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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


The thing the 4chan leaker said was that Sydow plays a prequel character who is both "seen and referenced" in the prequels. I can't think of anyone who that would be except Quinlan Vos and that's obviously not happening.

I wouldn't put any stock in it.


That doesn't really make sense as an idea, though. There's no way Temuera Morrison gets old and becomes Max Von Sydow.

But if his face is mostly cybernetics?

You're probably right. It's all speculation and conjecture at this point. I just like the ironic twist to it (i.e. Han 'killed' Boba, he ends up raising his daughter).
The thing the 4chan leaker said was that Sydow plays a prequel character who is both "seen and referenced" in the prequels. I can't think of anyone who that would be except Quinlan Vos and that's obviously not happening.

I wouldn't put any stock in it.

Sounds like the 4chan guy is basically just misinterpreting (or putting his own spin) on the earlier rumors that Sydow's character would reference a couple prequel-era things/characters in the one or two scenes he has with Daisy Ridley.

The rumor was never that he's a character we've already seen in the Prequels once. Just that he's probably going to make a reference to Prequel-era Star Wars. The only reason it was newsworthy at all was because it basically shuts up people (like myself) who had at some point argued they might completely avoid any/all mention of the Prequels entirely.

Obviously they're not going to do that, though. the teaser has podracers in it.


if i explained it, it would be a spoiler for the games

The only way I can see it being the other character ,is if more then one sith/ apprentice has that saber. I was told and posted on here that Driver's (Janus/Jason) saber would look kind of like a crucifix (which it does).


First Episode VII tattoo?



Sounds like the 4chan guy is basically just misinterpreting (or putting his own spin) on the earlier rumors that Sydow's character would reference a couple prequel-era things/characters in the one or two scenes he has with Daisy Ridley.

The rumor was never that he's a character we've already seen in the Prequels once. Just that he's probably going to make a reference to Prequel-era Star Wars. The only reason it was newsworthy at all was because it basically shuts up people (like myself) who had at some point argued they might completely avoid any/all mention of the Prequels entirely.

Obviously they're not going to do that, though. the teaser has podracers in it.

it's easy enough to call BS because of the inconsistencies with Plageius and the canon status of the Clone Wars, both of which he deny are a thing

i think this speculation of the trailer shots mixed with what we know goes on in the film is pretty good.

I can’t explain what the Imperials are looking for. That is still a mystery. We know the bad guys appear to have Darth Revean, Darth Bane, and Darth Vader’s helmets. It appears that lightsaber he uses is from a different era in the universe and is of lower technological design than the modern lightsabers we’re used to seeing. So the Sith antique collector rumor really appears to have legs. Are they looking for something, an artifact? There’s a lot of concept art showing the heroes in catacombs and caves and place Indiana Jones belongs. It certainly appears the good guys are looking for something, probably before the bad guys find it.

i think this part makes a lot of sense too, given the rumors about the gravedigger character.
I don't even know about all that "plagueis inconsistency" stuff, I haven't actually even read the "report" from the anonymous reddit guy, which appears to just be a repurposing of everything else that's already been out - a move I'm fairly familiar with, as I do the exact same thing for Rumor Control, just without the part where I make up bullshit and sprinkle it amidst the actual rumors so I can feel special about myself.

I'm just responding to the parts of it that have been harvested and replanted here to grow into their own rambling conversations.

I mean, nothing else anywhere is justifying/supporting whatever weird bits of that guy's "report" that are ending up here, so it's easy enough to skip over, sort of like the poster here who keeps referring to Driver's character as "Janus" in every post because a friend told him so.


i think this speculation of the trailer shots mixed with what we know goes on in the film is pretty good.

Yeah, that teaser managed to clear up a LOT of stuff in only 88 seconds.

Also, I don't think Luke's saber ever got off Bespin. I don't know if that even makes sense. A lot of people just automatically assumed that the "floating saber" rumor referred to that lightsaber, but I don't think that was ever specifically leaked or rumored.


