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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


I know it's just another batch of rumors like any other but the Boba Fett idea is terrible. Reminds me of Vader building c3p0 and Yoda being friends with Chewbacca. Shoe-horning characters together. And I think there's been some conflation with Sydow and Driver's characters. Those rumors suggest that they both have cyborg faces and they both wear black robes and they both have sith inclinations. Doesn't seem right somehow.
Also, I'm not sure I can believe any rumor that has Driver as a rebel pilot who undergoes a fall and becomes a full-on cybernetic Sith bad guy trudging in the snow all over the course of one film. Oh, and he's Han and Leia's son. And Daisy Ridley's brother.

There's not enough time in one film to introduce all of that convincingly in one film, not with all the other character and story angles we're dealing with (Ridley, Boyega, Luke, Han, etc.).
Yeah, a lot of people are trying to make connections between the new cast and old, but I can't see it panning out that way. I think it'd feel very forced.

I'm still convinced that Ridley's character is just some no-named scavenger, introduced to Boyega, and thrust into the larger plot as a consequence of her trade (checking out crash sites and abandoned locales, only to come across something of great value to entities much larger than herself). I also like the idea that our Sith character is Han/Leia's child (Driver) who has an unhealthy fascination with old Sith/Jedi artifacts, and ends up getting sucked into the dark side due to his own curiosity, thinking he's strong/clever enough to resist.

I guess if we end up seeing that there are a lot of force sensitive people out there now ("the force awakens"), it would make sense that Boyega and Ridley run around with lightsabers, but I don't care much for the idea of multiple Jedis in what will probably be our protagonist trio.

The way I'd like to see the main characters end up, a little based on some of the most prominent rumors:

Daisy Ridley - A scavenger, and our humble beginnings Jedi character. She's initially annoyed by Boyega (being hardened by the scavenger lifestyle, and probably not very involved in the overall Rebel/New Republic vs. Empire conflict) but sees him as a way off of Tattooine, so she follows him or takes him in and gradually warms up to him.
John Boyega - Military-trained, good in a fight, knows Imperial tech, which proves to be a great boon to the other heroes. Has to deal with the Empire looking for him, as well as winning the trust of everyone else. It's a bit hard to come up with anything for this character, since all we really know is that he is likely a protagonist from some point onwards, and he wears a stormtrooper outfit at some point.
Oscar Isaac - Hotshot pilot, older-brother Han Solo type character. He's very distrustful of Boyega at first because of his Imperial background, but he warms up to him after while. A serious guy when behind the controls of an X-Wing, but a bit more personable otherwise.
Adam Driver - Han and Leia's son. Probably a little pampered compared to the other leads. Force sensitive, but Luke hasn't been around for a long time, so he was never properly trained. He's possibly a bit irked that his uncle, the great Luke Skywalker, was never there to give him any training. This lack of guidance makes him very intrigued by old Jedi/Sith literature and artifact. Also means that he has poor control over both his emotions and abilities, and doesn't fully understand the dangers of the dark side.


Yeah, there are a lot of important characters in the leak. Obviously all the actors are gonna appear in the film one way or another, but the leak gives a lot of them big parts. Which makes things more complex than I see the script being.

well. the script has been cooking for a long ass time :

1/ Lucas.
He's been at it for some times, and while producing the Clone Wars. That experience has most presumably helped me make the decision to sell to Disney. I do think he's build a pretty far reaching number of characters and situations.

2/ Arndt.
Whatever happened to his script, I doubt it was bad, nor that it didn't help fleshing out characters and situations Lucas envisionned.

3/ Lucasfilm.
Before the script was handled to a Director, it is obvious Lucasfilm higher-ups were brought together to help build both VII-VIII-IX and the outcomes of that trilogy. Building a specific set of requirements to make VII a stepping stone to the big SW push.

4/ Abrahms and Kasdan.
I don't know how far their vision of SW is going. But they at least had to make the characters intersting to moviegoers.

that makes a shit ton of people working on creating a rich cast of newcomers an embracing welcome to VII's audience.

