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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]




I can guarantee we're going to see a return to the OT fighting style, probably similar to ROTJ.

Which is exactly why a claymore style saber etc works. I mean Lucas originally had the philosophy that Sabers were supposed to be mighty swords then as he settled into the prequels decided light and acrobatic was the way to go.


Just watch the whole thing. There's a handful of really bad episodes but they're pretty spread out. It did suck having to plow through four episodes of R2's adventures with a frog though.

Sou Da

Hate that Guide because Stuff like Mortis is Honorable mention when it has some of the most important force related chosen one stuff in the entire Canon yet its just honorable mention.

I don't remember it entirely but I think some bits of it were just silly.


Just watch the whole thing. There's a handful of really bad episodes but they're pretty spread out. It did suck having to plow through four episodes of R2's adventures with a frog though.

Hate that Guide because Stuff like Mortis is Honorable mention when it has some of the most important force related chosen one stuff in the entire Canon yet its just honorable mention.

i completely agree to watch them all, i feel i got a more complete experience. but someone would have likely brought up the guide anyway, might as wel get it out of the way now

Anyway, watch it all


Oh well damn, just finished the movie, I'll watch the rest in the right order then.

The Movie wasn't bad.

Ok that is confusing on how to watch it.

you could just watch it in release order. it adds a bit more to the later episodes set in the relative past i think, like the Domino Squad episodes.


So are Sith Assassins canon then due to CW?

No they are Legends status I don't think they were in CW, which is everything below Canon. It's canon if it appeared in any of the six movies (or their novels), the clone wars movie, the 3D clone wars series (2d clone wars is Legends), the 'canon' novels which began with A New Dawn, the upcoming marvel SW comics or Episode VII (and future films)

(i think that's everything? :p)

Or do you mean characters like Ventress? Ventress is Canon despite appearing in the 2d clone wars before she appeared in the 3d clone wars... which shows you just how blurred the canon line can be. things can cross over into canon as soon as the right creative team puts them there


I'll probably do that, or if production order makes more sense.

the original design was something like an anthology, you could pick up and watch an episode or arc at any point. some season 3 though, kinda goes out the window. release order is much easier


No they are Legends status, which is everything below Canon. It's canon if it appeared in any of the six movies (or their novels), the clone wars movie, the 3D clone wars series (2d clone wars is Legends), the 'canon' novels which began with A New Dawn, the upcoming marvel SW comics or Episode VII (and future films)

(i think that's everything? :p)
Nope, forgot the Rebels cartoon.

Why is 2D Clone Wars Legends? What in it contradicts anything else?


No they are Legends status I don't think they were in CW, which is everything below Canon. It's canon if it appeared in any of the six movies (or their novels), the clone wars movie, the 3D clone wars series (2d clone wars is Legends), the 'canon' novels which began with A New Dawn, the upcoming marvel SW comics or Episode VII (and future films)

(i think that's everything? :p)

Or do you mean characters like Ventress?

Maul was a Sith Assassin. I haven't finished CW (3D), but did they ever mention that in there when they brought him back?


They not only explain how he comes back but they explain a lot of backstory in how the sith choose their apprentices. At least during the Clone Wars period.


No they are Legends status I don't think they were in CW, which is everything below Canon. It's canon if it appeared in any of the six movies (or their novels), the clone wars movie, the 3D clone wars series (2d clone wars is Legends), the 'canon' novels which began with A New Dawn, the upcoming marvel SW comics or Episode VII (and future films)

(i think that's everything? :p)

Or do you mean characters like Ventress? Ventress is Canon despite appearing in the 2d clone wars before she appeared in the 3d clone wars... which shows you just how blurred the canon line can be. things can cross over into canon as soon as the right creative team puts them there

I expect a lot of old Canon will sneak into new Canon as far as small things. I think big things like the solo twins and Anakin etc are lost but a lot of the general stuff will sneak in Especially on the Imperial side.


Something I'm trying to keep in mind is that we have 30odd years in between episode VI and VII that are unaccounted for. Do we KNOW that things like Thrawn never happened during that time? Or at least some altered canon version of it that we've yet to hear detailed? They have a ton of room to fill in.

It's going to be really exciting to not only get stories set in the VII era, but now Disney has this 30 year period where they can tell tons of other stories through films, shows, comics, novels...