I don't even know about all that "plagueis inconsistency" stuff, I haven't actually even read the "report" from the anonymous reddit guy, which appears to just be a repurposing of everything else that's already been out - a move I'm fairly familiar with, as I do the exact same thing for Rumor Control, just without the part where I make up bullshit and sprinkle it amidst the actual rumors so I can feel special about myself.

I'm just responding to the parts of it that have been harvested and replanted here to grow into their own rambling conversations.

I mean, nothing else anywhere is justifying/supporting whatever weird bits of that guy's "report" that are ending up here, so it's easy enough to skip over, sort of like the poster here who keeps referring to Driver's character as "Janus" in every post because a friend told him so.

A person I know who was on set yes. You don't have to believe me as I am just some random on the net, so I could be making shit up. But for now I choose to believe the guy that told be some info yes.
it fell into a Gas Giant. good luck

If he send someone right after the duel, that someone has well enough time to get it before it reaches the planet's core. I'm assuming, however, that they have some sort of energy detector or Force power to be able to locate it.
A person I know who was on set yes..

You don't say.

Trying to remember the name he said for Solo's/ Leia's son, I think it was Bo or something like that. May have to ask again.

Sooo I was wrong with the name haha.

Adam Driver is definitely Han/Leia's son and his name will be Janus. Which Solo could pronounce as Jason.

Guy that worked on the set. He told me it's Janus/Jason he heard both being used. But tends to think it will be Janus.

Graver digger is Drivers character. Who I have been told is Han/ Leia's son. His name will be Jason/Janus.

Looking into it more Janus is actually a name of a two headed god : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus

So that would suit him having two names, one being his birth name (jason) and the other (Janus) when he is a sith or a apprentice.

Still from what I am told that is Driver's character. Which would make him Jason/Janus son of Han and Leia. Maybe they borrowed a design from another sith?

So has this said (thread is huge so wouldn't know) The sith holding the crucifixed shaped saber is han solo's son? A guy told me about it, he helped build a few sets.

Any one think it could be Janus who is collecting the sith stuff? It could be Han buys or gives him Darth Vader's helmet or another sith item. Thinking it is just a harmless collectable, but ends up corrupting him or something and he becomes a apprentice?

I know a guy that would know. He confirmed to me today that Driver is Han/Leia's son and will be called Janus/Jason, but says he thinks it is Janus. He has told me stuff before (about other movies he has worked at) and been right, so I believe him for now.

Would make sense, it could be Han/Leia name him Jason and he starts off as Jason the nice son of Han/Leia. But later in the film reveals his true face, that of a sith apprentice named Janus. That would fit both names being used.

Far as I have been told the sith holding the saber with the hilt is Janus who is the son of Lei/Solo and he will be played by Driver.

I know, man.


If he send someone right after the duel, that someone has well enough time to get it before it reaches the planet's core. I'm assuming, however, that they have some sort of energy detector or Force power to be able to locate it.
I think he was to busy escaping from the super stardestroyer.


I know, man.

All I am trying to do is tie what I have heard to other spoilers. To make it more concrete, kind of hard tho. But guess we will know more as it gets closer. I just hope it is a good film with good actors unlike the last trilogy. Do you recommend any Star Wars programmes? Or series?
Yeah, that teaser managed to clear up a LOT of stuff in only 88 seconds.

Also, I don't think Luke's saber ever got off Bespin. I don't know if that even makes sense. A lot of people just automatically assumed that the "floating saber" rumor referred to that lightsaber, but I don't think that was ever specifically leaked or rumored.

I wouldn't be surprised if that saber from the trailer was the one that falls from space.
the 88 second teaser confirmed a lot of rumors and other "leaked" information from the set/script/concept art, so its not a stretch. but snark on man, by all means.

I'm not snarking. I'm agreeing with you. It clarified a lot of rumors people thought were shit, and it did it in 88 seconds.