SW is all about leads having galactic wide impact and a rich supporting cast to make things more grounded. that leak has that.

so far, the leak has a good balance. Boyega and Ridley handle the Light Side myth building. With Ridley serving as a link between Alliance and Light Side.
Boyega and Driver have a nice dual destinies thing going. (in the trailer Boyega appears face first wearing white and looking surprised/fearing, when Driver is seen from behind dressed in black on white background getting ready and menacing in advance of some danger).
Isaac is probably Driver's friend/competitor.
Gleeson supposedly offests Isaac'character of the over-roguish attitude, which probably helps building Isaac's character as a future military leader rather sooner than later (cue Han taking his sweet time to fully join and lead the Alliance).
So Gleeson+Isaac are the good counterpart to Driver's descent as his downfall will force them into their own virtous paths (will it? ;-). He's probably better at everything that these two which builds his character nicely as a good villain needs to be represented as stronger than most, putting the heroes (Ridley/Boyega) in situations where they have to step up their game and force the audience into thinking they might not succeed.
also the Luke kinda training people while Serkis' character doesn't follow the rule of two is obviously necessary for the world building.


at last, for christ's sake
This guy kind of looks like Driver (too tall and lanky to be Isaac) but I'm guessing it's just another actor/extra playing a pilot.

he really looks like Driver. hair, ears, height, body, even nose. That would slightly disappoint me, I expected him to be an alien villain, he has the right face to play a super creepy, imposing Sith. Not saying that it wouldn't happen, since it seems like one of the undergoing themes would be being oblivious to having Force powers



One of those roles is, as expected, motion capture based - and in that role he will be part of a "group of unbelievably athletic and acrobatic motion capture characters." Also bringing those characters to life is parkour expect Pip Anderson, and "whom I [the source] believe to be Crystal Clarke."

The second role for Serkis sees him take on a "pivotal role in the first act story arc that entwines with Daisy Ridley's backstory," and that role "may have more to it than it seems in the first instance."



One of those roles is, as expected, motion capture based - and in that role he will be part of a "group of unbelievably athletic and acrobatic motion capture characters." Also bringing those characters to life is parkour expect Pip Anderson, and "whom I [the source] believe to be Crystal Clarke."

The second role for Serkis sees him take on a "pivotal role in the first act story arc that entwines with Daisy Ridley's backstory," and that role "may have more to it than it seems in the first instance."
Well this seems to clash with the 4chan rumour. Only one can be right and all that.



One of those roles is, as expected, motion capture based - and in that role he will be part of a "group of unbelievably athletic and acrobatic motion capture characters." Also bringing those characters to life is parkour expect Pip Anderson, and "whom I [the source] believe to be Crystal Clarke."

The second role for Serkis sees him take on a "pivotal role in the first act story arc that entwines with Daisy Ridley's backstory," and that role "may have more to it than it seems in the first instance."

He could play the elder alien that Ridley/Boyega meet who supposedly is able to craft lightsabers.

can this alien play dual sides and be the secret sith master who has a few hyper athletic students? whom may test Driver in a certain forest? and eventually fight Ridley/Boyega too? What if this old Sith outpost is an old Sith place that can turn into a weapon and the climax has all interested parties (Light/Alliance and Dark/Empire) converge to it?
IF Ridley/Driver are sister/brother, I doubt they will face off in Episode VII.
also this alien is with another younger one who accompanies Ridley/Boyega and is supposed to be played by Lupita. Maybe, just maybe, she ends up being Luke's student too as she's force sensitive...but she's supposed to be a puppet and I doubt she'd Boyega's love interest. At the same time, I doubt the Boyga/Lupita love affaire thing. Makes more sense that Boyega/Ridley develop a thing as they are together for the whole film it seems.


a "group of unbelievably athletic and acrobatic motion capture characters."




well, what did you expect when they casted parkour dudes and dudettes? Parkour stromtroopers?

also, I think it's nice if they are minions to a secret master and would serve as Evil exposition during act 2 (act 1 is Christie) when act 3 is about Luke kicking serious ass and throwing Driver into full frenzy. that Driver is behind the mask might only be revealed by act 3 and through Luke's bizarre visions letting us wonder if he's indeed bad or not when he's been shown "publicly" only as a good guy until that vision. Making us wonder if yes or no he's behind the mask or if Luke is making a mistake.
when Luke has just a few trainees here and there, they could serve as a band of hyena like killers. accentuating Driver's lone wolf attitude and potential ambiguity towards becoming part of the Sith family only to succumb and embrace it "fully" after his showdown with Luke.

