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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

They're not going to kill all three.

I dunno...

Important PT characters:

Anakin - Died in Return of the Jedi
Ben - Died in Star Wars
Padme - didn't make it out of the PT
Yoda - Died in Return of the Jedi
Palpatine - Died in Return of the Jedi

It's possible this trilogy will kill off the three main characters from the previous trilogy, much like the Original Trilogy saw the deaths of the prequel's main characters.

People need to be prepped for the idea that none of the original trio make it out of this trilogy alive, and further, it's possible at least one of them won't make it out of the first movie, and the Falcon might not, either.
Luke won't die because he will be the one that teaches the two new Jedi. Leia is pretty much a non-factor since she's probably just a political head. Han is as good as dead.
Lucasfilm clearly listed what is canon and what isn't anymore. You're really grasping at straws here...

Any fan of the EU can still easily (and should) headcanon that their favorite stories still happened until new canon contradicts it. Otherwise we would just be erasing history instead of changing it, which is just stupid. EU was never canon, it was always stories that fans can believe or not believe, and it still is. I choose to continue believing until new canon contradicts it, and I think everyone should.

Plus its all but guaranteed Thrawn will be brought into the new canon given how popular he is. That said, his trilogy story will likely be completely swept away and replaced with something new, given how much those books get into the state of the galaxy, which I highly doubt will match what the new movies show us. The way I'm going for now (until its contradicted, aka how its always been) is that while the Thrawn trilogy didn't exactly happen, Thrawn definitely exists, and the gist of his pre-OT history is still intact.


Luke won't die because he will be the one that teaches the two new Jedi. Leia is pretty much a non-factor since she's probably just a political head. Han is as good as dead.

Luke will probably die in the second one, after he teaches them almost everything.


I think Luke, Han and Leia will all die or be killed not that far into the trilogy.
One of them is surely dying in TFA, most likely, Han.

They always have an important figure die in the first movie. Obi-wan in ANH, Qui-gon in TPM. My boy Han going out in a blaze of glory, because lord knows Harrison can't make it through 3 films.


It's been talked about to death -- in this thread, no less -- about the poetry/echos throughout SW which are very intentional. The 'easy' death choice for VII is Luke (Qui Gon in Ep I, Obi Wan in Ep IV) but uuugggghh, I really don't want that to happen. He's the man. :)

They could kill Han and Leia for all I care. Would love to see Luke survive well into Ep IX.
It's been talked about to death -- in this thread, no less -- about the poetry/echos throughout SW which are very intentional. The 'easy' death choice for VII is Luke (Qui Gon in Ep I, Obi Wan in Ep IV) but uuugggghh, I really don't want that to happen. He's the man. :)

They could kill Han and Leia for all I care. Would love to see Luke survive well into Ep IX.

Given that one or two main characters are related to Han, I actually think he's the easiest choice. In fact, his death could be what drives the others to find Luke in the first place.

Well, Han or Leia, but we all know she isn't going to be very important in this...


It's already in the thread. You just have to scroll back to when they first hit, but they're all over this discussion.

Cool. I just didn't want to cross any lines.

So, the "Grave Robber", who is more than likely the guy in the trailer(?). I'm sure it's a totally new character. Maybe he somehow comes across old Sith writings, or paraphernalia, and for whatever his reasons, starts delving into the Dark Side of the Force, thus the whole "Force Awakens" title? I'm sure I'm LTTP, but that seems to be the most rationale thinking with it.


And I'm guessing Luke has been mostly remaining chilling, possibly training someone in preparation of a possible Sith rising out of Vader and Sidious' ashes.

If I'm off on something, and more concrete info is available. let me know. lol I know very little, purposely about what is going on.


Cool. I just didn't want to cross any lines.

So, the "Grave Robber", who is more than likely the guy in the trailer(?). I'm sure it's a totally new character. Maybe he somehow comes across old Sith writings, or paraphernalia, and for whatever his reasons, starts delving into the Dark Side of the Force, thus the whole "Force Awakens" title? I'm sure I'm LTTP, but that seems to be the most rationale thinking with it.

And I'm guessing Luke has been mostly remaining chilling, possibly training someone in preparation of a possible Sith rising out of Vader and Sidious' ashes.

If I'm off on something, and more concrete info is available. let me know. lol I know very little, purposely about what is going on.

Graver digger is Drivers character. Who I have been told is Han/ Leia's son. His name will be Jason/Janus.

Looking into it more Janus is actually a name of a two headed god : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus

So that would suit him having two names, one being his birth name (jason) and the other (Janus) when he is a sith or a apprentice.


Graver digger is Drivers character. Who I have been told is Han/ Leia's son. His name will be Jason/Janus.

Looking into it more Janus is actually a name of a two headed god : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus

So that would suit him having two names, one being his birth name (jason) and the other (Janus) when he is a sith or a apprentice.

Ahh. Makes sense. Interesting that it would be someone related to the lead characters from the OT, whom would start this whole new mess.