Apologies if my emphasis on the word "LOT" made it seem like I was mocking you. I wasn't. It was one of the first thoughts I had after seeing the trailer for the first time, actually - that little glimpse managed to support a LOT of earlier spoilers that people were writing off as bullshit.


i think the main difference so far is that this "leak" is more or less based on the concept art, and also that fact that the leaker has something obviousy incorrect.

of course, we will see exactly how wrong he may or may not be in May
We know the old alien woman is in the catacombs. They meet the young alien who brings them to the old woman. The old woman is depicted as working on crystals in some of the art. After that, the young alien is with the heroes on the grass planet and Boyega has a lightsaber. On the snow planet, “Kira” is using one too. Perhaps the old woman gives our heroes their new weapons and sends the young alien, probably her granddaughter, to take the two new Jedi to Luke Skywalker who can instruct them.

anyone else think this sort of makes the aliens sound like the witches tribe that Ventress was part of. this makes me think Nyong'o might be one of those witches in the film. just my speculation on makingstarwars .com's speculation tho.
I would love it if somebody can PM me a link to some of the leak sites where people are finding this stuff. THanks!

The sites where almost everything "known" known about Star Wars (which isn't all that much, and is still somewhat up in the air even AFTER the teaser has confirmed so much) are

Badass Digest
Indie Revolver
Making Star Wars

There's been stray scoops & such from other sites, but those seem to be the main ones. The only real "what the hell" out-of-nowhere messageboard scoop that caught any sort of traction was an imdb forum post WAAAAAY back, from a guy calling himself mizzlewump, who posted a bullet-pointed synopsis of what he said was the second draft of the screenplay, which obviously would have undergone some changes between now and then. People had been writing it off as bullshit, until the three sites above started also posting stuff that sounded linked to those bullet-points, and now it's DEFINITELY worth looking at as most of the rumors from those three were either outright verified or given some extra weight thanks to the teaser.

If you'd rather listen to the rumors as they unfolded rather than read them, I've done two half-hour podcasts as part of the Rumor Control series for Full of Sith. You can find them on their site.


anyone else think this sort of makes the aliens sound like the witches tribe that Ventress was part of. this makes me think Nyong'o might be one of those witches in the film. just my speculation on makingstarwars .com's speculation tho.

Possibly. I would like to see them reference things from the (now canon) animated shows. Another one is maybe Driver's character is a grown up Ezra from the Rebels show.


I don't read any of that as anguish. The doc has them trying to think their way out of a single late editing problem. It has been built up as being this everyone hates the movie narrative without even knowing what is going on in their heads.
There were a few faces early on looking like wtf and i was expecting a lot more when i posted that but everyone was on for it after the storyboard meeting, was a good doc and the pod racer CGI was impressive to see from beginning to end.

Btw the only Episode II doc I found was some about designing CGI Yoda, is there a bigger one?


Possibly. I would like to see them reference things from the (now canon) animated shows. Another one is maybe Driver's character is a grown up Ezra from the Rebels show.

well thats out of left field to me

currently, for him, he is 15/16 at 4 BBY. he would be about 50 during TFA


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I feel sorry for everyone who invested their time and money in those things. So none of the games are cannon either, like The Old Republic?

Why be sorry? We spent our money already. No one's going to come take away our bad literature or erase the code. Besides, it was always acknowledged that if they ever decide to make more movies, Lucasfilm would ignore everything and may even deliberately contradict things if they wished to do so. Hell, that's why one of their authors, Karen Traviss, quit in the middle of a project. She created a whole culture around a guy who was killed by physical comedy and then the Clone Wars people decided they wanted to go a different way. If you want to make something a part of your professional identity, pick an IP that doesn't belong to someone who can't even leave their own work alone.

But with a name like Grave Digger dude's gotta be reviving someone.
Or driving a monster truck.
Wow. Did she just slice 4 peoples necks? Kids shows are hard core.
There is one episode about a tribe of hunters who capture people(including Jedi) to take to an island and hunt for "sport",
the episode centers around a group of younglings who have survived and been trapped there for a very long time.
They actually show one of said younglings getting shot directly through the chest on screen.