Both Luke and "Serkis" seem to be painted as ambiguous and will no doubt serve to build the long game story beats.
Just as I suppose both Ridley and Driver won't be as clear cut Light/Dark during the course of the trilogy.
lol. People hated that we were forced to see Fett and Vader as little kids in the prequels, and now people want to see Fett as a crotchety old geezer in the sequels? Come oooonnnn. Noooooo.

Plus the dude looks nothing like Jango, and Boba is a clone, so.... yeah. No.


I'm just done with the jumping and acrobatic shit. I did not know parkour people were cast. I dont want spinning yoda, I want heavy, meaningful combat like the duel in ROTJ.

and it's just dumb to have acrobatic sith again in a movie with luke as the jedi master, how can that go well? either he fights them and it looks ridicoulus or he doesnt fight them and you just think "yeah they could kill him easily"


lol. People hated that we were forced to see Fett and Vader as little kids in the prequels, and now people want to see Fett as a crotchety old geezer in the sequels? Come oooonnnn. Noooooo.

Plus the dude looks nothing like Jango, and Boba is a clone, so.... yeah. No.

Yeah and if he isn't Boba, then he sure as hell isn't Commander Cody either.

I like the idea, but I just don't think it fits. So at this point I'm just going to throw out that MVS character plays anyone from the prequels.

If he was a bit younger, I would guess maybe he plays an older Ezra. We see in the Rebels show that Ezra likes collecting junk, so it would make sense that he starts collecting Jedi/Sith artifacts when he's older.

Then again maybe the cybernetics are so prominent that it does allow him to have a wide range of characters he could play (i.e. age/ethnicity).


So i´ve been reading to some of the older interview with some of the cast members. And in one article Dornhall Gleeson is quoted saying:

"It's just phenomenal. I am pragmatic, I think, when it comes to work, and the reason for me to do the film isn't because it's Star Wars," he says. "The reason for me to do the film is because it's being directed by J.J. Abrams! It's because Lawrence Kasdan is involved! It's because of all those actors—God, Oscar Isaac is going to be in it...You want to work with the best people, so it's just an absolute joy to be a part of it."

What I find interesting is after name dropping Abrams and Kasdan he goes on to Isaac being in it and immediatly afterwards says 'You want to work with the best people'. Since this interview is from August and they were nearly wrapping up filming at that point it´s safe to assume that Gleeson shares scenes, if not most of his scenes, with Isaac.

Then there was that leaked set photo of Adam Driver in a Rebel pilot suit. So perhaps this shot in the teaser:


The three pilots are Isaac, Driver, Gleeson.


lol. People hated that we were forced to see Fett and Vader as little kids in the prequels, and now people want to see Fett as a crotchety old geezer in the sequels? Come oooonnnn. Noooooo.

Plus the dude looks nothing like Jango, and Boba is a clone, so.... yeah. No.

the eventual Solo daughter under the tutelage of Fett is very fatch fetched indeed.
but Oldman Fett serving as a father figure while Solo is an absentee is kinda of a story that works...

He's supposed to be very cybernetic so I doubt facial features will be the center piece of the "recognizable" character of the prequels.
but yeah, far fetched. but give me another prequel character whom audience wants to see again and whom Kasdan might find good use for?

I'm just done with the jumping and acrobatic shit. I did not know parkour people were cast. I dont want spinning yoda, I want heavy, meaningful combat like the duel in ROTJ.

and it's just dumb to have acrobatic sith again in a movie with luke as the jedi master, how can that go well? either he fights them and it looks ridicoulus or he doesnt fight them and you just think "yeah they could kill him easily"

trailer already has spinning like crazy CG Falcon. and that they parkour doesn't mean they necessarily spin blades aorund them all the time. Imagine a cool action sequence when they hunt down Driver in the forest jumping from trees to trees, etc...

Have you seen Attack of the Block? If yes, picture Boyega with a lightsaber and hunted by Sith wannabes
the eventual Solo daughter under the tutelage of Fett is very fatch fetched indeed.
but Oldman Fett serving as a father figure while Solo is an absentee is kinda of a story that works...

He's supposed to be very cybernetic so I doubt facial features will be the center piece of the "recognizable" character of the prequels.
but yeah, far fetched. but give me another prequel character whom audience wants to see again and whom Kasdan might find good use for?

I don't think he's from the PT movies... iirc that specific rumor has no real backing. Obviously he's old enough to have lived through it, but that doesn't mean he can't be one of the trillions of other people that have been living in the galaxy that weren't seen on screen.