Han and Chewie go out in a blaze of glory in Episode VIII after Leia bites the dust at the hands of the 2nd in command baddie ( her son, a dark side force user / sith fanatic - - - Adam Driver's character)

Luke is mysterious in VII, crazy powerful and bordering light/dark side. He chooses to come out of seclusion to save the main characters (notably Daisy Ridley, but also Han etc. ) near the end and the movie ends with him taking on a new trainee (possibly trainees... John boyega included)

He will survive through Episode IX and lead the final Jedi assault against the main baddie (Plaguis). He will fall in this final fight, not from failure but by choice , to give the evil Solo son a chance for redemption (kind of like he *almost* let himself get killed saving his father... he will willingly die at this point to ensure a light-side redemption for his nephew and the chance for him to destroy the terribly evil Plagius, bringing full, satisfying closure to his story arc.

The freshly lightside solo son (driver) will then team up with daisy ridley and john boyega to take down plagius. Driver goes down to give the others a chance for the final victory. Ridley and driver will get a sad, sentimental momeny afterwards where driver acknowledges her as his sister and will charge her with carrying on the teaching/torch tha luke passed to them. A new era of Jedi begins with the ridley and boyega and their children for a new trilogy.
I don't think Luke dies. I think they keep him on just to have some ties to the OT for the next trilogy. Hamill isn't that old yet. Same for Leia.

Not even sure they'd kill Han if Ford didn't require it.


I really should start watching this, huh? Do I need to watch the Clone Wars movie first? I tried watching it once and bailed about 15 minutes in, but I've heard the series is way better.

movie is really skippable. Its the introduction to ahsoka and such but you can just as easily learn about her from the series only
Ugh, all this talk about Ahsoka reminded me she's still alive.
Potential Huge Rebels Spoilers!:
It is seeming likely they will wrap her story up in Rebels, also the voice analysis of "Fulcrum" sounds exactly like her to me

If not an Obi-Wan spinoff movie would be a perfect way to finish her story.


Potential Huge Rebels Spoilers!:
It is seeming likely they will wrap her story up in Rebels, also the voice analysis of "Fulcrum" sounds exactly like her to me

If not an Obi-Wan spinoff movie would be a perfect way to finish her story.

this would make me REALLY happy


Unconfirmed Member
You can't really 'kill' Luke due to the whole Force Ghost.

Han will almost definitely die in the film.

The millennium falcon, in that same scene in the teaser, gets curb stomped by a sith lord who uses a single light saber to cut it to pieces and have it explode with Han inside.

Ahaha yes!


Mark Hamill isn't that old! Assuming they will do the sage movies every other year he'd still be well too young to die of old age by IX.

I guess that would partially depend on how many years are in between each movie. I guess what I mean is if he dies I could see it being not in a blaze of glory or being assassinated or something but a somber transfiguration way like Yoda did because he's old, sick, weak or whatever.


Potential Huge Rebels Spoilers!:
It is seeming likely they will wrap her story up in Rebels, also the voice analysis of "Fulcrum" sounds exactly like her to me

If not an Obi-Wan spinoff movie would be a perfect way to finish her story.

Either way is good, really. it would be a huge shame if they didn't end her arc somehow. She's basically the first really great female character Star Wars had since Leia.


Wow. Did she just slice 4 peoples necks? Kids shows are hard core.

From the middle towards the end, Clone Wars got pretty frickin' dark really. They actually stepped it up in a pretty big way. It basically is the 'prequel series' to me, dumb movies mostly be damned.


From the middle towards the end, Clone Wars got pretty frickin' dark really. They actually stepped it up in a pretty big way. It basically is the 'prequel series' to me, dumb movies mostly be damned.
I gotta watch more of it than I have. I'm really liking Rebels so far so it might get me to make the jump.


One of the best things is that the characterization and VA of Anakin is not completely and utterly insufferable.


Does the 2d series lead into the cgi one or do they both cover the same stuff?

2d leads into 3d. I can't remember if the 3d movie/show covers any of the same stuff as the 2d, but I want to say no.

someone has edited the entire 2d show into one long 2hr movie on youtube, you can watch it all in one sitting. It has over 1.6M views and has been there for over a year, Disney's IP team could have had it removed long ago.

Even though the 2d show isn't part of the official canon, it's still really worth watching. it covers the introduction of grievous, how anakin was promoted to a jedi knight (and subsequently grew his hair longer), etc.

Maybe the reason it's not canon is because the Story Team has other ideas for some of those plots.
From the middle towards the end, Clone Wars got pretty frickin' dark really. They actually stepped it up in a pretty big way. It basically is the 'prequel series' to me, dumb movies mostly be damned.

Eh... it was always a bit of a mix. Right down to the last season, some episodes were much darker then others. You'd have an arc focused on Maul doin sith shit followed by an arc of droids being bumbling fools with a talking cricket.


jon hamm looks exactly how I pictured thrawn, he is also a great actor and has the right age

of course that alternate timeline is destroyed, and it's a good thing, but still. bogeya is similiar to kyle katarn, maybe some one makes a thrawn like character.

Johnny M

LOL, EU non-canon and jumped in a trash compactor

It's an amazing character, and for once not a "mu-muh force!" guy, just a master strategist who did put the rebels (well the new republic) on the edge. I guess do you prefer again the "i'm the sith #212341, i'm even more dangerous than the previous one, but you probably will defeat me with the force)


It's an amazing character, and for once not a "mu-muh force!" guy, just a master strategist who did put the rebels (well the new republic) on the edge. I guess do you prefer again the "i'm the sith #212341, i'm even more dangerous than the previous one, but you probably will defeat me with the force)
More that its a nonsense wish rather than a sith is "better", he isn't the villain. The EU is long gone and not coming back. Time to move on.
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