I'm quite excited at how Boyega's arc will play out. Starts as a stormtrooper, stranded on a desolate planet, meets Ridley, and becomes a good guy. In a way it kind of echoes Han's backstory and how he was in the academy to be an Imperial officer (even if Han didn't become a "good guy" until the events of ANH).


having a character named janus because he has a dual nature is competing with darth plagueis and sheev right now for dumbest thing i've ever heard in relation to star wars

hopefully all this "plagueis/bane/tenebrous" nonsense gets dropped down a hole with the rest of the prequel-era stuff

i have more faith in kasdan/abrams


Damn, potentially a whole new slew of books to replace the now vacated former EU? My wallet is preemptively crying.

As other have said I'd be shocked if certain things stay on the scrap heap indefinitely. For example, if we don't get Thrawn himself, I'm sure we'll have an extremely Thrawn-like character coming into the equation somewhere.

The Plagueis novel got tossed out with the bathwater and given the "Legends" banner, correct? Too bad. Thought that was very good. That, the Bane trilogy, and the concept of Thrawn are on my shortlist of things I'd like to see continue on in the new canon.

EDIT: Right on cue:

having a character named janus because he has a dual nature is competing with darth plagueis and sheev right now for dumbest thing i've ever heard in relation to star wars

hopefully all this "plagueis/bane/tenebrous" nonsense gets dropped down a hole with the rest of the prequel-era stuff

i have more faith in kasdan/abrams

What's so bad about Plagueis, Bane, and Tenebrous they they earn such a visceral reaction and dismissal? Or is that self evident, and in enjoying that stuff am I "doing it wrong"? :)

The only real "what the hell" out-of-nowhere messageboard scoop that caught any sort of traction was an imdb forum post WAAAAAY back, from a guy calling himself mizzlewump, who posted a bullet-pointed synopsis of what he said was the second draft of the screenplay, which obviously would have undergone some changes between now and then. People had been writing it off as bullshit, until the three sites above started also posting stuff that sounded linked to those bullet-points, and now it's DEFINITELY worth looking at as most of the rumors from those three were either outright verified or given some extra weight thanks to the teaser.

Mizzlewump? wasn't that the original "Luke hasn't been seen in 30 years" guy? -_-

Hopefully if true, that part of it has at least been tweaked.

However, I do like the idea in general of Luke residing in a bit more of a "gray area" of the Force (rather than being a shining beacon of light as he's depicted in the now-non-canon EU), having become very powerful very quickly, with limited formal instruction starting from an older-than-ideal age. Could be very interesting.


The sites where almost everything "known" known about Star Wars (which isn't all that much, and is still somewhat up in the air even AFTER the teaser has confirmed so much) are

Badass Digest
Indie Revolver
Making Star Wars

There's been stray scoops & such from other sites, but those seem to be the main ones. The only real "what the hell" out-of-nowhere messageboard scoop that caught any sort of traction was an imdb forum post WAAAAAY back, from a guy calling himself mizzlewump, who posted a bullet-pointed synopsis of what he said was the second draft of the screenplay, which obviously would have undergone some changes between now and then. People had been writing it off as bullshit, until the three sites above started also posting stuff that sounded linked to those bullet-points, and now it's DEFINITELY worth looking at as most of the rumors from those three were either outright verified or given some extra weight thanks to the teaser.

If you'd rather listen to the rumors as they unfolded rather than read them, I've done two half-hour podcasts as part of the Rumor Control series for Full of Sith. You can find them on their site.

I just gave the first episode of rumor control a listen. That was a remarkably well put together show. I really enjoyed it. Great job!
Can't wait for something in the movie to be a direct link to the prequels just to see all the babies on the internet cry.


Look in the background.

Also someone earlier in the topic found the CV of an extra who claims to be playing a "Padawan" in the film.
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