I don't even think he's the cyborg guy from the leaked art. That looks nothing like him. And the guy who made that "leak" (the plot, not the art itself) has absolutely no credence, so I'm ignoring it.

I'd far sooner continue to guess he's Thrawn like I baselessly wish then beliebe him being Fett or that cyborg guy. Its just not happening.
lol. People hated that we were forced to see Fett and Vader as little kids in the prequels, and now people want to see Fett as a crotchety old geezer in the sequels? Come oooonnnn. Noooooo.

Plus the dude looks nothing like Jango, and Boba is a clone, so.... yeah. No.

wouldnt Boba almost be dead either way considering clones rapidly age?
I'm just done with the jumping and acrobatic shit. I did not know parkour people were cast. I dont want spinning yoda, I want heavy, meaningful combat like the duel in ROTJ.

and it's just dumb to have acrobatic sith again in a movie with luke as the jedi master, how can that go well? either he fights them and it looks ridicoulus or he doesnt fight them and you just think "yeah they could kill him easily"

What if it shows a bunch of super acrobats fighting Luke, but Luke defeats them with simple, controlled movements? That would be awesome.
wouldnt Boba almost be dead either way considering clones rapidly age?

He had no genetic tweaking, so he should have a normal life-span.

Not that that means he must surely be in the new trilogy. Actually that makes me have a thought. A lot of people are being quick to dismiss the EU now, but Boba surviving ROTJ is EU. As of now, we have to assume the dude died. So hah, take that all you Boba lovers.
He had no genetic tweaking, so he should have a normal life-span.

Not that that means he must surely be in the new trilogy. Actually that makes me have a thought. A lot of people are being quick to dismiss the EU now, but Boba surviving ROTJ is EU. As of now, we have to assume the dude died. So hah, take that all you Boba lovers.

Lol they're not gonna keep one of the most popular characters dead. Not saying he's in the film, but they'll bring him back in the EU I'm sure.


What if it shows a bunch of super acrobats fighting Luke, but Luke defeats them with simple, controlled movements? That would be awesome.

I doubt the scenario will pit them against Luke directly. He might show up to save the day, tho.

Ridley is supposed to be a ninja too.

Cue her fighting them, while Boyega battles it out with Christie.
Driver shows up putting the good guys at a disadvantage.
Luke shows up. A shitstorm ensues that leaves no one unscarred.


They would probably have to get the fett actor for continuity and age him up a bit. How old was Boba? 15/16 by the end of TCW? The character would be 65 ish during the ST. Temuera Morrison is 53. So if he isn't in the Boba movie I'll be disappointed. Hollywood is good at aging actors. But Sydow ain't Boba
well. the script has been cooking for a long ass time :

1/ Lucas.
He's been at it for some times, and while producing the Clone Wars. That experience has most presumably helped me make the decision to sell to Disney. I do think he's build a pretty far reaching number of characters and situations.

2/ Arndt.
Whatever happened to his script, I doubt it was bad, nor that it didn't help fleshing out characters and situations Lucas envisionned.

3/ Lucasfilm.
Before the script was handled to a Director, it is obvious Lucasfilm higher-ups were brought together to help build both VII-VIII-IX and the outcomes of that trilogy. Building a specific set of requirements to make VII a stepping stone to the big SW push.

4/ Abrahms and Kasdan.
I don't know how far their vision of SW is going. But they at least had to make the characters intersting to moviegoers.

Kasdan is the acting "story godfather" for Lucasfilm think of him as Lucas' replacement. From a scenario, from Kasdan based in part on Lucas's notes on where he thought the story should go Arndt wrote a draft. Arndt's draft while supposedly excellent was heavy on the newcomers. Most of their stuff was written. Whether it was Abrahms who pitched it with his coming, or it was idea that was already cooking, with him signed on it was decided to beef up the role of the original trilogy characters in The Force Awakens to give them "one last hurrah" before passing the torch. As a result the word on the street is that VII is very much a Han Solo movie once Ridley, and Boyega hook up with him. That being said don't expect to see make through this film at least, or VIII at most.


well. the script has been cooking for a long ass time :

1/ Lucas.
He's been at it for some times, and while producing the Clone Wars. That experience has most presumably helped me make the decision to sell to Disney. I do think he's build a pretty far reaching number of characters and situations.

2/ Arndt.
Whatever happened to his script, I doubt it was bad, nor that it didn't help fleshing out characters and situations Lucas envisionned.

