body and fend off attackers or would be kidnapping Stormtroopers.


Wait a minute so the rumor that Luke kills Han accidentally might actually be legit?

Ugh no.
Making Star Wars who got the teaser dead on reported on the scene of Han and Luke screaming at at each other with weapons aimed with Driver in the middle of it.


Wait a minute so the rumor that Luke kills Han accidentally might actually be legit?

Ugh no.

Maybe Luke goes for Janus with his light saber and Solo steps infront protecting his son. Luke knows Janus is pure evil and has been corrupted so much he can't be brought back, but Han doesn't believe him and still thinks of Janus as his son.
Making Star Wars who got the teaser dead on reported on the scene of Han and Luke screaming at at each other with weapons aimed with Driver in the middle of it.

No I fully believe that scene is legit. Was just asking if Making Star Wars was the site that reported the Luke kills Han rumor? And then that sets into motion Driver going pure Sith?


No I fully believe that scene is legit. Was just asking if Making Star Wars was the site that reported the Luke kills Han rumor?
I don't believe that was from them. Pretty sure that came from one of the other sites with a far weaker track record. Starwars 7 news or whatever it is called.


I just hope Plagueis is the eventual big Sith baddie of the new trilogy. It would connect well with the PT and be great if he's Driver's master. Besides, if he had such control over life and death, whos to say that he didn't use the ability on himself? Sheeve's account could just be the result of misdirection by Plagueis.

The problem with this is where would Plagueis be during the PT, OT, and years between TFA and ROJ?
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