Should be pretty obvious but there's no way han, luke and crew have been sitting on their butts for 30 years in some kind of stasis.

Perfect example of this is Anakin taking on a padawn in between Episodes II and III, who we don't even know about until The Clone Wars animated film. We have zero mention of this in Episode III, but yet they still made it work. Even if something like Thrawn is not directly mentioned in VII, doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Would be interesting to see Luke training an padawan apprentice... at this point he is a Jedi Master right? I mean he has trained under the great Yoda.


Would be interesting to see Luke training an padawan apprentice... at this point he is a Jedi Master right? I mean he has trained under the great Yoda.

Well he's the only Jedi left by RotJ, so he's sort of a Master by default.

The new canon better not screw this up like the old EU did and have a billion other surviving Jedi around at the time.


Lucasfilm clearly listed what is canon and what isn't anymore. You're really grasping at straws here...
Not that it matters anyway. The story is great and JJ Abrams couldn't write something better if his life depended on it. I don't know why people care so much about what Disney says is canon when Lucas himself never said the EU was canon like his films were.


Would be interesting to see Luke training an padawan apprentice... at this point he is a Jedi Master right? I mean he has trained under the great Yoda.

Going by the spoilers so far Luke is the last of the Jedi. He goes into hiding in a self-imposed exile and has not trained anyone. Obviously that is going to change in this movie but it looks like he has remained the last of the jedi for the past 30 years.


Well he's the only Jedi left by RotJ, so he's sort of a Master by default.

The new canon better not screw this up like the old EU did and have a billion other surviving Jedi around at the time.

It's a much cooler concept if Luke is indeed the last remaining Jedi and he makes a triumphant return due to some intergalactic threat or a personal mission.

Going by the spoilers so far Luke is the last of the Jedi. He goes into hiding in a self-imposed exile and has not trained anyone. Obviously that is going to change in this movie but it looks like he has remained the last of the jedi for the past 30 years.

So this new movie is set 30 years after ep 6?


Not that it matters anyway. The story is great and JJ Abrams couldn't write something better if his life depended on it. I don't know why people care so much about what Disney says is canon when Lucas himself never said the EU was canon like his films were.

People get attached to things and they want to see adaptations of what they enjoyed in the EU or don't want to see their favorite characters get thrown away.

But yeah, as someone who was always a G-canon adherent, I think people need to just accept it already.


Lucasfilm clearly listed what is canon and what isn't anymore. You're really grasping at straws here...

Is it though? I'm not the hugest fan of it, so I don't want to sound like i'm trying to come up with any excuse for to have happened.

What I am saying though, is there is a lot of time for some pretty epic stories to have happened, and they could reimagine the Thrawn story or something like it to have happened within the canon at some point.

Being that this *is* star wars, I'm sure we are going to hear a lot of one line references to stuff that has happened over the last decades that we aren't actually going to know much about for a long time. You never know what they are cooking up.


I actually wouldn't be too sure yet about Luke being the only Jedi in Episode VII. According to this guy's official CV he's playing a padawan. http://www.spotlight.com/interactive/cv/1/M179380

I'm so glad that casting leaked out, because it's quelled some of my concerns... I don't want to think that we've gone 30 years without any Jedi being trained, that creates a LOT of dry spots in the timeline where they can't do Jedi stories unless it's about Luke. Some people may love that, but I see it as a missed opportunity.


It's going to be weird watching old luke fight if he does back flips and all sorts of ninja shit lol

Wouldn't mind seeing him do some Akuma style shadow teleporting shit but that's just me.

I can guarantee we're going to see a return to the OT fighting style, probably similar to ROTJ.

Hopefully it's has far better choreography than that. I don't mind the flipping but every Jedi shouldn't do it. It would have been better if that style of fighting was restricted to a certain character to make it more unique. It made sense to see Yoda flipping around a lot given his size, and Darth Maul since he had a more acrobatic style.
Wouldn't mind seeing him do some Akuma style shadow teleporting shit but that's just me.

Hopefully it's has far better choreography than that. I don't mind the flipping but every Jedi shouldn't do it. It would have been better if that style of fighting was restricted to a certain character to make it more unique. It made sense to see Yoda flipping around a lot given his size, and Darth Maul since he had a more acrobatic style.

I agree that they should push the choreography, but they should stick to people wielding two-handed mostly, no superfluous spinning of blades, and give each fight an emotional reason.
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