3/ Lucasfilm.
Before the script was handled to a Director, it is obvious Lucasfilm higher-ups were brought together to help build both VII-VIII-IX and the outcomes of that trilogy. Building a specific set of requirements to make VII a stepping stone to the big SW push.

4/ Abrahms and Kasdan.
I don't know how far their vision of SW is going. But they at least had to make the characters intersting to moviegoers.

that makes a shit ton of people working on creating a rich cast of newcomers an embracing welcome to VII's audience.
It's not a matter of how long this movie has been cooking. It's a matter of how much time there is in a movie to introduce these characters and flesh them out to be main players.

Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, Gleeson, Driver, Serkis, MVS, N'Gongyo, Christie, Hammill, Fisher, and Ford cannot all be main characters. Some of them are going to be smaller roles and some may stay that way for most of the trilogy.
It's not a matter of how long this movie has been cooking. It's a matter of how much time there is in a movie to introduce these characters and flesh them out to be main players.

Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, Gleeson, Driver, Serkis, MVS, N'Gongyo, Christie, Hammill, Fisher, and Ford cannot all be main characters. Some of them are going to be smaller roles and some may stay that way for most of the trilogy.

It's pretty apparent Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, Driver, Serkis, and Hamill are the main characters for the whole trilogy, while Han is bigger than Luke in VII, and Fisher remains a supporting character through all three.


It's pretty apparent Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, Driver, Serkis, and Hamill are the main characters for the whole trilogy, while Han is bigger than Luke in VIII, and Fisher remains a supporting character through all three.

Where is the information backing this up exactly?


Where is the information backing this up exactly?
Extrinsic evidence.

Ridley and Boyega's characters show up in a ton of concept art throughout the film's locations and were talked about a lot in casting leaks. They were also shown in the teaser. Plus they seemed to be named in a couple big location shoots.

Isaac showing up in the trailer alongside the other two, plus rumors that he was going to be the Falcon's new owner. Also concept art of him supposedly wearing a Lando-like cape.

Driver being mentioned in the initial casting rumors as the villain.

Lots of chatter from sources about Hamill showing up in the latter half and being pivotal, so he's going to be around the trilogy for a while, for obvious reasons.

Ford will be around and "steals the show" but most people just think he wants his character to finally die, justifying the script focusing on him now while it still can. Couple that with the fact that he was around for quite a bit of filming.

Lack of news about Gleeson, plus the late casting of Lupita and Christie suggests that they may not be huge characters.

And all the rumors/concept art about the scavenger Montross being MVS, who doesn't seem likely to be a main character in the trilogy (maybe spin-offs). Informed people suggest that he mostly just sends Ridley/Boyega on their way.

Also, with Serkis voicing that sinister sounding character in the trailer, it seems to most people that he's playing a bigger role

Oh and pretty much no location shooting or talk about Fisher beyond one piece of concept art, indicating that she's not in it much.


I actually really love the idea of von Sydow as Boba Fett.

how? he looks nothing like him, I dont understand it
it would also be a total waste of Max von Sydow, playing an older version of another character instead an original one.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
It will make me sad if Wedge Antilles is not in this movie. He is the only xwing pilot to survive all three movies and his small but important roles should continue. I would be happy with a funny cameo of him or if he is a general at the helm of a capitol ship.


As long as we don't have the stupid pointlessly flashy acrobatic lightsaber bullshit in this one.

They are supposed to be swords, use them as freaking swords.
It will make me sad if Wedge Antilles is not in this movie. He is the only xwing pilot to survive all three movies and his small but important roles should continue. I would be happy with a funny cameo of him or if he is a general at the helm of a capitol ship.

He's not. They asked him he said he was not interested.


It will make me sad if Wedge Antilles is not in this movie. He is the only xwing pilot to survive all three movies and his small but important roles should continue. I would be happy with a funny cameo of him or if he is a general at the helm of a capitol ship.
They asked and he said he didn't want to be in it :(
It will make me sad if Wedge Antilles is not in this movie. He is the only xwing pilot to survive all three movies and his small but important roles should continue. I would be happy with a funny cameo of him or if he is a general at the helm of a capitol ship.

They asked him and he declined, saying playing the same character all over again would be "boring". He said BORING. :-s


they could easily replace him with another actor, it's not like it's han solo or anything. not even I would have recognized him probably.
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